Just Buried

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Just Buried Page 17

by Addison Moore

  Noah nods my way. “So where’s Jasper?”

  “Right here,” a deep voice strums from behind as he lands a warm kiss just under my ear. “And I promise you, it’s good luck to see your groom before and after your wedding.”

  “It had better be,” I say as I wrap an arm around the handsome man by my side.

  Sherlock barks and nips playfully at Pancake and Waffles. It’s about time you guys showed up. Jasper was having a hard time keeping this from Bizzy!

  My mouth falls open as I look to my gorgeous fiancé.

  “You knew?”

  He shrugs “What can I say? A lifetime with me will be full of surprises. In fact, I’ve got another one for you.” He steps back, exposing a man who looks every bit his doppelgänger, with the exception he has a couple of decades on him.

  My mouth falls open. “Your father?”

  “Call me Dad.” The sweet man holds open his arms, and I hug him before we formally have a chance to meet.

  “Bizzy”—Jasper holds a hand out his way—“this is Bertram Wilder, my—our father.”

  We share a round of laughter as someone blows a horn from behind.

  Mayor Woods steps up to the podium set up at the end of the street and thanks the vendors, the people of Cider Cove, and Georgie Conner for creating a work of mosaic art that spans an entire city block. The curtain falls and Georgie’s mosaic sea glass project that depicts scenes from all around Cider Cove is revealed for all to see.

  Georgie waddles over to the podium and pumps a fist into the air. “Ask not what your small town can do for you, but what you can do for your small town!” The crowd breaks out into a raucous applause despite the fact she loosely lifted her speech. “But in all seriousness, I want to thank the city council for allowing me to do a little something for this great place I get to call home. And I wanted to do something for my good friend, Bizzy Baker, who just so happens to be getting hitched in just a few hours.” She steps off the podium, taking the microphone with her. “And now, Bizzy and Jasper, Fish and Sherlock, I’d like to give you an early wedding present.” She walks over to a patch of the mosaic art-scape and points to a gazebo depicted to the left of the inn, just the way it is in real life.

  “In there you’ll find a bride and groom, a bacon hungry dog, and a cool cat. And that’s the very scene about to play out this afternoon.” She nods my way. “And I hope each time you and Jasper look at this wall, you’ll remember how much I love you both.”

  The crowd breaks out into another applause as I embrace the wild and zany gray-haired woman I love more than family.

  Dad leans in and presses a kiss to my ear. “I left a surprise for you back at your cottage. I’ll see you at the bluff, kiddo. You’re going to make a beautiful bride.”

  The crowd begins to dissipate as they take in the rest of the beautification projects at hand, and Lottie pulls me in once again.

  “You ready to do this thing?” She nods my way as if spurring my answer along.

  “Let’s get her done.”

  The gift my father had for me was left hanging on my bedroom door.

  My perfect dress, the one I fell in love with at Minty’s the day I went in to question McKenna. It glows bright white as it gathers at my hips and drapes to the floor. The gold braided shoulder straps gleam against my skin, and I feel every bit like a goddess in this dress.

  The bluff just past the inn is already flooded with guests as Emmie and Lottie walk over with me. The large pots that Archie had delivered have all been removed and turned over to forensics. And in their place are smaller arrangements that Jordy put together with glorious mums enwreathed with adorable little pumpkins.

  The gazebo is covered with fall leaves and dozens upon dozens of peach and pink roses. White ladder back chairs are set out—nearly every one of them is filled with family and friends—and the white runner is already dotted with peach rose petals. I hired the same string quartet that McKenna had and the melodic music is putting me at ease.

  Sherlock Bones has on the black and white tuxedo he was gifted a few months back at the doggy fashion show, along with the top hat that McKenna and Caleb let us have—specially designed to adhere to fuzzy little heads. Fish agreed to wear a miniature veil and a white floral collar, and she looks every bit the adorable little flower girl. There’s a small pillow attached to Sherlock’s bowtie, and both of our rings are attached by a ribbon.

  “We can’t go any further,” Emmie says as she cranes her neck toward the crowd. “I don’t want Jasper to see you in your dress.”

  “Fine.” I give her a quick embrace. “Go line up with Leo. I see him there ogling you.” It’s true. Not only is he ogling her, but his thoughts have been reduced to white-hot noise.

  Emmie pats my hair. “Your updo is perfect,” she whispers. She steps back and takes me in, her eyes are misty and her lips are quivering. Emmie looks like a dream in her peach chiffon dress. Leo is wearing a dark gray suit, and Jasper has on the same—not that I’ve seen him to affirm this. But we went over the wardrobe, and I just know he’s going to have my knees melting before I make it down that aisle.

  “I love you, Bizzy.” Emmie gives me a firm embrace, her chest bucking against mine as she sobs silent tears. “I can’t believe this is happening.” She wipes down her face as she laughs. “Just know that I’m so happy for you.” She trots over to Leo, where he welcomes her with open arms.

  “Bizzy.” Lottie steps over and gives my dress a tug as she adjusts it. “You are stunning. This is one of the most beautiful wedding dresses I have ever seen. Jasper is going to faint.”

  Fish mewls. Let’s hope not.

  I laugh as I translate it to Lottie.

  Sherlock barks as he runs our way. I just saw Jasper! He says he’s ready for you, Bizzy. He can hardly wait until you’re man and wife.

  My lips invert in an effort to keep my emotions in check.

  Lottie shrugs. “I take it Jasper is just as excited as you are.”

  I give a quick nod. “You don’t think I’ll trip and fall, do you? I’m not exactly an expert in heels. Or what if I forget my lines? Wait. Do I have lines? What about my name? Do I have to state my name? Oh my God, my driver’s license. Would you run back to my cottage? I left it in my wallet by my nightstand.”

  A quick laugh trembles from her. “You won’t need your driver’s license. In fact, you don’t need anything but a smile. I’m sure whoever is officiating the ceremony will know exactly how to guide you. It will be fine.”

  I suck in a quick breath. “But I’m having Georgie officiate the ceremony.”

  Lottie grimaces. “Georgie Georgie?”

  “Georgie Georgie.”

  “Okay then.” Lottie shrugs. “I will see you on the flipside.” She dots my cheek with a kiss before taking off for her seat. Dear God, I need to google how to officiate a wedding in the event I’m needed to pinch-hit.

  “Great,” I whisper just as my father appears by my side.

  “Bizzy Bizzy.” His eyes are watery as he presses out a pained smile. “My baby girl.” He envelops me in his strong arms as the music picks up tempo.

  Emmie and Leo head down the aisle first, followed by Sherlock Bones and Fish.

  Sherlock bites the air with a bark. They’re all happy to see us! Look! Georgie is waving bacon at me!

  He takes off like a bullet, and the crowd erupts with laughter.

  The tempo of the music shifts, and my father’s chest expands.

  “We’re up, kiddo.” He gives a lopsided smile my way. “Are you ready for this? There’s still time to run if you want. I’ve got my car idling in the lot. We could hit the state line in an hour, the way I drive.”

  “Dad.” I frown over at him as I link my arm to his. “I’m not changing my mind. Your car isn’t really idling in the lot, is it?”

  He shakes his head, his blue eyes filling with tears once again.

  “You are a beautiful bride, Bizzy. When you were a baby, I dreamed of walking you down the aisle one
day, and here we are five minutes later.” He closes his eyes a moment. And here I am losing her. I thought we’d have forever, and I blew it. I was never there. And now it’s too late. I’ve failed as a father. I failed, Bizzy.

  “Hey?” I brush his tears away with my thumbs. “You are a terrific father. And you’re my father. You’re not losing me, Dad. I know it sounds cliché, but you really are gaining a son. Jasper cares for you as much as I do. And do you know what I think? We’re going to be closer than ever before.”

  Dad gives a sober nod, and soon enough he’s walking us at an even tempo until we hit the aisle runner and pause. Every guest stands at attention and looks my way, but the only face I see is my handsome fiancé’s.

  “Jasper Wilder,” I whisper as my breathing picks up.

  I float down the aisle, unaware of another living soul as my eyes remain trained on his. Jasper is dapper in his dark gray suit, that silver tie that matches his lighting bright eyes. His chest is broad as if he’s holding his breath, and his eyes begin to glint as they fill with tears.

  Bizzy Baker. He nods my way. You outshine the sun. Your beauty leaves me speechless. Thank you for choosing me.

  I hit the end of the aisle, and my father lands a kiss to my cheek before taking a seat.

  Jasper sheds a slow spreading grin, and it never lets up.

  Georgie Conner stands before us in a light pink kaftan bejeweled with sequins as she sparkles inside and out while leading Jasper and me straight into our vows. We exchange our heartfelt words, our unspoken sentiments, and just like that, we’re married.

  Georgie nods to the crowd. “I’d like to introduce to you—Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Baker Wilder.”

  The crowd erupts with cheers as Jasper pulls me in.

  “Bizzy Baker Wilder,” he nods. “I love it. And I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Georgie belts out a sharp whistle. “Don’t just stand there, knock lips.”

  And we do.

  Jasper and I kiss as if we were the only two people on the planet, with all the time in the world.

  Sherlock lets out a few sharp barks. Jasper gets the girl, and I get the bacon! Bacon, please, bacon!

  Fish yowls. So the begging begins. Bizzy gets her happily ever after, and I get a fuzzball obsessed with fried meat. She mewls once again. What the heck, welcome to the family, Detective Bones.

  Jasper and I run down the aisle amidst a sea of bubbles, and before long we’re surrounded by friends and family. All of Jasper’s brothers, his sister, her husband, and their sweet baby girl, Willow. His father, whom I met all of a couple of hours ago, and, of course, his mother, Gwyn, congratulate us.

  “We’re family now.” Gwyneth looks to my father. “I knew we’d end up here one way or another.” She cuts a glance my way. Let’s hope they make it a year. She scans the crowd. Didn’t I see Camila here?

  My mouth falls open as my mother and sister crop up.

  “Oh, Bizzy.” My mother shakes her head with tears in her eyes. “Thank you for making a decent woman out of me.”

  A laugh bubbles from me. “I think you have that backwards, sort of. Jasper made a decent woman out of me.”

  “No, I meant it.” She waves it off. Her hair is feathered perfectly, and her lips are a stunning shade of red. “I’ve finally got a married daughter to brag about at bingo.”

  Macy shrugs. “Better you than me, Bizzy. Congrats.” She pulls Alex in close, with his dark hair and green eyes. “That is, unless you’re feeling inspired?” She gives his ribs a pinch, and we all share a laugh.

  Lottie, Everett, Noah, and Carlotta all offer up their congratulations.

  Georgie comes over and quickly links arms with Carlotta.

  “So where are we going, kid?” Georgie socks Jasper on the arm and he sucks in a quick breath.

  “Careful,” I say. “He’s still healing.”

  “I’m fine.” Jasper insists. “In fact, I’ve never been better.”

  Everett nods our way. “Where’s the honeymoon?”

  Jasper and I open and close our mouths.

  I shrug over at the small crowd with their eyes feasted on us.

  “We were going to stay here,” I say. “You know, the beach, the inn… We initially only thought we’d have a few days. I mean, Jasper has two weeks now, but I’m—”

  “Not working,” Emmie says as she comes up from behind with Leo by her side. “I’m covering for you. Take the two weeks and go wherever you want. Consider it a wedding gift.”

  “Emmie! It’s the best wedding gift ever!” I throw my arms around her as the crowd around us cheers.

  Emmie pulls back. “So where are you headed? You’re not allowed to stay at my inn. I know you. You’ll be tempted to micromanage. And before we know it, you’ll be back behind the counter.”

  “But we don’t have anywhere else to go, and I can’t imagine where we’d get a decent place at the last minute.”

  Noah and Lottie exchange a look and he nods.

  “I have an idea.” Noah wraps an arm around Lottie. “We happen to own the Maple Meadows Lodge near Honey Hollow. You’re welcome to stay there. Consider it our wedding gift.”

  Lottie nods. “The honeymoon suite, of course. And it’s all-inclusive.” She gives a little wink. “With a steady supply of champagne—on the house.”

  A laugh bubbles from me. “I guess we can’t say no.”

  Georgie and Carlotta begin to whoop and cheer.

  “Hear that, Gray?” Carlotta gives Georgie a little rattle in her matching pink sequined kaftan. Carlotta and Georgie are sticklers for dressing identically whenever they’re together. “We’re getting all the champagne we can drink!”

  A dark laugh bleats from Georgie. “And, boy, can I put it away.”

  Juni jumps into our circle, looking oddly formal in a black leather dress that looks as if it’s been vacuum-sealed to her body.

  “You’re not leaving without me, Mama. Give me ten minutes to throw my fishnets in a bag.”

  The crowd around us laughs at the thought, but Jasper and I exchange a brief look because we know they’re serious as that heart attack they’ll give us once they show up on our doorstep.

  The photographer wrangles us, and we take enough pictures to fill ten albums and hard drives. Then right after, Leo and Emmie give impeccable and somewhat hilarious toasts. The buffet on the shore is perfect. The sunset is sublime. Jasper and I dance, slow and heated, we feed one another cake, and one by one we say thank you and goodnight to our guests, especially those who drove all the way out from Honey Hollow, Vermont. I hug Lottie the longest, the strongest, and make her promise we’ll get together again really soon.

  But it’s Emmie who I hug last.

  Emmie’s lips tremble as she presses them tight.

  “Don’t have too much fun or you’ll never want to come back.” Her chest bounces. “What the heck—have all the fun you want. You’ll never leave this place for good. You’ve got that hot man all to yourself for two weeks straight. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were three of you when you got back to Cider Cove.”

  “We are not making a baby.” A nervous laugh strums through me.

  “Oh, make a baby.” Macy hops over. “Make two. Give Mom something else to brag about.”

  Hux and his oddity of a date, Mackenzie Woods, head this way.

  “Are you talking kids?” Hux closes his eyes as he gives me a hug. “I guess I’m going to be an uncle.”

  A maniacal laugh rumbles from Mackenzie. “That might make me an aunt.” She winks my way. And if I play my cards right with this guy, that might just be the case.

  They take off, and I’m not too sad about it.

  “Come on, Em.” Macy takes Emmie by the hand. “It’s time for Bizzy to get busy.” She gives a wink my way. “Do everything I would do—twice.”

  They take off, laughing into the wind, and I turn to find Leo speaking with Jasper.

  Jasper shakes his head. “Not now,” he says it sternly to Leo
, and my curiosity is instantly piqued.

  “What’s going on?” I say as I look to their somber expressions.

  Jasper takes a full breath. “Go ahead, Leo. I’m not going to keep her in suspense.”

  “Leo?” His name comes out with a dull laugh. “What’s going on?”

  He glances past me in the direction Emmie took off in and swallows hard.

  “I was just telling Jasper, the two of you have inspired me. Bizzy, I’m in love with Emmie, and I don’t want to keep my gift from her any longer.” He blows out a breath. “I’m sorry. I know that you said that when I was ready to do this you wanted to share your secret with her, too. I’ll wait for you to come back. And, I’ll let you take the lead.” He nods to the two of us. “My apologies. I wasn’t planning on telling you tonight, Bizzy.”

  We say goodnight, and I try my hardest to digest this.

  Emmie is going to know my secret soon.

  Leo and I are going to spill our telesensual cards out onto the table, and I pray Emmie will speak to me again once we’re through. Emmie believes we share everything, and soon she’ll know that hasn’t been the case at all. My heart breaks just thinking of what the outcome might be.

  Jasper scoops me up in his arms, and I gasp with a laugh caught in my throat.

  “All right, Mrs. Baker Wilder.” He gives a sly wink. “I’m taking you home.”

  “Home,” I coo as I bite down on my lip.

  Sherlock and Fish bound alongside us, and soon Jasper is carrying me over the threshold.

  He doesn’t stop until he races me to the bedroom.

  Sherlock barks. I call the middle of the bed! Right between Bizzy and Jasper!

  Fish roars back. I’m sleeping on Jasper’s head. It’s like I’m getting a brand new pillow.

  But Jasper and I close the door just before they can enter.

  Jasper’s lids hood low, a devilish smile twitching on his lips.

  Sherlock barks from the other side. What are they doing, Fish? I think they’ve forgotten us already!


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