Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland)

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Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland) Page 11

by S. L. Walker

  “Sup Sasha, what you need?” A big bald dude with a dirty football jersey asked her.

  “This one is lookin’ for Lo,” she pointed towards Raven who stood behind her. Raven smiled to mask her nervousness.

  “Uh, Treach sent me,” she said.

  “Oh, you must be the new pickup girl, go ahead in,” he said opening up the door and revealing weed smoke and louder laughs. Raven gave another awkward smile and thanked the Sasha girl and walked in. The door slammed closed behind her; she jumped again. By now, Raven felt like she was making a huge mistake. She looked around at the small house full of people doing whatever. Women sitting on men’s laps talking, dice games in the corner, dirty looks from passer byes and a couple guys playing video games.

  “Aye, you Raven?!” A male voice shouted at her, interrupting her daze. She looked towards a small hallway where a young man was standing.

  “Yeah!” She shouted over the noise.

  “Come this way,” he motioned for her. She followed the man into a bedroom where another gentleman and his friends were all sitting around at a desk. There was graffiti on the wall and the room reeked of weed. The guy sitting at the desk was heavyset, had a red baseball hat on and red t-shirt. He smiled with a gold grill in his mouth.

  “I’ve been expecting you. Pretty thing, too,” he smiled. His weight made his voice heavy, like he was struggling to breath when he spoke. “Have a seat,” he pointed at two folding chairs facing his desk. All the other men, but one, left and he stood at the door. Raven gave a worried look at him and then at Lo. “Your first time?” He asked her.

  “Uh, yeah,” she said, ready to use her taser at any moment and run.

  “Welp, it’s pretty easy,” he told her getting up and walking to a small safe. He unlocked it revealing tons of wrapped cash. He took out a few bundles and put it in a small black backpack with a pink feather keychain ring on it. He zipped it and handed it to Raven.

  “You guard this money with your life little Raven,” he told her. She took the bag from her. “You strapped?” He asked her, sitting back at his seat. She quickly debated if she should lie or not, running over all the scenarios in her mind before she shook her head and took out her taser.

  “A taser? Ese estupido! Treach got you out here with a taser?” He chuckled. Lo snapped his fingers at the guy by the door. The guy reached behind his back and pulled out a gun and handed it to Lo.

  “This here is a Glock 42, 6 rounds. Nice little piece to pop a cabron or two real quick and keep it moving,” he told her, opening up the chamber. “Here is the safety,” he clicked it on and off for her. Raven became interested and let her guard down a bit. “You know how to shoot?” He asked her.

  “My dad took me and my brother a few times, but-” She answered.

  “Tell Treach to teach you, especially if you gonna be droppin’. This is yours. Little welcoming gift,” he handed it to her. Raven paused, but grabbed the gun and put it in her hoodie. “You’ll be alright,” he said. The guy at the door opened the door for Raven. She awkwardly smiled and got up and walked out. She quickly walked right past the outside commotion, the guys at the front door and the barking dog and outside the fence.

  As soon as she made it to the front, she let out a much needed sigh of relief. It didn’t go as bad as she thought it would. She then hopped on her bike and rushed to a nearby gas station. She took out the paper with Treach’s address on it and read over the numbers and name. She couldn’t turn back now but her nerves wouldn’t let her do this shit alone.

  She parked her bike and went to the pay phone at the front of the station.

  “Hey, Z? What you doing? Can you meet me somewhere?” She called Zara. She quickly hung up the phone and hopped back on her bike.

  Raven ended up at the corner of a busy discount store. She adjusted her backpack tighter and looked around for Zara. She finally saw Zara peddling fast down the street.

  “Raven, what the hell, dude?” She said, pulling up to her. “What’s this about?” Zara asked.

  “Follow me,” Raven told her peddling towards a more secluded area on the street. They both parked their bikes and Raven took off her backpack opening for Zara, revealing the money she had just picked up.

  “Holy fucking shit!” Zara said excited. “You didn’t!”

  “I did,” Raven said quickly zipping it back up and putting it on her back.

  “Is that what Treach paid you?” Zara asked.

  “No, I have to deliver this to Treach,” Raven said. “I need you to come with me. I can’t do it alone. I’m way too shook.”

  “Wait, you’re riding around town with all that money in your backpack that you need to deliver still? Are you crazy?” Zara asked.

  “I know, I can’t go there by myself. I’m too nervous. And look!” Raven took out the gun Lo gave her.

  “Oh shit. A glock? Treach gave you this?” Zara asked taking it and looking at it. “It’s nice.”

  “No, that Lo guy who is buying the weed gave it to me,” Raven told her. “It’s getting late, can you go with me or not?” she asked Zara taking the gun and putting it back in her hoodie pocket.

  “I wish you would’ve told me this over the phone. I could’ve brought protection too,” Zara said agreeing.

  “Here,” Raven gave her the taser she had.

  “What the hell is this?” Zara laughed.

  “Treach’s place isn’t far from here,” Raven said hopping on her bike.

  “Let’s do this,” Zara said hopping on her bike, too.


  Treach’s place was fully guarded in the back of an old abandoned warehouse. Not like military guarded but enough guys to scout the surroundings and give a heads up. Zara had told me on our ride there that she heard Treach had changed his locations over 50 times so he wouldn’t get raided.

  He had guard dogs chained to parts of fences and tables. One guy was walking around with two big Doberman pinschers.

  “I’m not sure if it’s a good idea for you to come in there with me,” I told Zara as we got fairly close to the front.

  “Of course I’m coming in with you,” Zara looked at me.

  “No, I need you to get help just in case something happens,” I told her. I had a queasy stomach as soon as I said that. “The sooner I’m in, the sooner I’m out,” I told her.

  “Fine, I’ll hide over there,” she pointed at some big green dumpsters close by.

  “Bet,” I told her parking my bike. She walked her bike over and kneeled behind the dumpster. I slyly checked for my gun in my pocket and proceeded towards the huge warehouse. The guys instantly opened the gate and pointed me towards a small entrance.

  “Raven?” A younger guy about my age came to the front entrance. He was actually really cute; nice fade, brown skin, black button up shirt, silver chain, and hazel eyes.

  “Yeah,” I responded, finding myself fixing my braids and adjusting my hoodie. The way I was dressed, the only way I’d look good to him is if he liked dudes.

  “Come with me. Them the big ones?” He asked, pointing to my backpack.

  “Yeah,” I told him. He reached out and I handed him the bag, following him down a dimly lit hallway. We arrived at this storage looking door. He reached down and pulled it open. Inside was like a different world. There was white everywhere; couches, paintings, tables, chairs, you name it. A lot of half-naked women were walking around, some were sitting on the couches sloppy drinking. Several men stood guard and then a few were flirting with the women. Rap music could be heard all over as if you were at a night club.

  “I’m DJ by the way. T’s ace boon coon,” he said smiling. “No need to be nervous. You got an easy job,” he told me. Surprisingly something about him made me less nervous.

  “How old are you?” I boldly asked.

  “Seventeen. I turn eighteen in a couple months, though. Gonna throw a crankin’ ass party. You can come,” he said, smiling again. We finally came to a cut off area with round white couches where I noticed Treach r
ight away, laughing, smiling, and taking shots off some girl.

  “Aye, T. Guess who?” DJ pointed to me.

  Treach looked up and grinned.

  “Heeyyyyyyyy!! I didn’t think you would show. Well, not until Lo told me you picked up the green,” Treach said to me. DJ threw the backpack at Treach who caught it.

  “Come with me,” he said, brushing the girl away. I followed Treach to what looked like a small office and DJ followed us.

  Even the office had white chairs, paintings, and a marble like desk. He had a liquor cabinet that he instantly walked up to and grabbed a bottle and three shot glasses. He sat them on the table and sat down and dumped out the money. DJ closed the door behind us.

  “Nice place,” I told him. I really didn’t know what to say to him. I really wanted to ask him what did he want from me.

  “Why, thank you. White isn’t my favorite color. It just feels cleaner. Makes this old dirty warehouse look like a palace,” he said flipping through the money. “Go ahead and grab that, DJ,” he pointed out the door for DJ.

  “A deal’s a deal,” Treach told me, unlocking the drawer in his desk and pulling out a lump of cash. “$2500. You’ll get the other half when Lo gets his sticky,” he told me, sitting it on his desk. I cringed in my gut. This was taking way too long. I looked at the clock he had on the wall and it was almost 8. My dad would be paging me at any moment, for sure.

  DJ walked back through the door with another bag he handed to me.

  “Give that to Lo,” he told me.

  Treach began to pour shots and handed one to me and DJ.

  “To business,” he said cheering.

  “To business,” DJ said, and I copied.

  I took the shot and almost gagged. They laughed at me.

  “Ooou she isn’t a drinker,” Treach laughed and teased. He picked up the money and gave it to me. I stuffed it in my panties. “She smart though,” he said noticing what I did and looking at DJ. “Walk her out, DJ.”

  I threw the backpack over my shoulders and followed DJ back out to the exit.

  “Come back when you ready,” DJ said, closing the door behind me. I still had a queasy stomach, though. I rushed back to find Zara still there by the dumpster.

  “Damn! What took you so long. It’s creepy out here,” she said, walking up with her bike.

  “Thanks for coming with me. I gotta drop this and then I can go home. You don’t have to-” I started.

  “I’m coming with you. Come on before it gets even later than it already is,” she said instantly hopping on her bike. I hopped on mines to feeling my pager buzz.


  The nighttime was beginning to bring on the cold as Zara waited outside again nearby while Raven once again walked past the barking dogs and two men in front of Los’. This time she didn’t wait for the guy to walk her to Los’ door but quickly walked up and knocked. Some big dude in a Ravens jersey opened it.

  “Well, hey little black bird,” Lo greeted her as she walked in the same room she saw him in before. The room was full of men that Lo instantly told to leave. She handed him his bag back this time full of product. He opened the bag and took a big whiff of it closing his eyes.

  “Now that’s ganja baby!” He said with excitement. “You tell Treach he keep this up we can be life patnas, you here me?!” He said.

  “Yeah,” Raven said nervously. “Well, I gotta be getting home,” she told him about to turn and leave.

  “Oh no no no. You not gonna test the product with me? I know you smoke,” he said grabbing an army knife and ripping open the package of weed.

  “All I’m supposed to do is deliver. It’s getting late and my dad is paging me-” She tried to explain.

  “Nonsense girl!” He said, taking a bong from one of his shelves. “Five minutes. You don’t want Treach to think you were being disrespectful to his client,” he told her preparing the bong to smoke.

  “I’m not trying to be disrespectful,” she told him.

  “Well, then smoke with me. Sit down,” he ordered her. Raven sighed and sat down in the chair in front of the desk.

  Meanwhile, Zara was staking out in the front of the building with the bikes, checking her watch until she caught a glimpse of someone familiar. She squinted her eyes at the female figure walking up towards her. She turned her head just enough to still look out the corner of her eye.

  It was Kaitlin.

  She didn’t know Kaitlin personally but had seen her several times around school. As soon as it was safe enough to show her face, she watched Kaitlin enter the side of the old restaurant.

  “See it’s not that bad,” Lo said blowing smoke in the air. Raven’s eyes were already red and she began wiping them. “This shit is fire,” he told her.

  “Yeah it is,” she laughed a little.

  “You coo with me little Raven, go ahead and go home. Aye Felicia!” He yelled out towards the outside. A Hispanic girl with a short skirt and tank top walked in. “You got some perfume or something for miss Raven here? Don’t want her going home smelling like skunk,” he laughed.

  “Sure,” she shrugged, digging in her purse and taking out a small bottle of perfume and handing it to Raven. Raven sprayed herself all over.

  “Thanks,” she said to Felicia.

  “Yeap. Anything else, baby?” Felicia asked Lo.

  “Yeah, you stay up in here,” he flirted with her. “I’ll see you next time little Raven,” he said, closing the door as Raven walked out.

  Raven tried her hardest not to run, but when she noticed it was almost 9pm, it forced her to put a pep in her step.

  She walked out the door right into Kaitlin.

  They didn’t speak at first, as if both trying to calculate in their heads who each other were.

  “What are you doing here?” Kaitlin spoke up first.

  “I could ask the same thing,” Raven backed up.

  “No, no you can’t ask the same thing. Does Deon know you’re here?” Kaitlin questioned.

  “I gotta go,” Raven moved past Kaitlin, leaving her confused.

  Raven walked out the gate and met Zara.

  “Let’s go, my dad is gonna kill me,” she told Zara, hopping on her bike but looking back to see if Kaitlin had followed her. She didn’t.


  I walked up to the girls being rambunctious at our normal table during lunch.

  “Y’all know I can hear y’all all the way by the gym?” I yelled over them.

  “Eva and Raven at it again,” Angel said rolling her eyes, taking out her sandwich.

  “Oh my God, what now?” I looked at them both.

  “Eva’s a fuckin’ hater. She not going to Zara’s party,” Raven complained.

  “I’m a hater cus I don’t want to go to that girl party?” Eva laughed and sipped on her coke.

  “Yea a hater. You don’t even have a reason!,” Raven yelled at her.

  “I. Don’t. Like. Her,” Eva said slowly.

  Raven rolled her eyes.

  “I mean, Eva give the girl a chance, geesh. She’s been cool so far,” I said, taking out my lunch I had grabbed in the cafeteria.

  “Y’all can like her and be buddy buddy, but I’m not about to trust some chick I just met! And Vee, you shouldn’t either,” Eva said.

  “Whateva. She’s coo wit me and has so far been a coo friend, so whateva don’t go,” Raven said getting up from the table.

  “She’s been a cool friend? How? You known that girl, what a couple months?!” Eva stood up too. “Where you going?” Eva asked as Raven grabbed her backpack.

  “None of your business. I’ll see y’all after school,” she said storming off. Angel and I looked at each other and shook our heads. Eva and Raven had never argued like this before.

  “I swear she been trippin’ lately,” Eva said sitting back down.

  “You really not going?” I asked her.

  “Naw, man, I’m cool,” Eva said. “What’s up with you, though? Your dad still on one?” She asked me.

  “You mean, Alex?” I corrected her. Angel snickered. “Yep, I think my mom has been going back and forth with my grandma about it. Now he’s been relaying messages through her. Her lawyer told her not to make contact with him,” I told them, taking a bite out of my food. “Fuck him, though. We gone get ours.”

  “I still can’t believe he flipped like that,” Eva said.

  “I just hope he doesn’t do anything crazy. You really don’t know him,” Angel said shaking her head.

  “He can try,” I told them. “Anywaaaaayyysss, what’s up with you and that cutie at your job, Angel,” I teased her.

  “Psh, nothing. We are just friends,” she told us. I wasn't buying it, though.

  “He definitely feeling you,” Eva smiled taking a bite out of her pizza.

  “Yea, but I don’t have time for all that,” Angel said.

  “Have time?” Eva laughed louder.

  “No, really, though, I just want to keep focusing on school and all that with my mom and dad got me stressed out, I don’t want a boy to add to the mix,” Angel said.

  “Well, maybe you need a distraction,” I told her, stuffing my mouth with chips. “I know I do,” I said. None of the boys at my school sparked my interest. Yeah, some were cute, but everybody wanted to gang bang or thought they were hard. A lot of boys were downright disrespectful, too. I can’t even count how many times I was called a bitch because I wasn’t interested in someone; and it was always the grimy dudes.

  “Yeah, she has a point. That’s why I go see Professor Heart twice a week,” Eva teased and grinned. We all laughed at how serious Eva was crushing on her Biology teacher.

  “You better leave that teacher alone,” I teased her.

  “Psh, there’s chemistry there and I know it,” Eva said, sounding assuring. She got up and threw her food in the trash.


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