Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland)

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Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland) Page 15

by S. L. Walker

  “I can’t believe this shit! Who do you even work for?!” Raven asked her, furiously jerking her arm away from Zara.

  “I can’t tell you that,” Zara said.

  “Did you know you were meeting me?!” Raven asked.

  “No, of course not. I’m not even supposed to be doing this,” Zara said.

  “So why are you?!” Raven almost shouted. “How you gonna keep this from me knowing I’m working for Treach?!” Raven then laughed. “Is that how you knew so much about Treach? You’re some kind of drop girl for his buyers? What?” Raven was furious. She knew Zara’s friendship was too good to be true.

  “Raven, I can’t tell you that. I’m sorry. Here,” she said handing Raven over the bag. At the end of the day, the job still needed to get done.

  Raven rolled her eyes while snatching the bag. She opened it to check the merchandise and angrily zipped it back up. She then walked away back towards the front of the house.

  “Raven!” Zara followed her. “I’m sorry!” She apologized, trying to grab Raven again.

  “Don’t touch me. Eva was right about you,” she scowled at Zara. “No telling what else you’re hiding.” She stormed off towards her bike. Zara was insulted.

  “That’s not fair! It’s not even like that!” Zara shouted after her with a hurt look on her face. Raven didn’t give a shit. She felt stupid. She always trusted her instinct and she ignored it. Raven didn’t need any other surprises in her life and she damn sure didn’t need a friend who kept secrets.

  Raven rode her bike angrily to Treach’s location not thinking anything about the cold wind or where she was even going. She quickly arrived at Treach’s spot and walked in, getting patted down by the guards and escorted by DJ to Treach’s office.

  “Niiiiiiice!” Treach said, with a wide grin on his face as Raven entered the office. DJ took the bag from Raven and handed it to Treach. He then got a soda out of the mini fridge and handed one to Raven and himself.

  “Raven you are prompt. In and out. I fucking like it!” He clapped his hands. Raven didn’t respond. She opened her soda and took a drink. “Your brother is prompt too. That’s why I like him. Must run in the family. That’s why I hate to lose him as a teammate,” he said. Raven looked at him when he mentioned Deon.

  “He’s done working for you?” She asked.

  “Ehhhhh, I wouldn’t necessarily say that,” he shrugged.

  “Well, are we done?” She asked him.

  “Oh yeah yeah, we are done here. But, I have something else planned for you. Something that will make you a lot of money,” he told her. “DJ take this to our loving clientele,” he said to DJ, handing him a briefcase of cash. “I need to speak with Raven privately.”

  Raven sighed, impatiently. DJ took the bag while looking at Raven and walked out with the bag of money, closing the door behind him.

  “I want you to work for me, Raven. You can make a lot of money. Girls like you are easy to trust. Not as intimidating and my clients don’t like to be intimidated. It makes them feel as if they can’t trust me, and in this business I need them to trust me to make money,” he said, sitting on the corner of his desk. “Also, girls are invisible. No cop would be looking at you. Just look at you,” he motioned for her to look at herself in his large, matching white mirror on the wall.

  Raven shook her head, “I can’t.”

  “You can’t? Look, I know you’re worried about your brother. But let me worry about that-” He said.

  “No, you don’t understand. I can’t,” she repeated.

  “Why can’t you?” He folded his arms.

  “You said you only needed me for a second, I can’t work for you,” she said, with her voice shaking. She caught herself and tried to straighten her demeanor and not sound or look afraid. Treach stared at her, studied her.

  “I have one big one for Lo. The first guy you did for me. If you don’t like it and you don’t like the money you make after and how good it’s going to make you feel, I’ll leave you alone? Deal?” He held his hand out.

  Raven shook her head and got up off the couch. Clearly Treach wasn’t listening to her.

  “I don’t want your money. I just want to go home and forget about this,” she told him, afraid of what he was going to say or do next.

  “What is it gonna take? Hm?” He asked leaning in her face. “What do I have to do?”

  She stared blankly at him, not knowing if it was a question for her to answer or he was threatening her.

  “You tell me. Do I have to sit down and have a talk with D?” He asked her with a sly grin.

  So, he was going to take it there.

  “No,” she quickly answered. There was a hard knock at Treach’s door and one of his hefty guards opened it.

  “Aye, T, we got a problem,” the guard said. Treach’s face grew impatient.

  “What is it?!” He said, bothered.

  “Lila’s here,” he responded looking behind him as if she would walk up at any minute.

  “What does that bitch want?” Treach asked and removed himself away from Raven. “You can leave, I’ll be keeping in touch,” he turned to Raven and walked back to his desk.

  Raven silently thanked God and quickly walked past Treach and his guard. She noticed a slender dark-skinned woman walking with two men in expensive suits. She walked with a sass in her red pencil skirt and cheetah printed blouse. She had wide dark shades on that looked name brand that she peeked through as they walked past Raven. Her matching cheetah print heels clicked the ground, as she continued to walk towards Treach’s office. Raven stopped in her tracks for a brief second to see Lila pause at the front door and motioned for her men to stay where they were. Her long wavy single braids reached down her back and swayed back and forth as she entered Treach’s office.

  “Whats up Treach!” She greeted loudly. One of her bodyguards looked at Raven and she quickly turned back around to leave.

  Who is she?

  When she reached outside she ran to her bike and let out a frustrated grunt.



  My ride home was full of annoyance and fear. How could Zara not tell me she was doing the same thing she told me not to do? Who did she work for? Why was Treach so bent on me working for him? What would Deon think? The words that Treach said repeated over and over in my head. I’ll be keeping in touch.

  Why won’t he just leave me alone? What was his deal?

  My thoughts ended as I came to the front of my door. It didn’t look like anyone was home. I entered the house and headed to my room to see Deon pop out of his room on me.

  “Vee!” He stopped me.

  “Hey, didn’t know you were home. Where’s your car?” I asked.

  “The shop. Çome in here real quick,” he said, opening his door wide enough so I could walk past him.

  “Wassup?” I walked in.

  “What’s been up with you? And tell me the truth,” he closed the door behind him and made a disturbed face.

  “What are you talking about?” I played dumb.

  “I know something has been going on. You’ve been to yourself lately. In and out the house random hours. And you ditched your best friend to go shopping and I ain’t never seen you do that. Something you want to tell me?” He came closer. There was no way he knew about Treach. He was too calm. My lips parted to speak. Maybe even give way of what I was doing and all I could do was nervously grin.

  “You got a boyfriend huh?” He laughed.

  “Ew! No!” I said pushing him away from me. “You’re trippin’ bro! I’m good!” I reassured him. He didn’t look convinced.

  “Aight. You know you can come to me. Dad may not understand us like that and at the end of the day all we got is each other. He grabbed me and hugged me. He smelled like football practice.

  “I know, now get your stinky self off me. And please tell me dad got dinner,” I said making my way towards his door.

  “Left over burgers,” he said, flopping on his bed and picking up
his football, throwing it in the air and catching it.

  “Coo,” I said opening the door to leave but I paused. Something made me stop. Something told me this was the time to be honest. Something told me I wouldn’t get another chance to make this right.

  “Actually D,” I hesitated. “There is something I need to tell you.”


  I got to my desk to find a blue card envelope on my desk with my name on it. I looked around the center to see if anyone was nearby but nothing but a bunch of kids in and out. I opened the card to two adorable puppies on the front. It read, For a Special Friend. I opened the card that read the simple letters I will always be here for you. I noticed handwriting on the left side of the card: Angie, I know you are going through tough times right now, but just know I am here for you and would like to invite you to the movies if you have the time. You deserve it. Not a date, just as a friend. Always-Sam.

  I looked around again as if he was peeping behind some corner watching me read and react to his card, but nothing. I couldn’t help but smile. I had to give it to Sam.

  “Oh, Angel, I’m so glad you are here today, can you help make flyers for the canned food drive this weekend?” The center coordinator, Nancy, interrupted my thoughts. She had a hand full of bright orange and green printer paper

  “Sure,” I told her. She handed me a piece of paper with what she wanted the flyers to say.

  “You’re a doll!” she said rushing back off towards the game room. I stacked up the papers in the printer.

  “Hey,” Sam walked up with his basketball in his hand and hoop shorts. He had beams of sweat dripping off his forehead and neck. I couldn’t help but think it was oddly attractive. “You got my card,” he said pointing at the opened card on the desk.

  “Oh, ya! Thanks, I really appreciate it,” I told him.

  “So?” He asked.

  “So what?” I asked back.

  “The movies,” he laughed.

  “Oh, duh! Yeah, of course,” I responded.

  “Cool, tomorrow good?” He asked, wiping the sweat off his face.

  “Tomorrow,” I confirmed.

  “Aight, I’ll let you work. See ya,” He waved, exiting the center. I looked back at the card and then him as he walked past the window and taking a look back at me, I hurried and took my gaze away.

  Angel, what are you doing?


  I couldn’t stop thinking about Professor Heart and our lips touching over and over again. Even in class I could feel the spark between us, his eyes cutting back at me from time to time during the lecture. Raven’s head must have been somewhere else because she never noticed all week. I didn’t tell the girls and wasn’t planning on it. Professor Heart and I or Steve agreed to keep it between us for now. I smiled as I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling. I wanted to see him again. I wanted to kiss him again. I had snuck him a note that day after school asking if we could see each other and hoped tomorrow he had an answer.

  I kept contemplating about our conversation about going and visiting my dad and sister for the Holidays. How Steve told me to give it a chance. He was right. And I may actually like my sister. I laughed to myself. It’s done then. I’m going to Pennsylvania.


  I watched Deon pace back and forth in his room. I never knew his face could get as red as it did. His forehead had more than enough wrinkles than I could count. He popped his knuckles and looked at my uneasy face and began to pace again.

  “D,” I said. He put a finger up for me to shut up.

  “I need to think about the shit you just put both of us in,” he said. I tensed up and sat on his bed, watching him contemplate.

  “Vee, no matter what happens or what I decide to do, you CANT tell dad,” he stopped and looked me in my apologetic eyes

  “I mean, of course not, but maybe it won’t be such a bad idea to work for a second. Like how Kaitlin is,” I explained.

  “What? Kaitlin is this fools slave now,” he snapped at me.

  “Last time I checked, slaves don’t make money,” I argued.

  “Listen to me, Raven! I will handle this! In the meantime you stay away from Treach ass,” he grabbed my shoulders. “I’m warning you.”

  “But D,” I pleaded, not knowing what he had planned up his sleeve.

  “I said stay away from him!” He raised his voice this time.

  There was a knock at Deon’s door.

  “Hey!” My dad’s voice called out from the other side of the door.

  “Oh shit,” I whispered grabbing one of Deon’s Mens Fitness magazines pretending to read. Deon quickly sat at his small computer desk and clicked to his email. My dad walked in just in time for us to at least look occupied.

  “There you guys are,” he said, peeping his head in before he walked all the way in. “Men’s fitness? Something you want to tell me, Raven?” He joked. I looked at the cover and laughed a bit to myself.

  “They have some good exercises in here,” I played along.

  “Sure, exercises,” my dad smirked.

  “What sup?” Deon asked turning around in his chair.

  “I wanted to see if you two wanted to pick up some nice flowers and visit your mom’s grave on Thanksgiving or maybe after,” he asked.

  “That’s fine with me,” I answered, putting the magazine down.

  “I’m down,” Deon agreed.

  “Good. It’s good seeing you two bonding again,” he smiled. “D, come help me take the groceries out the truck, huh,” he motioned for Deon to follow him. Deon and my eyes met, but his were more of a repeated caution. I rubbed my hand on my neck and breathed a sigh of nervous relief as he walked out to help my dad. I don’t know if I just lifted weight off my shoulder or added more onto it.


  I had about one bag full of stolen shirts and sweaters. I then had hit up a small jewelry boutique and licked them for a few earrings and a bright pink watch that would look great with the pink sweater I had taken. The small boutique jewelry stores never had cameras and always had one person working. I didn’t feel too comfortable in the mall without Raven but I had stolen stuff before on my own. I fought with myself to keep going or leave for the day until I thought about that black leather jacket that I wanted inside of this women’s clothing store called Eye Candy. I had never stolen out of there before, so I was a bit skeptical.

  As I walked up to the brightly lit store full of women’s winter jackets, dresses, shirts, boots, you name it, I checked around for cameras. Big stores had guaranteed loss prevention teams and cameras so I had to be slick with what I took. I mostly scavenged off the clearance items.

  This store had a few different workers, looked mostly like college students. I didn’t see any cameras, but they could very well be hidden. I slowly walked in, scoping out different items. I tried on a few jackets but the one I wanted was dead in the corner of my eye. I checked the security tags on clothes; they had the cheap ones. This would be easy.

  I grabbed five different coats and jackets and a couple dresses and headed to the fitting room. The girl at the fitting room didn’t even check the number of items I had, she just waved me to go in as she talked on her store walkie and started walking towards the cashier.

  I eagerly walked in one of the dressing rooms to the far end and instantly started removing any tags from the jacket I wanted. I decided to take one of the dresses, too. I stuffed the jacket in my big bag covering it with other items I had.

  I bullshitted for a while to make it seem like I was trying stuff on. When I got back out the girl was not in front of the fitting room. I put everything on the go-back rack but a coat that I kept with me so it didn’t look like I didn’t want anything. I noticed the girl who was at the fitting room side eyeing me with the cashier and the cashier looked at me too. I awkwardly smiled and kept dilly-dallying in the store as if I was looking for something else. I had even went so far as to put different shirts and dresses up to me in the mirror with the jacket. A few other customers we
re in the store and once I saw someone was paying for an item and eyes weren’t on me, I put the coat in a random place and headed for the door. I prayed no other weird sensors were hidden anywhere and walked through the front with a breeze.

  I let out a sigh of relief and headed back towards the exit of the mall. I didn’t even get past three stores.

  “Miss! Miss!”

  I couldn’t help but turn around to a suited mall cop trotting my way.

  “Fuck,” I darted away from him, knowing that he wouldn’t follow me outside, but before I could make it to the exit another mall cop stopped right in front of me.

  “Whoa! Whoa! No need to run!” He said grabbing onto me. I held onto my bag tough and looked back at the other mall cop who had caught up. “We’ve been following you. You got receipts for that stuff?” The out of breath mall cop asked.


  “I can’t believe this shit!” Victoria’s mom said, angrily dragging Victoria by the arm out the mall. “You had over $200 worth of stuff?! Not even the earrings were paid for?! Some cheap ass ten dollar earrings! As if I don’t have enough shit to deal with your crazy ass daddy,” she fussed.

  “He’s not my daddy,” Victoria barked back with a scowl on her face.

  “Shut up and get in the car!” Her mom pointed towards the passenger side. “Stealing! How long have you been stealing anyway?!” She yelled, hopping in the drivers side. Victoria rolled her eyes and folded her arms. “You out here stealing like I can’t buy you those things! You wanted a new jacket just ask! You need new clothes, ask got dammit!” she yelled some more starting the car.

  “Now, I gotta pay this huge fine that I have no money for, cus your damn ass is a thief!” She yelled, putting the car in reverse and swerving out not even looking for traffic or people. This startled Victoria. “I don’t have time for this bullshit, Victoria! Best believe your ass is grounded until I say you ain’t!” She sped off. Victoria drowned out the rest of her mother’s yelling looking out the window, putting the blame on Raven.


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