Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland)

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Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland) Page 36

by S. L. Walker

“Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be okay?” She looked at me concerned.

  “I heard about that Big Willy guy and-” I answered and she instantly cut me off.

  “You heard about that shit, too?” She stood up from her chair. The sprinkles now had become slower and harder drops.

  “Yeah, everyone in the game knows. The cops are looking for the person who did it. My dad said they don’t even wanna arrest the man, they wanna shake his hand,” I told her, revealing everything that I overheard my dad say. I had become more curious after my friendship with Raven ended. I knew my dad wouldn’t tell me 100% everything, so that was my own little way of keeping inside tabs on the girls and what was going on.

  “What else did he say happened?” Raven leaned on the wall.

  “Just that Big Willy was a tyrant. Just as worse as Treach. Couldn’t be trusted, blackmailed cops, prostituted little girls and everything. I immediately thought about you guys. Hoping you just went to the party for fun. I’ve been kind of keeping an ear open for you,” I shyly told her. Now it began to full blown rain.

  “Come inside,” she got off the wall and opened the front door. I was thankful we weren’t going to have to have a conversation in the rain, but I wasn’t sure if she wanted to really have this conversation in her house.

  “Sup Vee, and Zara right?” Deon greeted us as we walked in. He was walking back from the kitchen with a sandwich in his hand.

  “That’s me,” I smiled. Deon’s demeanor was different from the last time I saw him. He wasn't all uptight and stiff over Raven. Maybe they worked it out.

  “Aye, when is dad coming home today?” Raven stopped Deon in his tracks.

  “I don’t know, late probably. I’m about to go to practice,” he told her.

  “In this rain?” Raven pointed to the obvious pour down that was forming.

  “Yeah, but we will probably have a meeting or practice in the gym. I gotta talk to you tonight about that, too,” he coded to Raven. They both glanced at me. I looked around at the pictures on the hallway wall as if I wasn’t paying them any attention, but my ears were open.

  “Sure. Come on, Zara,” she guided me to her room and her brother went in his and closed the door. “You want anything to drink?” She threw her backpack on her bed where I took a seat at. She pulled her hoodie off and sneakers giving out a big sigh. I had never been in Raven’s room before. It was small with baby blue painted walls covered in rap artist posters, video game characters and a couple basketball awards. She won first place in all of them at a kids Baltimore Basketball League. Her full size bed wasn’t made and only accompanied by a black sheet and black comforter.

  “Nah, I’m good. I just came to check on you and to…” I stopped mid-sentence when I saw her open her backpack and pulled out a small stack of bills. “Is that what you made from Treach?” I changed the subject.

  “Yep,” she answered as if it was nothing. She then walked over to her closet and dug in her shoes and took out a Jordan shoebox and opened it. The box was filled with at least over $10,000. She threw her stack of bills in there and returned it back to it’s hiding spot. I was in awe at how chill she was about it all, but I also felt a bit of relief. Did this mean she was comfortable with me again? Were we friends again?

  “Are we friends again?” I blurted out. I needed to know. She closed her closet door.

  “I don’t know what we are, Zara. You kicked us to the curb we didn’t kick you. But I appreciate you still having our back all the same. We are in some deep shit. But I got this,” she sat on the bed next to me. “Listen, I know the only reason you were acting like that was cus your dad said so. I think I was just still a little hurt you kept that shit from me in the first place.”

  “I know, I know. All this is just a lot and I’m sorry,” I took her hand in mine. I could see in her eyes she was hiding something. Something she wanted to tell me. “But you know I have your back, whatever it maybe,” I reassured her, wanting her to open up.

  “I’m gonna kill Treach,” she admitted. It wasn’t a surprise to me; what surprised me was the death in her eyes. No emotions. Not a bit of nervousness, or unsureness in her voice at all.

  “Deon is wit it,” she said. “I may need your help to do it. I understand if you don’t want to be apart of it-” she started to say, but I was already on board.

  “I’ll do it. Whatever you need,” I cut her off. Anything to make this mess go away and have my friends back. With my dad’s head being in this new business and flying back and forth to California, he would be easily distracted.

  “Yeah?” She grinned. “Glad to have you back on the team,” she put her fist out for me to pound it. We touched fist, but then I grabbed her and hugged her. I didn’t realize how much I cared about her as my friend. I had truly missed her and I was ready to take that asshole down with her.


  My mom was still a little upset with me about missing the first court date but we were able to schedule a new hearing sooner than later. We were at least now on two word speaking terms. I was happy to be staring in the eyes of the only thing that was bringing positivity in my life.


  He had taken me to a local sandwich shop on his side of town that looked like something out of the 1960s. I half assed looked for the no coloreds sign on the wall. We were the only black people in the diner. He could tell something was bothering me, but I didn’t want to bother him with my drama filled family.

  “Oh good, he’s here,” he said to me.

  “Huh?” I turned around in my booth, which wasn’t facing the front door, to see another version of Lance walk in. He was chocolate toned just like Lance, young face, with a new mustache trying to come in. His waves popped in his fade just like Lances’. He wore a Federal Hill High School varsity sweater and I immediately guessed who he was.

  “Sup Lil bro!” He smiled as Lance stood up and they slapped hands and half hugged. His smile was just as bright as his brothers. They were both two good looking ass brothers.

  “Sup!” Lance laughed. He gave his brother his seat and took a seat next to me. I half smiled at the unexpected new guest.

  “Bro, this is Victoria, Tori this is my big brother, Brandon,” he introduced us. Brandon shook my hand and smiled. He was damn near cuter than Lance.

  “You can call me, B. Nice to meet you, miss,” he said.

  “Likewise,” I responded. “You didn’t tell me we were having company,” I awkwardly smiled at Lance next to me.

  “Oh, it’s okay right? He wanted to meet you real quick before he went to see his girl,” Lance said. Of course he has a girl, I thought.

  “Oh, ya it’s totally fine!” I reassured him.

  “She’s a keeper bro. That color is pretty on you, too,” he complimented me my peach sweater dress and brown designer ankle boots. My peach lipgloss and bold hoop earrings complimented the outfit and I had my hair tied in a tight bun, showing off my full round baby face. I always made sure I looked my best when I saw Lance. I had a new outfit on every time I saw him.

  Damn, charming, too.

  “I know she is,” Lance teased, nudging me with his shoulder. “We already ate, you wanna get something?” He asked Brandon.

  “Yeah, I’ll get some fries,” Brandon motioned for the waiter to come to us. “So Victoria, I hear you stay by Washington Hills, so you must go to that school, huh?” Brandon asked. The waiter walked over. “Can I just get a regular fry?” He told her. She nodded and he turned back to me, still waiting on my answer.

  Fuck. I couldn’t remember if I told Lance if I went to that school or not. My mind raced back to that day where he was telling me his whole life story. School, school. Did we talk about school? And just like that, God was working in my favor. Brandon’s pager started blowing up.

  “Shit, it’s Jessica. She waiting on me,” he fixed himself to leave. The waitress came back just in time and put his fries on the table.

  “Aye, you know how she gets.
You better run along,” Lance teased. “Take yo fries with you.”

  “Sorry, I have to leave. It was nice meeting you, though. We should do something together,” he stood up, grabbing his fries. “You got me?” He asked Lance, referring to him paying for his fries.

  “Go, man,” Lance shooed him off. I smiled at how wonderfully that turned out. Brandon disappeared outside and Lance looked back at me.

  “He was getting ready to drill you,” he chuckled and kissed me on the cheek. “Guess that’s my job, huh? What you wanna do now?”

  “Anything,” I smiled ear to ear happy to not be under the knife anymore.


  Treach sat in the back of his black SUV with DJ in the passenger side and Nine in the driver seat.

  “This nigga need to hurry up,” Treach grew impatient. He sparked up a blunt and inhaled two long puffs. He was meeting one of his dope customers, Reggie. A gritty nigga with no class and a wanna be street king, but Reggie and Treach went way back to pre-school days. They both grew up in the same hood. Treach became a supplier and Reggie became a buyer. Any other day if someone was late like Reggie was, he would have been left the spot, but since it was his boy, he waited a few more minutes.

  They all noticed a 1970 bright red Cadillac pull up flossing 24 inch wheels.

  DJ laughed. “This foo always doing the most.”

  Reggie hopped out the driver seat wearing an all red valor sweat suit with all white air force ones. He had a long platinum chain on and wore a red matching hat covering his shoulder length braids. He left his car running, said something to a young woman in the passenger side and trotted over to Treach’s truck.

  “Nigga, really?” Treach scolded Reggie once he hopped in the back seat. “My bad, yo, this bitch was trippin’, man,” Reggie referred to the girl in his car. All of them looked to see if they could get a better peak at this mystery woman.

  “What, you losing control of yo hoes?” Treach smirked. “Where’s the bread, man?”

  “Nah she ain’t one of the hoes homie,” Reggie grinned, showing his silver front tooth. He dug in his pocket and pulled out stacks of hundred dollar bills.

  “Since when yo ass start booing these bitches up?” Treach took the money from Reggie and motioned for DJ to deliver the product. DJ reached down in the front seat and grabbed a small brown paper bag and handed it back to Reggie.

  “I ain’t booing shit nigga, but she hold a nigga down, tho. Speaking of bitches, wassup with them hoes you be having running fo you? I heard they bad,” Reggie said, opening up his prize, checking for it and balding it back up.

  “15 year old girls ain’t bad nigga,” DJ shook his head.

  “Yeah, they bad but they my runners that’s it,” Treach interrupted; a little irritated shit was getting out about his little female posse.

  “Ah shit, nigga, if you don’t work them girls. I see you had that other bad one working for Lila. Man, Lila won’t even let me touch her. Talking bout $5,000, knowing damn well I ain’t spending that type of money on NO bitch!” Reggie fussed. Treach chuckled because he knew Lila was top notch with her shit, and she gave him a nice chunk for Kaitlin and knew Reggie was too dirty of a dude to handle any of Lila’s kittens.

  “Shit, let me cop one from you. I been looking for a new face to join my team,” Reggie asked.

  DJ wouldn’t have even given two shits about what conversation they were having any other day, but for some reason he couldn’t help but be in Treach’s business.

  “Bruh, didn’t he just tell you they runners. Not them hoes you run out that dirty ass motel,” DJ cut in.

  “Nigga, am I talking to you?!” Reggie frowned, feeling disrespected. Treach was a little surprised DJ put his two cents in when he was usually quiet or too busy watching the streets.

  “No, nigga, I’m talking to you, though,” DJ turned around in his seat ready to pop off on Reggie ugly ass. Reggie looked at Treach for permission to cuss his partner out.

  Treach shook his head. “DJ right, bruh, they not them type of females. I got plans for them and nigga you do run out of a dirty ass motel.”

  Reggie smacked his teeth.

  “Let me hit that,” taking the blunt from Treach. He took a puff. “You know I’m trying ta get my hoe game up man. I got three hoes that barely bring in shit. And I’m lucky to have a bitch that don’t care I’m even doing that shit as long as I keep them Guccis on her feet.”

  “Get the fuck out, man, time is money and you already wasted 15 minutes of it,” Treach shoed him out. Reggie tried to hand the blunt back. “Naw, you got it,” Treach frowned. He didn’t know where his lips been.

  “Aight, man. If you change yo mind, though, man. Maybe I can move out them motels into a hotel. Or a big ass mansion like Lila got,” Reggie chuckled, opening his door.

  “I’ll talk to Lila about hooking you up with someone for me as a favor,” Treach told him. Nine started the truck.

  “The new bitch?!” He asked, referring to Kaitlin.

  “Bye nigga!” Treach was impatiently ready to go.

  “Aight aight, bet! Holla then, y’all,” Reggie gave DJ one doubting ass stare down and left the truck. DJ smirked at Reggie’s whackness and Reggie closed the door, trotting back to his bright red Cadi.

  “What was that?” Treach turned to DJ. He wanted to get to the bottom of why he stepped on Reggie’s toes like that.

  “Nothin’ , bruh was just buggin’ that’s all,” DJ told him. Nine looked at DJ knowing there was more to it. He had seen how DJ looked at Raven that night and how he always looked at her. Raven saved his life, so Nine didn’t blame him for feeling some type of way. Treach on the other hand wouldn’t be so understanding.

  “Buggin’ huh? Aight,” Treach didn’t press the issue anymore. “Let’s roll,” he tapped the seat for Nine to drive.

  DJ knew he was the one that was buggin’.

  Off Raven.


  Christmas was days away and I was having a ball shopping for presents. I had to keep my expenses cool for my mom since she would have grown suspicious. She was already asking questions here or there about new clothes I had on. I told her they were borrowed clothes from the girls. I desperately needed a job to at least hide all this money I was wearing. Plus, a part of me wanted to help her out. I had the money sitting right there in my drawer. Our court date was tomorrow with my dad and I could see her only focus was running him into the dirt and shitting on it. It would be a great Christmas present to win that case.

  Her door was closed and I could hear paper rattling, so I knew she was wrapping presents. I looked at the time, it was 5pm on the dot and I had plans to meet with Lance for the first time at his house. His parents were visiting family for a few days and he had the house all to himself. His brother also took this time to be at his girlfriends house. Lance would be all mine.

  I knocked gently on the bedroom door, “Ma! I’m going to Angels’ for study night!” I told her through the door.

  “You sure you don’t want me to pick you up?! I don’t like you riding your bike back home so late!” She yelled back through the door.

  “I’m fine, I have my mace!” I yelled back. I was happy she didn’t open the door because I am sure she would’ve said something about my baby pink cotton sweater dress I had on. It was tight, low cut and hugged what little curves that were trying to come in. Underneath, I had the sexiest baby pink bra and panty on, that I knew Lance would die for. I had bought some all-white Ugg Boots to go with it and some giant shiny pink earrings. My hair was flat ironed down and I had sheer pink gloss on ready to be taken off by him.

  “Okay, be careful! Love you!” She shouted.

  “Love you too!” I shouted back, grabbing my coat and practically running out the house. I went over the little piece of paper I wrote his address on, trying to remember how to get there. The only thing I could think about was giving him me tonight. I knew the first time I met Lance I wanted him to take my virginity. He was too perfect.
/>   His house was far and I was cold. My desire to see him numbed all of it and when I finally pulled up to his giant sized house, I immediately knew it was worth it. My eyes gazed over all the bright Christmas decorations that covered his home. Silver and white lights laced the lining of the house, and a Santa blow up doll with his Rudolph sat on the lawn. I walked my bike to the porch and gazed at the huge green wreath sprinkled with fake snow on the front door. I rang the doorbell and immediately got nervous.

  Lance opened the door and he looked like Christmas morning already. His smile was bright and he instantly grabbed and hugged me.

  “Wat sup beautiful! You’re late, I was just about to page you. I got worried,” he said, taking my coat off of me. “Dang,” he licked his lips as he looked me up and down. I blushed and then looked around at his gorgeous house, also filled with Christmas decorations. I could see a huge white Christmas tree tucked off in the living room corner.

  “I’m sorry, I was talking to my mom,” I told him. “Your house is incredible,” I couldn’t stop looking at the massive gold chandelier hanging from the high ceiling and long curving stairs leading upstairs.

  “Thanks, baby. What time is your court hearing tomorrow?” He asked me, taking my hand and guiding me into the kitchen.

  I had finally opened up and told him that part of my life. That was the only truthful thing he knew about me; that my dad and mom were going back and forth over child support.

  “9am,” I walked into his equally giant white and cream colored kitchen. It smelled of gingerbread and had a large island in the middle of the floor with baked cookies, crackers and cheese, fruit, and sandwiches all prepared. Next to it was a small light blue gift box.

  “What’s all this?” I asked him, surprised. I definitely wasn’t expecting anything like it.

  He had prepared a little in home picnic for us. He then picked up the blue box and I immediately noticed Tiffany&Co. written on the front. My mouth dropped open.

  “What is this?!” I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear.


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