Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland)

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Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland) Page 57

by S. L. Walker

  “Where’s Treach?” Raven asked, taking the safety off of the gun Lila gave her and walking past Nine up to DJ.

  “In the woods,” DJ told her.

  “There’s a small shed just through those trees over there. You will see a light. Just follow it,” Nine snitched. Normally, that wasn’t his thing, but he could admit when things were over and he was almost a little happy that it was. “DJ, I’m sorry. I really didn’t want any of this to happen,” he said as sincere as he could. “I-”

  SMACK. Lila knocked Nine out with the handle of her gun.

  “What the fuck?!” DJ yelled at her.

  “He was talking too much and clearly you didn’t wanna kill him,” she rolled her neck. “See if there is some rope in that truck and tie him up. We will get back to him after Treach,” Lila ordered Eva, Victoria, and Angel. “Meet us at the shed,” she told them and motioned for Raven and DJ to follow her to the shed. Now it was Treach’s turn.


  Treach was deathly oblivious to what was going on. He had ordered Nine to see what was taking West so long, but now that Nine was taking longer than normal, his instincts told him to hurry up with the bag. He was hiding coke and weed underneath the shed. Something he had dug up and built himself. No one, unless told, would ever find it. He had just sealed it back up before he heard the latch on the shed door turn.

  “Did you get the count?” He yelled out, not looking at who entered in behind him.

  “Yeah, all, $200,000,” DJ frowned and pointed both his guns straight at Treach. Treach looked at DJ, Raven, and Lila as if he had seen a ghost. All three stood side by side, all with their own motives and one intent.

  His eyes met Ravens’ and looking at her was enough to end him right then and there. Her eyes blazed with revenge. The gun in her hand sat steady next to her. She barely even blinked at him as he coward backwards.

  “Where you going?” Lila grinned.

  “What are you doing here, Lila?” He asked, surprised. He knew why DJ and Raven wanted him, but not her.

  “Oh, you know, just making sure the job is done so I can handle business. Plus, $200,000 split is pretty nice,” she giggled, dancing her gun around her face and sticking her tongue out. Even as an evil bitch, Lila was still sexy to Treach. This was a new low for her, though.

  “So you just want money?” He shrugged. “I could've given you money, Lila. I still can!” He told her, hoping that maybe she’d turn on them for him.

  “Mmmmm, see, that’s your problem. That’s all you mothafuckas problems. Always wanna be the one to give a hand out to a woman. Be the caretaker, be the money holder. You niggas can’t stand for a woman to just have her own shit and it don’t belong to no one but her,” she eased her way up to him, disgusted at his antics.

  “What are you talking about?” Treach didn’t understand. He looked at her as she surrounded him like prey. She held the gun to his head and felt around his pants for any guns. She took two of his nines from the back of his jeans and gave one to Raven, keeping the other one.

  “Come on Lila,” he started to plea. She back handed him so hard, blood came flying out of the side of his mouth.

  “Agh! That felt good!” She yelled as Treach came to. The hit was so hard he couldn’t even make a sound, instead he just covered his mouth and glared at Lila, now having a new found hatred for her.

  He looked at DJ and Raven. “I knew you flipped,” he glared at DJ. “Fuckin’ traitor.”

  DJ breathed heavily and dared for Treach to give him what he was asking for, but Raven grabbed him. DJ looked at her. Without a word she slowly walked over to Treach.

  “What?” He smirked. She noticed a grey metal chair in the corner and walked over to it and sat it down next to him.

  “Sit,” she said, her voice so low it brought chills to him.

  Victoria, Eva and Angel finally had made it to the shed and had walked in, breaking up the awkward silence that was between the four.

  “Ah! I see you are all here!” Treach laughed, but in the back of his head, he knew he was doomed. Even if they didn’t kill him, they sure were going to do something to satisfy them being sold to traffickers. And even if they didn’t do that, he’d sure be in jail for the rest of his life. “So whats up, man?! Get it over with, whatever the fuck you gone do!”

  “I said sit!” Raven yelled this time. Lila grabbed him by the neck and sat him down like a little bitch and held her gun up to his head.

  “Move, and I’ll gladly blow your got damn hat off your head,” she sneered. Treach tried to control his fearful breathing, but it was too noticeable at this point.

  Treach looked past them at Angel. She was still beautiful but no longer innocent. He had did that.

  “Hey Green Eyes,” he smiled, taunting her.

  Angel dashed at him, grabbing him by the neck with her little hands, barely doing anything. “You asshole!” She shouted as Victoria grabbed, her knowing she was only making him more excited. Treach laughed at her poor attempt to hurt him.

  “You’re still my Green Eyes!” He grinned but it was knocked off his face by a forceful fist blow by DJ, knocking a tooth out.

  “FUAAACKKKK!” Treach grunted. “Bitch!” He yelled again, feeling the pain hit him ten times harder than it had when Lila struck him.

  “Fuck all you mothafuckas!” He yelled at them as they circled him. They were the predators and he was the prey. They were the wolves and he was the sheep.

  “Do what you gotta do!” He gave in, accepting his fate. DJ began to untie Treach’s new Jordans and ripped the shoe strings out. “What are you doing?”

  Lila nodded her head as she was already up on game. She searched around for something to gag him with and found some dusty grey duct tape on an empty shelf. She looked at them as if they were insane, even the girls were a bit intrigued.

  DJ roughly grabbed the back of Treach’s hands tying them tight with both shoe strings into a knot.

  “Okay okay, like that?” He laughed, nervously. He then looked at Raven, who was watching quietly. “Psh, so what you gonna do? Kill me? You ain’t got it in you, Vee,” he taunted.

  “Oh shut the fuck up!” Eva stood up for her. Lila finished the shoe string tie with the duct tape.

  “End this asshole, Raven, so we can go home. We got a flight to catch,” Lila folded her arms and stood next to Raven.

  “Speaking of end. How is Deon?” Treach turned his head as if he were looking for someone. “Where is he? DJ, I see you here, but wouldn’t Deon be here-” and at that very moment, Raven lost all control and began to beat the shit out of Treach’s face until she didn’t have anymore energy left. Every punch of her 15 year old fist struck Treach like hard stones. Blood flew left and right. He couldn’t even yell out she was punching so fast and hard. When she was finally done, Raven was so spent, she used his body to push her self back off of him. She heeded and wiped the blood that had sprayed across her face. She thought she had killed him, but his coughing and wheezing told her otherwise.

  “Ugh, this nigga just won’t die!” Lila threw her hands up in the air. Treach gasped for air and shook his head to bring himself to, but he was dizzy and faint. He could no longer feel his face. His lip was busted and his eyes were bloodied. One eye had been beat shut.

  Raven walked away putting her hands above her head to catch her own breathing. Flashes of Deon kept going through her head. All of their childhood times together, their fights and makeup smoke sessions, all of the shit they had gone through when their mom had died. Flashes of her getting involved with Treach in the first place. She tried not to blame herself for this, but for some reason, it was coming back down on her. She should have never tried to help Deon and just let him handle everything his own way.

  “Raven, you good?” Eva asked her, noticing the tears falling down Raven’s face. Raven wiped her eyes and came to.

  “Let’s do this, Raven,” Lila had walked up to Raven and stood above her in her high heels. For some reason, this was the first time Rav
en really saw Lila. Really saw the type of woman she was.

  Lila’s sneer and sweet perfume took over the musty and mildew smell of the shed. This was the first time Raven had ever seen Lila in jeans. They were designer, high-waisted and fit her petite behind, her legs were skinny, but followed perfectly with her black studded red bottoms, dancing across the cold concrete ground. Lila put her arm around Raven’s neck, revealing the smell of her new leather jacket and signature perfume.

  “Look at him. He’s just another nigga on these streets, now,” Lila chuckled. “All you have to do now is end it, Raven. He took your brother from you. And tried to take your man,” she took her arm from around Raven and handed her the AR-15 from her bag.

  “When he’s gone, you can be a ghost in the city. Nobody will know who you are. You can take over Baltimore. I’ll even teach you. After all, this is charm city,” Lila pressured Raven.

  She stared at Treach teetering on the chair; dying but very aware of his surroundings. They had his hands strapped tight. She looked at the AR-15 in her hand.

  Wasn’t this a bit much?

  She then looked at Lila who gave her a nod. Raven couldn’t understand what Lila had against him. Last time she heard they were business partners. But Lila showed so much angst that Raven wasn’t sure if she was getting the revenge or Lila.

  What was really in it for her?

  Raven watched Treach’s head swing from side to side in a daze as he tried to force himself to stay awake, but he was slowly fading.

  “Finish him, Vee,” Tori pushed. She looked over at Tori, Angie, and Eva. The girls that had been there from the very beginning. They had seen it all and had her back through it all. Angel had her eyes covered with her hands. Eva stood over Treach with her bloody gun from her own transgressions. Tori gave her a head nod of support. DJ stood next to Raven, sensing that she wasn’t ready. He took the gun from her and she slowly released it in his hands. He had got her here, but she didn’t need to finish it. He unlocked his own gun and pointed it to Treach.

  “Any last words you sorry muthafucka?” He asked Treach. Treach struggled to look at him and his eyes had said enough.


  To Be Continued……….

  Charm City Part 2. Welcome to Charm City


  Things Will Never Be the Same

  The girls jumped and Angel screamed.

  Perfect shot.

  Treach’s head slumped over and dangled, blood oozed down his nose and dripped off the tip from the hole in his forehead.

  The room was quiet as they looked at each other.

  “Who the fuck?!” DJ turned behind them to see Deon standing there with his Beretta 92FS, still pointing in the direction of Treach. He looked tired. His breathing heavy as he stared at the man who tried to take his life and almost did.

  He had finally gotten his revenge, although he wasn’t expecting an audience, and he damn sure wasn’t expecting Raven and her friends to be there aided by Lila and DJ.

  “D?” Raven covered her mouth as tears fell from her eyes. She couldn’t believe who she was seeing. How was he here? DJ had the same thoughts. The nurse told him Deon was dead, but he was very much alive. Wearing an all-black hoodie, sweatpants, and black fitted hat, he looked like a man on a mission and he was.

  Deon finally looked at his baby sister and as if both confirming that it wasn’t a dream, she ran over and hugged him. Deon wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back, tight, never letting go of his Beretta.

  Lila and DJ looked at each other. The girls teared up, each of their feelings wrapped in different reasons. Everyone was so confused. Angel was trying not to throw up. She had seen enough dead bodies this year. Eva couldn’t believe what just happened in front of them. Tori was wrapping her brain around D walking in the room and Lila was secretly happy she didn’t have to pull the trigger.

  The only sure thing right then, was that Treach was finally dead and Deon did it. DJ turned back to Treach and instantly felt a sense of regret. Looking at Treach’s lifeless body made him sick. At one point this was his friend, his homie, his boss and at that moment, he was also happy someone else pulled the trigger and not him.

  “What are you doing here?” Raven finally got it together. “I thought you were dead. DJ told me-“ she wept.

  “I’m here now. What are you doing here?” He was asking Raven but looking at DJ. He could see the sickness in DJ’s eyes. Deon still didn’t understand what DJ and Raven had going on, but he was thankful for him. DJ took an ass whooping for him and his sister. He turned on Treach for him and his sister. He almost died for him and his sister. He owed DJ.

  “We escaped. DJ and Lila found us and then we found this piece of shit,” she pointed at Treach. Deon looked at Lila and gave her an appreciated head nod. She smiled. “Where were you? Have you seen daddy?” She grabbed his arm for answers.

  “I will tell you on the way home,” he hugged her again and walked over to DJ. “Yo,” he extended his hand out to shake it. DJ took his hand in his. “Thanks, cuz.”

  “Nah, you already know what it is,” DJ shook his head. Him and Deon bonded in that basement that night. Both of their souls were almost taken by the one man they both looked up to.

  “I saw West back there,” Deon told DJ. To Deon, West was next on the list and he had a feeling he’d find them both here. If he didn’t, his plan was to take all the money and disappear until he ended Treach.

  Deon was smarter than Treach took him to be. He fucked up by underestimating him. He should’ve made sure he was dead.

  “So, what we gonna do about this?” DJ asked, pointing to Treach’s body. Deon looked around at the terrified girls and the satisfied Lila.

  “Lila, can you take them back to the car so we can dip?” Deon told her. “Raven, I wanna talk to you alone.”

  “I’ll get em up outta here,” DJ proceeded to pick Treach’s body up to drag him outside.

  “That otha mothafucka still alive,” Lila told Deon and DJ, referring to Nine still tied up and maybe even still knocked out in the car.

  “I saw. I figured you were keeping him alive for a reason,” he turned to DJ. “He was still sleep.”

  “Yeah, he’s mine to handle,” DJ told them, really looking at Lila, making sure she didn’t off him when she left. DJ wasn’t done with Nine, but he didn’t want to kill him. Nine was like a big brother and he knew he didn’t really want to leave him there. Maybe he felt like he didn’t have a choice. Either way, he wanted to look into Nine’s eyes.

  “Come on girls,” Lila guided them out of the shed followed by DJ.

  Raven shivered at Treach being dragged out. Deon put his Beretta in the back of his sweat pants and took his sister again in his arms, this time letting a few tears fall down that he had been holding in.

  “Deon,” she hugged him back and let her brother go and looked into his eyes. “DJ told me you were dead. Why would he say that?”

  “Because they told him to. Listen, I have some connects in a couple hospitals I pay good money to,” he told her, leaning on an old desk.

  She looked at him, confused.

  “If I was to ever come into a hospital for any of these reasons and honestly, I had to put your name on the list, too, after you signed up with Treach. At the hospital I was at there’s a Doctor Spencer and he has orders that if anything ever happened to me, that he would fake my death and erase me from the books.”

  “What the hell?” Raven was taken back.

  “I thought it was gone take me way longer to find that nigga, Treach, but it didn’t. Ya’ll had him right where I needed him to be. Baby sis, I underestimated you,” he put his hands on her shoulders and smiled. “You are brave and courageous. You remind me so much of moms and even dad.”

  “Have you talked to him? Does he know?” She thought about how worried her dad must be. He knew she was alive, but not him.

  “No, I don’t know, but we gotta keep this under wraps. Everything. I’m gonna have L
ila take you guys back home. Ima clean up this mess,” he looked on the floor and saw the bag of money Treach had begun to pack up and grabbed it.

  “When are you coming home?” She asked him.

  “When things are settled. Who knows who Treach has left out there. I just need to make sure you and I are good. Okay?” He told her.

  She nodded.

  “Here,” he took out a few stacks of money and handed it to her.

  “I don’t want his money,” she shook her head, disgusted.

  “Take it! And give some to your friends, too. Put it away for a rainy day.” He grabbed more money and gave it to her.

  She sighed and took it from him.

  “Here, it’s chilly out,” he gave her his extra jacket off his back.

  She stuffed the money in the jacket pockets and put it on.

  “Don’t let Lila know shit. I don’t trust her. Why was she even here?” He frowned.

  “I don’t know exactly. I think she was under Treach’s grip, too.”

  “Well, he won’t have a grip on anybody anymore,” he told her. “Come on, let’s get you home,” he put his arm around her and guided her back into the dark night.

  DJ was dragging West body as he passed them to the car. Raven couldn’t believe it was all over and even though her heart was no longer broken, she couldn’t help but feel so much emptiness. She knew her and her girls would never be the same after this.

  Continue to Book 2…………..




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