Sunshine Over Snow (Summer Lake Seasons Book 3)

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Sunshine Over Snow (Summer Lake Seasons Book 3) Page 19

by SJ McCoy

  Her mom met her gaze directly. “Are you pregnant?”

  Roxy laughed out loud at that. It was ridiculous. And so far from the truth. “No. I’m not.”

  Her mom looked at Logan. “Then, will you please tell me what’s going on?”

  Logan turned a pleading look on Roxy. It wasn’t fair to put him in that situation, and Roxy knew it.

  “It’s not his to tell,” she said. She blew out a big sigh. “And I’m probably being stupid, probably making something out of nothing. But I didn’t want to worry you.”

  “About what?” Both her mom and Ged looked worried now.

  “It’s probably nothing. We’ll probably laugh afterward about how dumb we were to make such a big deal out of it.”

  “Roxy! Just tell me!”

  She swallowed. “I went to the doctor this week, and they sent me for some tests. I’m waiting for the results.”

  Her mom had turned white. “What kind of tests? What for?”

  “I have this little lump.”

  “In your breast?”

  She nodded.

  Her mom’s hand came up to cover her mouth. “You had a biopsy?”

  Roxy nodded again.

  “When will you get the results?” asked Ged.

  “I was hoping that they’d come back yesterday. But probably Monday now. I’m sure it’ll all be fine. Most lumps are benign. The doctor told me that.”

  Her mom visibly pulled herself together. “Yes. I’m sure it’ll be nothing. I wish you’d told me sooner.”

  Roxy shrugged. “I didn’t want to worry you—and to be honest, I’ve been trying not to think about it. I just want to get the all clear and put it behind me.”

  Ged looked at Logan. “I imagine it’s not been the easiest week for you? And then we land on you, unexpectedly.”

  Logan shrugged. “I’m glad to meet you. But yeah, it’s not been easy, and Roxy really just didn’t want to worry you. We were hoping that she could tell you about it afterward.”

  Roxy could tell by the way her mom was watching him that she was weighing him up more carefully.

  “You know I will worry.” Her mom turned back to her. “But even if it turns out to be cancerous. You can always come home. We can take care of you.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” She glanced at Logan. She didn’t want to think about worst-case scenario. She’d deal with that when it happened. But that man sitting right there had already made it clear to her that he’d be by her side no matter what. She loved her mom, but Logan was the one she wanted to face this with. She reigned herself in. That was only if she had to face anything. She had to keep believing the results would be good.

  ~ ~ ~

  Logan wasn’t surprised when Janet asked if she could steal Roxy for a while after lunch. He understood that she’d want some time alone with her daughter. He’d expect it under any circumstances, but especially after what she’d just heard. He was surprised, however, that Ged asked if he wanted to hang with him while the girls did their thing.

  He offered to take him for a drive around the lake, thinking that he might not have been over to the east shore. Of course, he had. They’d been over to the Lodge to see where Roxy worked.

  “I wouldn’t mind seeing this housing development of yours, though,” Ged said with a smile. “I knew they were building over there last time we came, but it’d be interesting to see. If you wouldn’t mind going over to work on the weekend?”

  Logan smiled back. “No, I love showing it off. It’s great. I used to spend a lot of my Saturdays over there, so that’s nothing new.”

  Once they were on the road, Ged glanced over at him. “You don’t spend your Saturdays there anymore, or is it our fault that you’re not there today?”

  “No. Since Roxy and I got together, I only go in if she’s working Saturday.”

  They rode in silence for a while. He could tell that Ged had something to say, but he decided it was best to just wait to see what it was.

  Eventually, he blew out a sigh. “I’m not good at beating around the bush. So I’ll just come out with it. If it’s cancer, she’s going to be in for a rough ride. If you’re going to walk away, it’d be better for everyone if you do it now.”

  Logan pressed his lips together. He shouldn’t be angry. Ged was only looking out for her. He waited until he knew he could speak calmly. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t think you were. But it needed to be said. I wouldn’t think any less of you. It’s a new relationship.”

  Logan banged his fist on the steering wheel. He couldn’t help it. “We’ve not been seeing each other that long, but we’ve been friends for years. I know who she is. I know I want her to be my wife.”

  Ged swung his head to look at him. “Your wife?”

  Logan nodded grimly. “I hope you meant it when you said you like me already because I plan to be a part of your family.”

  To his relief, Ged smiled. “Does she feel the same way?”

  “She says she does, but I think a part of her feels the same way you do. Part of her doesn’t want to put me in a position where I’d have to support her—in every way.”

  “But you want to?”

  “I do.”

  “Then can I suggest that you do your best to convince her of that before she gets the results. I don’t know how you can do that, but you should try. If it’s bad news, she might think she’s doing what’s best for you by walking away herself.”

  “I know.” Logan smiled. “As a matter of fact. I have an idea. I’d like to run it by you; see what you think—see what her mom thinks.”

  “Lay it on me—I’m all ears.”

  Logan was relieved to tell him. It would also make it easier to explain one of the stops he planned to make over at Four Mile. He needed to visit one of the stores in the plaza.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Roxy stared out the window of the truck as it wound its way up the two-lane highway into the mountains. She wished she could turn the clock back to last weekend. It’d been fun and light-hearted. Now her heart felt heavy. She wished she could just cling onto the idea that she didn’t have cancer. But the fears and the what-ifs kept crowding into her mind. Logan said he’d be with her through whatever it took, whatever kind of surgery or treatment she needed, he’d be right there by her side. Her mom, on the other hand, had tried to convince her that she should move home. She didn’t want to do that! But her mom had told her that if she needed chemotherapy, she wouldn’t be able to live by herself, and it was too much to ask of Logan.

  That last part had left her tossing and turning most of the night. He said he wanted to be there for her, but would it be fair to ask him?

  He reached over and squeezed her hand briefly.

  “It’s so pretty up here,” said her mom. “I love the snow.”

  Ged shuddered. “I don’t mind looking at it, but only if it’s sunny. Days like this are perfect. Bright blue sky. Lots of sunshine. I grew up in the northeast. And to me, snow means long cold gray days.”

  Roxy turned to smile at him. “I’m with you. I love it when the snow sparkles. It’s like magic.”

  Logan squeezed her hand again. “I was thinking about what you said. Sunshine over snow is special. It takes something cold and hard and turns it into something sparkly and beautiful.”

  “Aww,” her mom chimed in from the back. “Don’t you have a way with words?”

  Logan shrugged, and Roxy leaned over to plant a kiss on his cheek as he drove. “He’s the best.”

  When they got to Stanton Falls, they parked in the same place they had last weekend. She looked at Logan. “Do you guys want to go do your thing? I won’t subject you to the full shopping experience again.”

  He grinned at Ged who nodded happily.

  “Yeah. Do you want to meet at the café at say, one?”

  She looked at her mom, hoping that would be long enough.

  “You can always go back for more after we have lunch,” said Ged.

bsp; Her mom smiled, and Roxy got the idea that she and Ged had some secret of their own. “Don’t worry. We’ll be there at one o’clock on the dot.”

  Roxy kissed Logan, and her mom hugged Ged, then they went their separate ways.

  “What do you think they’ll do?” Roxy asked her mom. She felt a little guilty about leaving Logan with Ged again.

  Her mom smiled. “I’m sure they’ll find plenty to do. They had a good time together yesterday.”

  “Oh, good. Did Ged enjoy it, too, then? I know Logan enjoyed his company. He said they went over to the development.”

  Her mom gave her that sly smile again. “I’d say it was a great day.”

  “Are you two up to something? You keep grinning like a Cheshire cat.”

  “No! I’m just happy to be here with you. And happy that you’ve found yourself such a good man.”

  Roxy frowned. “I’m glad you like him. But what did he and Ged get up to yesterday? He sure seems to have won Ged over and I’m guessing Ged’s convinced you, too?”

  Her mom shrugged. “He’s just a good guy. I can tell. I’m happy for you.”


  ~ ~ ~

  Logan checked his watch.

  “Relax. They’ve got ten minutes yet.”

  Logan grinned. “I can’t help it. I’m excited, and I’m nervous. Even if she says no, I’m not giving up.”

  “I didn’t for a minute think you would. This might only be laying the groundwork. It might just be what she needs to know that you’re totally committed to her while she gets through whatever’s going to happen.”

  Logan laughed. “Totally committed. Me. I don’t exactly have the best track record, you know.”

  Ged shrugged. “That doesn’t mean a thing. Neither did I when I met Janet. I was, what do you call it—a player? She had no reason to trust me. But I fell for her hook, line, and sinker. I changed my ways the minute I saw her. It happens.”

  Logan relaxed a little when he heard that. He knew that Ged had told Janet everything that they’d talked about yesterday, and she not only knew but was excited about his plan for today. He’d been concerned that she might be less enthusiastic about him when she learned how he’d been in the past. But it seemed that she, like her daughter, wasn’t one to hold a man’s past against him.

  “Here they come.”

  Logan glanced over at the girls behind the counter and nodded. They were eager to help and seemed just about as excited as he felt.

  He’d asked them if they’d bring out four hot chocolates a few minutes after Roxy and her mom sat down.

  “Hey.” She leaned down and kissed his cheek before taking off her coat and sitting down beside him.

  “Hey. Did you have fun?”

  She grinned. “That’s a dumb question. I went Christmas shopping with my mom. We had a blast!”

  Janet grinned at him. “Did you boys do what you needed to?”

  He nodded. He was thrilled that she was supportive of this, but he wished that she didn’t look quite so happy.

  Roxy raised an eyebrow at him. “What did you need to do? Why do I get the feeling that everyone knows something I don’t?”

  “I don’t know.” He didn’t want her to get suspicious now. He only had to get through another couple of minutes.

  He glanced over to where two of the servers were standing smiling with the hot chocolates ready to come out. He nodded at them. He couldn’t wait any longer.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Oh, great! Thank you.” Roxy smiled at the girl who set her hot chocolate down in front of her.

  “I figured you’d want one of those.”

  Roxy nodded happily and looked down at the huge mug piled high with whipped cream and … a candy cane heart on top.

  She put her hand over her heart and smiled at Logan. He must have asked them to do that. How sweet!

  When he smiled back, his eyes were shiny. They were telling her that he loved her without him saying a word. She nodded, not wanting to share the moment with her mom and Ged. A quick glance told her that was a forlorn hope. They were both watching her, with big smiles on their faces.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  “Nothing.” Her mom answered way too quickly.

  “We’re just happy to be here with you,” said Ged. He plucked a candy cane from the rim of his own hot chocolate. “I know you love these things.”

  Roxy went to get one of hers; there were several of them hooked around the rim of the mug. She didn’t want to eat the heart ones yet. She stopped, hand mid-air when she saw something shining on one of the canes. “What’s that?”

  She carefully picked it up and gasped when she saw a beautiful diamond ring taped to the little cane. “Oh, my God!” She looked at Logan, and he nodded and got up from his chair.

  He bent down on one knee and took hold of her hand. “You know I love you, Roxy. But I don’t think you know how much. It’s going to take me the rest of my life to show you. Will you marry me?”

  Her heart was thundering in her chest. Wasn’t it too soon? What if she found out she had cancer?

  She stared back into his eyes. He looked so hopeful; she felt so torn.

  He untaped the ring from the cane. “I know you have doubts. I know you think I should have waited—and I can wait for you to marry me, we can have a long engagement if you want. But I need you to say that you want to marry me. That we’re in this for keeps—no matter what life throws at us.”

  She looked at her mom and Ged. Ged was smiling, and she was surprised to see her mom nodding eagerly.

  She looked back at Logan and nodded. If she said no, she’d break her own heart and his. She did want to spend her life with him. And if she did have a long, hard road ahead of her, she wanted to share that with him. “Yes!” she croaked. “I do. I will. I want to.”

  Tears ran down her cheeks as he slid the ring onto her finger.

  “How did you know? I love this ring so much.”

  He chuckled. “Remind me where one of your best friends works.”

  “Oh! Maria! The jewelry store.”

  “Yep. I swore her to secrecy, but I told her that if you said yes, we’d invite everyone over to celebrate.”

  She hoped that before the week was out, she’d have two things to celebrate. But even if this was the only one, she’d be happy. She’d face the other as it came.

  Her mom and Ged hugged and congratulated them. The girls who worked in the café all crowded around to see the ring and tell her how lucky she was. She knew it—and not just about the ring.

  ~ ~ ~

  When he woke up on Monday morning, Logan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close to him.

  She smiled and planted a sleepy kiss on his lips. “We don’t have time. And besides. I don’t think I’ve recovered from last night yet.”

  “Don’t worry. I haven’t either. I just wanted to hold my fiancée on our first morning as an engaged couple.”

  He loved the way she held her hand up to admire the ring. “You done good, Mr. Perkins.”

  He laughed. “I know. I snagged you.”

  Her smile faded. “I just wish we knew if you’re going to be in for a rough road.”

  “Maybe you’ll hear today.”

  She nodded.

  “You know you have to call me the second you do?”

  “Of course. Though, if it’s bad news, will they tell me over the phone?”

  “I don’t know. I think so. Do you want to take the day off? We could both call in.”

  To his surprise, she thought about it for a minute. “I’m tempted to, but no. If we do that, it almost guarantees that I won’t get any news today.”

  He nodded. She was probably right.

  He was in the shower when he heard her squeal. He almost broke his neck, running down the stairs dripping wet and naked. “What is it?”

  She held up her phone. “That was Abbie. Apparently, the results were sent to Michael’s office on Friday afternoon. There was some mix
up; he didn’t know they were going to him.”

  “And?” His heart felt as though it might beat out his chest. “You’re clear?”

  She nodded. Tears were rolling down her face. “It’s benign.”

  “Oh, thank God.” His hands were shaking as he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

  She sniffed and wiped the sleeve of her robe over her face. “I probably shouldn’t have been as freaked out as I was.”

  “How could you not be? The man who loves you was losing his mind with worry.”

  “I scared Mom and Ged for nothing, too. I should call them. Let them know.”

  He smiled knowing how relieved they’d be. “How do you feel about calling in and asking for the day off now?”

  She nodded. “I’ll call Angel after I call them. Do you think you can?”

  “Nate will understand.”

  “Are we going back to Stanton Falls?” asked Roxy when they’d been on the road for a while.

  “Not quite. We’re nearly at the spot I want to show you.” He turned off the highway a few minutes later and followed a gravel road up to a trailhead he used to come to as a kid. There wasn’t much snow on the ground here, but it still sparkled in the sun. That was all he needed.

  They got out and walked up a little way to a bench that overlooked the valley. Roxy leaned against him, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “Sunshine over snow.”

  She looked up at him. “Is that why we came here?”

  He nodded. “I know you love it. I know it makes you feel good. Today we had some magic happen for us. I need you to know that whenever snow falls in our lives—whatever goes wrong for us—I’m going to do my best to be like the sunshine for you. I’ll try to shine and be your warmth so that you don’t notice how cold and hard life can be. You deserve sparkles and magic.”

  “Aww!” She put her hands on his shoulders and reached up to kiss his lips. “You’re not Logan Perkins ladies’ man anymore. You’re Logan Perkins, heart of gold and soul of a poet. And I’m the lucky one who gets to be with you. I love you.”


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