Westways: A Village Chronicle
Page 32
A half hour later John sat alone in the library. He had much to disturb ayoung man trained to obey and at need command, and was feeling theresponsibility of an unusual position. At last he wrote a note to hisaunt and sent it up to her by a maid. In a few minutes Ann Penhallowappeared.
"What is it, John? I cannot leave James alone long." She sat down. "Nowdon't keep me."
"I need not detain you long, but I feel that you ought to know, Aunt Ann,that I have had a talk with Tom McGregor and have sent a telegram to Dr.Askew desiring him to come at once and see my uncle. I ought to hearto-morrow."
She rose to her feet. "You did this, John, without a word to me andknowing that your uncle has over and over said he would not listen toanything of the kind. You have taken a great liberty--I shall telegraphfor your doctor not to come. James is always better after these attacks."
Much surprised, he said, "These attacks--has he had them before?"
"Oh, twice--very slight."
"But, aunt, do you not understand how serious this one was?"
"He is better already--much better. There should not be any need toremind you that you are not the head of this house. I shall telegraph atonce, in the morning, and stop him."
"It will be too late, aunt."
"Then your doctor may go back. I will not see this doctor if in spite ofmy telegram he should come. You will understand, John, that this ends it.I certainly will not have James constantly irritated. I shall telegraphnow--at once."
"You will do, aunt, as it seems best to you." He saw the telegram writtenand heard her order to send it to the Westways office.
His aunt, having settled the matter, went upstairs, an angry andindignant woman, leaving in the library a man resolute not to acceptdefeat.
He wrote a second message: "Disregard Mrs. Penhallow's telegram. Come atonce. Fee at discretion. Will meet you at Westways Crossing."
He roused up Josiah and gave his order. "Ride to the mills and get thisdespatch sent to-night or early to-morrow--oh, to-night, somehow. It isimportant. Pay some one--only get it sent. Here are five dollars."
He was of no mind to meet either Leila or his aunt, and to escape thembreakfasted early next morning, and riding to the mills was pleased toavoid another painful interview. On his return at evening the dinner atGrey Pine was made rather less uncomfortable by the presence of Riverswho talked to Ann Penhallow while the Colonel dozed in his armchair.Accustomed to have her decisions obeyed in her home, Ann Penhallow hadnow dismissed the question of a consultation as settled, and had quitelightly mentioned to Leila that John had revived the subject and that shehad once for all put an end to it.
She was sorry to have had to be so positive, but was pleased to be donewith the matter in dispute. She little knew the young soldier. When hewas certain that the consultant would come, he began to consider what hewould do if his aunt did simply refuse to see Dr. Askew. She might, infact, be as resolute as her nephew.
In her trouble about her husband's mishap, Ann Penhallow hardly regardedher niece's unpleasant share in the sad ending of the rummage-sale--itwas relatively of no moment. Nor would the girl herself have been willingto discuss it. John Penhallow should have held his tongue, and now allWestways must be laughing--and she would never--never--forgive him.Evidently her aunt had scolded him about that consultation. She had alittle curiosity to know how he had taken it and how he looked when hecame to match the will of his young manhood against the unreasonableobstinacy of the woman he had been taught to obey. She observed next dayat breakfast that John was more than usually gay, as he asked if therewere any errands. There were none. He loitered about waiting and at lastwent out to the back porch where he stood a minute looking over the boxhedge which bounded the garden. Leila was busy taking tribute from thefirst roses of the summer days. As she bent over, she let them fall oneby one into the basket at her feet. Now and then she drew up her tallfigure, and seemed to John as she paused to be deep in thought. When shebecame aware of his approach, she fell again to harvesting roses.
He said, "Leila, before I go to the mills, I want to talk with you aboutwhat is troubling me. In fact--"
Without looking up she broke into his attempt to explain himself, "I amin no mood to discuss anything, John Penhallow."
He was frankly puzzled. Of the many Leilas, this was a new acquaintance,but he said quietly, "It is necessary to make a statement--I want firstto explain."
She refreshed her rising anger with words. "I do not want anyexplanation--there are things no woman can pardon. I was insulted."
"My dear Leila, upon my honour I do not know what you mean."
She was near to saying, "I am not yours, or dear." Something in the lookof the attentive face and the calmness of his manner put her on guard,and she said only, "That is, I presume, because you are not a woman."
He said, "I do not regret that, but you clearly are thinking of one thingand I of another. It must be the rummage-sale. I have no desire todiscuss that sorrowful business, Miss Grey. You have quite misapprehendedme. It is of Uncle Jim I want to talk--in fact, to ask advice."
"I did not understand," she said, flushing a little. His formal mannerwas very unpleasant, and to be called Miss Grey was ridiculous. If he hadshown anger or even annoyance it would have eased the situation. He wenton to explain himself, rather aware of her embarrassment and notaltogether sorry for her mishap.
"I said I want help--advice. I have sent for Prof. Askew. Aunt Ann hastelegraphed him not to come. I wired him to disregard her message. He hasanswered me that he will be here at the house, if the train is on time,about six to-day. It is our last hope, but it is a hope. Aunt Ann mustsee this gentleman--I say she must. Now, how can it be managed?"
Leila let fall a handful of roses into the basket and faced him. "Taketime," he said. "I do really need help--how can I make Aunt Ann see thisfamous surgeon? Take time," he repeated.
Here was for Leila a rather astonishing revelation of resolute aggressivemanhood--a new John Penhallow. Relieved to have been taken out of herangry mood, she stood still a moment while he waited on her counsel."There is but one way," she said, "it is the only way. I do not likeit--whether you will be willing to accept it, I do not know."
"And still you advise it?"
"I do not."
"Well, what is it?"
"At about six every afternoon, when Uncle Jim is asleep, Aunt Ann isalmost certain to be in her little library-room. Take Dr. Askew in,present him, and walk out. She will hate it, but she is sure to be whatshe is always to a guest. He will have his chance."
"Thank you, Miss Grey."--How she hated that!--"You have helped me." Hetouched his army cap in salute and left her alone. At the garden gate helooked back--Miss Grey was also looking back, and vexed at being thuscaught bent down again and cut buds and roses with sharp nips of thescissors.
It was not in the nature or breeding of John Penhallow to like Leila'splan for securing to the surgeon a chance to impose on a reluctant womana clearly stated opinion which otherwise she might have the courage todisregard. But what else could he do? A little after six he met thecarriage far down the avenue and walked slowly to the house with theyounger McGregor and the surgeon.
"You are most welcome," said John. "Dr. McGregor has, I trust, told youof our difficulties with my aunt?"
Askew smiled. "Yes; it is no uncommon case. I may add that Dr. McGregor'sletters have satisfied me that an immediate operation offers the only andtoo long delayed chance of success. I must, of course, see Mrs.Penhallow--the sooner the better."
"Yes--pray follow me." He led the way across the hall, opened the librarydoor, and said to the astonished lady, "Prof. Askew, Aunt Ann." Then hewent out.
Well aware of being trapped, Mrs. Penhallow stood up and apparently atperfect ease said, "You must have had a very tiresome journey."
"Not very," he returned, as he accepted a seat.
Then the little lady sat up and said, "You must pardon me if I say thatthis consultation has been broug
ht about by my nephew against myhusband's wishes."
"And your own?"
"Yes, my own."
"I so understand it. May I say in my defence that I missed your telegramand only saw it when it was sent after me on the train, but now I amhere." She had not the courage to say what she would have liked to say,and he went on. "General Hancock saw me a day or two back. What he saidof your husband gave me at once a personal interest in him. Isn't itodd how one is brought to realize what a small place our world is? I wasat Port Delaware before the war ended and saw there--I was on inspectionduty--a Confederate Colonel, Henry Grey--a prisoner. Is he not a relationof the handsome Miss Grey we met on the avenue?"
"My niece. He is my brother."
"Indeed! I gave some advice about his wound--it was not serious. May Italk to you a little about your husband?"
She felt herself cornered, and could not escape without discourtesy,of which she was quite incapable; "Or," he added, "may I not rather talkfirst to Colonel Penhallow, and later to you? It is, I take it, his viewof this very grave matter which naturally influences you."
For the briefest of moments she made no reply. Then she stood up andfelt the force conveyed in the personality of George Askew, as hetowered over her, a man of unusual height. She looked up at the largekind face the long sad wards knew so well. The lines of thought weredeeply graven below a broad forehead thinly crowned with yellow hair nowfast greying. He showed no sign of impatience. "Yes," she said, "thatwill be better--you must see Mr. Penhallow before you talk to me. If heconsents to do what you want to do--I--Well, Dr. Askew, I am just now tooangry to reason. Have the kindness to follow me."
She was unwilling to give her husband any more choice than John Penhallowhad given her. If the Colonel became irritable and declined to accept thevisit of this impressive personage as a surgeon, well, that must ofcourse end the matter. But as he went upstairs behind her, there arose inher mind a storm-battered hope.
The surgeon was smiling and so far pleased. He was greatly interested inthe case he was about to see. It had excited some discussion as unusual,and the unusual in surgery or medicine has many times been the guide tobroad highways of usefulness where the daring of the one has made easythe way for the many. Now he meant to win the confidence of the man, ifhe proved sane enough to reason. He might also have to make more completehis conquest of this coldly civil hostess. It was for him an old game,and he played it with tact and skill.
She paused at the door. "Pray wait a moment, Doctor. No--he has wakened,I hear him." He stopped her.
"Before we see the Colonel--before I see him--I want you to be heartilyin accord with any decision we may reach. There are but two courses whichseem to me possible, and I do want you to feel sure that either you willhave to watch a mind crumble hopelessly or, if we succeed, see one ofthose amazing recoveries which are like the dawning of day. I say thismost earnestly, because your hearty help may be wanted. If he says _no_to our decision, his fate may really rest with your will to stand by me."
This was pretty hard, and no time was given for discussion. She looked upat the kind pleading face, and while feeling that she must yield,hesitated--so distinctly hesitated that the surgeon's brow becameseverely grave as the furrows between the eyes deepened in growingwonder. He took her hand as if to get into some personal touch with awoman whose opposition he could not understand. "You will help me? Inthis man's condition a word may win or lose a game in which the stakeis a life--oh, that is little--or the restoration of a noble, usefulmind. I know you will help me."
She looked down, and said faintly, "Yes."
"Thank you." He smiled--"Bless me! what a little hand," he said, as helet it fall.
She opened the door and as he followed her, stepped aside, sayingbravely, "Here is a friend, James. You will like to see Dr. Askew."
He took the chair she set at the bedside, while the Colonel regarded himsuspiciously, saying, "I think I heard of you after Gettysburg."
"Yes, I took care of General Hancock. A lot of us went down to help.Curious case his--a ball hit the pommel of his saddle and drove a nailinto his leg."
"Yes, I heard of it. It was thought they were firing nails--queer that!"
Askew seized on the moment of illumined intelligence, wondering what dullsurgeon had set in this man's mind an obsession which forbade all otheropinion. "Hancock will suffer long--but now, about you--did no one thinkyou could be relieved by an operation? Take your time to answer me."
Penhallow, groping in the confusion of remote memories, returned, "I seemto recall--yes--it was talked of--"
"But not done? Some one is responsible for these years of pain. You dosuffer?"
"Oh, my God! yes. I try to bear it." His eyes filled. "Is it too late?"
"No," said Askew, "it is not." What doubt he had he put aside.
"Then we will see to-morrow."
"An operation!" said Ann, alarmed. A look conquered her. "You will do,James, whatever Dr. Askew wishes?"
"I will--but don't make me talk any more, Ann--my head aches."
Askew rose. "Please to send up the Drs. McGregor. May I make use ofanother room?"
"Yes, of course."
Ann Penhallow found Dr. Tom and his father on the porch with Leila andJohn. She said, "Take the doctors up to my own room, Leila, and I want totalk with John--there are some arrangements to make."
Leila, guiltily conscious of her share in securing the surgeon'sinterview with her aunt, was glad to accept the hint and the chance toescape.
Ann sat down beside John, and said, "John, why did you trick me into atalk with Dr. Askew?"
"Because, aunt, you said you would not see him--and it was necessary."
"You took me too literally."
"I took you at your word--something had to be done. If it fails, we areno worse off."
"But it may fail--oh! what if it does, John."
"Aunt Ann, I am in despair. Listen to me; no, I must talk it out. Theagreement with uncle's old partners ended with the war. Things at themills are in confusion--what is to be done? I asked Uncle Jim to give mea power of attorney to act for him. He refused. You supported him. Delayis ruinous, and yet we can do nothing. You are vexed with me--Yes--youhave not given me my morning kiss for days. Leila is unreasonably angrywith me because that dreadful night I did the only thing possible in mypower to stop my uncle. I am most unhappy. I sometimes think I had bettergo away and look for work as an engineer, and--you did love me once." Herose and walked up and down the porch silent; he had emptied mind andheart. Then he paused before her. She was crying, as she said, "Don'treproach me, John--I can't bear it--I have had to bear too muchto-day--and you were so naughty." He leaned over and kissed her forehead."John," she said, "there is to be an operation to-morrow. It is terrible.May the good God be kind to him and us. Now go away--I want to be alone.See that Dr. Askew is well cared for."
"Certainly, Aunt Ann." He had won his battle.
At dinner the doctor was at pains to dispel the gloom which, as he wellknew, falls on those who love when one of the critical hours of lifeapproaches. When they left the table he went into the library with thedoctors and John, where they smoked many pipes and talked war.
At breakfast next day Askew's account of his early morning drew a smileeven from Ann Penhallow. "Sleep! Yes, I suppose I slept. There was ablank of some hours. I am apt to waken early. At dawn there was a brightred-eyed sky, then it clouded as if the eyes had shut. A little laterMiss Grey rode away on a chestnut horse. I walked through your gardenand an unseen lady gave me this rose-bud. I had a joyful swim. As I cameback I saw Captain Penhallow ride away--and why not with you, Miss Grey?You may perceive that I am a dangerous man to entertain. If you do notprefer better society, may I ask to ride with you to-morrow?"
"What better society?" asked Leila.
"Oh, Miss Grey, alone--by herself."
The two young people understood the charitable gaiety of his talk, butalthough one of them at least was feeling a sudden access of relief thequick jesti
ng chat and laughter became distressing to Ann Penhallow. Atlast she rose and excused herself, saying, "Another cup? My niece willgive it to you."
"One moment," he returned--his face became grave. "I shall operate earlythis morning. You must go out-of-doors--the porch--I suggest the porch.I shall send down Dr. McGregor to tell you frankly the result of myoperation. I want Captain Penhallow, and with him and the two McGregorswe shall care for my patient. I hope the doctors will let you see theColonel in a week. I shall trespass on your hospitality for two daysmore."
"I could wish it were a week. I shall do precisely what you desire."
John Penhallow caught some signal of amused surprise in Leila's looks. Hechecked his own smile of partnership in mirth at Ann Penhallow's suddensubjugation, feeling that with Leila the intimacies of mirth were at anend.
Ann took her knitting and went out upon the back porch. "How many rowscan I knit until I hear? No, Leila--I want to be alone. Here is a notefrom Mr. Rivers. The Bishop met him at Harrisburg and carried him off toPhiladelphia. I hope there is no scheme to take him away. Now go, dear."She heard the voices of the McGregors as they went upstairs. She satalone and waited.
Among the friends who know me only through my summer-born books, theremust be many who can recall such hours of suspense as Ann Penhallowendured. The clock in the hall struck ten. A little later her keen sensemade her aware of the faint odour of ether from the open windows on thesecond floor. She let fall her work, went down the garden path, andwalked with quick steps among the firstlings of June. Then came TomMcGregor swiftly, and in his smiling face she read good news.
"It is all right," he said; "it is over. There was a fracture of thefragile inner layer of the bone--a piece was pressing on the brain--itwas easily removed. The doctor is very much pleased. Oh, my dear Mrs.Penhallow, there are better days ahead for you and him. Now, I must goback."
"Thank God!" she said, "and--and you--and--John. God forgive me, I havebeen a fool!"
The next two days went by without incident. Askew rode, walked, and hadno news for her except, "He is doing well." He would say no more. Whathours of doubt, of watchful fear, he had, she never knew. On the morningof the third day, while the carriage waited to carry him away, Mrs.Penhallow led him into her library.
"Now," she said, with her cheque-book open before her, "we owe you adebt none can pay, but let me offer you my most humble apologies for mybehaviour when you came."
"Please, don't," he returned.
"But I had to. And now, let me know what is our lesser and more materialdebt?"
He rose, smiling. "It has been my happy, unbroken rule to take nothingfrom any soldier who served in this sad war--oh! on either side. I havemade, I hope, some friends. The Colonel asked to-day about a horseDixy--I think--and when could he ride. You may imagine my pleasure. Hewill get well, but you must be patient. I leave him in competent hands,and in the fall I mean to come back and shoot your woodcocks. Good-bye."He was gone.