The Crown

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The Crown Page 27

by Robert Lacey

  Bush, George H. W., 249

  Butler, R. A., 15, 38, 122–3, 124, 125


  Callaghan, James, 204

  Cameo (magazine), 83

  Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall (née Shand, formerly Parker-Bowles), 217–26, 221, 227–30

  capital punishment, abolition, 64–6

  Capper, Sir Derrick, 236

  Carnarvon, Jean, Countess of (née Wallop), 190

  Carrington, Virginia, 228

  Castle, Barbara, 186, 196, 251

  Cavendish, Elizabeth, Lady, 51, 54, 87

  Cawston, Richard, 174

  Cecil, Robert see Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 5th Marquess

  Cécile, Princess of Greece, 114, 205

  Chamberlain, Neville, 14

  Chan, Jacqui, 88, 90

  Channon, Sir Henry ‘Chips’, 45

  Charity Commission, 164

  Charles, Prince, 194, 221; at Aberystwyth University, 197–201; at Cambridge University, 193–4; confirmation service, 208–9; at Gordonstoun, 110–11, 113; investiture as Prince of Wales, 146, 173, 196, 201–4; relationship with Camilla Shand/Parker-Bowles, 217–26, 227–30; relationship with Lady Jane Wellesley, 241

  Charteris, Martin, 62, 96, 232, 238

  Chataway, Chris, 29

  Chatto, Lady Sarah (née Armstrong-Jones), 144

  Cheam School, 207

  Checketts, David, 202

  Cheke, Marcus, 73

  Chichester, Sir Francis, 170

  Christie, John, 64–5

  Christie, Stuart, 245

  Churchill, Winston: and the Suez Crisis, 13–14; succession of Harold Macmillan as Prime Minister, 38, 39; and the Duke of Windsor, 70, 74, 76; death, 134

  CIA, 245, 246, 248

  Civil List, 171–2, 240

  Cliveden House, 118

  Cockerell, Michael, 238

  Cohen, Rachel, 177

  Cold War, 95, 135, 136, 149, 248

  Collins, Michael, 212–13

  Colman, Olivia (as the Queen), 129

  Colony Club, 54

  Colville, Jock, 76

  Colville, Richard, 25, 26, 170

  Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), 232–3

  Connor, Bill, 60

  Constantine I, King of Greece, 104

  Cook, Peter, 42, 115

  Cordet, Hélène, 10

  Count Basie, 54

  Courcy, Anne de, 81, 86, 88, 147

  Cousins, James, 146

  Coward, Noël, 46, 75–6, 82

  Cranko, John, 86

  Crawford, Marion, 57

  Crosland, Tony, 247

  Crossman, Richard, 196

  Cudlipp, Hubert ‘Hugh’, 181, 186


  Daily Mirror, 182, 183, 236

  Dalkeith, Johnny see Buccleuch, John Scott, 9th Duke of

  Dankworth, John, 144

  Dartmouth Naval College, 208

  Davies, Edmund, 162, 165

  Davis, Sammy, 100

  Day, Robin, 59

  Dayan, Moshe, 17

  De Manio, Jack, 194

  debutante parties, 60–2

  Dempster, Nigel, 50

  devaluation of sterling (1967), 170–1

  Dietrich, Marlene, 82–3, 84–6

  Dior, Christian, 86

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 13

  Donoughue, Bernard, 247, 248

  Douglas-Home, Sir Alec (formerly 14th Earl of Home), 117, 124–5, 127–8, 130, 139

  Dower, Dai, 29

  Drake, Sir Francis, 170

  Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, 30–1


  Eden, Anthony, 13–20, 36–7

  Edgecombe, Johnny, 119

  Education Act (1944), 38, 122

  Edward, Prince, 128, 174, 213

  Edward I, King, 195

  Edward II, King, 195

  Edward VII, King, 152, 220

  Edwards, Jeff, 156–8

  Egypt, Suez Crisis (1956), 12–14

  Eisenhower, President, 36, 41

  Elizabeth, Queen (the Queen Mother), 12, 91, 147, 183–4, 230, 231

  Elizabeth I, Queen, 170

  Elizabeth II, Queen, 99; speculation over marriage, 7–11, 25–6; State Visit to Portugal, 8, 27; and the Suez Crisis, 18–20; succession of Harold Macmillan as Prime Minister, 37–40; criticised by Lord Altrincham, 57–9; and African independence, 94–5; visit to Ghana (1961), 96–100; relationship with Harold Macmillan, 120–1; succession of Douglas-Home as Prime Minister, 121–2, 126–8; relationship with Harold Wilson, 132–4, 148; and Anthony Blunt, 138–9; and Princess Margaret, 150–3; response to Aberfan disaster (1966), 160–2, 167, 169; Silver Jubilee (1977), 243–4, 254–6; attitude to race, 52–3, 101–2; Christian faith, 101; Christmas broadcasts, 52, 61, 77, 238; defence of democracy, 184–5; fascination with space travel, 212; image on postage stamps, 129–30; passion for horse breeding and racing, 187–91; and royal expenditure, 171–2; weekly audience with prime ministers, 19, 42, 121, 132–3, 231

  Ellis, John, 199

  Ellis, Ruth, 65

  Empire Windrush (ship), 52, 53

  Estaing, Giscard d’, 250

  Eton Photographic Society, 83

  European Common Market, 251

  European Economic Community, 42, 233

  Evans, Edith, 86

  Evans, Gwynfor, 196

  Evans, Harold, 98

  Evans, Timothy, 64–6


  Fairbairn, Sir Nicholas, 243

  Farouk, King, 13

  Fisher, Geoffrey, Archbishop of Canterbury, 42–3

  Fleming, Ian, 37

  Fletcher, Alistair, 71, 76

  Foy, Claire (as the Queen), 129

  Freud, Lucian, 51

  Freud, Sigmund, 176

  Frost, David, 116

  Fry, Camilla, 87–8, 90

  Fry, Jeremy, 87–8

  Fry, Polly, 90–1


  Gaitskell, Hugh, 140–1, 180

  Gallup opinion polls, 15

  Garnett, Andy, 89

  Garrard, Dr Peter, 249–50

  Gaulle, Charles de, 42, 94, 123, 183

  George I, King of Greece, 104

  George II, King of Greece, 104

  George V, King, 105, 153, 187

  George VI, King, 69, 70, 76, 101, 153, 187

  Ghana, 95–9

  Gilmour, Ian, 65

  Girl Can’t Help It, The (film, 1956), 47

  Glenn, John, 212

  Goldberg, Arthur, 149

  Goldsmith, Lady Annabel, 221

  Golitsyn, Anatoliy, 141

  Goodman, Geoffrey, 247

  Goodman, Lord, 247

  Goon Show, The, 144, 193, 222

  Gordon, Aloysius ‘Lucky’, 119

  Gordonstoun School, 30, 108–14, 207, 207–8

  Graham, Billy, 77–8, 78, 101

  Graham, Caroline, 220

  Graham, James, 193–4

  Graham, Joan, 25

  Greece, 104–6

  Grigg, John (formerly Lord Altrincham): critical article on the Queen, 56–60; disclaims title under the Peerage Act, 62; campaigns for abolition of capital punishment, 64–6


  Hahn, Kurt, 30, 108–14, 207–8

  Hailsham, Quintin Hogg, Baron Hailsham, 123–4

  Haines, Joe, 248, 252, 254

  Halls, Michael, 247

  Hambro, Rupert, 222

  Hamilton, Willie, 172

  Hardinge, Alec, 71

  Harry, Prince, 53

  Haslam, Nicky, 87, 143

  Heald, Tim, 200

  Healey, Denis, 251

  Heap, Anthony, 47

  Heath, Edward, 239; and Harold Macmillan’s succession as Prime Minister, 38–40; European sympathies, 41, 231–3; fails to succeed Macmillan, 123–4; on royal finances, 171–2; premiership of, 227, 231–9

  Heinemann, William, 75

  Heseltine, William ‘Bill’, 170, 173

  Hicks, Lady Pamela, 175

  Highclere Castle, 189

  Hitler, Adolf
, 71, 72, 75, 137

  HMS Calypso, 104–5

  HMS Minerva, 227–8, 229

  Hobson, Harold, 34

  Hoggart, Simon, 244

  Homicide Act (1957), 65

  Hood, Stuart, 174

  Horne, Alistair, 125

  Hoyningen-Huene, Oswald von, 72

  Humphrey, Hubert, 249

  Hungary, Soviet invasion (1956), 36

  Hunt, Brigadier Sir John, 30

  Hutchinson, Leslie (‘Hutch’), 54


  Illustrated London News, 119

  International Publishing Corporation (IPC), 180, 181, 185

  Ireland, The Troubles, 234, 251

  Irish Republican Army (IRA), 234

  Israel, 14, 17–18, 237

  ITV, 173

  Ivanov, Yevgeny, 117–18

  Iveagh, Lord, 211


  James, Oliver, 112

  Jay, Antony, 174–5

  Jenkins, Roy, 65, 66

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 148–9


  Kagan, Joseph, 247

  Kaunda, Kenneth, 101

  Keeler, Christine, 117–20, 117

  Kennedy, Jackie (née Bouvier), 9, 94

  Kennedy, John F., 9, 41, 94, 100

  Kensington Palace, 144

  Keppel, Alice, 220

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 97, 140

  King, Cecil Harmsworth, 180–6

  King, Helen, 28

  Kington, Miles, 23–4

  Kinnock, Neil, 64

  Kirby, Vanessa (as Princess Margaret), 54

  kitchen sink drama, 35

  Knatchbull, Amanda, 224, 225, 229

  Knatchbull, Patricia (née Mountbatten), 225, 228


  Labour Party, 130

  Laine, Cleo, 144

  Lascelles, Sir Alan (‘Tommy’), 76, 77, 91, 151–3

  League of Empire Loyalists, 59

  Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 13, 16

  Lewis, Edward, 211

  Lillie, Beatrice, 82

  Linden, Anna, 86

  Lindsay-Hogg, Lucy, 253

  Lisbon, Portugal, 7, 27, 69–72

  Llewellyn, Richard, How Green Was My Valley (1939), 155, 167

  Llewellyn, Roderic ‘Roddy’, 253–4

  Lloyd George, David, 197, 198

  Lloyd George, Gwilym, 65

  Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, 195

  Loesch, Carl von, 68, 69

  Luther King, Martin, 101


  Machin, Arnold, 129, 130

  Maclean, Donald, 135, 136

  Macleod, Iain, 122, 123–4

  Macmillan, Dorothy, 116–18

  Macmillan, Harold: in Anthony Eden’s Cabinet, 37, 39; as Prime Minister, 40–4; ‘You’ve never had it so good’ speech, 41, 121; “wind of change” speech, 93, 94; and the Queen’s visit to Ghana (1961), 95, 97–8; and the Profumo affair, 116–17; resigns as Prime Minister, 120–3, 125; masterminds Douglas-Home’s succession, 125–8

  Mandela, Nelson, 101

  Mansfield, Jayne, 47

  Mantel, Hilary, 5–6

  Marburg File, 69, 76

  Margaret, Princess: ‘Chips’ Channon on, 45–6; relationship with Peter Townsend, 46; and the ‘Margaret Set,’ 47–9, 54; engagement to Billy Wallace, 49–51; friendships with jazz musicians, 53–4; meets Anthony Armstrong-Jones, 54, 87, 88–90; portrait by Stephen Ward, 119; marriage to Armstrong-Jones, 143–7; visit to New York (1965), 147, 150; ‘problem of,’ 150–3; separation from Lord Snowdon, 253–4

  Marina, Princess of Kent, 119

  Markle, Meghan, 53

  Marlborough, John Spencer-Churchill, 11th Duke (‘Sunny’ Blandford), 48

  Marsh, Richard, 165

  Marten, Sir Henry, 57

  Mary, Queen, 70

  Mass Observation Project, 47

  Matthews, Stanley, 29

  Maudling, Reginald, 123–4, 234

  Meet the Press (US TV programme), 172

  Melly, George, 51

  Merthyr Vale Colliery, 162–3

  Messel, Oliver, 81, 82, 86

  MI5, 135, 135n, 138–9, 246

  MI6, 135, 135n

  Mikoyan, Anastas, 140

  Milford Haven, George Mountbatten, 2nd Marquess, 106

  Miller, Jonathan, 115

  Milligan, Spike, 144, 222

  Millward, Edward ‘Tedi,’ 199–202

  Millward, Llio, 200

  Milton Keynes, 133

  Molotov, Vyacheslav, 69, 140

  Monckton, Walter, 76, 123

  Montagu, Judy, 147

  Moon landing (1969), 212–15

  Moore, Dudley, 51, 115, 144

  Mossad, 246

  Moulichon, Jeanne-Marguerite, 72

  Mountbatten, Edwina, Countess

  Mountbatten of Burma, 54

  Mountbatten, Louis (‘Dickie’), 1st Earl Mountbatten, 181; on the Suez Crisis, 18; and the Thursday Club, 23–4; and Prince Philip, 106, 114, 206; involvement with ‘Kinnerton Street conspirators,’ 179–86; and Charles’ relationship with Camilla Shand, 224, 226, 228–9

  Mountbatten-Windsor, Archie, 53

  Moynihan, John, 90

  Muggeridge, Malcolm, 55–6, 169

  Munich Agreement, 14

  Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act 1965, 65


  Nahum, Stirling Henry ‘Baron,’ 24, 25–6, 84, 119

  Napier, Lord, 254

  NASA, 214

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 9, 13–14, 16–17, 95, 97

  National and English Review, 56, 66

  National Campaign for the Abolition of Capital Punishment (NCACP), 65

  National Coal Board (NCB), 163–6

  National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), 235, 236

  Nazi-Soviet Pact, 69

  Nechells, Birmingham, 236

  New Republic, The (magazine), 137

  New Statesman, 56, 174

  News of the World, 254

  Nicolson, Harold, 91

  Niven, David, 23

  Nixon, Richard, 36, 174, 247

  Nkrumah, Fathia, 95, 99

  Nkrumah, Kwame, 52, 95–9, 99

  Norfolk, Duke of, 196

  Norway, 73

  Notting Hill riots (1958), 51–2

  Nutting, Anthony, 17

  Nyerere, Julius, 101


  OAPEC (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries), 237, 251

  O’Hair, Madalyn Murray, 214

  oil crisis (1973), 237, 251

  Olivier, Laurence, 86

  Olympic Games, Melbourne, 7, 12, 22

  Osborne, John: The Entertainer, 35–6, 86; Look Back in Anger, 29, 33–5

  Oswald, Michael, 191

  Otto, King of Greece, 104

  Outward Bound scheme, 30

  Owen, David, 101


  Palmer, Alix, 158

  Pangalos, General, 105

  Pantglas Junior School, 155–8

  Parker, Eileen, 10, 25

  Parker, Michael, Commander, 10–11, 12, 23, 24, 112, 176, 206

  Parker Bowles, Andrew, 222–3, 225–6, 228–30

  Parr, Tom, 86, 89

  Payne, David, My Life with Princess Margaret (1961), 46, 47–8

  Pearson, Lester, 248

  Peerage Act (1963), 62, 63–4, 124

  Percy, Lady Caroline, 222

  Perez, Shimon, 17

  Philby, Kim, 135–7, 138

  Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 109; background and family, 103–8; childhood, 205–7; relationship with his mother, 176–8; and the Thursday Club, 24; speculation over marriage, 7–11, 25–6; tour of the British Commonwealth (1957), 7–8, 22–3; given title of Prince of the United Kingdom, 27–8; appeal for London’s boys’ clubs, 29–30; Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, 30–1; on Queen’s visit to Ghana (1961), 99; and the Profumo affair, 119–20; on Princess Margaret, 150–3; visits Aberfan (1966), 160; on royal expenditure, 172; attitude to religion, 208–12; car accident (2019), 21

  Phillips, Captain Mark, 223, 229, 240
  Pimlott, Ben, 96, 127–8, 231

  Pincher, Chapman, 245

  Pirie, Gordon, 29

  Plaid Cymru, 196, 199, 203

  Poetry Society, 243

  Pompidou, Georges, 232, 233

  Porchester, Henry Herbert, Lord (later 17th Earl of Carnarvon), 189–91

  Portugal, 8, 27

  Powell, Enoch, 52

  Premium Bonds, 38

  ‘Princess Margaret Set’, 47–9, 54

  Private Eye (magazine), 103, 116, 141, 247, 255

  Profumo, John, 117–18, 121, 231

  Profumo affair (1963), 117–20

  Punch, 23, 56


  Quaglino’s (restaurant), 54

  Queen, The (film, 2006), 3–4, 9

  Quisling, Vidkun, 73


  Rachman, Peter, 119

  Racing Post, 189

  Raft, George, 54

  Ramsay, Michael, Archbishop of Canterbury, 42–3, 209

  Rayne, Max, 211

  Reynolds News, 60

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 69, 71–2

  Rice-Davies, Mandy, 118

  Richardson, Sir John, 126

  Riordan, Jim, 136

  Robens, Lord Alfred, 163–5

  rock’n’roll, 28

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 137

  Rosse, Anne (formerly Armstrong-Jones, formerly Messel), 80–1, 82

  Rosse, Michael Parsons, 6th Earl of, 81

  Rowse, A. L., 47

  Royal Court Theatre, 33–5

  Royal Family (TV documentary), 173–5

  royal finances, 171–2, 240

  Royal Lodge, Windsor, 147

  Russell, Ken, 51


  Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 5th Marquess, 38, 39–40, 122

  Sandringham, Norfolk, 36, 37, 77, 240–1

  Sandys, Duncan, 97

  Santa Cruz, Lucia, 219–20

  Schloss Salem, Bavaria, 108, 207

  Schmidt, Paul, 69

  Secombe, Harry, 222

  Sellers, Peter, 144, 222

  Sèvres Protocol, 17, 20

  Shand, Major Bruce, 220, 224, 228

  Sherrin, Ned, 116

  Short, Edward, 247

  Silver Jubilee (1977), 243–4, 253, 254–6

  Silverman, Sydney, 65

  Skinner, Dennis, 235

  Smith, Ian, 134, 247, 251

  Snowdon, Anthony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of, 85; background and childhood, 79–83; meets Princess Margaret, 51, 54; photography, 83–6; sexuality, 86–8; marriage to Princess Margaret, 143–4, 146–7; successful career, 145–6; ennobled by the Queen, 146; visit to New York (1965), 147, 150; response to Aberfan disaster, 159–60; designs outfit for Prince Charles’ investiture as Prince of Wales, 198; relationship with Lucy Lindsay-Hogg, 253; separation from Princess Margaret, 253–4; campaigning work for the disabled, 82

  Snowdon, David Armstrong-Jones, 2nd Earl, 144

  South Africa, 93, 100, 101, 232, 246, 251

  Soviet Union, 17, 36, 95, 97, 135, 139


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