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The Crown

Page 28

by Robert Lacey

  spy scandal (1960s), 134–9

  SS Mabel Ryan, 25

  St George’s House, Windsor, 209–11, 213

  Stevens, Jocelyn, 50, 83, 84, 89

  Stohrer, Eberhard von, 73, 74

  Straight, Michael, 136–7

  strikes (1970s), 235–6, 251

  Suez Crisis (1956), 9, 12–14, 16–20, 36–7, 95

  ‘Swinging Sixties’, 44, 169


  Talbot, Gerald, 105

  Taylor, E. P., 50

  Taylor, Louise, 50

  Teddy Boys, 28–30, 43

  Tennant, Colin (later Baron Glenconner), 48, 54 That Was the Week That Was (TV programme), 42, 116

  Thatcher, Margaret, 138–9

  Theodora, Princess of Greece, 105, 106, 108, 205

  Thomas, George, 203

  Thorpe, David, 15, 40

  Thorpe, Jeremy, 239

  Three-Day week (1973), 238–9

  Thursday Club, 10, 23–5, 119

  Toms, Carl, 86

  Townsend, Peter, 46

  Trollope, Anthony, 42

  Trudeau, Pierre, 233

  Tynan, Kenneth, 34–5

  Tyson, Frank ‘Typhoon’, 29


  Ulanova, Galina, 9–10, 11, 11

  United Nations, 17, 237


  Vesey, Susan, Viscountess de Vesci (née Armstrong-Jones), 80, 83

  Victoria, Princess of Hesse and by Rhine, 205

  Victoria, Queen, 104, 152, 153

  Vietnam War, 149


  Wales: Aberfan disaster (1966), 155–67; Charles’ investiture as Prince of Wales, 197–204; devolution, 204; Welsh Nationalism, 195–6, 199–204

  Wallace, William Euan (‘Billy’), 49–51

  Walton, William, 232

  Ward, Gina, 88, 90

  Ward, Stephen, 118–20, 121

  Warwick, Christopher, 49, 87, 90

  Watson, Marvin, 148

  Wellesley, Lady Jane, 241

  Welsh language, 199–200

  Wheeler’s Restaurant, 24, 25

  Williams, Jim, 161

  Williams, Marcia, 160, 184, 247

  Williams, Nansi, 157

  Wilmanns, Professor Karl, 205–6

  Wilson, Christopher, 222

  Wilson, Harold: on Rab Butler, 38; as Prime Minister, 130–1, 148–9, 170–1; suspicions of spying for the Soviet Union, 139–42, 245–6; relationship with the Queen, 132–4, 148; and the Aberfan disaster, 159, 162; Cecil King’s attack on, 180–6; and the investiture of the Prince of Wales, 196; resumption of power (1974), 239, 244–5; burglaries of personal papers, 246–7; mental decline, 248–51; resignation (1976), 251–3, 254

  Windrush (ship) see Empire Windrush (ship)

  Windsor, Duchess of (formerly Wallis Simpson), 26, 67–72, 71–2

  Windsor, Edward, Duke of (formerly Edward VIII): investiture as Prince of Wales, 197–8; Nazi sympathies, 67–77; Prince Charles’ correspondence with, 224–5

  Windsor Castle, 45

  Woods, Robin, Dean of Windsor, 209, 211, 213

  Wright, Peter, 245–6, 253

  Wyatt, Woodrow, 236

  Wyndham, Francis, 81, 89


  Yad Vashem (Holocaust Memorial, Jerusalem), 177

  Yom Kippur War (1973), 237

  Young, B. A., 57


  Ziegler, Philip, 186

  Zuckerman, Sir Solomon ‘Solly’, 182, 183, 186


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