My Christmas, My Crooked Bend: Men of Crooked Bend Book 6

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My Christmas, My Crooked Bend: Men of Crooked Bend Book 6 Page 3

by Taylor Rylan

  “Okay. Did he reschedule?”

  “Nope. He canceled the entire contract. I’ve never been happier to see a customer leave.”

  “Wait, did he say why?”

  “No, but I really don’t care. I don’t have to deal with him anymore though. You know it’s in the agreement that we keep the deposit once blueprints have been offered. I’d been working on the third set, but now they’re not needed.”

  Sean quickly devoured his first slice of pizza, and I did the same. Our very first date was pizza at Sean’s place in Crooked Bend. That night…yeah, I’d never forget it.

  “So, no more client from hell?”

  “Not until the next one, no. But for now, I’m working on already open contracts. That means no more late nights in the office.”

  “Baby, that’s great, but you know I don’t mind when you work late. Hell, I work for days at a time during birthing season.” I picked up my beer and took another swig, happy and content to be here like this with Sean.

  “I know, and you know I understand how important it is to you all. Besides, I like it when you come home still wearing your chaps. They’re sexy.” Sean gave me a heated look, which was a bit surprising after last night. Unless…

  “Baby, if you keep looking at me like that, we’re going to end up in bed instead of eating.”

  “Fine. Later?”

  “Do you really have to ask? You know I’ll never say no to you.” I leaned in for another quick kiss before sitting up and turning back to my dinner.

  “Anything else happening at work?”

  “Not really. Jasper and Liam are spending New Year’s at their lodge, Collin and Dalton are going to California to spend the holidays with Collin’s family, and that’s about it.”

  “Sounds fun. Your dads still coming here? I mean, all three of you are here so…”

  “Last I heard. I haven’t talked to them in a couple of days, but it’s easier for them to come to us instead of all of us going to California.” Sean went back to eating, and we both quickly cleaned our plates. I got up and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, holding it up to Sean, who nodded, so I pulled a second one before going back and standing on the other side of the counter.

  “How was your day? You said you were trying to get ahead? Is there a lot of paperwork or something?”

  “Yeah. Because the ranch doesn’t shut down over the holidays, I’m trying to get things sorted and submitted and hopefully I’ll get more than a few days off in a row. It’s trying at times, but I wouldn’t trade it for the inside of a courtroom on a daily basis.” Sean nodded, and after I took a long drink of water, I set the bottle down on the counter and simply stared at my husband.


  “I’m not quite sure how to say this. It’s something I’ve been thinking about since yesterday, and I’m still trying to figure things out.”

  “Is it bad?”

  “No. At least, I don’t think so. But if it’s way off, I’m going to punch Jasper in the nose.” That caused Sean to laugh, which brought a smile to my face. I’d never get tired of hearing that sound. Ever.

  “So not bad. But…difficult?”

  “More like complex. How about we go sit on the couch and I’ll tell you what’s on my mind?”

  “Hmm, sounds good.”

  I picked up the plates, and after placing them in the sink, I turned to follow Sean to the den. The cats were both curled up in front of the fireplace asleep, and I glanced around, thinking. We’d definitely have to make some more adjustments if we became parents. Our house was not overly child-friendly.

  Sean smiled at me as I sat down on the couch. Once I was leaning back against the arm, he cuddled up on my chest, one of our favorite positions.

  “What’s going on? You have me worried.”

  “I never meant for that. But I was talking to Jasper yesterday and he mentioned something.”

  “Am I going to want to break his nose?”

  I chuckled as I placed a gentle kiss on Sean’s forehead. “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “Baby, tell me something. Are you finally ready to start our family?”

  Sean — 4

  My heart was beating a million miles an hour. That, of course, was after it started working again. How did Jasper know? I hadn’t said anything to anyone. Not even Simon, and he would unquestionably be the first I said anything to.



  “Are you?”

  “Simon, I…” I sat up and looked into the brown eyes I loved so much. How did I ever get so lucky? He’d been nothing but loving, patient, and understanding while I figured things out.

  “Baby, it’s okay. I’ve already told you that if it happens, great. If not, I’m okay with just you.”

  “I want a baby. I want your baby,” I told Simon. My eyes were quickly filling, and my view was becoming distorted. That wasn’t exactly what I wanted. No, I wanted to see my husband clearly.

  “Baby, why didn’t you say something to me?” Simon asked as he pulled me back down onto his chest.

  “I didn’t know how. I started looking into adoptions and everything, but I think we’ll have better luck with a surrogate,” I mumbled into Simon’s chest. I should have known, but I guess I didn’t realize that it could take years to adopt. It could also take just as long, if not longer, to have a baby through surrogacy, but it seemed like the better option for us.

  “You want to hear something funny?”

  “Sure.” I pulled back a bit and looked at Simon and smiled. Funny would be good. Because right now, I was on pins and needles.

  “I came to the same conclusion. I spent the better part of today calling adoption agencies, and I agree: we’ll have a better, and quicker, experience with a surrogate. Well, hopefully.”

  I smiled at Simon, my eyes filling with tears again. “So, we’re going to do this? We’re going to look into having a baby?”

  “I’d say more than that,” Simon said as he smiled at me while running his fingers through my hair. “Baby, we’re not going to just look into it. If you’re ready, we’re going to have a baby. You know I was simply waiting for you to be ready. If you’re there, then we’re doing this.”

  Simon wrapped a hand behind my head and slowly pulled my mouth to his. He didn’t have to ask; I was always willing, and I met his kiss with an eagerness of my own. When I gently swiped his lips with my tongue, he opened his mouth and our tongues met in a familiar dance that we’d done so many times before. In no time, our kiss became urgent, and we both had a need that wouldn’t be fulfilled any other way except us both naked and in bed.

  “Baby. Let’s go to bed.” Thankfully, Simon was able to put my exact thoughts into words. I nodded before responding.

  “So long as we’re not going to sleep. I owe you some payback for last night.” And I did. I loved every second of it when Simon pegged my prostate with his Prince Albert, but damn, my ass was still a little tender. Perhaps we should have used a little more lube?

  “How so? You’re the one who issued the challenge. I just used whatever means necessary to make sure I won,” Simon said as he nudged my shoulder and got up off the couch after I sat up.

  “True, but you cheated. And all day my ass has been sore.” But it was a wonderful feeling. Although, I wasn’t going to share that with him. He didn’t need to be reminded how much I loved it when he made sure I felt it the next day.

  “Well then, I guess it’s your turn to make mine match.” Simon tugged on my hand, and I quickly climbed off the couch and followed. I’d been thinking about all the things I was going to do to him all afternoon, and now it was certainly time to try some of them out.

  “Wait,” I said as I gave Simon’s hand a gentle tug to stop him. He turned and gave me a confused look.

  “Have you changed your mind?”

  “No. Your ass is definitely mine tonight. But what are we going to do when we have kids? We won’t be able to just run upst
airs and spend hours together like we do now.”

  “True. But all parents have to adjust. We’re going to be no different. We’ll do what I’m sure Isaac and Jacob do: wait for nap or bedtime. And maybe we’ll get really good at quick blowjobs or something. Does it really matter though?”

  I pushed Simon against the hallway wall and growled at him. “I know you’re not implying that we’re not already good at blowjobs,” I teased as I skipped Simon’s waiting mouth, instead going directly for his scruffy jaw and giving it a gentle suck, quickly followed by a not so gentle nibble.

  “Mmm. Huh?” Simon moaned as he tipped his head up, giving me better access to his neck.

  I chuckled but continued my downward path where I nipped and sucked my way to the opening of Simon’s shirt. Hmm, buttons. My hubby looked sexy as fuck in his button-down shirts, but damn they could be a pain when it came to getting out of them in a hurry. I already knew there was no way I was getting those little fuckers undone without using fingers, so, much to Simon’s displeasure, I pulled away and looked at my husband.

  “Why did you stop? It was getting to the good parts.”

  “Yep, and it’s about to get better. Upstairs with you!” I said with a somewhat straight face while pointing toward the stairs. Simon smiled as he took off to our bedroom, me hot on his behind. It was such a nice view, and it was only going to get better just as soon as I got him out of those jeans that hugged his ass perfectly.

  By the time we reached the bedroom, Simon already had his shirt unbuttoned for me, and it hit the floor somewhere beside the bed, along with my sweater. Next were our jeans, briefs, and socks. When we were both naked, I gave Simon a playful shove, and he hit the bed with a bounce and laugh. I held up one finger as I thought of something.

  “Whaaaa? Again? It was getting good.”

  I dashed to the bathroom and took a towel from the linen closet, tossing it at Simon when I returned.

  “Smart thinking. I didn’t plan well enough last night. Now, you mentioned something about how my ass was going to be sore?”

  I smirked at my husband as I tossed the cock ring, vibrating butt plug, and the bottle of lube toward him.

  “I thought you said you were still sore?”

  “I am. Why?” Simon held up the blue butt plug, causing me to laugh. “Who said I’m the one wearing it?” I know I had a mischievous look on my face; I was purposely putting it there. It worked because Simon’s eyebrows disappeared under his bangs, and he tried to crawl away. Yeah, it didn’t work because he quickly found himself pinned under me. Only we both knew he was only pinned because he allowed it.

  “You wouldn’t, right?”

  “Relax. I’d never hurt you. I actually pulled it out simply to see what your reaction would be. I’m still too tender to wear it, but there’s nothing that says I can’t turn it on and tickle your cock with it while I’m pounding into you.” I found Simon’s nipple rings and gave one a gentle tug, then the other, causing him to groan while grabbing my hair. There he was. That was the man I married.

  “Stop teasing.”

  “No. It’s called foreplay and it’s fun.”

  “I don’t need foreplay. I need your cock.” Simon gave my hair a gentle tug, and I obliged by going back to the other nipple and giving it another tug.

  “You know, I think I need to get you some more sex toys for Christmas.”

  “You’re telling me there isn’t something kinky under the tree downstairs already?”

  “Hmm, might be. I was simply stating.”

  “I will never complain about kinky toys, but right now, I really want you to put that lube to use.”

  “Pushy. You know, that’s one of the things I love about you so much,” I said as I licked my way down Simon’s abs, stopping long enough to trace the tattoo he’d added to his ribs since we’d gotten married.

  “Baby, I can’t help it where you’re concerned. I want you. All. The. Time.”

  “Well, that’s probably a good thing since I feel the same. Now, shush. You’re distracting me, and if you keep it up, I’m going to lose my erection.”

  Simon’s snort caused me to bust out laughing. I was surprised I made it as far as I had, but I absolutely loved this side of us. We loved each other fiercely, but we still had fun. That made us work.

  An hour later, we were both a sweaty, sticky mess and in need of a shower, but I couldn’t move just yet. I lay on the bed, panting, next to Simon.

  “You know, I was actually thinking about taking Two Shoes for a ride tomorrow, but I might have to wait a day or two.”

  I turned my head and smirked at my husband. “Well, I guess you know how I felt today, then. Do you realize how uncomfortable it can be to sit on a drafting stool when your ass is sore?”

  “Shit, I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t even think of that.”

  I laughed because Simon—damn I loved him—seemed like he was seriously concerned. “We’ve been together how long? Don’t tell me you’re just now worried about my sore ass.”

  Simon snorted before answering. “Hell no. But you have to admit, it sounded good. And you’re the one who prefers to bottom still. I’ll gladly give up my ass for you anytime, baby.”

  “I know, and I love you for it. We need to shower, but my legs aren’t working yet.” I rubbed at the rapidly drying come on my stomach that had started to itch. Yeah, no. Not fun.

  “I agree. At least we remembered the towel tonight and the bed doesn’t need to be changed.”

  “Yeah, that’s just not fun. Especially when all I want to do when we get out of the shower is cuddle with you. Simon?”

  “Yeah, baby?” Simon looked at me, knowing I was being serious for a moment.

  “Things are going to change.”

  “Yes, they are. You okay with that?” Simon stared at me intently, but I felt at peace about everything. This is what I wanted, more than anything.

  “Yeah. I want a family with you. I already know you’re going to be a great dad.”

  Simon rolled toward me and cupped my face with one hand.

  “So are you. You don’t seem to realize it, but you have so much to give. You’re going to be wonderful at this. No matter what though, I’ll still be here beside you. Yeah, things will change, but I’d like to believe they were going to change anyway. We’re growing as a couple, even without adding to our family.”

  “Hmm, you’re so smart. I should marry you.”

  “Yes, you should,” Simon replied as he leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss.

  “Promise me one thing.”


  “That we don’t lose us. I really do want children with you, but not if it means we lose us along the way.” It would feel as if I’d lost half of my soul if I lost Simon, for any reason.

  “I promise, just as I promised to love you until I take my last breath. It’s never going to happen anyway. We have a great support system here. My parents, brothers, and cousins. Your brothers and their husbands. We’ll be okay. We just have to make sure we ask for help when we need it.”

  I nodded, content with Simon’s answer. He was right though. We did. I wished my dads were closer, but they flew in and visited several times a year. Both of my brothers were here, and even though I could never see Jasper as having kids of his own, that didn’t mean he wasn’t good with them. I’d seen him with Mack, and he was an amazing “uncle.”

  “How about a shower now, and then we can watch a movie? Christmas is next week, and neither one of us has watched Die Hard yet.”

  I know my eyes got huge at Simon’s suggestion, but he was right again. And Die Hard was one of my favorite Christmas movies, so it was hard to believe I hadn’t watched it yet with Christmas only days away.

  “I see you like that idea. Come on—shower first though.” Simon rolled out of bed, taking his body heat with him. I simply stayed where I was, staring at his body. I knew every inch of it, intimately, but I still wanted to explore it again and again.

  When he disappea
red into the bathroom, I groaned and rolled out of the bed on my side, grabbing the messy towel before I followed. Once we were clean and dressed in sweats and long-sleeved T-shirts, we cuddled in bed, watching the movie.

  After Simon had gotten tired of us waking up on the couch with stiff and sore necks, he finally agreed to putting a TV in the bedroom. We still dozed off, but now it was in bed and we hadn’t woken up unable to move, yet.

  The weeks of long hours and stress must have caught up with me because I only made it to John bitching to Holly on the phone and getting on the plane.

  Jasper & Liam

  Jasper — 1

  My little imp was in for a big surprise this year. We were booked at our room in the ski lodge in Jackson, but that wasn’t all I had planned for him. I loved Liam more now than I did when I first saw him. The first time my eyes met his scared ones, I fell instantly and I knew I’d do anything to never see that look in his eyes again.

  No, this year he was getting a trip to Greece. Santorini to be exact. Only we weren’t going until February. I was so proud of him, and he’d worked hard to release five books this year. But he needed a break, and two weeks away from his laptop wouldn’t kill him, or throw off his release schedule.

  Collin was okay with covering for me, and I planned on doing the same for him in May when he and Dalton went away for a couple of weeks. We were looking into hiring at least two junior architects, and thank fuck Molly had agreed to come back after an extended maternity leave. Of course, she was bringing her little one with her, something we all agreed was okay in our book.

  “Hey, did you hear back from Dad yet?” Sean asked as he stuck his head in the doorway. I thought about it, and no, I hadn’t, which was odd. “Yeah, see, you too. That’s not like him,” Sean continued as he pointed at me.

  “No, it’s not. Maybe he and Papa got caught up with work or something.” I shrugged, hoping that was the case.

  “You know, instead of wondering, one of you two could just call them,” Collin said as he walked into my office. Sean and I looked at him like he was crazy or something. But hell, he had a valid point. I picked up my phone to do that, but Collin stopped me. “First tell me if either of you want lunch. I’m calling in an order to the diner. They aren’t busy yet and by the time I walk down the block, they should have the order ready.”


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