Prince Charming (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 9)

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Prince Charming (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 9) Page 23

by V. Theia

  He smiled. “I grabbed the bags, darlin’. Ready to get going?”

  “Oh, yes. Da, thank you. Tag, this is Galina. Galina, I told you all about my friend.”

  Galina, a woman in her early sixties, all but blushed when Tag grinned his Prince Charming grin and shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

  “Oh, my.” Galina exclaimed in Russian. It broke some tension within Marianna, and she broke into ridiculous chuckles.

  The reaction to Tag was completely understood. He often swept the breath out of her too with one of his smiles.

  Before she knew it, he’d gone down to his haunches and was smiling at Pasha and Lily. “Hey there, I’m Luke, but everyone calls me Tag. Can you say Tag?”

  Both of them hid behind her legs. Tag chuckled. “That’s alright, kiddos,” then he addressed Pasha, “wanna help me push the cart?”

  Marianna translated and saw the first spark of interest in Pasha. His eyes widened looking at Tag who was now standing behind the luggage trolley.

  “Oh, my.” Galina remarked again, starry-eyed.

  If she wasn’t careful, she might have competition for Tag’s affection.

  It was halfway out of the airport, Lily divulging every moment of the plane ride and what she’d eaten, that Marianna saw Pasha let go of Galina’s hand and sidle up to Tag’s jean clad leg. Tag slowed and let Pasha’s hands grab onto the back of the trolley, pushing with all his little might.

  “Thanks, kiddo, I needed the help.” She was sure she saw her little man puff out his chest.

  Once everyone was bundled into coats, the luggage stored away, and the kids strapped into the new car seats within Tag’s truck – his thoughtful idea – she stopped him before he could open the door for her. “I can’t thank you enough, Luke. What you’ve done for us… I can’t… I don’t have the words of gratitude.”

  “Are you happy?” He questioned, touching her chin with two fingers. It spiked her heart into overdrive.

  “Yes, so much.”

  “Then that’s all the thanks I need.”

  An emotion like nothing she’d felt before filled her chest, seeing genuine pleasure on his face.

  He was happy because she was. For Tag, it was that simple.

  She loved him.

  Oh, how she loved this man.

  “Luke.” The words almost tumbled out of her mouth right there in the parking lot until the moment was lost when Lily shrieked her name.

  “Duty calls,” he dropped a quick kiss to her forehead. “Let’s get you home, Anna.”

  Home, she thought.

  Finally, she had a home.

  Hopefully, it would include Tag too.

  If that’s what he wanted.


  “When life gets in the way. A wonderful, amazing life.” – Marianna

  Pasha hated his bedroom.

  His bed, the color, the windows, and toys.

  Lily hated the food she cooked, refusing everything but cookies.

  Galina was enamored with American daytime TV.

  Despite the knocks, Marianna was in heaven.

  The first two days had been an adjustment period for everyone. Being an active mom again had fallen back into place as though there had been no time between. Thank god for Galina, who, when the children turned to her naturally, she deferred them to Marianna.

  “Are you sure you want me here?” Galina asked late last night once they’d bathed and put the children to bed.

  Marianna frowned at her ridiculous question. “I love you. Of course I want you here. If you want to be here.”


  And that was that. They grinned at each other, then poured two really big glasses of wine. Marianna spoke to Tag later that night when she climbed into bed, missing him there. They talked only moments before she fell asleep.

  He’d dropped them off at home after the airport, telling her quietly he’d give her space with her family. She hadn’t known then what he meant.

  Two days of settling in turned into three and five and now seven.

  And she was wondering if Tag’s space meant more than he’d stated.

  She was to return to work tomorrow, and she was nervous about seeing him. He checked in nightly, asking how the kids were adjusting.

  Selfishly, Marianna didn’t want their phone calls to be about that.

  She wanted to talk about where their feelings were headed.

  She wanted to tell him she missed him so much, missed his laughter and the endless patience he had. She missed his arms and his chest and the soft drugging way he kissed her. She missed his hard body and how he used every solid inch of it expertly in aid of her pleasure. She missed cooking for him and making sure he wore something warm on his long runs. She missed curling up on the sofa next to him while he bitched through one of her TV shows, but secretly enjoyed too.

  She missed being on his bike.

  She missed him watching her dance because his eyes would turn dark and smoky with lust.

  His lust.

  She missed that most of all.

  He was never apologetic for how much he wanted her.

  Did he still want her, or had he chosen a much easier option?

  Someone like Sofia.

  Their night time talks continued, but they became… more strained and shorter.

  Most nights there was lots of noise in the background. “I’m at the club, darlin’.” He informed. The club where she knew women hung out for the specific reason of hooking up with a biker.

  There was zero reason to mistrust him.

  They hadn’t declared to be each other’s.

  Not with words.

  But they’d said plenty with actions, with their bodies.

  Perhaps Tag thought she was the one who didn’t want him.

  She’d all but abandoned him from the airport, not inviting him in. God, how unforgivable?

  She hadn’t invited him over for dinner since either. Stupid Marianna.

  He probably thought she didn’t care.

  Or worse, she’d used him.

  It wasn’t as though she was keeping him a secret.

  That first night, she told Galina everything.

  The Tag chapters most of all.

  “It’s like a romantic movie, Marianna.” Galina had exclaimed.

  She mentioned Tag’s name in daily conversations. The meals he liked or the movies they’d watched. Speaking about him in every conversation. And he didn’t know it because she was too scared to tell him she missed him, for fear he didn’t return the sentiment.

  She missed him dreadfully.

  Her life wasn’t either or.

  She could have both.

  She would work hard to have both, she decided.

  But first, she needed to find out if this was the life he wanted too.

  That night, after a hot shower and an even hotter fantasy about Tag which led to a swift, much needed release, she curled up on the couch to call him.

  It rang four times and then connected to a voicemail box.

  He’s busy. She told herself. Probably busy with his boys.

  But what if he wasn’t busy with his boys?

  What if he was busy with someone else?

  As ludicrous as a thought could be, it settled like cement in her stomach and festered a little that night.

  A lot.

  It festered a lot.

  * * *

  Across town in the clubhouse, Tag was about to lose his shit.

  His back to the bar, he tuned out Jed behind him.

  Tag was watching Arson.

  Sitting on one of the leather couches, the music loud enough to deafen, legs sprawled out in front. He had two women sitting either side of him. One had her leg leveraged over his thigh and she was nibbling on Arson’s neck.

  Tag wasn’t paying attention to the women, didn’t care if his buddy were about to have a pay-per-view orgy.

  It was the half bottle of Jack in Arson’s hand that bothered Tag.

sp; “He’s been at it a while.” Jed said from behind him, “tried to get the boy to go home. Rider and Preacher tried too. He said he was fine.”

  “I’ll sort it.” Tag all but growled through his teeth. He pushed off from the bar, swerved the table where Krusher was playing dominoes and he prowled over to his drunk buddy.

  They got newcomers through the doors all the time. He didn’t care who the women were when he snapped his fingers and garnered their attention. “Make yourself scarce, ladies.”

  “Aww.” They chirped together.

  “Come to join us, brother?” Smirked Arson, toasting him. It was only recently Tag realized how well, and how long, Arson hid being drunk so often. Tag grew up around alcoholics, should have seen the signs sooner. “I’m sure the girls wouldn’t mind, would you? You want a piece of the Champ? Don’t tell his woman, though.”

  “Get gone.” He told them again. They climbed to their feet and sashayed over to the bar.

  “You took my snack away, Tag.”

  “What in the fuck are you doing? Thought you had your shit together?”

  “Yeah, well.” Arson grinned, rubbing a hand over his t-shirt covered belly. “I got bored and needed some fun.”

  “Fun. You call being this smashed fun. Being this smashed every day is fun for you.” He didn’t pose it as questions. “Get the fuck up, brother.”

  “Nah, me and the girls… where’d they go? We’re gonna have a party.”

  “Your party days are over.” He replied and bodily dragged Arson to his feet. It said as much how long he’d been drinking for that day that he didn’t protest.

  Getting Arson home didn’t take long, nor did pouring him into his bed. He left a trash can on the floor and a bottle of water on the nightstand. “When are you gonna stop this shit, buddy?” He murmured. Arson didn’t answer, he was already knocking out the snores.

  Wandering through the apartment, he checked cabinets, the pantry, the fridge and anywhere else he thought Arson might store booze. Didn’t matter if it pissed his friend off, he was about to pour that shit down the drain.

  But the surprise was, he didn’t find one bottle. Not one beer in the fridge. There were no empties in the trash either.

  For a drunk, he was a controlled one if he wasn’t drinking at home. Making sure there was food in the fridge for when Arson woke up, and then he took off. Only when he was in his truck did he notice the two missed calls from Marianna.


  He’d been giving her time with her family all the while he craved for her.

  The nightly phone calls weren’t cutting it.

  His truck headed that way.

  It was well after 2 a.m. by the time he arrived at her apartment. A light was still on and as he stepped out, he hit call on her number.

  Not even sounding sleepy, she answered two rings in. “Luke? Is everything alright?”

  “Come to the door, darlin’. Put on a coat.”

  Snowing a little, he took the stairs two at a time. She was unlocking when he reached the top. Wide eyed and bundled in her coat. He rushed a hand over his hair to knock back snowflakes. Before he could reach for her, she was already flinging herself into his arms, latching on tight.

  And the coils inside Tag, which had a stranglehold on him all week, loosened.

  Fucking hell, he had his girl right here.

  “Luke.” She whispered, her forehead on his shoulder. “I missed you.”

  Ah, thank god.

  With her legs around him, her back met the wall.

  And his lips crashed down on hers.

  God, she tasted good.

  Days and days without her. She tasted so fucking good.

  He could slurp on her forever and still hunger for more.

  Knowing he was on a time limit to get her out of the cold, he kissed hell out of her until she was purring.

  “Are you coming inside?” She asked breathlessly, nuzzling over his face.

  He loved her like this, clinging with need of him.

  Some dark part of Tag would love her being like this every day.

  Turning to him for whatever she craved. God, he’d break his back to provide for her.

  “If I step across that door, darlin’, I’m fucking you. And it won’t be quiet. It won’t be easy. My come would be dripping out of you until next Thursday.”

  She inhaled hard enough it rattled through his chest—and though it was dark; he saw her arousal too.

  He wanted to put her in every position.

  Taste her from behind.

  Feel her clasp his cock until he popped.

  Tag had fucked his hand all week to the thoughts of Marianna climbing all over him, needing him.

  “I miss you.” He shared, cupping her face, he stroked down the apple of her cheek. She looked like a dark-haired angel with snowflakes falling on her. “So fucking much. Don’t want you to think I haven’t, you understand?” Her head bobbed. “Was giving you room to get the kids settled in, didn’t want them wondering who this strange guy was.”

  “I told Galina all about you.”

  “Yeah? Did I get the stamp of approval?”

  Marianna grinned, running her finger over his scar. “Yes.”

  Tag growled, pleased. He wanted her family to like him.

  They kissed until she drew back, panting. He knew he’d have to let her get inside soon. So he tapped her lips again, grinning when she leaned in for more.

  “You’re the woman with too much love inside of you, aren’t you, Anna? I finally figured you out.”

  “Hmm.” Her nose trailed over his as she tightened her legs. She was giving him blue balls, that was for damn sure.

  He bit her chin. Lightly. “But you want to know a secret? I want all that love. That too much love you have bubbling deep in here.” He pressed a hand to her stomach. “It’s mine. I’m the man who can handle it all, this too much love you have to pour out. You don’t have to be afraid. You wanna call too much, stop by my house. You want to be needy for attention or to sit on my lap and watch movies. I’m the right man to handle that need.”

  “Luke.” She breathed. He loved seeing shyness coating her face. She needed to know where he was at. That she didn’t have to always be the strong one if she needed to lean on him, demand of him, ask him for anything she wanted. “I’ve missed this face, baby boy.”

  She nuzzled him. All cute and sweet.

  “Will you come over tomorrow? Have dinner with us.”

  “You want that? It’s a big step. Don’t wanna rush you.” He said. Then added. “But know, I’m ready for that step.”

  “Yes. I am sure.”

  Patience came in many forms.

  One was having dinner with his girlfriend’s kids for the first time.

  Fuck. He hoped he didn’t scare them.


  “We didn’t know we needed a Prince to complete our family.” – Marianna

  Tag wasn’t above bribing two kids into liking him.

  He shoved the toys he’d bought for Pasha and Lily into his bike’s saddlebag and swung a leg over the seat. The engine was thundering to life on main street when a squad car drove by him.

  When it backed up, he knew who it was.

  Eyes rolling, he waited for Sofia, in full officer uniform, to climb out.

  She put extra swing into her hips like she thought he wanted to see that shit. Hair tied back in a bun, she rested her hands on her gun belt.

  “You haven’t been returning my calls, Tag.” There was a simple answer to that. He’d blocked her number.

  In the squad car, he noted her partner was watching them. A weasel shit of a guy Tag had met only the once. The guy couldn’t shoot his way out of a chip bag, let alone protect the city. There was no doubt in his mind, Sofia held the big dick energy in that partnership.

  “How about you stop by my place tonight for dinner? I get off at eight. I’ll grab some wine and that chili steak you like.”

  Cozy. He’d pass.

/>   “We’ve had this convo before, Sofia. I’m bored with saying the same shit. Why don’t you ask soft idiot over there, he looks like he’d pant for you.” He jutted his chin to her squad car. She didn’t spare a glance for her partner.

  “Tag, come on. How long do I have to keep making things right? I told you I fucked up. I know you, you’re not serious about that Russian. You want to keep fucking her? Fine. I’m okay with that.”

  He wasn’t in the business of being cruel to women, but she’d crossed so many fucking lines. Besides that, she was plain irritating at this point.

  “You want me to party more at the clubhouse, we can do that… Just, give me a chance, okay? We were good together.”

  Tag was a Neanderthal for hearing little begging words from his woman’s lips. He’d go to his grave with her sounds ringing in his ears. From Sofia, it was just pathetic and a little sad.

  “Listen, I’ll tell you one last time, it’s not gonna happen. We fucked, and it’s been over a long fucking time. If you’re jealous of Marianna, then that’s something you have to work through on your own. Throwing out threats like you have been doing just makes you ugly, and it’s beneath you.”

  Her scowl said otherwise.

  “Don’t.” He warned darkly. Leaning into the handlebars, he stared at her, “before you spew shit, don’t. I don’t wanna have to deal with your jealous hysterics anymore. You’re gonna climb back into your car, you’ll get on with your life and forget everything. You’ll marry someone like officer bore over there. And if you see me and my woman again, you’re gonna act like a civil fucking person.” She had a facial tick near her right eye that told him she was a second away from blowing her shit up. He once got a gut feeling she’d been on the crooked mayor’s payroll but could never prove it. As erratic as she acted, she’d always been tight-lipped about her job. If she were willing to throw out threats to someone like him, it meant she had backing from someone high on the force.

  Or she really was just that mad.

  “You’ve threatened my woman one too many times. If I have to stop you, I will.”

  Hurt flashed through her eyes. And then her corner lip curled.

  “You’re making a big mistake, Tag. How you gonna feel when she’s tossed on a plane back to Wherethefuckeverski. Yeah, your woman is illegal.”


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