Prince Charming (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 9)

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Prince Charming (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 9) Page 25

by V. Theia

  “I started having sex way too early,” she shared. “I wish I had waited. Not for the right forever person, but someone I felt strongly for, so the sex was good. Because a man has a dick, doesn’t mean he knows how to use it properly.”

  “Amen.” A chant went around the table.

  “Have you met someone?” Inquired Zara. Angela’s dark eyes rose, then shook her head no.

  “I don’t want to be around if Rider finds out,” chuckled Winter, her silvery hair sparkling under the low lighting.

  “Or Lawless.” Added Luxe. “Dios mio.”

  Angela, who had been pleasantly chill up to that point, scowled. She sat poker straight in her seat. “What’s he got to do with what I do?”

  “Well. He’s kind of a dad too, isn’t he?”

  Angela made a visible gagging sound. “He absolutely is not.”

  “I always thought… well.” Winter started, but stopped when Angela glared at her. “Forget I said anything, I’m being stupid. I don’t even have a boyfriend. Mom always told me to wait until it was right.”

  “You’ll know when you want to take that step, Angie. If it’s now, then please be safe.”

  “And have fun.” Roux added. “Sex has to be fun or why bother.”

  Zara gathered the younger girl in for a hug, sharing quiet words together. Angela smiled. “Love you too, Z.”

  When Angela slid out of the booth to go to the bathroom, Zara puffed out a breath. “She was only a little girl five minutes ago. Did I handle it okay?”

  “Yeah, worried little Mama.” Chuckled Gia. “But you know, as pissed off and upset with him as she is, Lawless will go mental if she knocks hips with someone. He’ll sic the boys on the poor college kid. He’ll be dead before his jeans can hit the bedroom floor.”

  “I say we take a sworn spit oath not to mention this to the boys.” Paige, the pink haired one, spoke up. Everyone agreed.

  “Wow, it’s been three whole hours,” Winter declared later. “I didn’t think they’d leave us alone this long.” Marianna didn’t know what they were talking about, but the others agreed. “The boys,” Zara explained, “when we have girls’ night, they most often swing by to see which one of us is the drunkest.”

  “And they pay the tab.” Added Luxe.

  Ah, damn. She was warm inside from having only a couple of wines and was missing Tag. She’d love to see him striding through the door, but the person she saw not long later was very much unwelcome.

  “This looks cozy,” Sofia remarked, addressing everyone. Her cat-like eyes remained on Marianna, “mind if I join you ladies?”

  She attempted to slide into the booth, and Zara stopped her. “Yes, we mind. This is old ladies only.”

  “She’s not an old lady.” Pointing to Marianna, her eyes snapping hate.

  Funny that Marianna didn’t even know this woman, but Sofia held such strong feelings toward her.

  “Yes, she is.” Several of her new friends said and Marianna could kiss them all.

  Getting her children acclimatized, being their mom again, had given her the confidence she’d sorely lacked for months. She met Sofia’s scorned gaze head on. “What is your problem?”

  “You are my problem. They’re Souls old ladies, you have no right to be at this table.”

  “Actually, I do. They are my friends. But what business of yours is it?”

  “Speak clear English, bitch.”

  “Puta!” Snapped Luxe. “What the fuck did you say? Even pregnant I will rip your face off.”

  “You can’t talk to me like that, do you know who I am?”

  “Yeah. A puta. Now get lost.”

  “I was the one who came to club parties.”

  “No,” Zara corrected, “you came to two parties and both times you were a bitch. The way you’re being a bitch now, thinking you’re better than us. You were not and will never be a Souls old lady.”

  Sofia turned red, about to explode her rage all over like confetti. “Tag and I…”

  That’s when Marianna had had enough. She laughed, garnering everyone’s attention. “As bad as my English is, as you say, let me tell you something, Sofia, isn’t it?”

  “Call her Puta,” instructed Luxe. Ha! Marianna liked that girl.

  “Woman to woman, you are…” she turned to Roux, “what did you say earlier, pissing on the wrong dog?”

  Everyone smiled. “Barking up the wrong tree, but I love that analogy, babe.”

  “Ah, yeah. You’re barking up the wrong tree because Tag climbed out of my bed this morning.” it was a slight exaggeration. They hadn’t been in bed together for weeks. God, she missed him. But a point needed to be made. “Stop embarrassing yourself, you do not need to do this.”

  “You fucking bitch!”

  “That’s enough,” Zara interjected, pushing out from the booth, she stood in front of Sofia like an amazon. “This is Souls property, you need to leave now.”

  “I have no beef with you.”

  “Oh, I have plenty with you, sweetie, seeing as you’re talking bad to my girl. Tag’s girl.”

  Gasoline to a naked flame.

  “Don’t.” Warned Zara, blocking the path to Marianna. “Take your crazy ass somewhere else.”

  “You’re making a mistake, Zara. You know what I can do.”

  “And what’s that, officer? I’ll burn every parking ticket you dare give us.”

  Excuse me, who? Marianna was sure she’d heard wrong.

  “My man owns this town. You can’t do jack. Take your bitch-made drama’s somewhere else, we’re not buying your Kool aid.”

  As fast as the spectacle started, it was over.

  Marianna’s mind was still on that one word.


  She hadn’t heard that wrong.

  Why wouldn’t Tag tell her Sofia was a police officer?

  “Dammit, Rider loves when I use his name like that,” Zara scowled all cute. “And she made me curse.”

  “Little badass,” Gia cheered.

  “Is she a police officer?” Marianna had to ask. Feeling dread tug at her insides. “Please tell me I did not mouth off to a person of the law.”

  “Pft. She’s got an ego, but she’s basically a traffic cop, babe, don’t worry. She can’t touch any of us.” It was Roux who filled her in. “She’s tried to throw her weight around with my club and it got her nowhere.”

  It didn’t stop the worry. What if she did something to get her deported?

  It wasn’t until fifty minutes later that Winter chuckled. “Here we go, look alive, ladies. The men have arrived.”

  Sure enough, prowling through the doorway, one after the other, the Renegade Souls bikers made quite the sight.

  Preacher and Grinder were first. Followed by Rider and the one called Reaper. Next was Butcher, Snake and Hawk.

  They all claimed their giddy women.

  Marianna didn’t notice any of the kissing going on, because her eyes tracked Tag all the way through the bar until he reached her. Her heart, so starved for him, clattering loudly.

  She was yanked up into his arms.

  Behind them she heard, “aww, Prince Charming finally got his princess.”

  Marianna, so excited, cupped his stubbled cheeks. “What are you doing here, baby boy?”

  “Missed you.”

  Aw. Always so honest. He deserved nothing but the same back. “I missed you too. Take me outside for a kiss?”

  His growl was sexy as he tucked her into his side. The moment they were outside, he found a nice quiet spot and pushed her into a wall.

  He went in for a kiss like a missile.

  At the last second she turned her face, humming as she told him.

  “I miss the way you make love to my mouth.”

  “Then hand it over. Don’t toy with me.” He flattened his palms on the wall, head lowered between his arms, watching her with hooded eyes.

  His taste, when it flooded into her open mouth, was gasoline to her fire.

  She went up in f
lames. A hydrogen bomb of need. Pawing at his clothes, around his neck, sucking hard on his tongue.

  Strength she didn’t know she had to overpower a champion, she reversed their positions, making him grunt into her lips. “Hungry girl. Gonna give me this mouth?”

  Oh, yes. She knew what he wanted. What she wanted.

  With trembling hands, she unfastened his belt. Lowering the zipper, and with dirty, dizzying thoughts, she freed his swollen length. He was so aroused, already leaking into her palms.

  Tag was so much taller than her, that she didn’t have to drop to her knees. His cock was half crawling up his stomach when she dipped her head and licked him gently. He hissed like she’d shot him. It pumped happy pleasure through her to be the one in control of him.

  Two calloused hands spanned her neck, giving her a squeeze before he grabbed up her hair so he could watch.

  “Go on,” he grunted, “work it out of the cock you own, darlin’.”

  “You’re beautiful.” She purred. Pulling his pants down his thighs, exposing every thick inch of him.

  “Suck me, Anna.”

  Touching her lips to the broad crown, she sipped gently. He groaned, low and rough, his legs shaking under her hands. His breaths became briefer.

  Knowing Tag loved being in control—she loved him in that role too—she expected him to slam into her throat after a few sucks, but he stayed still. Tightening her hair into a fist, he stroked her swallowing throat.

  Hungry and coiled with desire, he allowed her the space to enjoy him.

  “Anna, fuck, baby. I’m about to come. Show me skin, wanna spill on you.” God, how dirty, she thought with excitement pumping through her. She pulled apart her rainbow wrap dress, exposing her braless breasts. His head fell back with a grunt while she jacked him off in her hand, until he groaned to the sky as a warm spray of wetness covered her chest and trickled into her cleavage.

  His voice, bedroom gruff and pure naughtiness, ricocheted through her long after he came.

  He looked younger, happy. Knowing she had a part in that put a teary smile on her face.

  The moment she straightened, he slammed his mouth down on hers, eating the wheeze out of her. “I’m goddamn lucky.” He rasped, going in again, softer this time. His lips owned hers. “Love my woman.”

  Tag turned his attention to her still uncovered chest. It was cold, and she finally felt it. Instead of wiping off his pleasure, he rubbed it in, spreading it like lotion across every exposed inch.

  “You kinky bastard.” she laughed as he pulled her dress back into place.

  “You’re going to smell like me.”

  Marking his territory.

  With a blissful sigh, her legs unsteady, like it was her who’d just come like a rocket; she watched him re-buckle. When his eyes met hers, she deliberately licked her lips. Tag groaned raggedly. “Naughty. Taking you on a date tomorrow, will Galina stay with the kids?”

  “Yes.” She said instantly, excited to have a few hours alone.

  His arm looped around her shoulders, “dinner and a show?”

  “Dinner and a show? What is this meaning?”

  His smirk told her it must be dirty. She loved him. “I mean, I’ll feed you and then I’ll fuck you. Not necessarily in that order.”

  “Oh.” She grinned slowly. “Da. I think I would really enjoy dinner and a show in many orders.”

  A palm tightened around her nape, squeezing softly. “Taking you home, after that little show, I need to fuck my woman.”

  “Am I yours, Luke?”

  “If you were any more mine, you’d be wearing my ink on your skin.”

  Something like heat and love moved through her. She could see herself wearing his name on her body one day.

  “Get to my bike, wicked woman. I got a score to settle. Hope that dick sucking made you wet, got no time for foreplay, I need inside you soon as I close the door.”

  Fine by her.

  She was sopping wet. And impatient.


  “Start the clock. Epic fuck time.” - Tag

  Tag being Prince Charming, carried her into his bedroom and dropped her on the bed.

  Landing on her back with an amused shriek, he followed her down.

  His expression was pure, unrestrained lust. Hands like supercharged static as he pulled on her dress to hike it up her already rising hips.

  Panties slid down her legs and were thrown across the room.

  Tag stripped like a filthy model, letting her ogle all she wanted.

  “Show me how perfectly we fit together.” His timbre scraped as he arranged her legs to straddle his hips.

  She did. Then slammed her lips on his, desperate more than ever.

  They were on a time limit, so she’d make this count.

  He tasted tangy and hot, the spiciest thing she’d ever had on her tongue.

  His chest shuddered, and so did his stomach when she ran her fingers south.

  Although his kisses were softer now. Sleepy and lazy. They drugged Marianna. “I love your mouth,” she panted.

  Reaching up, she touched his face, tracing her thumb along his lower lip. “I want you inside me. I want to keep you inside me.”

  Dropping his head, he kissed her; pressed lips together, skin-to-skin. He was warm, and his shoulders were hard and tensed with muscle when she gripped them.

  The truth of her feelings for him scaled up her throat. Unable to hold them back. “I like you very much, Luke.”

  His grin lit her up.

  She was sensitive when he touched between her legs, messily wet. He slipped two fingers in easily, then one more and she broke the kiss to take a deep, blissful breath.

  “Okay?” Fingers deep-seated, crooking them to the magic place. Her body was singing as she nodded, her forehead to his. “Fuck, my woman is tight. Let’s get you stretched for me.” Hearing him curse brought a giggle to Marianna’s throat. Withdrawing, he switched his fingers for what she really wanted.

  Tag entered her in one liberating stroke. Marianna would swear on her life she saw moons, and long since dead celebrities dancing behind her flickering eyelids. The blazing sensation he caused by rubbing on her walls made moans rush from her lips. She clung to his forearms, tilting her hips, and felt how much deeper he sank inside her.

  She was on top, but was in no doubt how he controlled the levity of the way she rode him.

  The bliss.

  So much bliss.

  She felt herself growing ridiculously wetter. The sweat building on both of them, until skin was sliding, and their bodies were meeting with an audible smack. He pressed his face into her throat and fucked her. Marianna could only cling to him, overjoyed, muddled with pleasure, toes curling into the bed.

  Gaping at the contrasts: the frenzied, impatient thrusts, and the breathy little endearments he grunted into her ear. She gave him her own in Russian, which seemed to turn him wilder. He was coming undone, unraveling, as pleasure-saturated them both.

  The first orgasm slammed and owned her.

  Tag thrust her through it, and then he flipped her off his lap.

  “Hands and knees, Anna.”

  He was so indecent when she flicked her gaze over her shoulder and watched him roll all her wetness down his length.


  Whining, she gasped when he took two handfuls of her ass and split her open. Her forehead dropped to the bed, waiting for him.

  “Fucking beautiful pussy.” She heard before he rammed back inside her and folded down over her back. His mouth found the side of her neck. “Ready to take a good fuck?”

  “Don’t tease me. Give it here, baby boy.”

  “Love my woman,” he chuckled darkly. She felt loved in every thrust. All that love pumped into her, his fingers toying below, sending her reeling again.

  Through the dark, his mouth found hers. She was open and ready to feel his tongue, to have those spine tingly sensations rush through her. She moaned, reaching back, and locked her fingers into Tag’s
hair, yanking when he tried to slow down.

  He spanked her thigh. “Whose show is this, darlin’?”

  “Ours,” she answered, and was rewarded with the deepest, hardest shove. Clenching her inner muscles with each invasion of his length.

  Oh, god. Oh, god. It was happening again.

  Then the galloping came. She moaned as the ripples washed over her, numbing her legs, and carrying her to a place where voices and guilt were no longer part of her makeup.

  The orgasm exploded from an unbound place inside her, thundering through her body, every muscle rippling with electric tingles. His hips jerked against hers, and he sucked on the side of her neck with a ferocity that buckled her spine.

  “Now. Now. Now.” She said in a mix of languages.

  “Soon,” he laughed throatily.

  As he wrecked her with his hot kisses, he tunneled his huge sex into her. Repeating the stabs until all that Marianna saw was the brightness of her exploding climax. Turning her over, he found his place between her legs. It was Marianna this time who took his hardness in her hand and led him home.

  He pushed, and they moaned.

  She watched Tag, the hottest vision of all, snapping his hips up and up. Embedding the thickness as deep as he could, Stretching her to capacity. “Luke, come for me. Show me how hard this great body shudders when it loses control.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ.”

  His climax rocked her world and pierced love straight through her heart.

  Peppering kisses over his face when he collapsed on top of her, she chanted, “I love you.” in Russian. Feeling light as air.

  Knowing she’d have to go home soon, she wrapped him in her arms, scraping nails through his hair the way he enjoyed.

  “You are sinful.”

  “And delicious?” He asked, the smile in his tone. She laughed and scraped her teeth over his skin. “Da, very delicious.”

  Minutes went by. Assuming he’d fallen to sleep, she kissed Tag’s forehead. And then he stunned a laugh out of her.

  “You know, one day you might wanna tell me you love me in English, darlin’.”


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