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Fizzle Page 17

by Heather D Glidewell

  “I had seen her face before. She wasn’t from Maine, either.” He growled at me. “I must speak to her.”

  “‘Her, is me, Edmund. It was me that was on the date with you.” I tapped my foot, waiting for this to end.

  “Maybe so, but there was more in your eyes than you can imagine,” he whispered, touching my face. A spark flew through me, and I backed up.

  “What are you doing?” I asked. I was confused by the reaction my body had to his touch. While I had entertained the idea of being with Edmond, I knew it was only because of his power that I was drawn to him. There was no way my body would respond unless he was right. No! Prudence is dead. She never existed. She was just a concoction of Mona’s imagination.

  He let out a gasp and held his hand close to his chest. He had felt the connection as well. I feared it was giving him some kind of false hope.

  “She was someone special to me a long, long time ago,” he said softly.

  “How is that even possible? I’ve only been on this Earth for nineteen years, damn it,” I growled.

  Edmond was starting to become agitated by the fact I did not believe him. It was apparent he was looking for the right words to answer my question. He knew me trusting his comments was a long shot.

  “Do you believe in resurrection?” He put his head in his hands. “Of course, you do. Krista was resurrected.”

  “Off-topic, Edmund,” I yelled.

  “What if I told you, you didn’t bring just Krista back from the dead?” He gave me a hesitant smile.

  “That is ridiculous,” I laughed.

  Our spell had only been intended for Krista; how could anything else have possibly hitched a ride from Purgatory?

  “Is it? Why don’t you ask your stepmother more about this Priestess?” He touched my arm and gave me an apologetic nod. “When you are ready, find me. I have more to tell you.”

  Will this shit stop happening already! I screamed in my head.

  I turned and continued up the hill. For some reason, I wanted to see this Blessed Ones’ Oasis one more time before I headed to bed. That was where I had seen the blonde girl before all hell broke loose. For some reason, I prayed there was a tranquility there that I was unable to find anywhere else on the property. Maybe it would shed some light on what Edmund was asking.

  I was shocked to find my step-mother standing at the water’s edge, her hands clasped behind her back.

  “I had a feeling you would be coming out here tonight,” Mona stated, her back turned, looking out over the field at the night sky.

  “How could you possibly know this?” I asked. This day was just getting better and better. Could I please just have one moment for myself?

  “Why are you so mistrusting? Good Lord, Dawn, I raised you better than to think there isn’t a reaction for every action.” She turned to look at me over her shoulder.

  I glared at her. She had a purpose for her intrusion. I had a feeling a truth was about to be given, one I was not ready to comprehend.

  “I assume Edmund has already spoken to you.” She spoke casually as if I was to know this conversation was going to happen.

  “Yeah. Is it true?” I asked, thinking she was going to break out into laughter.

  It was silent for a moment; the sound of the countryside was the only source of commotion. It seemed so peaceful as if the world was not erupting in chaos. I stood there and awaited her response.

  “Yes,” she stated with confidence and took a few more steps toward the water.

  My head was swimming. Had Edmund been right all along? Was the Priestess still stuck inside my body, unphased by the damage the bullet caused?

  “Prudence caught a ride on Krista’s soul?” I asked skeptically. Sure, I was almost convinced, but there was still a chance this was all some elaborate game to get me to open up to the new magic inside of me.

  “Yes. There was nobody there for her like there was for Krista. So, she rooted herself inside the closest powerful being she could.” Mona sighed.

  I looked at the ground, trying to understand what she was saying. I flashed back to the moment Krista emerged from Purgatory. There had been an odd feeling once the Warden was free from her prison, but I had attributed it to the spell, and not being possessed by another being.

  “You didn’t create her, you just gave her life,” I growled at her.

  “She spoke to me. She’s always speaking to me.” Mona’s eyes closed slowly as if she heard a voice.

  “Is she evil?” I shivered. I remembered having to portray the Priestess as if she was dark and uncaring of the Warden world.

  “Oh no, she is not evil at all.” Mona turned to me, smiling. “She is quite good.”

  “Why is she in me?” I questioned, pulling on my dress. “Why do I miss her?”

  I felt the tears starting to pool in my eyes. I did miss Prudence; I missed everything about her. Most of all, I missed the way she made me feel.

  “Because you have something the others don’t. Isn’t it obvious?” Mona raised her arms to the sky and said some words I couldn’t understand.

  “What are you doing?” I demanded, feeling my body shudder. My arms were shaking; I felt weak. I sat down on the grass, putting my hands to my face. “What have you done to me?”

  “I’m giving the vampire his wish,” she stated, walking toward me. “It won’t hurt; it will just feel like you are seeing through someone else’s eyes. Like what you did with Krista.”

  “I don’t want to see someone else’s past!” I screamed.

  “You don’t have a choice,” she muttered, putting her face close to mine.

  I felt like the world was collapsing in on itself as her essence tore through me like a knife. She was calling to me, her voice sweet. She was telling me it was going to be ok. She was slowly taking me over, and I didn’t know how to give in.

  “You will hear all, but her soul is the one in control,” Mona whispered, a cruel smile on her lips.

  “I don’t wa …” I started to say, but she was already in control, so my words dropped right there.

  It was like seeing through a foggy pair of glasses. The world did not appear the same in any way. It was far quieter stuck in the back of my own mind. Still, I was frightened. I had just found out Prudence was still alive. Well, I should say she was alive all along. While everything seemed rather clear, it was nothing like seeing through Krista’s eyes. I wasn’t scared then.

  “Edmund,” Mona called.

  “Did you get her?” Edmund asked, coming at me through the trees.

  Please tell me he knows who I am, another voice in my head said, and I felt my soul jump.

  Of course not; he thinks it’s me, I answered with disdain in my voice.

  Now all of a sudden, you can hear me? I’ve been talking to you for weeks, but you never seemed to respond, the other voice answered joyfully.

  “Of course, I did. I had a bit of a fight with Dawn to get her, but I have her now. You have ten minutes before Dawn can take back over her body,” Mona reminded him as she walked away. “She’s going to be pissed.”

  Edmund waited until my step-mother was out of sight before turning to face my body. I couldn’t feel my limbs, but my soul was tethered to the mind; therefore, I heard and saw everything.


  My head nodded, and I felt elated. This was an unfamiliar emotion. Since Wesley left, I had felt almost absent. The joys I had experienced while he was gone were only fleeting, and the loss would settle in just under the surface.

  “Oh, sweet Lord.” Edmund chuckled, obviously excited the switch had been made.

  “You seem shocked, my love,” my voice said. It sounded like me, but then it didn’t. There was an underlying accent I could not place. Where had Prudence come from?

  “I thought I would never see you again.” His arms wrapped around my body, and my heart started to race.

  He remembers me, she thought. She was far too excited to deny his touch. She was the one in control, after all
. I just prayed nothing further would occur between the two.

  You and I are going to have a talk after this, I said to her. I was flustered with the arrangement. It had been made against my will. I wished someone would have told me before now. I would have had time to prepare for the reunion. Instead, Mona had chosen to lie to me, make me think Prudence was a figment of prophecy imagination.

  “I told you I would come back to you.” She touched his face, and he closed his eyes.

  They shared the tender moment together before he opened his eyes and looked at her with wonder.

  “Why Dawn? She’s so young,” he asked her.

  Yes, why me? I reiterated his question. I was just as curious as he was.

  “She is powerful, and she’s filled with so much love,” she exclaimed, using my voice.

  “Love? That doesn’t sound like Dawn at all,” he replied with a nod.

  I was just as shocked as Edmund by her statement. What love could she possibly be talking about? He was right; it didn’t sound like me at all.

  “Oh, Edmund, how I have missed you.” She grabbed his face and put my lips to his. I didn’t have time to object; the kiss was electric!

  Every fiber in my body screamed to be touched. This had to be her controlling everything. I would never feel this charged kissing Edmund.

  “It’s been so long,” he whispered, putting his cold forehead to mine.

  “I know,” she replied softly.

  I decided I was going to close my eyes; I didn’t need to see or hear this anymore. I pulled myself from my own consciousness, knowing full well they were exchanging kisses and caresses. The thought of her using my body as a vessel already made me sick. This, though, this took the cake. If Prudence really was a part of me, then I was just going to have to get her out.

  I was sitting in the darkness of my mind when I heard horrific screams. According to my calculations, I still had another two minutes before I could retake control of my body. Well, according to Mona, anyway. I shot into my conscious mind and peered through my eyes as Wesley’s fist collided with Edmund’s face.

  Both of their fangs were extended, they were hissing and growling at each other like feral cats. I had never seen this side of either of them. It was quite frightening.

  “What are you doing with Dawn?” Wesley demanded as they circled each other.

  “You might want to discuss this with her yourself,” Edmund growled.

  Give me my body back! I demanded. If I didn’t break up the fight now, there was no telling what Edmund would do to Wesley.

  Of course. I’m so sorry. I didn’t think he would come out here. She was sad, but she let go and allowed me full control.

  “WESLEY!” I screamed, and he stopped and looked at me.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” He grabbed my arms roughly and shook me.

  “Stop!” I yelled, trying to pull away from his grip. “I will tell you if you stop.”

  He let me go, and I collapsed on the ground at his feet. Looking up at him, I frowned. I glanced at Edmund, proving I was back and that his precious Prudence had pushed herself into the dark hole she had been hiding in.

  “Explain,” he demanded calmly, pacing back and forth across the grass. “Explain to me why I found your lips pressed to his. Are you getting even with me?”

  “No. Not getting even,” I replied flatly. “Listen, there are some odd things going on that I don’t even understand. Prudence is alive.”

  “You are her,” he stated. “That doesn’t tell me what is going on.”

  He was just as confused as I had been. No wonder Edmund had been flustered with me. I had been too stubborn to listen, just as Wesley was with me just then.

  “No, Wesley. Prudence is alive in me.” I put my hands to my chest. “She’s inside of me.”

  It still wasn’t clicking, so I looked to Edmund for a little more help. Wesley was not convinced, and I feared he was the only one who could help him understand.

  “Prudence was my love centuries ago,” Edmund stated. He was breathing heavily, still trying to control the rage inside of him. So much so, his eyes were still red.

  “What?” Wesley stiffened. “She was a real person?”

  “Very much,” I groaned.

  I watched the light start to flicker in his eyes. Maybe he was finally starting to understand.

  “How?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. Something about her soul traveling through Purgatory and latching onto me.” I closed my eyes.

  That is a lousy explanation, I don’t view it that way at all. She was speaking again.

  Great. So now I’m tethered to you like I am Shawn. I’m never going to have a rational thought again. I pressed my lips together tightly. I was not going to like having a constant intrusion. The link was open; there was nothing I could do to shut her up.

  “So, make her go away,” Wesley demanded, looking at Edmund. “I’m not going to share your body with another. Especially not a vampire.”

  “Hey!” Edmund said defensively. “There is a little of my kind mixed in with that boiling pot of blood.”

  Wesley gave him a sharp glare and then turned back to me.

  “I wish it was that easy,” I grumbled.

  The three of us stood there in an awkward triangle. Wesley scowled at Edmund, I looked fiercely at Wesley, and Edmund watched me with longing. I’m not sure how long we stood there, eyes locked in uncomfortable stares. Thankfully, Edmund broke the silence that had encased us.

  “She needs a body,” Edmund stated confidently.

  “A body?” Wesley laughed.

  “Her body,” Edmund corrected.

  I was flabbergasted. I had no idea what he was saying. What did he mean by she needed her body?

  “What the hell?” I murmured.

  “Yeah, I agree,” Wesley replied, frowning.

  I brushed off his comment and looked at Edmund. It would have been easier to accept his explanation had someone told me I was possessed by another spirit before now. Now I was stuck in a conversation revolving around bodies.

  “Where is her body?” I asked softly.

  “I’ve already dispatched a small group to retrieve it,” he said. “There was no point in sending you to find it since you are needed here.”

  Agitation was forming in my core again. I wanted a simple answer, not something extravagant. Still, it seemed like I was the last to know about any rescue mission.

  “I repeat. Where is her body?” I requested again. I wanted a timeline for when Prudence would be out of me.

  “In Europe. It will take them a few days.” Edmund frowned, his eyes losing their twinkle.

  “A few days! When did you send them?” I demanded, reaching for Wesley. I could see the flames in his eyes. I figured if I touched him, he might calm.

  “After you turned the barrels to feed my coven as well as others.” His eyes darted around our location.

  “It clicked then, huh. Well, it sure would have been nice if someone could have said something to me.” I groaned as Wesley pulled me a little too quickly, and I flew into his arms.

  “I wanted to, but Mona thought it best if we waited. At least until we know we have Prudence’s body,” Edmund said. “I just couldn’t wait any longer. I had to speak to her to tell her I was doing everything in my power to bring her back.”

  “I blocked out the last few minutes of the conversation. However, I have the feeling a link between her and me is opened, I’m not going to hear the end of it,” I moaned.

  “Can I get Dawn back inside? Her parents were concerned something had happened. Hence I am out here having this conversation at eleven at night.” Wesley grabbed my hand and started to pull.

  Please hug him. Tell him I love him, she said in my head. Fantastic. She wasted no time in getting into my brain. I pulled from Wesley’s grasp, walked over to Edmund, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “She says she loves you,” I said flatly, then let him go and returned to my
post at Wesley’s side. I glanced back at Edmund’s face as he touched his lips.

  “It won’t be long. You will get to meet her and love her as much as I do,” he called after us.

  “I’m going to kill Mona. If she thought the fires of Hell were hot, just wait till I get my hands on her,” I grumbled as Wesley dragged me down the hill and back toward the house.

  “How about you cool down first,” Wesley suggested, coming to a stop at the edge of the back porch.

  “I can’t cool down. I have been carrying two souls for a while now. She knows my thoughts.” I put my hands in my hair and pulled.

  “Then, let’s give her something to think about.” He grabbed my hands out of my hair and pulled me close, locking his lips with mine softly. The kiss was slow and romantic.

  I hate using the term romantic since I did not know the whole romance thing too well. I had kissed three guys in the last year, and each one had a different feel, a different desire. Out of all of them, I found that, while Wesley was the one my soul clenched onto, he was no longer the familiar. In fact, I found it odd to find Aaron had taken over the role. It seemed Wesley was pretty much just a memory.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and waited for the warmth to hit my stomach. Nothing came, but I did not feel alone in my head. That tiny little invasion Mona had made clear was there pestering me, I swear she was clearing her throat in the back of my mind.

  I have been in your head long enough to know when you are doing something stupid. Prudence’s voice whispered as if others could hear her. I could almost imagine her crossing her arms and looking at me sternly.

  What do you know? I demanded, hoping my attitude was not coming out in my kiss.

  I know you aren’t seeing him in your head, she replied in a know-it-all fashion.

  Then what am I seeing? I questioned her.

  She began to flash impressions of Adam. She was repeating images of every kiss he and I had shared. I squinted my eyes to stop the memories, but it didn’t help; they came faster and faster until I gasped and pulled away from Wesley.


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