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Fizzle Page 26

by Heather D Glidewell

  “Do you know her plan?” I asked.

  “Oh, Heavens no. Not all of it, at least. When Xic left, and Lilly was born, her whole personality switched. The angel blood in her turned just like milk in the heat. She was vengeful and wanted to take it out on all purebloods. The demons for Xic, the angels for her mother, the vampires for changing her, and me for questioning her.” She appeared upset by the events. “I have never been a bad person, trust me,” she promised as Kelly cleared her throat.

  “What are we up against?”

  “Lots of magic. Lots of hatred. She wants the Wardens to die for the pure fact it will make the world a playground,” Prudence shrugged.

  “You know, in a lot of ways, I don’t blame her for wanting to get even,” Marshall said softly.

  “Yeah, me neither. It’s just the whole ‘getting even with everyone’ that gets me. How can she generalize an entire bloodline? So, her mother left her, that is between her and her mother, not the entire kingdom of Heaven.” I made a right turn onto the highway.

  “What are we doing?” Kelly asked. Her voice was still shaking.

  “Sheridan has Nadine,” I said simply, keeping my eyes on the road.

  “Nadine is Dawn’s best female friend. Out of their group, she is the only human.” Prudence completed my thought.

  “We are saving a mortal?” Kelly questioned.

  “She’s a good girl. She doesn’t deserve this,” I grumbled.

  “What was going to happen if we didn’t go on this mission?” Kelly inquired.

  “If I wasn’t gone by morning, Sheridan was going to unleash her Army on the compound.” I felt a chill across my chest.

  “Shit,” Kelly whispered.

  “Yeah, it was one of those ‘damned if you do damned if you don’t’ sort of situations,” I groaned.

  “Why didn’t you bring Wesley?” Kelly asked confidently.

  “Because Sheridan wants him for herself. The last thing I wanted to do was lead him directly into her path.” I changed lanes to pass a slower car.

  “You know he’s going to come after us.” I had forgotten Kelly had not been in on the meeting the three of us had with my father earlier that day.

  “Damien is going to send him in the wrong direction. After that, we have to be out of Midvale,” Marshall explained to her.

  “Is that where we are going? Remember what happened the last time you were there?” Kelly wasn’t thrilled with the plan; I could tell that by the tone of her voice.

  “Yes. It’s where the trail will begin. The house outside of Midvale. We will stay there for a night or two and head on to the next location,” I said, biting my bottom lip.

  “What if the murders start again?” she asked me.

  “I have a feeling they won’t. Sheridan wants us to find her. She thinks I’m a better hostage than Wesley and Chase.” My heart was pounding at the mention of his name from my lips.

  “Hostage?” Marshall must have been deaf during that part of the conversation.

  “Yeah, someone held against their will,” I explained.

  We drove the rest of the way in silence. I checked the mirror at one point to see Kelly passed out on Marshall’s shoulder, his head on top of hers. Their eyes were closed. My heart melted. To have something so innocent once again. Instead, I got hellfire and brimstone in my relationships. Every man I touched seemed to have had something happen to him: everyone but Jeremy, that long-ago boyfriend whom I had not thought of in a while.

  We arrived at the white house with the pink mailbox shortly after one in the morning. Everyone had passed out in the car but me. Prudence had her forehead plastered to the passenger window, her shoulders rising and falling slowly. Kelly and Marshall were still stuck together in the back seat. I hated to wake any of them, but we had to get inside.

  “We are here.” I touched Prudence’s knee, and she looked at me.

  “Already?” she asked, stretching.

  “You can take my mom’s room. The bed is huge and extremely comfortable. I know how much you like soft beds.” I gave her a smile, and she winked at me.

  “You know me so well.” She got out of the car and helped me carry things inside. When we had everything put up, I went out to the car to get the two lovebirds inside.

  “Guys,” I said, touching Marshall’s shoulder.

  He yawned and opened his eyes to look at me.

  “Take her inside. You can have the guest bedroom. It’s safe, don’t worry, Prudence is doing protection spells right now.” I smiled at the two sleepy-eyed kids.

  They crawled out of the back seat and very clumsily made their way inside. I pointed them in the direction of their room for the night. There were still clothes leftover from Nick lying on the bed. Even a few more left over from Chase. I sat down on the couch and looked at the TV. I was too scared to turn it on. What would be on it? I was told the media wasn’t covering the attacks on America’s farmlands due to the lack of evidence they had occurred. Still, I wasn’t ready to find out what big city had fallen, if it had happened yet. I knew it was going to happen. Helen was right, the world was going to turn on itself.

  We thought that the American Civil war was bloody. Imagine a worldwide civil dispute. This was just the beginning of a colossal battle. Even if we succeeded in stopping Sheridan, there would be another that would rise from her ashes like a phoenix.

  “What are you thinking about?” Prudence had found one of my mother’s old sleeping gowns and put it on.

  “This whole thing. Even if we defeat Sheridan, it’s not going to stop. Someone is going to step in and take her place. It’s going to be a constant battle as the leaders fall. For each one that finds death, two more find life,” I said to myself. I had almost forgotten she had been the one to ask me the question.

  “As long as that happens, there will be people here to make sure they aren’t successful.” Prudence patted me on the shoulder.

  “You seem so sure.” I looked at her. The similarities between us still haunted me.

  “Of course.” She smiled at me. “I think I’m heading to bed.”

  “All right. I have a feeling the first clue will appear in the morning.” I rubbed my tired eyes.

  I walked across the familiar floor, my bare feet rubbing against the carpet. Opening my bedroom door, the comforting smell of cinnamon and lilacs came flooding at me. I crawled into my old bed and pulled my blanket up and over my shoulder. I felt my heartbreak when I realized I was alone.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Interview with the Demon

  The first light of day brought me out of my dreamless sleep.

  I slowly sat up. For a moment, I was confused. It took me far longer then it should have to realize I was back where it all started. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and looked at my phone. It was eight in the morning, and I was actually awake? I let a little smile spread across my face. I used to object about getting up that early each day at the compound. So much work to be done and so little time to do it.

  I pulled myself up to a standing position and stretched. The last night I had spent in this room was the night Aaron had been attacked. The memory alone sent chills up my spine. There had been a lot of good in the house, it wasn’t all bad. No matter how objectively I looked at each situation, I did not regret our time in Midvale.

  I walked to the closet and opened it, amazed I still had a large amount of clothing in it. We had been so rushed in leaving. Even with Shawn coming back and forth, so much was still here. I grabbed a faded pair of jeans and an old Nirvana t-shirt.

  I took a quick shower. Throwing on my clean clothes, I tossed the dirty ones into the hamper. I would try to remember to take them with me when we left. If not, I could always send Shawn to retrieve them. Not that it mattered, I had no idea if I would be returning to the compound. For all I knew, I was walking directly into a death trap.

  I finally wandered into the kitchen. I wasn’t sure what we had left behind. Everything was very rushed when we decided t
o leave Midvale. The fridge was empty, aside from a moldy pot of something on the second shelf. I slammed the door, my stomach-turning from the rotting smell. The pantry held the same promise. We had managed to take all the food out of the house. I lightly hit my head on the pantry door.

  Once I finished protesting to the food gods for the lack of nourishment, I wandered toward the items from the car. Pulling at the bags on the counter, I came across a box of granola bars. Success! I had found sustenance! I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and rinsed it out before filling it with water. Taking a seat on the couch, I had an odd sense of deja-vu.

  “I’ve been waiting for you.” The voice was low but too familiar. My palms went instantly cold, and my head whipped to the side. Sitting in the recliner with his head thrown back against the plush headrest was my nemesis.

  I let a growl echo through my chest as I glared at him. He had haunted my dreams for so long, I no longer feared his presence. Instead, it was more of a rush to have him near me. I wanted nothing more than to have my revenge for what he did to me. However, what would that prove? I may have had a bone to pick with him, but I had a war to win against his sire and her mother.

  “John.” I acknowledged him briefly as I began to grind my teeth impatiently. One wrong move, and I was going to turn him to dust. Or at least maim him enough, I sent him back to Miranda with a gaping hole in his chest.

  “Dawn,” he nodded back. “I admit I find it odd to be here without your family.”

  He looked around with a bit of smirk on his smug face.

  “Yes, it is rather - odd,” I snarled.

  I was sure he had not meant to sit around and talk pleasantries with me. If he didn’t get to the point quickly, I had no other choice but to retaliate.

  “You did the right thing,” he mentioned softly, looking at me with his cold dead eyes.

  My body refused to respond, as it always did when John was around. I was already aware my firepower was not usable, but I still had the electrical current I could use. That could prove to be devastating. Right?

  “I would like to think so,” I replied, annoyed. “I know you aren’t here to just shoot the shit John, tell me what you want.” I sat forward, putting my water glass on the coffee table.

  “The Queen,” he rolled his eyes, “she is a sadistic bitch. The only thing that binds me to her is her daughter. Otherwise, I would just find my way into Purgatory for the rest of my damn days.”

  It was interesting to learn John had no loyalty toward Sheridan, but troubling, he still followed Miranda. Had he forgotten what Krista did for him? She tried to save him once. He had the chance to walk away, but he chose to return to Miranda and continue to be her lap dog. She had already lied to him, betrayed him, and refused to give him the freedom she told him she would give. And yet, he still was loyal to the demon princess. I closed my eyes and pressed my lips together. I had no idea why the curiosity was even there, but I had to ask.

  “What the hell binds you to Miranda? You obviously do not like her or her mother. So why continue to follow their twisted beliefs on what the world should be like. You were supposed to be free once she had Wesley, and yet when I arrived in New Mexico, who was it that met me at the hotel?” I raised an eyebrow. Again, I’m still not sure what brought on the curiosity, but I felt the need to remind him of who he was supposed to be.

  “Blood,” he replied as his eyes flared. I had hit a nerve by asking my question. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to put two and two together and tell him exactly how he felt. Then again, perhaps I was the right person to tell him. Someone needed to take the time to put John first, even if he was an evil, conniving hybrid demon with massive separation anxiety.

  “Then why stick around?” I placed my face in my hands in aggravation. Blood was not a good enough reason to stick with someone. If that was the case, most of the beings I had met wouldn’t be at our compound. Most of them would probably be dead or in hiding.

  “Loyalty, I guess. Plus, she really hates you guys.” He laughed cruelly.

  Why how she felt about made any difference was totally beside me. I had no clue why that was a good enough reason to stick around. John had made it loud and clear he wanted to own me. Maybe he should have thought about that before he killed Krista. She could have given him the life he deserved and not the one he chose.

  “What did I ever do to her?” I grumbled.

  John looked at me like I was daft. I closed my eyes tight and nodded. Of course, I knew what I had done. It had to do with me taking Wesley from her. Everything probably would have been ok if I had been a mortal girl. That way, her claim would always be present, and he would forever be at her beckoned call.

  “Surprised you even had to ask that stupid question,” he chuckled as he shook his head in amusement.

  “What about Krista?” I raised my eyebrow at him, and his lips went in a thin line.

  John looked at me like I had punched him in the gut.

  “I loved Krista with all my heart when I was human. When I was in Germany, and Lilly showed me what I could do, I felt like the world had come crashing down. I never meant to hurt Krista.” If I wasn’t mistaken, I would say there was a pain in his eyes.

  “Then, why do it?” The questions just kept pouring out. Why not find out what I could while he was so willing to share the truth?

  “She was in me, much like what she has done with Wesley. You know, I would love to know what you did to break that contract because she doesn’t know the strand. She is familiar with yours, but it wasn’t you, was it?” He looked at me slyly.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about,” I replied modestly. The last thing I wanted was to tell him it was Krista who had taken Claim over Wesley’s soul. I wasn’t sure how he would receive the information.

  “Well, you might not know.” He shrugged and looked at the clock. “Oh, look at the time; we have killed several minutes talking about nothing.”

  “Then get it over with,” I motioned for him to continue the purpose of his visit.

  “The Queen has your friend. I can’t tell you where the girl is, because frankly, I have no clue. However, she does require one item before she will hand her over.” John began to piece together his façade, the one he was to use to give me the information from Sheridan.

  “Nadine is a good girl,” I stated, not wanting to divulge too much of her connection with me.

  “I remember her. She was there that night.” He closed his eyes.

  If I was not mistaken, it would appear the thought of what happened bothered him just as much as it did me. I already knew it was not in his human nature, but as a demon, really anything went.

  “Yeah, that night,” I answered him flatly.

  “I had to do it. It was in my blood. You are tainted by the blood of God,” he groaned.

  I watched as John began to shake and shiver, his legs bouncing at an accelerated rate. He was nervous about where the conversation had gone, and he was trying to make excuses for his actions. All he had to say was Miranda made him do it, and I might have understood. It wouldn’t have made any difference, but at least I would know where my genuine anger lies.

  “I am well aware of what you are, John,” I replied with some disdain. I was already aware there was no closure for either of us in the conversation.

  “I’m sure you are. Once things started to get out about what you are, it all made sense. Why she sent me after you.” He smiled awkwardly.

  “You know, for a man who was so in love with another girl, you sure have been hellbent on making me yours.” I sat back and crossed my legs. If we were going to walk down that particular path, I was going to bring Krista into it. She deserved just as much closure as I did.

  “Yeah, well, you weren’t alive when I was with Krista.” He smiled at me again with that same contempt.

  How could a man hate me so much if he wanted to own me?

  “I have a feeling I’m supposed to be flattered,” I mentioned flatly, glaring at him.

The awkwardness hung in the air, thick and uninviting. We stared at each other, willing the other to speak, but nothing coming out of either mouth.

  “Well, it has been nice having a conversation with you,” he suddenly said as if he meant it.

  “So back to being a cruel ass, huh?” I bit at him.

  “It is what I do best.” He shrugged as he stood up.

  “What is it she wants?” I rolled my eyes.

  “A pink eye. If you can find such a thing, you are to bring it to the place you ran away to.” John rolled his eyes. “I guess I will find out when you get there what the next step is.”

  “That’s it? Just a pink eye?” I laughed softly.

  It had been marvelous luck that Wesley and Edmund had a conversation about his sires. Otherwise, I never would have known what to look for, and Nadine would have met an ill fate.

  “That’s it,” he said with a shoulder shrug.

  We had talked for that long just so he could tell me I had to hunt down a pink eye. Maybe he was starved for attention in whatever fortress Sheridan had walled herself in.

  “Well, tell your mistress ‘thank you for the glorious hint,’” I frowned at him.

  “Until the next we meet.” He bowed and went up in smoke.

  I plugged my nose and made a disgusted face. Sheridan wanted a pink eye. How the hell was I going to find a pink-eyed vampire? I had only just recently learned about their existence. I don’t remember the geography, if any, for their covens.

  “Who were you talking to?” Prudence’s voice was groggy as she padded into the living room. I was a little shocked to see the Priestess woke up in the same disarray as everyone else.

  “John,” I replied as if it was an everyday occurrence for me to talk to him.

  “What the hell did he want?” She stretched, her back popping.

  “My first mission,” I grumbled.

  It was bad enough he had been in the living room, twice as bad that it seemed almost pointless. Then again, was it really? I felt we had made some progress.


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