The Continuing tales of Bo Jon Littlehorse, P.I.

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The Continuing tales of Bo Jon Littlehorse, P.I. Page 2

by Danny E. Allen

  Yet Bo Jon had a scheming-clue, he was driving-back to the Red, one last-time this time to verify what was an ‘infallible’-truth. Bo Jon, had read the Texas-Star locally, accessed newspaper; a group of Bible-study kids, from age 6 to 15, were visiting from Canada on an out-trip. Names of the group, and a picture of the students were taken before leaving UKC. They’d come from a special community-camp. As Bo rode toward the Red, he pulled-up to the spot where a van-sat. He came closer to finding the ‘final-step’ to his crime-solving of the case. Among two-dozen kids was an amber-haired 8-year old girl who resembled a woman who’d given-up her life… Bo walked closer to the group, without being conspicuous. There were 6-adults and 22-children. He greeted them, speaking with the adults for several-minutes, observing the group, then bidding ‘goodbye‘. Leaving behind, in an engaging young and happy-girl who represented the final-plot to a murder…

  As he read that night in that small town‘s regional-paper having the region’s events, also told of the college speech by a not very well-known, agronomist who happened to be a native-Canadian and member of a nature-club Bible Dioceses. Susan had taken such care in diligence to friend’s lasting memory in a bible that read: ‘The Catholic Ecumenical Naturist Group‘. Of which Sol C. Worthington, was delineated as ‘a leader‘. Once a student of his, while registered at UNLV, he’d given a presentation about crop-theories and principles. Many of his ideas where popular, at the time but now twenty-eight years later he was now the ‘prime-suspect‘, in a murder. Bo rode onto the University auditorium’s parking-lot which was filled. …Final-confirmation came at the ‘simplest’ but symbolic-instance. Bo-realized Sheila was involved with someone who’d given her more than Susan ever could: “a baby”… Bo knew that picture was her-child, she probably loved her but was outside the right so many mother’s had. She was pregnant by a man while on sabbatical, Susan said she was gone for almost a year, 8 years ago but came back, when she wrote her friend letters of her-travels away from home. She was alone-relationship wise… Susan probably, fed her right to seek fulfillment. While a-way she was having a relationship with a married-man, one that shared an act of love would end, and Sheila would have to make a big-decision, which would lead to her last act-of-love that would cost her-life.

  He-entered the lot, the area was filled with cars. Worthington, had gained much notoriety but this being an indolent admissive. Jon went-in through the back-entry were he could seem less noticed, on-stage was the speaking-group. They, had just began to finish up, as it was late when the crowd was now-leaving. Bo was approaching from the East aisle where students left after their purpose for being there listening to the creditable-commendations. A man dressed-in a powder-blue, polyester-suit tall and well-groomed. He was paying-attention to his-audience when Bo drew closer. Then his target must have caught-sight of a ‘coming‘-contention. When Bo-looked again he was gone, then he saw a flash of blue leave the North area. There was no time to waste, Bo moved swiftly and with agility. He was out the exit to see him in a far-off lot-division, he could see him rushing toward a car. He went from a rushing-pace to run. He arrived in time that the man could not escape without confronting him. He moved-fast to the back of his vehicle Bo recognized he was arming-himself… Bo knew he was in a deadly-situation. Three shots rang-out Bo had fell to the ground and pulled a leg holstered snub nose .357 magnum, the man, lay dead-face down.


  Susan Partridge was annulled of the crime, after the story of the murderer was found-out. Susan was thrown an appreciation-party by the museum, and she had found a new-friend... Jessica Sheila Worthington, was there through the consent of the Canadian ruling-Diocese, for what Susan had been through. Balloons flew in remembrance. “…Seems like things are turning out for the better, Susan”, said Bo. “Yes, I believe they are…I believe they are…” Said Sue, holding tightly, Jesse in a lasting loving-embrace…

  The End

  Dancing-fish of “Bear Creek”


  The sun hung-over the forest-valley. Eagles-soared& the winds blew, gently. Spruce-smelled of fresh-sap and the calm valley-floor, with creatures, rustling-trees moved-with life. Late-August, a time of nominal stillness, in natural “providence“. ‘Placid’ and tranquil with an overall poise-portrayal in native-precipice… A middle-age man carefully, traveled-down a rough worn-trail… Walking 25-miles from a beginning-point, along a highway-road. On a-trail, he-knew ‘like the back of his hand‘...

  USFS ranger-auxiliary team for 23-years, which he did in his spare-time. A dentist normally, working-out of Anchorage… Taking a ‘hiatus’ during-summer to work as in-field technician. Growing-up as a ranger-scout, at 15. Spotting-fires, watching certain-animals, doing geographic-analysis and interpretation. Enjoying his-job, and working-hard to arrive at an excellent-life, all its own… Making sure river and fish thrive and all animals survive and live-out their lives; and plants, could count-on for nourishment. Enigmatic-properties to the deliberate un-specifics…was Alfred’s applying. Taking several-months monitoring, assessing, and taking-parameters, in his status’s tasks at hand.

  Being, thus, a ‘small-cog’ in a grand-machine of natural-systems… Imparting and empathic, though his job-seemed. Semantically, didn’t upset Alfred, a-bit… Historically speaking, Alfred accepted such a minute, but essential, duty. …He, so very well knew, in his spare-time effort. Part and parcel, he’d been ‘honored’ to be educated in such prime-agency established, as essential. So A. Williams, ranger-observer for Upper-valley peninsula of Northern Alaska, was doing a job desirously, regimental. Sitting down upon a large-stone laying along a swell within “Bear creek“… He would soon test the water and circling-region. But first, he decided to befit himself with a much-earned lunch.


  While he sat eating ‘trail-mix‘, dried-fruit, a peanut-butter& jelly sandwich and a tanker of ice-tea. He quietly, soaked-up the warm-sun dressed in khaki-shorts, hiking-boots and light-cotton twill multi-pocketed shirt, and satchel-which he laid-down next to him, befittingly. He began unwrapping his-meal. The flowing and rippling-waters provided a calming-effect. Alfred decided to watch the cool-waters and the natural-entertainment. But what Al saw, both startled and amazed him... A long-time bio-expert, he’d seen all sorts of anomalies in the ever-change of nature. But what he looked at now, in a series of minutes, appalled him… He-sat astonished by the disfiguring-dance and sad-motions of Ichthyeses that he decided not to finish his lunch… With an ordered-urgency, he went about collecting his examinational-parameters. Leaving with an accurate, accounting…

  ~~~…At 8:25 p.m., Alfred J. Williams appeared at the Interior-Park Service in Itaska province at central-Northern-Alaska… What he had to say in-moments, became a major-influx-in department management’s magnitude… Division-of-Forestry, initiated retrieval of examining-samples and a report-on the test. Coming-down from the supervisor directly, an alert-being announced as in defining recourse, dimensional-relay and potential-recognizance. On the coming new-day, the machine was set in-motion…

  ~~~(Al’s supervisor-agent):Head-Ranger, for North-Central Command HQ Samuel Calliston’s superiors were-made in full-knowledge. Directive-surveyors, itinerary-agents; EPA and several Alaskan-based interested-parties advanced in status of in-charge region… With further-analysis, placed in-motion. From headwaters to the lower-reaches, the entire-area had been given to invoked-conscript… ‘Field-alert’ was declared: “major”, given primacy in-factions to the invaded-tributaries of Lake Bison, out into far-ranging Bear Creek… 1,000 square-miles of deep-forest and its spread-out waters… Ten-hours later, radio-warnings were being sent-out. Denoting specific-events, speculations and provisions on what was happening under Forestry-control...

  6:45 p.m., next-day, the sun-warmed air of the back-country was now where scientists, civilians and officials began their ‘throngs‘-of searching. Hoping-to discover any possible necessary-causes,
and in the extent, of scope. Component-infiltration was made to identify conclusive-case. ‘Radio-Alaska’, short-wave and independent-installations volunteered, offering an on-going detente. Instilling designs, invests and intricate-insurgency in-cause; all-began broadcasting every three-hours, any-changes… Which stated that the ‘To-be-heard-by…’- natives, significant-settlers and supplicants… Until, those who having had relevant-value in turning-relay, realized, something was at-stake. Peopled territories, came-together, and as well; as being to the native-Inuit Burrows. Meetings, were established in effected-regions. Seriousness of impact, was felt by both-native and general-outlanders, all-having initial-supposition in uncertainty… Afferent-to concerns, they, having both-community and livelihood at-stake.

  Pan-Alaskan tribal-council and Bureau-on Alaskan-welfare brought the differing-groups together, trying-to ‘officiate‘. The decision-board was responsible-for any ideas. To adjudicate and answer concerns, with guarded-resolute, assurances. Resigning ‘next-step’-recovery, and tentatively, to installing an enforcing-referendum. To some, seeming a ‘jewelling’-of facts Leaders were not satisfied. They were not convince of any-confirmations…

  Media-caught hold of the emergency… Inuit-residents responding to the emerging-peril, realized the seriousness of the issue might have become, with each local-group becoming contentious about the growing epidemiological-incident. The fish-infection potential predicament began to grow. USFS, Dept. of Interior and NOAA came-together. Al’s supervisor became head-liaison for the established Task-force Unit at-site… Area-natives joining-in the region. A possible-disaster began to shape organized-efforts. The Associate-Secretary of Alaskan Conservation, joined-in. Time was of the essence, and derived-substrates had began-to form. The native-Alaskans, began their sessions of what they could do and steps they could take… The circle, was growing in ever-widening orbit. The governor-issued a ‘fish-quarantine’ to the 1,500 mile-region. The natives were growing in a higher-state of wariness. National, state-agencies and the Inuit Pantauch came together to answer any concerning-of directives… The locals had wondered, to what extent the fish-precautions would intently, become. The strain of native-trout ran upstream-and-down.

  …High-leaders residing at Bison Lake, the large head-water of the Bear Creek-agreed the contending prospective-judgments were to be put-into order, verified& executed… Now designs lay-upon those who lived and thrived. -At the main-headquarters, several-hundred regents began amounting and in-joining upon these very serious concerns, make problem-solving and duly, answering latent-questions that dealt with the potential-essentially, factored-derision… Some wondered how they would be able to continue a native life-style and keep themselves fed-in this dilemma-‘reality‘. Now legally, barred-from a main-staple of life. Main-leaders met-in authority, drawn together to find immediately, enforcing-alternatives to the project-prospectus... It included reimbursed-‘losses’ and suitable methods-of-resolve.

  Still uncertain, was how far the circle-of-influence would be. They were told-of what major-officials could not ‘confirm’ or “deny”… This, left leaders ‘unsure’ on many grounds…leaving-them open on differing-sides to questions and bestowing of inquiries. Environmental-issues, the Inuit-natives of Alaska did not feel secure in. The provinces, which spread some 2,800 square-miles were on the receiving end of what ‘outsiders‘, knowledgeable-professionals and responsible-agents were in-experienced in these circumstances… This gave them a keen-‘wariness‘ as to how well they could accounted-for their prospective.

  The agent that was the initial-template in incident had now become the receiving, instrumental-researcher. His supervisor, a leading “spear-head” in the break-out. Alfred’s judgment discovery was the testing step-off point to what came next. Saul Wermerstun, coordinator assigned by USFS and governmental-emergencies, was impeccable. He, and twelve agents began a 200-miles radius crusade, the government was deciding whether to call it a state-emergency. They went through-out the territory, in theory, to the scenario of what occurred. The information was in its 8th hour. Fish were dying at an increasing-rate that could advance into a primary stage, at any moment. While the task-force which included governmental-officials made Unit command-center were still, up in-the-air. As touch-points, networks and guided-transmissions advancing-across ‘lined‘-diameters, now laying in-time. Inuit-leaders were kept informed but realized uncovered contentions were tacitly, ‘unknown’.

  The Inuit community leaders met again when several of their agents direly, requested that they consider their own proficient... Namely, a man of ‘native-identity’ who’d been renowned for obscure case-solving and being highly competent, toward the minimum of detection evidence. Mr. Bo Jon Littlehorse private investigator, from Nevada… They spoke on how, in other unresolved-cases concerning the affects of native-concerting, he proved quite obliging. Within hours the call went-out for Barthelemew Jonathan Littlehorse, residing Cherokee tribesman; to accept call for assistance, in the sudden unsolved-epidemic.

  Bo, heeded the call, to arrive-in Alaska. After the stipulations in conciseness being asserted and ascertained. Bo met Sam Paint-horse, Joseph Saw-bridge and Carl Pepperdine at the Anchorage International-airport… Went by plane, after meeting with these appointed-guides, which prefect along evidentiary-trajectory. Sam, chosen as his-assistant and ‘a-side’, while Joseph was asked to be informer/concierge, as an area local-professional and general inception for Bo’s accessed needs… Within 3-hours, they were heading-up North toward Lake-Bison. He was told an account of what had been substantial case-order. …Toward relatives, components, and properties-especially by conditions and effective-aligning; the case ordinal, complexity and respective… Therein was central affectation, affix, and afford-‘proper’. That, in consistence& instilling, and possible potential-reliant-’prevalence’.

  …Flight-out over the bush went over the tall-pines, valleys and streams. The sun-shown bright with few-clouds or wind. The Piper-Cub flew smoothly as Carl piloted, with Joe at his side pointing to landmarks where he’d been well-knowledgeable. Then flew-into potential, ‘dangerous-chance’ territory. …Changing his reminiscent-attitude. He had spoken for awhile then silence and simple-observation it was a tribal-custom, to remain-silent while in the face of “danger” or “threat”. When they came-back to the populated-land. He spoke-again of what the people had experienced.

  Bo Jon quietly, listened. Examining the traits in terrain, water-flows and many-valleys. He was an expert at examining, redefining discretionary encumbrances, extrapolations and expert-definitive. As Joe and Sam, went-over divests and conversions… Bo-inquired in simple-sentences; none exposing his-concentrations, clients, or the seriousness of his-purpose. He would withhold an evidential-call. It was becoming of ‘what-were’ semi-substantial-unresolved registrants: plausible, implemental and directional in tentative-holding. ‘Best-held’ from those who could leak-out deferential-in-ordinates.

  This was Bo Jon’s special-ties. Working best within the four-corners of situation, in the space-of prime-principle; and thus, precipitous findings. Where he could best-keep confidant variables-proctored under a instinctive-coda. The plane landed, at the private-Inuit area… Eagles flew-over head, the plane landed at a residing-airfield at Bison-Lake Pantauch. Devoted-to tribal-issues and contentions, a place where things were plotted, espoused and planned… A central-division development, head-quartered as congregational-“C.O.“, Inuit civil-commission. Bo left the plane with five bags of luggage and equipment, assisted-by an attendants of the leaders. They lead him to his hostel and expressed as expecting for him to meet with his operatives, for dinner.

  By 6 p.m., he was seated with six-men, all branded-leaders of their-community… ”…Mr. Littlehorse, as you have been informed of our-situation…” “Let me express our appreciation have the useful-benefit of your services…” “…And as such, we have spoken of how, in our eyes, this is an �
�all-provident‘… intention. Giving you any, proprietary-in carrying-out action of your prodigious skills“… “We expect ‘only’ the best you can offer...” Said one of the ordinals… …“Yes, we want to investigate in a higher-revealing-probe. That might put into active-method, as to a decisive-cause…” “A determination, to begin the imparting-solution”… Said another. -- All that evening, Bo was transitioned-as to the job of evidentiary-collective-investigator… Bo was given full-status in what and how, what were known and had been established, in situ and intentions-intact... Being at the official-meetings with agency-official associates. Explaining, and informing in any factors-explicated through all-channels; until fully, encompassing to what had been divesting, de salvo… Before, going-into his direct client-expedient detente. Giving him the self-venue to interpret as advised, the interval-mission that he explicitly, enterprise…

  Bo knowing he was giving more in being bestowed-to achieve… In proud and devoted native-vision and collective-volition he was self-content, in the relevance of differing-units. In definitive transposing, which might confirm or deny, relativities… As promulgate to then, press the ardently, strange-concision, by studious compact and indelible, drawn impact. He was to ably, ‘see’ between the furtively, exchanging-spaces. He knew with a closer-look, on ‘both sides’ he could eventuate a plotting plan-A. And what followed essentially, was that he had to ‘transcend’ their differences and join the ‘pieces‘-in both a presenting and preliminary articulate-guising. With the aid by affirmative-forces, which he might be able to see the ‘light’ peeking-through the ‘wall’. …He was making a sequential-judgment intricate, as to incursion. It being his-job to decipher and re-assemble the “puzzle”… Demonstrating diameters, with both common-ground and implying-composite…


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