The Apostolic Fathers in English

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The Apostolic Fathers in English Page 10

by Michael W Holmes



  Crafer, T. W. Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians. London: SPCK, 1921.

  Grant, Robert M., and H. H. Graham. First and Second Clement. Vol. 2 of The Apostolic Fathers, edited by R. M. Grant. New York: Nelson, 1965.

  Lightfoot, J. B. The Apostolic Fathers, part I, S. Clement of Rome. 2nd ed. 2 vols. London: Macmillan, 1890. Repr. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1981.


  Baarda, T. “2 Clement 12 and the Sayings of Jesus.” In Logia: Les Paroles de Jésus—The Sayings of Jesus, edited by J. Delobel, 529–56. Leuven: Leuven University Press and Peeters, 1982.

  Bartlett, Vernon. “The Origin and Date of 2 Clement.” Zeitschrift für neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 7 (1906): 123–35.

  Bornkamm, G. “The History of the Origin of the So-Called Second Letter to the Corinthians.” In The Authorship and Integrity of the New Testament, edited by Kurt Aland et al., 73–81. London: SPCK, 1965.

  Donfried, Karl Paul. The Setting of Second Clement in Early Christianity. Supplements to Novum Testamentum 38. Leiden: Brill, 1974.

  Donfried, Karl Paul. “The Theology of 2 Clement.” Harvard Theological Review 66 (1973): 487–501.

  Gregory, Andrew, and Christopher Tuckett. “2 Clement and the Writings That Later Formed the New Testament.” In The Reception of the New Testament in the Apostolic Fathers, ed. Andrew Gregory and Christopher Tuckett, 251–92. Vol. 1 of The New Testament and the Apostolic Fathers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.

  Harris, Rendel. “The Authorship of the So-Called Second Epistle of Clement.” Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 23 (1924): 193–200.

  Parvis, Paul. “2 Clement and the Meaning of the Christian Homily.” Expository Times 117, no. 7 (2006): 265–70.

  Richardson, C. C. “An Anonymous Sermon, Commonly Called Clement’s Second Letter.” In Early Christian Fathers, edited by C. C. Richardson, 183–202. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1953. Repr., New York: Macmillan, 1970.

  Streeter, B. H. The Primitive Church Studied with Special Reference to the Origins of the Christian Ministry, 244–53. New York: Macmillan, 1929.

  Stewart-Sykes, Alistair. From Prophecy to Preaching: A Search for the Origins of the Christian Homily, pp. 174–87. Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 59. Leiden: Brill, 2001.


  Prologue: Thinking about Jesus

  1 Brothers and sisters, we ought to think of Jesus Christ as we do of God, as judge of the living and the dead. And we ought not to belittle the one who is our salvation, 2 for when we belittle him, we also hope to receive but little. And those who listen as though these are small matters do wrong, and we also do wrong, when we fail to acknowledge from where and by whom and to what place we were called, and how much suffering Jesus Christ endured for our sake. 3 What repayment, then, shall we give to him, or what fruit worthy of what he has given to us? And how many holy acts do we owe him? 4 For he has given us the light; as a father he has called us children; he saved us when we were perishing. 5 What praise, then, shall we give him, or what repayment in return for what we received? 6 Our minds were blinded, and we worshiped stones and wood and gold and silver and brass, things made by humans; indeed, our whole life was nothing but death. So while we were thus wrapped in darkness and our vision was filled with this thick mist we recovered our sight, by his will laying aside the cloud wrapped around us. 7 For he had mercy upon us and in his compassion he saved us when we had no hope of salvation except that which comes from him, even though he had seen in us much deception and destruction. 8 For he called us when we did not exist, and out of nothing he willed us into being.

  1.1 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. • judge . . . dead Cf. Acts 10:42; 1 Pet. 4:5. 1.4 children Lit. sons. 1.8 and out of nothing . . . being Cf. Rom. 4:17. 2.1 Isa. 54:1; cf. Gal. 4:27.

  A Scriptural Text and Its Meaning

  2 “Rejoice, O barren woman, who bears no children; break forth and shout, you who have no labor pains; for the deserted woman has more children than she who has a husband.” Now when he said, “Rejoice, O barren woman, who bears no children,” he spoke of us, for our church was barren before children were given to it. 2 And when he said, “Shout, you who have no labor pains,” he means this: we should offer up our prayers to God sincerely, and not grow weary like women in labor. 3 And he said, “for the deserted woman has more children than she who has a husband,” because our people seemed to be abandoned by God, but now that we have believed, we have become more numerous than those who seemed to have God. 4 And another scripture says, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” 5 He means this: it is necessary to save those who are perishing. 6 For it is a great and marvelous thing to support not those things that are standing but those that are falling. 7 So also Christ willed to save what was perishing, and he saved many when he came and called us who were already perishing.

  2.4 Mark 2:17; Matt. 9:13. This appears to be the earliest instance of a NT passage being quoted as scripture.

  Acknowledging God

  3 Seeing, then, that he has shown us such mercy—first of all, that we who are living do not sacrifice to dead gods, nor do we worship them, but through him have come to know the Father of truth—what else is knowledge with respect to him if it is not refusing to deny the one through whom we have come to know him? 2 Indeed, he himself says, “whoever acknowledges me before men, I will acknowledge before my Father.” 3 This, then, is our reward, if we acknowledge the one through whom we were saved. 4 But how do we acknowledge him? By doing what he says and not disobeying his commandments, and honoring him not only with our lips but with our whole heart and with our whole mind. 5 And in Isaiah he also says, “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.”

  3.2 Cf. Matt. 10:32; Luke 12:8. 3.4 with our . . . mind Cf. Mark 12:30. 3.5 Isa. 29:13; cf. Mark 7:6; Matt. 15:8; 1 Clem. 15.2.

  4 Let us, therefore, not merely call him Lord, for this will not save us. 2 For he says, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will be saved, but only the one who does what is right.” 3 So then, brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge him in our actions by loving one another, by not committing adultery or slandering one another or being jealous, but by being self-controlled, compassionate, and kind. And we ought to have sympathy for one another, and not be avaricious. By these actions let us acknowledge him, and not by their opposites. 4 Further, we must fear not humans but God. 5 For this reason, if you do these things, the Lord has said, “If you are gathered with me close to my breast, yet you do not keep my commandments, I will throw you out and say to you: ‘Get away from me; I do not know where you are from, you evildoers.’”

  4.2 Cf. Matt. 7:21. 4.3 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. 4.5 Source unknown. It may be from the Gospel of the Egyptians; cf. the note on 12.2 below.

  Living as Transients in the World

  5 Therefore, brothers and sisters, let us turn away from life as transient residents in this world and do the will of the one who called us, and let us not be afraid to depart from this world. 2 For the Lord says, “You will be like lambs among wolves.” 3 But Peter answered and said to him, “What if the wolves tear the lambs to pieces?” 4 Jesus said to Peter, “After the lambs are dead, let them fear the wolves no longer, and as for you, do not fear those who, though they kill you, are not able to do anything else to you, but fear the one who, after you are dead, has the power to cast soul and body into the flames of hell.” 5 Moreover you know, brothers and sisters, that our stay in this world of the flesh is insignificant and transitory, but the promise of Christ is great and marvelous: rest in the coming kingdom and eternal life! 6 What, then, must we do to obtain these things, except to live a holy and righteous life, and to regard these worldly things as alien to us, and not desire them? 7 For when we desire to acquire these things, we fall away from the path of righteousness.

  5.1 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. 5.2–4 Source(s) of these quotations unknown; poss
ibly from Gospel of the Egyptians (cf. the note on 12.2), but for the individual sayings cf. Luke 10:3; Matt. 10:16, 28; Luke 12:4–5. 5.5 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. • our stay . . . flesh or possibly the stay of this flesh in this world.

  Choosing between Two Options

  6 Now the Lord says, “No servant can serve two masters.” If we wish to serve both God and money, it is harmful to us. 2 “For what good is it, if someone gains the whole world but forfeits his life?” 3 This age and the one that is coming are two enemies. 4 This one talks about adultery and corruption and greed and deceit, but that one renounces these things. 5 We cannot, therefore, be friends of both; we must renounce this one in order to experience that one. 6 We think that it is better to hate the things that are here, because they are insignificant, transitory, and perishable, and to love the things that are there, which are good and imperishable. 7 For if we do the will of Christ, we will find rest; but if we do not—if we disobey his commandments—then nothing will save us from eternal punishment. 8 And the scripture also says in Ezekiel, “Even if Noah and Job and Daniel should rise up, they will not save their children” in the captivity. 9 Now if even such righteous men as these are not able, by means of their own righteous deeds, to save their children, what assurance do we have of entering the kingdom of God if we fail to keep our baptism pure and undefiled? Or who will be our advocate, if we are not found to have holy and righteous works?

  6.1 Luke 16:13; cf. Matt. 6:24. 6.2 Cf. Matt. 16:26; Mark 8:36; Luke 9:25. 6.8 Ezek. 14:14–20 (abridged). 7.1–4 Cf. 1 Cor. 9:24–27; Phil. 3:12–14; 2 Tim. 4:7–8.

  Competing in the Games

  7 So then, my brothers and sisters, let us compete in the games, realizing that the competition is at hand. While many come to enter the earthly competitions, not all are crowned, but only those who have trained hard and competed well. 2 Let us compete, therefore, so that we may all be crowned. 3 Let us run in the straight course, the heavenly competition, and let many of us come to enter it and compete, so that we may also be crowned. And if we cannot all be crowned, let us at least come close to it. 4 We must realize that if one who competes in the earthly contest is caught cheating, he is flogged, disqualified, and thrown out of the stadium. 5 What do you think? What will be done to the one who cheats in the heavenly competition? 6 For concerning those who have not kept the seal, he says: “their worm will not die and their fire will not be quenched, and they will be a spectacle for all flesh.”

  7.1 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. 7.6 seal I.e., of baptism; cf. 6.9, 8.6. • their worm . . . flesh Isa. 66:24; cf. Mark 9:48.

  A Call to Repentance

  8 So, then, while we are yet on earth, let us repent. 2 For we are clay in the craftsman’s hand. For example: while a potter is making a vessel, if it becomes misshapen or breaks in his hands, he simply reshapes it; but if he has already put it into the kiln, he is no longer able to repair it. So it is with us: as long as we are in this world, let us repent with our whole heart of the evil things that we have done in the flesh, in order that we may be saved by the Lord while we still have time for repentance. 3 For after we have left the world, we are no longer able there either to confess or to repent any more. 4 So, brothers and sisters, if we have done the will of the Father and have kept the flesh pure and have observed the commandments of the Lord, we will receive eternal life. 5 For the Lord says in the Gospel: “If you did not guard something small, who will give you something great? For I say to you, whoever is faithful with very little is also faithful with much.” 6 Now what he means is this: keep the flesh pure and the seal unstained, in order that we may receive life.

  8.2 Cf. Jer. 18:1–6; Rom. 9:21. 8.4 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. 8.5 Source uncertain; possibly the Gospel of the Egyptians (cf. the note on 12.2); but cf. also Luke 16:10–12. 8.6 life Some ancient authorities read eternal life (cf. 8.4).

  9 And let none of you say that this flesh is not judged and does not rise again. 2 Think about this: In what state were you saved? In what state did you recover your sight, if it was not while you were in this flesh? 3 We must, therefore, guard the flesh as a temple of God. 4 For just as you were called in the flesh, so you will come in the flesh. 5 If Christ, the Lord who saved us, became flesh (even though he was originally spirit) and in that state called us, so also we will receive our reward in this flesh. 6 Therefore let us love one another, so that we all may enter into the kingdom of God. 7 While we still have time to be healed, let us place ourselves in the hands of God the physician, and pay him what is due. 8 What is that? Sincere, heartfelt repentance. 9 For he is the one who knows everything beforehand, and knows what is in our heart. 10 Therefore let us give him eternal praise, not from the mouth only but also from the heart, in order that he may welcome us as sons and daughters. 11 For the Lord also said, “My brothers and sisters are those who do the will of my Father.”

  9.3 Cf. 1 Cor. 6:19. 9.10 eternal praise An editor’s emendation. Various ancient authorities read only eternal or only praise. • sons and daughters Lit. sons. 9.11 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. • Cf. Matt. 12:50; Mark 3:35; Luke 8:21.

  Do God’s Will and Serve Him

  10 Therefore, my brothers and sisters, let us do the will of the Father who called us, so that we may live, and let us pursue virtue now more than ever; let us abandon that evil mindset, the forerunner of our sins, and flee ungodliness lest evil things overtake us. 2 For if we are eager to do good, peace will pursue us. 3 This is the reason why no one is able to find peace: they instill human apprehensions, preferring the pleasure of the present to the promise of the future. 4 For they do not know what great torment the pleasure of the present brings, and what delight the promise of the future brings. 5 Now if they alone were doing these things, it could be endured; but now they persist in teaching evil to innocent souls, not knowing that both they and their listeners will receive double punishment.

  10.1 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. 10.3 to find peace The ancient authorities read only to find. The Gk word for peace may have been omitted accidentally owing to its similarity in appearance to the preceding word for find. Lightfoot suggested to prosper. • they I.e., those who are teaching evil in 10.5. 11.2–4 Source unknown. The same passage (though without the final sentence) is quoted as scripture in1 Clem. 23.3. Lightfoot speculates that it is from the lost book of Eldad and Modat mentioned by Hermas (Herm. 7.4 = Vis. 2.3.4).

  11 Let us therefore serve God with a pure heart, and we will be righteous. But if we do not serve him because we do not believe God’s promise, we will be wretched. 2 For the prophetic word says: “Wretched are the double-minded, those who doubt in their heart and say, ‘We heard all these things even in the days of our fathers, and though we have waited day after day we have seen none of them.’ 3 Fools! Compare yourselves to a tree, or take a vine: first it sheds its leaves, then a shoot comes, and after these a sour grape, and then a full ripe bunch. 4 So also my people have had turmoil and tribulation, but afterward they will receive good things.” 5 So, my brothers and sisters, let us not be double-minded, but patiently endure in hope, so that we may also receive the reward. 6 For faithful is the one who promised to pay wages in accord with each person’s works. 7 Therefore, if we do what is right in God’s sight, we will enter his kingdom and receive the promises that ear has not heard nor eye seen nor the human heart imagined.

  11.5 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. 11.6 for faithful is . . . promised Heb. 10:23. 11.7 ear has not . . imagined Cf. 1 Cor. 2:9.

  The Coming of God’s Kingdom

  12 Let us wait, therefore, hour by hour for the kingdom of God with love and righteousness, since we do not know the day of God’s appearing. 2 For the Lord himself, when he was asked by someone when his kingdom was going to come, said: “When the two shall be one, and the outside like the inside, and the male with the female, neither male nor female.” 3 Now “the two are one” when we speak the truth among ourselves and there is one soul in two bodies without deception. 4 And by “the outside like the inside” he mea
ns this: “the inside” signifies the soul, while “the outside” signifies the body. Therefore just as your body is visible, so also let your soul be evident in good works. 5 And by “the male with the female, neither male nor female” he means this: that when a brother sees a sister, he should not think of her as female, nor should she think of him as male. 6 When you do these things, he says, the kingdom of my Father will come.

  12.2 Source unknown. A shorter version of the saying (lacking and the outside . . . inside) forms part of a longer dialogue cited by Clement of Alexandria (Stromata 3.13.92), who attributes it to the Gospel of the Egyptians. Cf. also, however, Gospel of Thomas 22, which preserves a longer form of the saying.

  A Second Call to Repentance

  13 Therefore, brothers and sisters, let us repent immediately. Let us be clearheaded regarding the good, for we are full of much stupidity and wickedness. Let us wipe off from ourselves our former sins and be saved, repenting from the very souls of our being. And let us not seek to please humans, nor let us desire to please only ourselves with our righteousness, but also those who are outsiders, so that the Name may not be blasphemed on our account. 2 For the Lord says, “My name is continually blasphemed among all the nations,” and again, “Woe to him on whose account my name is blasphemed.” Why is it blasphemed? Because you do not do what I desire. 3 For when the pagans hear from our mouths the oracles of God, they marvel at their beauty and greatness. But when they discover that our actions are not worthy of the words we speak, they turn from wonder to blasphemy, saying that it is a myth and a delusion. 4 For when they hear from us that God says, “It is no credit to you if you love those who love you, but it is a credit to you if you love your enemies and those who hate you,” when they hear these things, they marvel at such extraordinary goodness. But when they see that we not only do not love those who hate us but do not even love those who love us, they scornfully laugh at us, and the Name is blasphemed.


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