Personal Greetings and Parting Requests
9 Remember in your prayers the church in Syria, which has God for its shepherd in my place. Jesus Christ alone will be its bishop—as will your love. 2 But I myself am ashamed to be counted among them, for I am not worthy, since I am the very last of them and an untimely birth. But I have been granted the mercy to be someone, if I reach God. 3 My spirit greets you, as does the love of the churches that welcomed me in the name of Jesus Christ rather than as a mere transient. For even churches that did not lie on my way (that is, my physical route) went before me from city to city.
10 I write these things to you from Smyrna through the Ephesians, who are most worthy of blessing. With me, along with many others, is Crocus, a name very dear to me. 2 Regarding those who preceded me from Syria to Rome to the glory of God, I believe you have information. Let them know that I am near, for they are all worthy of God and of you, and it is quite proper for you to refresh them in every respect. 3 I am writing these things to you on the ninth day before the calends of September. Farewell until the end, in the patient endurance of Jesus Christ.
10.3 ninth . . . September I.e., August 24.
Ignatius the Image-bearer to the church of God the Father and of Jesus Christ at Philadelphia in Asia, one that has found mercy and is firmly established in godly harmony and unwaveringly rejoices in the suffering of our Lord, fully convinced of his resurrection in all mercy, which I greet in the blood of Jesus Christ, which is eternal and lasting joy, especially if they are at one with the bishop and the presbyters and deacons who are with him, who have been appointed by the mind of Jesus Christ, whom he, in accordance with his own will, securely established by his Holy Spirit.
Praise for the Bishop
1 I know that the bishop obtained a ministry (which is for the whole community) not by his own efforts or through people or out of vanity but in the love of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I am impressed by his forbearance; he accomplishes more through silence than others do by talking. 2 For he is attuned to the commandments as a harp to its strings. Therefore my soul blesses his godly mind (well aware that it is virtuous and perfect), his steadfast character, and his lack of anger, as one living with all godly gentleness.
Warnings about Divisions
2 Therefore, as children of the light of truth, flee from division and false teaching. Where the shepherd is, there follow like sheep. 2 For many seemingly trustworthy wolves attempt, by means of wicked pleasure, to take captive the runners in God’s race; but in your unity they will find no opportunity.
Salutation the Image-bearer See note at Ign. Eph. Salutation. • Jesus Other ancient authorities read Lord Jesus. 1.1 talking Some ancient authorities add purposelessly. 1.2 as one living . . . gentleness Or in all gentleness of the living God.
3 Stay away from the evil plants, which are not cultivated by Jesus Christ, because they are not the Father’s planting. Not that I found any division among you: instead, I found that there had been a purification. 2 For all those who belong to God and Jesus Christ are with the bishop, and all those who repent and enter into the unity of the church will belong to God, so that they may be living in accordance with Jesus Christ. 3 Do not be misled, my brothers and sisters: if any follow a schismatic, they will not inherit the kingdom of God. If any hold to alien views, they disassociate themselves from the passion.
3.1 Cf. Matt. 15:13. 3.3 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. • will not inherit . . . God Cf. 1 Cor. 6:9–10.
4 Take care, therefore, to participate in one Eucharist (for there is one flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one cup that leads to unity through his blood; there is one altar, just as there is one bishop, together with the council of presbyters and the deacons, my fellow servants), in order that whatever you do, you do in accordance with God.
Safety in the Gospel and in the Church
5 My brothers and sisters, I am overflowing with love for you, and greatly rejoice as I watch out for your safety—yet not I, but Jesus Christ. Though I am in chains for his sake, I am all the more afraid, because I am still imperfect. But your prayer to God will make me perfect, so that I may attain the fate by which I have received mercy, since I have taken refuge in the gospel as the flesh of Jesus and in the apostles as the council of presbyters of the church. 2 And we also love the prophets, because they anticipated the gospel in their preaching and set their hope on him and waited for him; because they also believed in him, they were saved, since they belong to the unity centered in Jesus Christ, saints worthy of love and admiration, approved by Jesus Christ and included in the gospel of our shared hope.
5.1 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. • to God Some ancient authorities omit. 5.2 our shared hope Cf. 1 Tim. 1:1.
Warnings about Judaism
6 But if anyone expounds Judaism to you, do not listen to him. For it is better to hear about Christianity from a man who is circumcised than about Judaism from one who is not. But if either of them fails to speak about Jesus Christ, I look on them as tombstones and graves of the dead, upon which only the names of people are inscribed. 2 Flee, therefore, the evil tricks and traps of the ruler of this age, lest you be worn out by his schemes and grow weak in love. Instead gather together, all of you, with an undivided heart.
Dealings with the Church at Philadelphia
3 Now I give thanks to my God that I have a clear conscience in my dealings with you, and that no one can boast, either privately or publicly, that I was a burden to anyone in any respect, small or great. Moreover, I pray that all those to whom I spoke will not cause what I said to become a witness against them.
7 For even though certain people wanted to deceive me, humanly speaking, nevertheless the Spirit is not deceived, because it is from God; for it knows from where it comes and where it is going, and exposes the hidden things. I called out when I was with you; I was speaking with a loud voice, God’s voice: “Pay attention to the bishop, the council of presbyters, and the deacons.” 2 To be sure, there were those who suspected that I said these things because I knew in advance about the division caused by certain people. But the one for whose sake I am in chains is my witness that I did not learn this from any human being. No, the Spirit itself was preaching, saying these words: “Do nothing without the bishop. Guard your bodies as the temple of God. Love unity. Flee from divisions. Become imitators of Jesus Christ, just as he is of his Father.”
7.1 the Spirit . . . going Cf. John 3:8. • exposes the hidden things Cf. 1 Cor. 2:10.
8 I was doing my part, therefore, as a man set on unity. But God does not dwell where there is division and anger. The Lord, however, forgives all who repent, if in repenting they return to the unity of God and the council of the bishop. I believe in the grace of Jesus Christ, who will free you from every restraint.
The Gospel versus Judaism
2 Moreover, I urge you to do nothing in a spirit of contentiousness, but in accordance with the teaching of Christ. For I heard some people say, “If I do not find it in the archives, I do not believe it in the gospel.” And when I said to them, “It is written,” they answered me, “That is precisely the question.” But for me, the “archives” are Jesus Christ, the unalterable archives are his cross and death and his resurrection and the faith that comes through him; by these things I want, through your prayers, to be justified.
8.2 archives I.e., the (now called Old Testament) scriptures.
9 The priests, too, were good, but the high priest, entrusted with the Holy of Holies, is better; he alone has been entrusted with the hidden things of God, for he himself is the door of the Father, through which Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and the prophets and the apostles and the church enter in. All these come together in the unity of God. 2 But the gospel possesses something distinctive, namely, the coming of the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, his suffering, and the resurrection. For the beloved prophets preached in anticipation of him, but the gospel is t
he imperishable finished work. All these things together are good, if you believe with love.
9.1 high priest Cf. Heb. 4:14–5:10. • door Cf. John 10:7, 9. 9.2 prophets . . . of him Cf. 1 Pet. 1:10–12.
Personal Greetings and Parting Requests
10 Since it has been reported to me that in answer to your prayer and the compassion that you have in Christ Jesus the church at Antioch in Syria is at peace, it is appropriate for you, as a church of God, to appoint a deacon to go there on a mission as God’s ambassador, to congratulate them when they have assembled together and to glorify the Name. 2 Blessed in Christ Jesus is the one who will be judged worthy of such ministry, and you yourselves will be glorified. It is certainly not impossible for you to do this for the name of God, if you are willing; indeed, the neighboring churches have sent bishops, and others presbyters and deacons.
10.2 Christ Jesus Other ancient authorities read Jesus Christ.
11 Now concerning Philo, the deacon from Cilicia, a man with a good reputation, who even now assists me in the word of God, along with Rhaius Agathopus, a chosen man who followed me from Syria, having renounced this life: they speak well of you, and I give thanks to God on your behalf, because you received them as the Lord received you. But may those who dishonored them be redeemed by the grace of Jesus Christ.
2 The love of the brothers and sisters in Troas greets you. I am writing you from there through Burrhus, who was sent with me by the Ephesians and Smyrnaeans as a mark of honor. The Lord Jesus Christ will honor them; on him they set their hope in body, soul, and spirit with faith, love, and harmony. Farewell in Christ Jesus, our shared hope.
11.1 Rhaius An editor’s emendation; some ancient authorities read Rheus, others Gaius. Cf. Smyrn. 10.1. 11.2 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi.
Ignatius the Image-bearer to the church of God the Father and of the beloved Jesus Christ at Smyrna in Asia, mercifully endowed with every spiritual gift, filled with faith and love, not lacking in any spiritual gift, most worthy of God, bearing holy things: heartiest greetings in a blameless spirit and the word of God.
The Reality of Jesus’ Human Experiences
1 I glorify Jesus Christ, the God who made you so wise, for I observed that you are established in an unshakable faith, having been nailed, as it were, to the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ in both body and spirit, and firmly established in love by the blood of Christ, totally convinced with regard to our Lord that he is truly of the family of David with respect to human descent, Son of God with respect to the divine will and power, truly born of a virgin, baptized by John in order that all righteousness might be fulfilled by him, 2 truly nailed in the flesh for us under Pontius Pilate and Herod the tetrarch (from its fruit we derive our existence, that is, from his divinely blessed suffering), in order that he might raise a banner for the ages through his resurrection for his saints and faithful people, whether among Jews or among Gentiles, in the one body of his church.
2 For he suffered all these things for our sakes, in order that we might be saved; and he truly suffered just as he truly raised himself—not, as certain unbelievers say, that he suffered in appearance only (it is they who exist in appearance only!). Indeed, their fate will be determined by what they think: they will become disembodied and demonic.
Salutation the Image-bearer See note at Ign. Eph. Salutation. 1.1 the divine will and power Lit. the will and power; some ancient authorities read God’s will and power. • baptized . . . by him Cf. Matt. 3:15. 1.2 its I.e., the cross’s. 2.1 in order . . . saved Some ancient authorities omit.
3 For I know and believe that he was in the flesh even after the resurrection; 2 and when he came to Peter and those with him, he said to them: “Take hold of me; handle me and see that I am not a disembodied demon.” And immediately they touched him and believed, being closely united with his flesh and blood. For this reason they too despised death; indeed, they proved to be greater than death. 3 And after his resurrection he ate and drank with them like one who is composed of flesh, although spiritually he was united with the Father.
3.2 Take hold . . . demon Cf. Luke 24:39; the (now lost) Gospel according to the Hebrews and the Teaching [or possibly Preaching] of Peter are reported to have contained the same (or a very similar) saying. • blood Some ancient authorities read spirit.
Warnings about Teachers of Error
4 Now I am advising you of these things, dear friends, knowing that you are of the same mind. But I am guarding you in advance against wild beasts in human form—people whom you must not only not welcome but, if possible, not even meet. Nevertheless, do pray for them, that somehow they might repent, difficult though it may be. But Jesus Christ, our true life, has power over this.
Martyrdom Motivated by Jesus’ Real Passion
2 For if these things were done by our Lord in appearance only, then I am in chains in appearance only. Why, moreover, have I surrendered myself to death, to fire, to sword, to beasts? But in any case, “near the sword” means “near to God”; “with the beasts” means “with God.” Only let it be in the name of Jesus Christ, so that I may suffer together with him! I endure everything because he himself, who is the perfect human being, empowers me.
4.2 is Some ancient authorities read became.
5 Certain people ignorantly deny him, or rather have been denied by him, for they are advocates of death rather than of the truth. Neither the prophecies nor the law of Moses have persuaded them, nor, thus far, the gospel nor our own individual suffering; 2 for they think the same thing about us. For what good does it do me if someone praises me but blasphemes my Lord by not confessing that he was clothed in flesh? Anyone who does not acknowledge this thereby denies him completely and is clothed in a corpse. 3 Given that they are unbelievers, it did not seem worthwhile to me to record their names. Indeed, far be it from me even to remember them, until such time as they change their mind regarding the passion, which is our resurrection.
5.2 they think . . . us I.e., they have the same opinion of Ignatius’s suffering that they do of Christ’s: it is all “in appearance only.” • it . . . someone Some ancient authorities read someone do me if he.
Bad Teachers and Bad Beliefs
6 Let no one be misled. Even the heavenly beings and the glory of angels and the rulers, both visible and invisible, are subject to judgment if they do not believe in the blood of Christ. Let the one who can accept this accept it. Do not let a high position make anyone proud, for faith and love are everything; nothing is preferable to them.
2 Now note well those who hold heretical opinions about the grace of Jesus Christ that came to us; note how contrary they are to the mind of God. They have no concern for love, none for the widow, none for the orphan, none for the oppressed, none for the prisoner or the one released, none for the hungry or thirsty. They abstain from Eucharist and prayer because they refuse to acknowledge that the Eucharist is the flesh of our savior Jesus Christ, which suffered for our sins and which the Father by his goodness raised up.
6.1 Christ One ancient authority adds who is God. • Let . . . it Cf. Matt. 19:12. 6.2 or the one released Some ancient authorities omit. • They abstain . . . Some editions begin chapter 7 here.
7 Therefore those who deny the good gift of God perish in their contentiousness. It would be more to their advantage to love, in order that they might also rise up. 2 It is proper, therefore, to avoid such people and not speak about them either privately or publicly. Do pay attention, however, to the prophets and especially to the gospel, in which the passion has been made clear to us and the resurrection has been accomplished.
Obedience to the Bishop
8 Flee from divisions as the beginning of evils. You must all follow the bishop as Jesus Christ followed the Father, and follow the council of presbyters as you would the apostles; respect the deacons as the commandment of God. Let no one do anything that has to do with the church without the bishop. Only that Eucharist which is
under the authority of the bishop (or whomever he himself designates) is to be considered valid. 2 Wherever the bishop appears, there let the congregation be; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the catholic church. It is not permissible either to baptize or to hold a love feast without the bishop. But whatever he approves is also pleasing to God, in order that everything you do may be trustworthy and valid.
8.1 beginning of evils Some editions end chapter 7 here. 8.2 catholic This term here occurs in Christian literature for the first time. In later use (by ca. AD 200) the word “catholic” became a technical term designating “the Catholic Church” as opposed to the heretical sects, but here the expression is used in the sense of “universal” or “general” (thus the adjective could be attached to words like “resurrection” or “salvation” as well as to “church”), or possibly “whole” (conveying the idea of organic unity or completeness). • love feast Or fellowship meal. This congregational meal almost certainly included a celebration of the Eucharist. Cf. 1 Cor. 11:17–34; Jude 12.
9 Finally, it is reasonable for us to come to our senses while we still have time to repent and turn to God. It is good to acknowledge God and the bishop. The one who honors the bishop has been honored by God; the one who does anything without the bishop’s knowledge serves the devil.
9.2 God . . . reward Other ancient authorities read God will reward you; some editors (following an ancient Latin version) emend to may God reward you.
The Apostolic Fathers in English Page 15