Three Basic Doctrines
6 Well, then, there are three basic doctrines of the Lord: the hope of life, which is the beginning and end of our faith; and righteousness, which is the beginning and end of judgment; and a glad and rejoicing love, which is the testimony of works of righteousness. 7 For the Master has made known to us through the prophets things past and things present, and has given us a foretaste of things to come. Consequently, when we see these things come to pass, one thing after the other just as he predicted, we ought to make a richer and loftier offering out of reverence for him. 8 For my part, not as a teacher but as one of you, I will point out a few things that will cheer you up in the present circumstances.
1.4 I said . . . Above Or since I spoke among you I understand many things, because the Lord traveled with me in the way of righteousness, above.
2 Inasmuch as the days are evil and the one who is at work is in power, we ought to be on our guard and seek out the righteous requirements of the Lord. 2 Our faith’s helpers, then, are fear and patience, and our allies are endurance and self-control. 3 When these things persist in purity in matters relating to the Lord, wisdom, understanding, insight, and knowledge rejoice with them.
Sacrifices That Please God
4 For he has made it clear to us through all the prophets that he needs neither sacrifices nor whole burnt offerings nor general offerings, saying on one occasion: “‘What is the multitude of your sacrifices to me?’ says the Lord. I am full of whole burnt offerings, and I do not want the fat of lambs and the blood of bulls and goats, not even if you come to appear before me. For who demanded these things from your hands? Do not continue to trample my court. If you bring fine flour, it is in vain; incense is detestable to me; your new moons and sabbaths I cannot stand.” 6 Therefore he has abolished these things, in order that the new law of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is free from the yoke of compulsion, might have its offering, one not made by humans. 7 And again he says to them: “I did not command your fathers, when they were coming out of the land of Egypt, to bring whole burnt offerings and sacrifices, did I? 8 On the contrary, this is what I commanded them: ‘Let none of you bear a grudge in his heart against his neighbor, and do not love a false oath.’” 9 We ought to perceive, therefore (since we are not without understanding), the gracious intention of our Father, because he is speaking to us; he wants us to seek how we may approach him, rather than go astray as they did. 10 To us, therefore, he says this: “A sacrifice to God is a broken heart; an aroma pleasing to the Lord is a heart that glorifies its Maker.” So, brothers and sisters, we ought to give very careful attention to our salvation, lest the evil one should cause some error to slip into our midst and thereby hurl us away from our life.
1.7 out of . . . him Lit. to his fear. 2.1 one who is at work I.e., the devil. 2.5 Isa. 1:11–13 LXX. 2.7–8 Cf. Jer. 7:22–23 LXX; Zech. 8:17 LXX. 2.10 a sacrifice . . . heart Cf. Ps. 51:17 (LXX 50:19). • God Some ancient authorities read the Lord. • an aroma . . . Maker Source unknown; according to a note in a medieval manuscript (Codex Hierosolymitanus), it is from the (now lost) Apocalypse of Adam. • brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi.
The Fast That Pleases God
3 Therefore he speaks again to them concerning these things: “‘Why do you fast for me,’ says the Lord, ‘so that today your voice is heard crying out loudly? This is not the fast I have chosen,’ says the Lord, ‘not a man humiliating his soul; 2 not even if you bend your neck into a circle, and put on sackcloth and lie in ashes, not even then will you call a fast that is acceptable.’” 3 But to us he says: “‘Behold, this is the fast I have chosen,’ says the Lord: ‘break every unjust bond, untie the knots of forced agreements, set free those who are oppressed, and tear up every unjust contract. Share your bread with the hungry, and if you see someone naked, clothe that person; bring the homeless into your house, and if your see someone of lowly status, do not despise that person, nor shall the members of your house or family do so. 4 Then your light will break forth early in the morning, and your healing will rise quickly, and righteousness will go before you, and the glory of God will surround you. 5 Then you will cry out, and God will hear you; while you are still speaking he will say, “Here I am”—if you rid yourself of oppression and scornful gestures and words of complaint, and give your bread to the hungry from the heart, and have mercy on a downtrodden soul.’” 6 So for this reason, brothers and sisters, the one who is very patient, when he foresaw how the people whom he had prepared in his beloved would believe in all purity, revealed everything to us in advance, in order that we might not shipwreck ourselves as proselytes to their law.
The Last Days Are at Hand
4 We must therefore investigate the present circumstances very carefully and seek out the things that are able to save us. Let us avoid, therefore, absolutely all the works of lawlessness lest the works of lawlessness overpower us, and let us hate the deception of the present age, so that we may be loved in the age to come. 2 Let us give no rest to our soul that results in its being able to associate with sinners and evil people, lest we become like them. 3 The last stumbling block is at hand, concerning which the scriptures speak, as Enoch says. For the Master has cut short the times and the days for this reason, so that his beloved might make haste and come into his inheritance. 4 And so also says the prophet: “Ten kingdoms will reign over the earth, and after them a little king will arise, who will subdue three of the kings with a single blow.” 5 Similarly Daniel says, concerning the same one: “And I saw the fourth beast, wicked and powerful and more dangerous than all the beasts of the earth, and how ten horns sprang up from it, and from these a little offshoot of a horn, and how it subdued three of the large horns with a single blow.”
3.1–2 Isa. 58:4–5 LXX. 3.3–5 Isa. 58:6–10 LXX. 3.4 healing Some ancient authorities read garments. (The two Gk words are quite similar.) 3.6 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. 4.3 as Enoch says One ancient authority reads as Daniel says. It is not clear what text the author may have in mind. 4.4 Cf. Dan. 7:24. • after them Some ancient authorities read afterwards. 4.5 Dan. 7:7–8.
Learn from Israel’s Failure
6 You ought, therefore, to understand. Moreover, I also ask you this, as one who is one of you and who in a special way loves all of you more than my own soul: be on your guard now, and do not be like certain people; that is, do not continue to pile up your sins while claiming, “Our covenant remains valid.” In fact, those people lost it completely in the following way, when Moses had just received it. 7 For the scripture says: “And Moses was on the mountain fasting for forty days and forty nights, and he received the covenant from the Lord, stone tablets inscribed by the finger of the hand of the Lord.” 8 But by turning to idols they lost it. For thus says the Lord: “Moses, Moses, go down quickly, because your people, whom you led out of Egypt, have broken the law.” And Moses understood and hurled the two tablets from his hands, and their covenant was shattered, in order that the covenant of the beloved Jesus might be sealed in our heart, in hope inspired by faith in him. 9 (Though I would like to write a great deal more, not as a teacher but as befits one who does not like to leave out anything we possess, nevertheless I hasten to move along—your devoted servant.)
Instructions for Life in the Last Days
Consequently, let us be on guard in the last days, for the whole time of our faith will do us no good unless now, in the age of lawlessness, we also resist, as befits God’s children, the coming stumbling blocks, lest the black one find an opportunity to sneak in. 10 Let us flee from every kind of vanity; let us hate completely the works of the evil way. Do not withdraw within yourselves and live alone, as though you were already justified, but gather together and seek out together the common good. 11 For the scripture says: “Woe to those who are wise in their own opinion, and clever in their own eyes.” Let us become spiritual; let us become a perfect temple for God. To the best of our ability, let us cultivate the fear of God and strive to keep his commandments, so that we may rejoice in his righteous
requirements. 12 The Lord will judge the world without partiality. All will receive according to what they have done: if they are good, their righteousness will precede them; if they are evil, the wages of doing evil will go before them. 13 Let us never fall asleep in our sins, as if being “called” were an excuse to rest, lest the evil ruler gain power over us and thrust us out of the kingdom of the Lord. 14 Moreover consider this as well, my brothers and sisters: when you see that after such extraordinary signs and wonders were done in Israel, even then they were abandoned, let us be on guard lest we should be found to be, as it is written, “many called, but few chosen.”
4.5 earth Some ancient authorities read sea. 4.6 Our covenant remains valid The text is quite uncertain here. This translation follows an emendation proposed by J. N. Rhodes. The first edition followed an ancient manuscript: your covenant is irrevocably yours. Many adopt the sense of another: the covenant is both theirs and ours. Ours it is. 4.7 Cf. Exod. 34:28; 31:18. 4.8 Cf. Exod. 32:7; Deut. 9:12. • hurled . . . shattered Cf. Exod. 32:19; Deut. 9:17. 4.9 our faith One ancient authority reads your faith; another reads our life; another reads our life and faith. 4.9–10 children, the coming . . . Let One ancient authority reads children. Therefore, lest . . . in, let. 4.11 Woe . . . eyes Isa. 5:21 LXX.
Why and How the Lord Suffered
5 For it was for this reason that the Lord endured the deliverance of his flesh to corruption, so that we might be cleansed by the forgiveness of sins, that is, by his sprinkled blood. 2 For the scripture concerning him relates partly to Israel and partly to us, and speaks as follows: “He was wounded because of our transgressions, and has been afflicted because of our sins; by his wounds we were healed. Like a sheep he was led to slaughter, and like a lamb he was silent before his shearer.” 3 We ought, therefore, to be exceedingly thankful to the Lord, because he has both made known to us the past and given us wisdom in the present circumstance, and with regard to future events we are not without understanding. 4 Now the scripture says, “Not unjustly are nets spread out for the birds.” This means that people deserve to perish if, having knowledge of the way of righteousness, they ensnare themselves in the way of darkness. 5 And furthermore, my brothers and sisters, if the Lord submitted to suffer for our souls, even though he is Lord of the whole world, to whom God said at the foundation of the world, “Let us make humankind according to our image and likeness,” how is it, then, that he submitted to suffer at the hand of humans? Learn! 6 The prophets, receiving grace from him, prophesied about him. But he himself submitted, in order that he might destroy death and demonstrate the reality of the resurrection of the dead, because it was necessary that he be manifested in the flesh. 7 Also, he submitted in order that he might redeem the promise to the fathers and—while preparing the new people for himself—prove, while he was still on earth, that after he has brought about the resurrection he will execute judgment. 8 Furthermore, by teaching Israel and performing extraordinary wonders and signs, he preached and loved them intensely. 9 And when he chose his own apostles who were destined to preach his gospel (who were sinful beyond all measure in order that he might demonstrate that he did not come to call the righteous, but sinners), then he revealed himself to be God’s Son. 10 For if he had not come in the flesh, people could in no way have been saved by looking at him. For when they look at merely the sun they are not able to gaze at its rays, even though it is the work of his hands and will eventually cease to exist. 11 Therefore the Son of God came in the flesh for this reason, so that he might complete the full measure of the sins of those who persecuted his prophets to death. 12 It was for this reason, therefore, that he submitted. For God says that the wounds of his flesh came from them: “When they strike down their own shepherd, then the sheep of the flock will perish.” 13 But he himself desired to suffer in this manner, for it was necessary for him to suffer on a tree. For the one who prophesies says concerning him: “Spare my soul from the sword,” and “Pierce my flesh with nails, for bands of evil men have risen up against me.” 14 And again he says: “Behold, I have given my back to whips, and my cheeks to blows, and I set my face like a solid rock.”
4.14 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. • many . . . chosen Cf. Matt. 22:14. 5.1 his sprinkled blood Some ancient authorities read by the sprinkling of his blood. 5.2 Isa. 53:5, 7. 5.4 Not unjustly . . . birds Ps. 1:17 LXX. 5.5 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. • Let us . . . likeness Gen. 1:26.
6 Therefore, when he gave the commandment, what did he say? “Who is the one who condemns me? Let him oppose me. Or who is the one who vindicates himself against me? Let him draw near to the servant of the Lord. 2 Woe to you, because you will all grow old like a garment, and a moth will devour you!” And again the prophet says, since he was set in place like a mighty stone that crushes, “Behold, I will set into the foundations of Zion a precious stone, especially chosen, a cornerstone, highly valued.” 3 Then what does he say? “And whoever sets his hope on him will live forever.” Does our hope, then, rest on a rock? By no means! But he says this because the Lord has established his flesh in strength. For he says: “And he established me like a solid rock.” 4 And again the prophet says: “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” And again he says: “This is the great and wonderful day that the Lord has made.” 5 I am writing to you very simply, so that you may understand—I, the devoted servant of your love. 6 What, then, does the prophet again say? “A band of evil people have surrounded me, they have swarmed around me like bees around a honeycomb,” and “For my garments they cast lots.” 7 Therefore, inasmuch as he was about to be revealed and to suffer in the flesh, his suffering was revealed in advance. For the prophet says concerning Israel: “Woe to their soul, for they have plotted an evil plot against themselves by saying, ‘Let us bind the righteous one, because he is troublesome to us.’”
5.9 he did not . . . sinners Matt. 9:13; Mark 2:17; Luke 5:32; cf. also 2 Clem. 2.4. 5.10 people . . . him Some ancient authorities read how could people be saved by looking at him? • been saved by looking Or survived when they looked. 5.12 When they strike . . . perish Cf. Zech. 13:7; Matt. 26:31. 5.13 Spare . . . sword Ps. 22:20 (LXX 21:21). • Pierce . . . against me Cf. Ps. 119(LXX 118):120 (LXX text form only); Ps. 22:16 (LXX 21:17). • bands Or perhaps synagogues. 5.14 Isa. 50:6, 7 LXX. 6.1–2 Who is the one who condemns . . . devour you Cf. Isa. 50:8, 9 LXX. 6.2–3 Behold . . . live forever Cf. Isa. 28:16. 6.3 sets his hope on Some ancient authorities read believes in (cf. LXX). • And he established . . . rock Cf. Isa. 50:7. 6.4 The stone . . . cornerstone Ps. 118(LXX 117):22; cf. 1 Pet. 2:7. • This is . . . made Cf. Ps. 118(LXX 117):24.
The Land of Milk and Honey
8 What does the other prophet, Moses, say to them? “Behold, thus says the Lord God: ‘Enter into the good land, which the Lord promised by oath to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and take possession of it as an inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey.’” 9 But now learn what knowledge has to say: set your hope upon Jesus, who is about to be revealed to you in the flesh. For a human is earth suffering, for Adam was formed out of the face of the earth. 10 What, therefore, does “into the good land, a land flowing with milk and honey” mean? Blessed is our Lord, brothers and sisters, who endowed us with wisdom and understanding of his secrets. For the prophet speaks a parable concerning the Lord; who can understand it, except one who is wise and discerning and loves his Lord? 11 So, since he renewed us by the forgiveness of sins, he made us people of another type, so that we should have the soul of children, as if he were creating us all over again. 12 For the scripture speaks about us when he says to the Son: “Let us make humankind according to our image and likeness, and let them rule over the beasts of the earth and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea.” And when he saw that our creation was good, the Lord said: “Increase and multiply and fill the earth.” These things he said to the Son. 13 Again, I will show you how the Lord speaks to us. He made a second creation in the last days. And the Lord says: “Behold, I make the last things as the firs
t.” It was with reference to this, therefore, that the prophet proclaimed: “Enter into a land flowing with milk and honey, and rule over it.” 14 Observe, then, that we have been created anew, just as he says once more in another prophet, “‘Behold,’ says the Lord, ‘I will take away from these’” (that is to say, from those whom the Spirit of the Lord foresaw) “‘their stony hearts, and put in hearts of flesh,’” because he was about to be manifested in the flesh and to dwell in us. 15 For the dwelling place of our heart, my brothers and sisters, is a holy temple dedicated to the Lord. 16 For the Lord says again: “And with what shall I appear before the Lord my God and be glorified? I will confess you in the congregation of my brothers and sisters, and I will sing to you in the midst of the congregation of the saints.” Therefore we are the ones whom he brought into the good land. 17 So why, then, does he mention the milk and honey? Because the infant is first nourished with honey, and then with milk. So in a similar manner we too, being nourished by faith in the promise and by the word, will live and rule over the earth. 18 Now we have already said above: And let them increase and multiply and rule over the fish.” But who is presently able to rule over beasts or fish or birds of the air? For we ought to realize that “to rule” implies that one has authority, so that the one giving orders is really in control. 19 If, however, this is not now the case, then he has told us when it will be: when we ourselves have been made perfect and so become heirs of the Lord’s covenant.
6.6 A band . . . honeycomb Ps. 22:16 (LXX 21:17); Ps. 118(LXX 117):12. • For . . . lots Ps. 22:18 (LXX 21:19). 6.7 Woe . . . to us Isa. 3:9–10 LXX. 6.8 Cf. Exod. 33:1, 3. 6.9 hope Some ancient authorities read hope, it says. 6.10 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. 6.12 Let us make . . . sea Gen. 1:26. • Increase . . . earth Gen. 1:28. 6.13 the Lord Some ancient authorities read he. • Behold . . . first Source unknown. • Enter . . . over it Cf. Exod. 33:3. 6.14 Behold . . . hearts of flesh Ezek. 11:19.
The Apostolic Fathers in English Page 22