11.9 Source unknown; cf. Ezek. 20:6, 15; Zeph. 3:19; 2 Bar. 61.7. 11.10 Source unknown; cf. Ezek. 47:1–12. 12.1 Source unknown; cf. 4 Ezra (2 Esd.) 4:33; 5:5. 12.2 Cf. Exod. 17:8–13. • to Moses Some ancient authorities read in Moses, i.e., in the Pentateuch. 12.4 Cf. Isa. 65:2. The outstretched arms foreshadow, for the author, the crucifixion. 12.5 fall Lit. transgression. 12.6–7 Cf. Num. 21:4–8; John 3:14–15. 12.6 You shall not . . . God Cf. Lev. 26:1; Deut. 27:15.
8 Again, what does Moses say to “Jesus” the son of Nun when he gave him this name, since he was a prophet, for the sole purpose that all the people might hear that the Father was revealing everything about his Son Jesus? 9 Moses said to “Jesus” the son of Nun, when he gave him this name as he sent him to spy out the land, “Take a book in your hands and write what the Lord says, that in the last days the Son of God will cut off by its roots all the house of Amalek.” 10 Observe again that it is Jesus, not a son of a man but the Son of God, and revealed in the flesh by a symbol.
Since, however, they were going to say that the Messiah is the son of David, David himself, fearing and understanding the error of sinners, prophesied: “The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.’” 11 And again, Isaiah says as follows: “The Lord said to the Messiah my Lord, whose right hand I held, that the nations would obey him, and I will shatter the strength of kings.” Observe how David calls him “Lord,” and does not call him “son.”
The True Heirs of God’s Covenant
13 Now let us see whether this people or the former people is the heir, and whether the covenant is for us or for them. 2 Hear, then, what the scripture says about “the people”: “And Isaac prayed for Rebecca his wife, for she was barren; and she conceived. Then Rebecca went off to consult the Lord. And the Lord said to her: ‘Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples in your belly; one people will dominate the other, and the greater will serve the lesser.’” 3 You ought to understand who Isaac represents, and who Rebecca, and concerning whom he has shown that this people is greater than that one. 4 And in another prophecy Jacob speaks more clearly to Joseph, his son, saying: “Behold, the Lord has not deprived me of your presence; bring your sons to me, so that I may bless them.” 5 And he brought Ephraim and Manasseh, intending that Manasseh, because he was the older, should be blessed, for he brought him to the right hand of his father Jacob. But Jacob saw in the Spirit a symbol of the people to come. And what does he say? “And Jacob crossed his hands and placed his right hand on the head of Ephraim, the second and younger, and blessed him. And Joseph said to Jacob, ‘Transfer your right hand to the head of Manasseh, for he is my firstborn son.’ And Jacob said to Joseph, ‘I know, my child, I know; but the greater will serve the lesser. Yet this one too shall be blessed.’” 6 Observe how by these means he has ordained that this people should be first, and heir of the covenant.
12.7 wooden pole Lit. tree, another symbol of the cross. 12.8 Jesus The Greek form of Joshua. • for . . . that Or in order that all the people might listen to him alone, because. 12.9 Cf. Exod. 17:14. 12.10 The Lord . . . feet Ps. 110(LXX 109):1. 12.11 Cf. Isa. 45:1. • the Messiah my Lord In Isa. 45:1 Barnabas reads the Messiah my Lord (Gk kyriō) instead of my anointed one, Cyrus (Gk Kyrō). 13.2 Cf. Gen. 25:21–23.
7 Now if in addition to this the same point is also made through Abraham, we add the final touch to our knowledge. What, then, does he say to Abraham, when he alone believed and was established in righteousness? “Behold, I have established you, Abraham, as the father of the nations who believe in God without being circumcised.”
14 Yes, indeed. But let us see if he has actually given the covenant that he swore to the fathers he would give to the people. He has indeed given it; but they were not worthy to receive it because of their sins. 2 For the prophet says: “And Moses was fasting on Mount Sinai forty days and forty nights in order to receive the Lord’s covenant with the people. And Moses received from the Lord the two tablets that were inscribed by the finger of the hand of the Lord in the spirit.” And when Moses received them he began to carry them down to give to the people. 3 And the Lord said to Moses: “Moses, Moses, go down quickly, because your people, whom you led out of the land of Egypt, has broken the law.” And Moses understood that once again they had made cast images for themselves, and he hurled the tablets from his hands, and the tablets of the Lord’s covenant were shattered. 4 So Moses received it, but they were not worthy.
But how did we receive it? Learn! Moses received it as a servant, but the Lord himself gave it to us, so that we might become the people of inheritance, by suffering for us. 5 And he was made manifest in order that they might fill up the measure of their sins and we might receive the covenant through the Lord Jesus who inherited it, who was prepared for this purpose, in order that by appearing in person and redeeming from darkness our hearts, which had already been paid over to death and given over to the lawlessness of error, he might establish a covenant in us by his word. 6 For it is written how the Father commands him to redeem us from darkness and to prepare a holy people for himself. 7 Therefore the prophet says: “I, the Lord your God, have called you in righteousness, and I will grasp your hand and strengthen you; and I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, to open the eyes of the blind, and to release from their shackles those who are bound and from the prison house those who sit in darkness.” We understand, therefore, from what we have been redeemed. 8 Again the prophet says: “Behold, I have established you as a light to the nations, so that you may be the means of salvation to the ends of the earth; thus says the Lord God who redeemed you.” 9 Again the prophet says: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news about grace to the humble, he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to announce the Lord’s year of favor and day of recompense, to comfort all who mourn.”
13.4 Gen. 48:11, 9. 13.5 Cf. Gen. 48:14, 18, 19. 13.7 Behold . . . circumcised Cf. Gen. 15:6; 17:5; Rom. 4:11, 17. 14.1 people Some ancient authorities read people. Let us inquire. 14.2 Cf. Exod. 24:18; 31:18. 14.3 Cf. Exod. 32:7–8, 19.
Concerning the Sabbath
15 Furthermore, concerning the sabbath it is also written, in the Ten Words that he spoke to Moses face to face on Mount Sinai: “And sanctify the Lord’s sabbath, with clean hands and a clean heart.” 2 And in another place he says: “If my children guard the sabbath, then I will bestow my mercy upon them.” 3 He speaks of the sabbath at the beginning of the creation: “And God made the works of his hands in six days, and finished on the seventh day, and rested on it, and sanctified it.” 4 Observe, children, what “he finished in six days” means. It means this: that in six thousand years the Lord will bring everything to an end, for with him a day signifies a thousand years. And he himself bears me witness when he says, “Behold, the day of the Lord will be as a thousand years.” Therefore, children, in six days—that is, in six thousand years—everything will be brought to an end. 5 “And he rested on the seventh day.” This means: when his son comes, he will destroy the time of the lawless one and will judge the ungodly and will change the sun and the moon and the stars, and then he will truly rest on the seventh day. 6 Furthermore, he says: “You shall sanctify it with clean hands and a clean heart.” If, therefore, anyone now is able, by being clean of heart, to sanctify the day that God sanctified, we have been deceived in every respect. 7 But if that is not the case, accordingly then we will truly rest and sanctify it only when we ourselves will be able to do so, after being justified and receiving the promise; when lawlessness no longer exists, and all things have been made new by the Lord, then we will be able to sanctify it, because we ourselves will have been sanctified first. 8 Finally, he says to them: “I cannot stand your new moons and sabbaths.” You see what he means: it is not the present sabbaths that are acceptable to me, but the one that I have made; on that sabbath, after I have set everything at rest, I will cre
ate the beginning of an eighth day, which is the beginning of another world. 9 This is why we spend the eighth day in celebration, the day on which Jesus both arose from the dead and, after appearing again, ascended into heaven.
14.7 Isa. 42:6–7. 14.8 Cf. Isa. 49:6–7. 14.9 Isa. 61:1–2. • about . . . humble One ancient authority reads to the poor; another reads to men; another is missing several words here. Harmer emends the text to read to the humble. 15.1 Ten Words I.e., the Decalogue. • And sanctify . . . heart Cf. Exod. 20:8; Deut. 5:12; Ps. 24(LXX 23):4. 15.2 Cf. Exod. 31:13–17; Jer. 17:24; Isa. 56:2–8. 15.3 Gen. 2:2–3; cf. Exod. 20:11. 15.4 Behold . . . years Cf. 2 Pet. 3:8; Ps. 90(LXX 89):4. 15.5 the lawless one Or lawlessness.
Concerning the Temple
16 Finally, I will also speak to you about the temple, and how those wretched people went astray and set their hope on the building, as though it were God’s house, and not on their God who created them. 2 For they, almost like the heathen, consecrated him by means of the temple. But what does the Lord say in abolishing it? Learn! “Who measured heaven with the span of his hand, or the earth with his palm? Was it not I, says the Lord? Heaven is my throne, and the earth is a footstool for my feet. What kind of house will you build for me, or what place for me to rest?” You now know that their hope was in vain. 3 Furthermore, again he says: “Behold, those who tore down this temple will build it themselves.” 4 This is happening now. For because they went to war, it was torn down by their enemies, and now the very servants of their enemies will rebuild it. 5 Again, it was revealed that the city and the temple and the people of Israel were destined to be handed over. For the scripture says: “And it will happen in the last days that the Lord will hand over the sheep of the pasture and the sheepfold and their watchtower to destruction.” And it happened just as the Lord said.
6 But let us inquire whether there is in fact a temple of God. There is—where he himself says he is building and completing it! For it is written: “And it will come to pass that when the week comes to an end God’s temple will be built gloriously in the name of the Lord.” 7 I find, therefore, that there is in fact a temple. How, then, will it be built in the name of the Lord? Learn! Before we believed in God, our heart’s dwelling place was corrupt and weak, truly a temple built by human hands, because it was full of idolatry and was the home of demons, for we did whatever was contrary to God. 8 “But it will be built in the name of the Lord.” So pay attention, in order that the Lord’s temple may be built gloriously. How? Learn! By receiving the forgiveness of sins and setting our hope on the Name, we became new, created again from the beginning. Consequently God truly dwells in our dwelling place—that is, in us. 9 How? The word of his faith, the call of his promise, the wisdom of his righteous requirements, the commandments of his teaching, he himself prophesying in us, he himself dwelling in us; opening to us who had been in bondage to death the door of the temple, which is the mouth, and granting to us repentance, he leads us into the incorruptible temple. 10 For those who long to be saved look not to the human speaker but to the one who dwells and speaks in that person, and are amazed by the fact that they had never before heard such words from the mouth of the speaker nor had they themselves ever desired to hear them. This is the spiritual temple that is being built for the Lord.
15.7 But if . . . then The text is quite corrupt. Some ancient authorities read But if after all then and not till then. An editor emends to Observe that then, as it appears. 15.8 I cannot . . . sabbaths Isa. 1:13. 16.2 Who measured . . . rest Cf. Isa. 40:12; 66:1. 16.3 Source uncertain; cf. Isa. 49:17. 16.5 Source uncertain; cf. 1 Enoch 89:56, 66. 16.6 Source unknown; cf. Dan. 9:24.
17 To the extent that it is possible clearly to explain these things to you, I hope, in accordance with my desire, that I have not omitted anything of the matters relating to salvation. 2 For if I should write to you about things present or things to come, you would never understand, because they are found in parables. So much, then, for these things.
The Two Ways
18 But let us move on to another lesson and teaching. There are two ways of teaching and power, one of light and one of darkness, and there is a great difference between these two ways. For over the one are stationed light-giving angels of God, but over the other are angels of Satan. 2 And the first is Lord from eternity to eternity, while the latter is ruler of the present era of lawlessness.
16.8 God . . . us Lit. in our dwelling place truly God dwells in us. 17.1 I hope . . . salvation Lit. my soul hopes . . . salvation. Some ancient authorities read I hope that I have not omitted anything. 17.2 these things The Latin translation reads these things. Again you have insight concerning the majesty of Christ, how all things take place in him and through him, to whom be honor and power and glory, now and forever. Here ends the epistle of Barnabas. 18.1 another lesson Or another kind of knowledge.
The Way of Light
19 This, therefore, is the way of light; if any desire to make their way to the designated place, let them be diligent with respect to their works. The knowledge, then, that is given to us that we may walk in it is as follows. 2 You shall love the one who made you; you shall fear the one who created you; you shall glorify the one who redeemed you from death. You shall be sincere in heart and rich in spirit. You shall not associate with those who walk along the way of death; you shall hate everything that is not pleasing to God; you shall hate all hypocrisy; you must not forsake the Lord’s commandments. 3 You shall not exalt yourself, but shall be humble-minded in every respect. You shall not claim glory for yourself. You shall not hatch evil plots against your neighbor. You shall not permit your soul to become arrogant. 4 You shall not be sexually promiscuous; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not corrupt children. The word of God shall not go forth from you among any who are unclean. You shall not show partiality when reproving someone for a transgression. Be humble; be quiet; be one who reveres the words that you have heard. You shall not hold a grudge against your brother or sister. 5 You shall not waver with regard to your decisions. You shall not take the Lord’s name in vain. You shall love your neighbor more than your own life. You shall not abort a child nor, again, commit infanticide. You must not withhold your hand from your son or your daughter, but from their youth you shall teach them the fear of God. 6 You must not covet your neighbor’s possessions; you must not become greedy. Do not be intimately associated with the lofty, but live with the humble and righteous. Accept as good the things that happen to you, knowing that nothing transpires apart from God. 7 You shall not be double-minded or double-tongued. Be submissive to masters in respect and fear, as to a symbol of God. You must not give orders to your male slave or female servant (who hope in the same God as you) when angry, lest they cease to fear the God who is over you both, because he came to call those whom the Spirit has prepared, without regard to reputation. 8 You shall share everything with your neighbor, and not claim that anything is your own. For if you are sharers in what is incorruptible, how much more so in corruptible things! Do not be quick to speak, for the mouth is a deadly snare. Insofar as you are able, you shall be pure for the sake of your soul. 9 Do not be someone who stretches out the hands to receive, but withdraws them when it comes to giving. You shall love as the apple of your eye everyone who speaks the word of the Lord to you. 10 Remember the day of judgment night and day, and you shall seek out on a daily basis the presence of the saints, either laboring in word and going out to encourage, and endeavoring to save a soul by the word, or work with your hands for a ransom for your sins. 11 You shall not hesitate to give, nor shall you grumble when giving, but you will know who is the good paymaster of the reward. You shall guard what you have received, neither adding nor subtracting anything. You shall utterly hate the evil one. You shall judge righteously. 12 You shall not cause division, but shall make peace between those who quarrel by bringing them together. You shall confess your sins. You shall not come to prayer with an evil conscience. This is the way of light.
19.3 You shall
not permit . . . arrogant One ancient authority places this after in every respect. 19.4 you shall not commit adultery Exod. 20:14. • brother or sister Gk adelphō. 19.5 waver . . . decisions Lit. be of two minds whether it shall be or not. Cf. Did. 4.4. • You shall not take . . . vain One ancient authority places this after have heard (19.4). Cf. Exod. 20:7. • withhold . . . from I.e., neglect your responsibility to. Cf. Did. 4.9. 19.7 double-tongued One ancient authority adds for the double-tongue is a deadly snare (cf. Did. 2.4).
The Way of Darkness
20 But the way of the black one is crooked and completely cursed. For it is a way of eternal death and punishment, in which lie things that destroy men’s souls: idolatry, audacity, arrogance of power, hypocrisy, duplicity, adultery, murder, robbery, pride, transgression, deceit, malice, stubbornness, sorcery, magic art, greed, lack of fear of God. 2 It is the way of persecutors of the good, of those who hate truth, love a lie, do not know the reward of righteousness, do not adhere to what is good or to righteous judgment, who ignore the widow and the orphan, are vigilant not because of fear of God but for what is evil, from whom gentleness and patience are far removed and distant, who love worthless things, pursue a reward, have no mercy for the poor, do not work on behalf of the oppressed, are reckless with slander, do not know the one who made them, are murderers of children, corrupters of God’s creation, who turn away from someone in need, who oppress the afflicted, are advocates of the wealthy, lawless judges of the poor, utterly sinful.
The Apostolic Fathers in English Page 24