The Apostolic Fathers in English

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The Apostolic Fathers in English Page 27

by Michael W Holmes


  13 “Now hear about the stones that go into the building. The stones that are square and white and fit at their joints, these are the apostles and bishops and teachers and deacons who have walked according to the holiness of God and have ministered to the elect of God as bishops and teachers and deacons with purity and reverence; some have fallen asleep, while others are still living. And they always agreed with one another, and so they had peace with one another and listened to one another. For this reason their joints fit together in the building of the tower.” 2 “But who are the ones that are dragged from the deep and placed in the building, whose joints fit together with the other stones already used in the building?” “They are those who have suffered for the name of the Lord.” 3 “And I wish to know who are the other stones brought from the dry land, lady.” She said, “Those going into the building without being hewn are those whom the Lord has approved because they walked in the uprightness of the Lord and rightly performed his commandments.” 4 “And who are the ones who are being brought and placed in the building?” “They are young in faith, and faithful; but they are warned by the angels to do good, because wickedness was not found in them.” 5 “Who are the ones they rejected and threw away?” “They are the ones who have sinned and wish to repent. Therefore they were not thrown far from the tower, because they will be useful for building if they repent. So, then, the ones who are about to repent, if in fact they do repent, will be strong in the faith if they repent now while the tower is still being built. But if the tower is finished, they will no longer have a place, but will be rejects. The only advantage they have is this, that they lie near the tower.”

  11.5 before Some ancient authorities read before, you are crafty concerning the scriptures.


  14 “And do you want to know who are the ones that are broken in pieces and thrown far away from the tower? These are the children of lawlessness; they believed hypocritically, and no wickedness escaped them. Therefore they do not have salvation, because they are not useful for building on account of their wickedness. That is why they were broken up and thrown far away, because of the Lord’s wrath, for they angered him. 2 As for the others that you saw lying around in great numbers and not going into the building, the ones that are damaged are those who have known the truth but did not abide in it, nor do they associate with the saints. Therefore they are useless.” 3 “But who are the ones with cracks?” “These are the ones who have something against one another in their hearts and are not at peace among themselves. Instead, they have only the appearance of peace, and when they leave one another their evil thoughts remain in their hearts. These are the cracks that the stones have. 4 The ones that are too short are those who have believed and live for the most part in righteousness, but they have a certain amount of lawlessness; that is why they are too short and not perfect.” 5 “And who are the white and round stones that do not fit into the building, lady?” She answered and said to me, “How long will you be foolish and stupid, asking about everything and understanding nothing? These are the ones who have faith, but also have the riches of this world. Whenever persecution comes, they deny their Lord because of their riches and their business affairs.” 6 And I answered her and said, “Then when, lady, will they be useful for the building?” “When,” she replied, “their riches, which lead their souls astray, are cut away, then they will be useful to God. For just as the round stone cannot become square unless it is trimmed and loses some part of itself, so also those who are rich in this world cannot become useful to the Lord unless their riches are cut away. 7 Learn first from yourself: when you were rich, you were useless, but now you are useful and beneficial to life. Be useful to God, for you yourself are to be used as one of these stones.”

  13.4 was not found Some ancient authorities read was found. 14.2 nor do they . . . useless Some ancient authorities omit.


  15 “And the other stones that you saw thrown far from the tower, and falling onto the road and rolling off the road to wastelands, are those who have believed but because of their double-mindedness abandon their true road. Thinking that they can find a better way, they go astray and wander about in misery, trudging through the wastelands. 2 Those falling into the fire and burning are those who have completely rebelled against the living God, and the thought no longer enters their heart to repent on account of their licentious desires and the evil deeds they do. 3 And do you want to know who are the ones that fall near the waters but are not able to roll into the water? They are the ones who heard the word and want to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then, when they remember the purity of the truth, they change their mind and return again to their evil desires.” 4 So she finished the explanation of the tower. 5 Still unabashed, I asked her whether all these stones that were rejected and do not fit into the construction of the tower have opportunity for repentance and a place in this tower. “They have,” she said, “an opportunity for repentance, but they cannot fit into this tower. 6 But they will fit into another much inferior place, but not until they have been tormented and fulfilled the days of their sins. And they will be transferred for this reason only, that they received the righteous word. And then it will happen that they will be transferred out of their torments, if the evil deeds that they have done come into their hearts; but if their evil deeds do not come into their hearts, they will not be saved, because of their hard-heartedness.”

  The Seven Women Supporting the Tower


  16 When I stopped asking her about all these things, she said to me: “Would you like to see something else?” Being very eager to see more, I was quite happy to look. 2 Looking at me she smiled and said to me, “Do you see seven women around the tower?” “I see them, lady,” I said. “This tower is supported by them by the Lord’s command. 3 Now hear about their functions. The first of them, the woman with the strong hands, is called Faith; through her God’s elect are saved. 4 The second, who is dressed for work and has a manly appearance, is called Self-control; she is the daughter of Faith. Those who follow her will be blessed in their life, because they will refrain from all evil deeds, believing that if they refrain from every evil desire they will inherit eternal life.” 5 “And who are the others, lady?” “They are daughters of one another, and they are called Sincerity, Knowledge, Innocence, Reverence, and Love. So when you do all the works of their mother, you will be able to live.” 6 “I would like to know, lady,” I said, “what power each of them has.” “Listen,” she said, “to the powers that they have. 7 Their powers are controlled by one another, and they follow one another, in the order in which they were born. From Faith is born Self-control; from Self-control, Sincerity; from Sincerity, Innocence; from Innocence, Reverence; from Reverence, Knowledge; and from Knowledge, Love. Their works, therefore, are pure and reverent and divine. 8 So whoever serves these and has the strength to master their works will have a dwelling in the tower with the saints of God.” 9 Then I began to ask her about the times, in particular if the consummation had already arrived. But she cried out in a loud voice, saying: “You foolish man, can you not see that the tower is still being built? When the tower is finished being built, then the end comes. But it will be built up quickly. Do not ask me any more questions; this reminder and the renewal of your spirits is sufficient for you and for the saints. 10 But these things have not been revealed for you alone, but in order that you might show them to everyone. 11 After three days—for you must first understand it yourself—I command you first, Hermas, to speak all these words that I am about to tell you to the ears of the saints, in order that by hearing and doing them they may be cleansed from their wickedness, and you with them.”

  16.4 has a manly appearance Or is courageous.


  17 “Listen, my children. I brought you up in much sincerity and innocence and reverence through the mercy of the Lord, who instilled righteousness in you in order that you may be justified and sanctified from all evil and from all perversi
ty. Yet you do not want to cease from your wickedness. 2 Now listen to me and be at peace among yourselves, and be concerned for one another and assist one another; and do not partake of God’s creation in abundance by yourselves, but also share with those in need. 3 For by overeating some people bring on themselves fleshly weaknesses and injure their flesh, while the flesh of those who do not have anything to eat is injured because they do not have enough food, and their bodies are wasting away. 4 This lack of community spirit is harmful to those of you who have, yet do not share with those in need. 5 Look to the coming judgment. You, therefore, who have more than enough, seek out those who are hungry, until the tower is finished. For after the tower is finished, you may want to do good, but you will not have the chance. 6 Beware, therefore, you who exult in your wealth, lest those in need groan, and their groaning rise up to the Lord, and you together with your good things be shut outside the door of the tower. 7 Now, therefore, I say to you who lead the church and occupy the seats of honor: do not be like the sorcerers. For the sorcerers carry their drugs in bottles, but you carry your drug and poison in your heart. 8 You are calloused and do not want to cleanse your hearts and to mix your wisdom together in a clean heart, in order that you may have mercy from the great King. 9 Watch out, therefore, children, lest these divisions of yours deprive you of your life. 10 How is it that you desire to instruct God’s elect, while you yourselves have no instruction? Instruct one another, therefore, and have peace among yourselves, in order that I too may stand joyfully before the Father and give an account on behalf of all of you to your Lord.”

  Meaning of the Three Forms of the Woman


  18 So, when she stopped speaking with me, the six young men who were building came and took her to the tower, and four others picked up the couch and took it also to the tower. I did not see their faces, because they were turned away. 2 And as she went away, I asked her to give me a revelation about the three forms in which she had appeared to me. She answered me and said, “Concerning these things you must ask someone else, so that they may be revealed to you.” 3 Now she appeared to me, brothers and sisters, in the first vision last year as a very elderly woman sitting on a chair. 4 But in the second vision she had a more youthful face, although her body and hair were old, and she spoke to me standing up, and she was more cheerful than before. 5 In the third vision, she was altogether more youthful and exceedingly beautiful, except that her hair alone was old, and she was extremely happy and seated on a couch. 6 Concerning these things I was deeply distressed; I wanted to learn about this revelation. And I saw the elderly woman in a nighttime vision, saying to me: “Every request requires humility. Fast, therefore, and you will receive what you request from the Lord.” 7 So I fasted one day, and there appeared to me that very night a young man, and he said to me, “Because you are continually asking for revelations in your prayers, take care, lest by requesting so many things you injure your flesh. 8 These revelations are sufficient for you. Are you able to see revelations mightier than those you have seen?” 9 I answered him and said, “Sir, I ask only this one thing about the three forms of the elderly woman: that a complete revelation may be given.” He answered me and said, “How long will you people lack understanding? Your double-mindedness causes you to lack understanding; indeed, you lack it because your heart is not set toward the Lord.” 10 Again I answered him and said, “But from you, sir, we will learn these things more accurately.”

  17.2 creation . . . share Or creation by yourselves, but share the abundance. 17.6 your One ancient authority reads your brothers’ and sisters’ (Gk adelphōn); Harmer reads your abundance of.


  19 “Hear,” he said, “about the three forms, about which you inquired. 2 In the first vision, why did she appear to you as elderly and sitting on a chair? Because your spirit was old and already withered, and you had no power because of your weaknesses and double-mindedness. 3 For just as old people, no longer having any hope of renewing their youth, look forward to nothing except their falling asleep, so also you, being weakened by the cares of this life, gave yourselves over to indifference and did not cast your concerns on the Lord. Your mind was weakened and you were aged by your sorrows.” 4 “I wish to know, sir, why she was sitting on a chair.” “Because every weak person sits on a chair out of weakness, in order that the weakness of the body may be supported. You now have the symbolism of the first vision.”

  18.3 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. 18.7 Because . . . take Some ancient authorities read Why are you . . . prayers? Take.


  20 “In the second vision you saw her standing, and she had a more youthful face and was more cheerful than before, but her body and hair were old. Listen,” he said, “to this parable too. 2 Imagine an old man who has already given up all hope for himself because of his weakness and poverty and looks forward to nothing except the last day of his life. Then an inheritance is unexpectedly left to him. Upon hearing the news he arises and is very joyful and clothes himself with strength; and he no longer lies down, but stands up, and his spirit, which was already broken by his former circumstances, is renewed, and he no longer sits, but acts with courage. So it was with you, when you heard the revelation that the Lord revealed to you. 3 For he had compassion on you and renewed your spirits, and you laid aside your weaknesses, and strength returned to you, and you were made powerful in the faith, and when the Lord saw you putting on strength he rejoiced. Therefore he has shown to you the building of the tower, and he will show you other things, if with all your heart you remain at peace among yourselves.”


  21 “In the third vision you saw her more youthful, and beautiful and cheerful, and her form was beautiful. 2 So, just as when good news comes to those who are grieving they immediately forget their former sorrow and think about nothing except the news that they heard, and from then on are strengthened to do good, and their spirit is renewed because of the joy that they received, so also you have received a renewal of your spirits by seeing these good things. 3 And because you saw her sitting on a couch, the position is secure, because the couch has four feet and stands securely, for even the world is sustained by four elements. 4 Those who have fully repented, therefore, will be young and firmly established—those who repent with all their heart. You now have the complete revelation; you shall not ask anything any more about a revelation. But if anything is still needed, it will be revealed to you.”

  20.2 acts with courage Or acts like a man.

  Vision 4

  A Beast and a Bride


  22 What I saw, brothers and sisters, twenty days after the previous vision occurred, was a foreshadowing of the impending persecution. 2 I was going into the country by the Campanian Way. The place is a little over a mile from the public road, and is easily reached. 3 So, as I was walking by myself, I asked the Lord to complete the revelations and visions that he showed to me through his holy church, in order that he might strengthen me and grant repentance to his servants who had stumbled, so that his great and glorious name might be glorified, because he considered me worthy to show his wonders to me. 4 And as I was glorifying him and giving him thanks, the sound, as it were, of a voice answered me: “Do not be double-minded, Hermas.” I began to discuss this with myself and to say, “How can I be double-minded when I have been so firmly established by the Lord and have seen glorious things?” 5 And I went on a little farther, brothers and sisters, and behold, I saw a cloud of dust rising up, as it were, to heaven, and I began to say to myself, “Maybe some cattle are coming and raising a cloud of dust?” And it was about two hundred yards away from me. 6 As the cloud of dust grew larger and larger, I began to suspect that it was something supernatural. Then the sun shone a little more brightly, and behold, I saw a huge beast, like some sea monster, and from its mouth flaming locusts were pouring out. And the beast was about one hundred feet long, and it had a head like a ceramic jar. 7 And I began to cry and to beg the Lord to rescue me from it. And I
remembered the word that I had heard: “Do not be double-minded, Hermas.” 8 So, brothers and sisters, having put on the faith of the Lord and remembering the great things he had taught me, I took courage and faced the beast. And the beast was coming on with such a rush that it could have destroyed a city. 9 I came near it, and huge though it was, the sea monster stretched itself out on the ground and merely thrust out its tongue, and did not even twitch until I had passed by it. 10 And the beast had four colors on its head: black, then the color of fire and blood, then gold, and then white.

  22.1 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. 22.5 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. 22.8 brothers and sisters Gk adelphoi. • the Lord Some ancient authorities read God.


  23 Now after I had passed the beast and gone on ahead about thirty feet, behold, a young lady met me dressed as if she were coming out of a bridal chamber, all in white and with white sandals, veiled down to her forehead, and her head covering was a turban, and her hair was white. 2 I knew from the previous visions that she was the church, and I became more cheerful. She greeted me, saying, “Good morning, my man,” and I greeted her in return: “Good morning, lady.” 3 She answered and said to me, “Did nothing meet you?” I said to her, “Lady, a beast so huge that it could destroy entire peoples, but by the power of the Lord and by his great mercy I escaped it.” 4 “You deserved to escape it,” she said, “because you cast your cares on God and opened your heart to the Lord, believing that you could not be saved by anything except the great and glorious Name. Therefore the Lord sent his angel who has authority over the beasts, whose name is Thegri, and he shut its mouth so that it might not hurt you. You have escaped a great tribulation because of your faith, and because you were not double-minded, even though you saw such a huge beast. 5 Go, therefore, and declare to the Lord’s elect his mighty works, and tell them that this beast is a foreshadowing of the great tribulation that is coming. So, if you prepare yourselves in advance and turn to the Lord with all your heart, you will be able to escape it, if your heart is clean and unblemished and you serve the Lord blamelessly for the rest of the days of your life. Cast your cares upon the Lord, and he will set them straight. 6 Trust in the Lord, you who are double-minded, because he can do all things; he both turns his wrath away from you and sends out plagues upon you who are double-minded. Woe to those who hear these words and disobey them; it would have been better for them not to have been born.”


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