62 And he said to me, “Do you see this shepherd?” “I see him, sir,” I replied. “This,” he said, “is the angel of luxury and deception. He crushes the souls of God’s servants who are empty and turns them away from the truth, deceiving them with evil desires in which they perish. 2 For they forget the commandments of the living God and live pleasurably in worthless luxury, and are destroyed by this angel, some to death and some to corruption.” 3 I said to him, “Sir, I do not understand what ‘to death’ and what ‘to corruption’ mean.” “Listen,” he said. “The sheep that you saw happily skipping about are those people who have been turned away from God completely and have handed themselves over to the lusts of this world. Among these, therefore, there is no repentance leading to life, because they have also blasphemed against the Lord’s name. For such as these, there is death. 4 But the sheep that you saw that were not skipping, but were feeding in one place, are those who have handed themselves over to acts of luxury and deception, but have not spoken any blasphemy against the Lord. These, therefore, have been corrupted from the truth; for them there is the hope of repentance, by which they are able to live. So corruption has some hope of renewal, but death has only eternal destruction.” 5 Again we went on a little farther, and he showed me a huge shepherd who looked like a wild man, dressed in a white goatskin, and he had some kind of bag on his shoulders, and a very hard knobby staff, and a long whip. And he had such a bitter look that I was afraid of him, such a look he had. 6 This shepherd was receiving from the young shepherd those sheep who were frisky and well-fed but not skipping about and was putting them in a steep place covered with thorns and briars, so that the sheep were unable to disentangle themselves from the thorns and briars, but were entangled in the thorns and briars. 7 So they were attempting to graze while entangled in the thorns and briars, and were very miserable because they were being beaten by him. And he was driving them about here and there, giving them no rest, and those sheep were not at all happy.
61.6 sheep One ancient authority reads sheep. And I saw in one place other frisky and well-fed sheep, but they were not skipping about (cf. 62.4, 6 below). 62.1 deception Or pleasure (which, as Hermas sees it, is inherently deceptive because it involves one in sin).
63 When I saw them so beaten and miserable, I was sorry for them, because they were being tortured so and had no rest at all. 2 I said to the shepherd who was with me, “Sir, who is this shepherd who is so hard-hearted and mean, and has no compassion whatsoever for these sheep?” “This,” he said, “is the angel of punishment; he is one of the righteous angels and presides over punishment. 3 So he receives those who have wandered away from God and walked after the desires and pleasures of this world, and punishes them, as they deserve, with various terrible punishments.” 4 “I would like to know, sir,” I said, “what these various punishments are.” “Listen,” he said. “The various tortures and punishments are tortures they experience in this life. For some are punished with losses, and others with deprivations, and others with various illnesses, and others with every kind of disturbance, and others are insulted by worthless people and suffer many other things. 5 For many people, vacillating in their intentions, attempt many things, but nothing ever succeeds with them. And then they say that they do not prosper in their efforts, and it never enters their hearts that they have done evil deeds; instead, they blame the Lord. 6 So, when they are afflicted with every kind of affliction, then they are handed over to me for good instruction and are strengthened in the faith of the Lord and serve the Lord with a pure heart the rest of the days of their lives. When they repent, therefore, the evil deeds that they did enter their hearts, and then they glorify God, because he is a righteous judge and because each one rightly suffered everything for what he had done. And from then on they serve the Lord with pure hearts and prosper in all they do, receiving from the Lord everything they ask for. And then they glorify the Lord because they were handed over to me, and they no longer suffer any evil.”
64 I said to him, “Sir, explain something else to me as well.” “What,” he said, “do you want to know?” “Whether, sir,” I said, “those who live in luxury and pleasure are tormented for the same length of time as they spend in luxury and pleasure?” He said to me, “They are tormented for the same length of time.” 2 “Then they are tormented very little, sir,” I said, “for those who so live in luxury and forget God ought to have been tormented seven times as long.” 3 He said to me, “You are foolish and do not understand the power of torment.” “True, sir,” I said, “for if I had understood, I would not have asked you to explain it to me.” “Hear,” he said, “about the power of both. 4 The time of luxury and pleasure is one hour. But an hour of torment has the power of thirty days. So if someone lives in luxury and is deceived for one day, and is tormented for one day, the day of torment is equivalent to a whole year. So, for as many days as someone lives in luxury, for that many years is that person tormented. You see, therefore,” he said, “that the time of luxury and deception is very short, but the time of punishment and torment is long.”
65 “Sir,” I said, “since I do not fully understand about the time of the deception and luxury and torment, explain it to me more clearly.” 2 He answered and said to me, “Your stupidity is persistent, and you do not want to cleanse your heart and serve God. Take care,” he said, “lest the time be fulfilled and you are found to be still foolish. So listen,” he said, “so that you may understand the matter, just as you wish. 3 Those who live in luxury and deception for one day, and do what they want, have clothed themselves in much foolishness and do not understand what they are doing, for on the next day they forget what they did the day before. For luxury and deception have no memories, because of the foolishness with which they are clothed. But when punishment and torment cling to people for a single day, they are punished and tormented for a year, for punishment and torment have long memories. 4 So, being punished and tormented for a whole year, they then remember the luxury and deceit and realize that they are suffering these evils because of them. All those, therefore, who live in luxury and deception are tormented in this way, because even though they have life, they have handed themselves over to death.” 5 “Sir,” I said, “what kinds of luxuries are harmful?” “Everything people enjoy doing,” he said, “is a luxury for them. For even angry-tempered people indulge themselves when they give free rein to their passion. And adulterers and drunkards and slanderers and liars and greedy people and robbers and those who do things such as these all give free rein to their own sickness; they indulge themselves, therefore, by their action. 6 All these luxuries are harmful to God’s servants; because of these pleasures, therefore, those who are punished and tormented suffer. 7 But there are also luxuries that save people, for many indulge themselves in doing good, being carried away by the pleasure it gives them. This luxury, therefore, is profitable for God’s servants and brings life to such a person. But the harmful luxuries mentioned above bring torments and punishments to them; and if they persist and do not repent, they bring death upon themselves.”
64.3 both One ancient authority reads both luxury and torment.
Parable 7
Affliction and Repentance
66 A few days later I saw him on the same plain where I had also seen the shepherds, and he said to me, “What are you looking for?” “I am here, sir,” I said, “to have you order the punishing shepherd to leave my house, because he is afflicting me greatly.” “It is necessary,” he said, “for you to be afflicted. For this,” he said, “is what the glorious angel ordered concerning you, for he wants you to be tested.” “Why, sir?” I said. “What evil thing have I done that I should be handed over to this angel?” 2 “Listen,” he said. “Your sins are numerous, but not so numerous that you should be handed over to this angel. But your household has committed great sins and iniquities, and the glorious angel was incensed by their deeds, and for this reason he ordered
that you should be afflicted for a while, in order that they too might repent and cleanse themselves from every desire of this world. So when they repent and are cleansed, then the angel of punishment will leave.” 3 I said to him, “Sir, even if they have perpetrated such deeds that the glorious angel is incensed, what have I done?” “They cannot otherwise be afflicted,” he said, “unless you, the head of the household, are afflicted. For if you are afflicted, they too will necessarily be afflicted; but if you are prosperous, they cannot experience any affliction.” 4 “But look, sir,” I said. “They have repented with all their heart.” “I am quite aware,” he said, “that they have repented with all their heart. So, do you think that the sins of those who repent are forgiven immediately? Certainly not! But those who repent must torment their own soul and be extremely humble in everything they do and be afflicted with a variety of afflictions; and if they endure the afflictions that come upon them, then assuredly the one who created all things and endowed them with power will be moved with compassion and will give some healing. 5 And this will certainly be the case, if he sees that the heart of the one who repents is free of every evil thing. But it is beneficial for you and your family to be afflicted now. But why am I telling you so much? It is necessary for you to be afflicted, just as that angel of the Lord who handed you over to me ordered. And give thanks to the Lord for this, that he considered you worthy to reveal the affliction to you in advance, so that by knowing about it in advance, you might endure it with fortitude.” 6 I said to him, “Sir, be with me, and I will be able to endure any affliction.” “I will be with you,” he said, “and I will ask the punishing angel to afflict you more lightly. But you will be afflicted for a short time, and you will be restored again to your place. Only continue to be humble and to serve the Lord with a clean heart, with your children and your household, and walk in my commandments that I give you, and it will be possible for your repentance to be strong and pure. 7 And if you, with your family, keep these commandments, all affliction will leave you; indeed,” he said, “affliction will leave all who walk in these commandments of mine.”
66 Title Parable 7 One ancient authority reads The Beginning.
Parable 8
Parable of the Willow Tree
67 He showed me a great willow tree that overshadowed plains and mountains, and all who are called by the name of the Lord came under the shade of the willow. 2 And by the willow there stood an angel of the Lord, glorious and very tall, with a huge pruning hook, and he was lopping off branches from the willow and giving them to the people who were in the shade of the willow; he gave them small sticks, about eighteen inches long. 3 After they all had received the sticks, the angel laid down the pruning hook, and the tree was healthy, just as I had initially seen it. 4 And I was amazed, and said to myself, “How can the tree be healthy after so many branches were lopped off?” The shepherd said to me, “Do not be amazed that the tree remained healthy after so many branches were lopped off. Wait,” he said, “until you see everything, and what this means will be explained to you.” 5 The angel who had given the sticks to the people asked for them back again, and they were summoned to him in the same order as they had received them, and each of them returned the sticks. And the angel of the Lord took them and examined them. 6 From some he received the sticks withered and eaten, apparently by grubs; the angel ordered those who returned sticks in this condition to stand off by themselves. 7 And others returned them withered but not eaten by grubs, and these too he ordered to stand off by themselves. 8 And others returned them half withered; these also stood off by themselves. 9 And others returned their sticks half withered and cracked; these also stood off by themselves. 10 And others returned their sticks green and cracked, and they stood off by themselves. 11 And others returned the sticks half withered and half green, and they stood off by themselves. 12 Others presented their sticks two-thirds green and one-third withered, and they stood off by themselves. 13 And others returned them two-thirds dry and one-third green, and these stood off by themselves. 14 And others returned their sticks nearly all green, but with just a little bit of their sticks withered, just the end, but they did have cracks in them; these also stood off by themselves. 15 Those of others had only a very small part green, and the rest of each stick was withered; and these stood off by themselves. 16 Others came presenting their sticks green, just as they received them from the angel. Most of the multitude returned their sticks in this condition, and the angel rejoiced greatly over them, and these stood off by themselves. 17 Others returned their sticks green and with buds; these too stood off by themselves, and the angel rejoiced greatly over them. 18 And others returned their sticks green and with buds, and their buds seemed to have some fruit. And those people whose sticks were found in this condition were extremely happy, and the angel rejoiced over them, and the shepherd was very glad for them.
66.5 will . . . if Harmer suggests (on the basis of ancient authorities) God will do, when. 66.6 place One ancient authority reads household. 67 Title Parable 8 One ancient authority omits this title. 67.1 great Some ancient authorities omit.
68 And the angel of the Lord ordered that crowns be brought. And crowns were brought, apparently made of palm leaves, and he crowned the people who had returned the sticks that had the buds and some fruit, and sent them off to the tower. 2 And he also sent to the tower the others who had returned their sticks green and with buds, but with no fruit on the buds; and he gave them a seal. 3 And all those who went to the tower had the same clothes, as white as snow. 4 And he sent off those who had returned their sticks green as they had received them, giving them white clothes and seals. 5 After the angel had finished these things he said to the shepherd, “I am going away, but you must send these people inside the walls, insofar as any deserve to live there. Examine their sticks carefully, and send them off accordingly. But be careful in examining them. See to it that no one escapes you,” he said. “But if anyone does escape you, I will test them upon the altar.” After he had said this to the shepherd, he left. 6 And after the angel had left, the shepherd said to me, “Let us take everyone’s sticks and plant them, to see whether any of them can live.” I said to him, “Sir, how can these withered things live?” 7 He answered and said to me, “This tree is a willow, and this species of tree is very hardy. So, if the sticks are planted and get a little moisture, many of them will live. And then let us try to pour some water on them also. If any of them can live, I will rejoice with them; but if none live, at least I will not be found negligent.” 8 So the shepherd ordered me to call them, in the order in which each of them stood. And they came row by row, and returned the sticks to the shepherd. And the shepherd took the sticks and planted them in rows, and after he planted them he poured so much water on them that the sticks could not be seen because of the water. 9 And after he had watered the sticks he said to me, “Let us go now, and in a few days let us return and inspect all the sticks, for the one who created this tree wants all those who have received sticks from this tree to live. And I too hope that most of these sticks, now that they have received some moisture and have been watered, will live.”
The Willow Tree Parable Explained
69 I said to him, “Sir, tell me what this tree means, for I am perplexed about it, because even though so many branches were lopped off, the tree is healthy, and nothing appears to have been lopped off from it; consequently, I am perplexed.” 2 “Listen,” he said. “This great tree, which overshadows plains and mountains and all the earth, is the law of God, which is given to the whole world, and this law is the Son of God, who has been proclaimed to the ends of the earth. And the people who are under the shadow are those who have heard the preaching and believed in him. 3 And the great and glorious angel is Michael, who has authority over this people and guides them, for he is the one who puts the law into the hearts of those who believe. He, therefore, examines those to whom he gave it, to see if they have kept it. 4 Now observe the sticks
of each one, for the sticks are the law. When you see that many sticks have been made useless, you will know that they are all those who have not kept the law, and you will see each one’s dwelling.” 5 I said to him, “Sir, why did he send some off to the tower, but leave others for you?” “All those,” he said, “who transgressed the law that they received from him he left under my authority for repentance; but all those who have already satisfied the law and kept it he retains under his own authority.” 6 “So who, sir,” I asked, “are those who have been crowned and are going into the tower?” He answered and said to me, “Those who are crowned are the ones who have wrestled with the devil and conquered him. These are the ones who have suffered for the law. 7 And the others who also returned their sticks green and with buds, though not with fruit, are those who were persecuted for the law, but did not suffer, nor did they deny their law. 8 Those who returned them green, just as they received them, are reverent and righteous people who have walked with an extraordinarily clean heart and have kept the Lord’s commandments. But the rest you will learn when I examine these sticks that have been planted and watered.”
70 After a few days we came to the spot, and the shepherd sat down in the place of the great angel, while I stood beside him. And he said to me, “Tie a towel around your waist and assist me.” So I tied a clean towel made of sackcloth around my waist. 2 And when he saw me with the towel around my waist ready to assist him, he said: “Call the people whose sticks have been planted, according to the order in which they returned their sticks.” And I went to the plain and called them all, and they all stood in rows. 3 He said to them, “Pull out your own sticks, each one of you, and bring them to me.” 4 The first to return them were those who had had the withered and chewed-up sticks, and when they were found to be still withered and chewed up, he ordered them to stand off by themselves. 5 Then those whose sticks were withered but not chewed up returned them, and some of them returned the sticks green, but some returned them withered and chewed up, as though by grubs. So those who returned them green he ordered to stand off by themselves, but those who returned them withered and chewed up he ordered to stand with the first group. 6 Then those whose sticks were half withered and cracked returned them; many returned them green and without cracks, and some returned them green and budded, with fruit on the buds, like the sticks of those who were crowned and went into the tower, but some returned them withered and eaten, and some withered but not eaten, and some were as before, half withered and cracked. He ordered each one of them to stand off by themselves, some with their own group and others by themselves.
The Apostolic Fathers in English Page 32