91 “So what will happen, sir,” I asked, “if these people, being what they are, repent and cast aside their desire for these women and return to the virgins and walk in their power and in their works—will they not enter God’s house?” 2 “They will enter,” he said, “if they cast aside the works of these women and take up again the power of the virgins and walk in their works. For this is why there was a pause in the construction, so that if these repent, they may go back into the structure of the tower. But if they do not repent, then others will go in, and these will be cast out in the end.” 3 I gave thanks to the Lord for all these things, because he had mercy on all those who called upon his name, and sent forth the angel of repentance to us who had sinned against him and renewed our spirit, and he restored our life when we were already ruined and had no hope of life. 4 “Now, sir,” I said, “explain to me why the tower is not built on the ground but upon the rock and the door.” “Are you still,” he said, “stupid and senseless?” “I am obliged, sir,” I said, “to ask you about everything, for I am absolutely unable to comprehend anything at all; for all these matters are awesome and glorious, and difficult for people to understand.” 5 “Listen,” he said. “The name of the Son of God is great and incomprehensible, and sustains the whole world. If, therefore, all creation is sustained by the Son of God, what do you think of those who are called by him and bear the name of the Son of God and walk in his commandments? 6 Do you see, then, what kind of people he sustains? Those who bear his name with their whole heart. So he himself has become their foundation and gladly sustains them because they are not ashamed to bear his name.”
92 “Tell me, sir,” I said, “the names of the virgins and of the women dressed in the black garments.” “Hear,” he said, “the names of the stronger virgins who are stationed at the corners. 2 The first is Faith, and the second, Self-control, and the third, Power, and the fourth, Patience. And the others standing between them have these names: Sincerity, Innocence, Purity, Cheerfulness, Truth, Understanding, Harmony, and Love. The one who bears these names and the name of the Son of God will be able to enter the kingdom of God. 3 Hear also,” he said, “the names of the women with the black clothes. Of these, four also are more powerful. The first is Unbelief, the second, Self-indulgence, the third, Disobedience, and the fourth, Deceit. And the ones who follow them are called Grief, Evil, Licentiousness, Angry Temper, Falsehood, Foolishness, Slander, and Hatred. The servant of God who bears these names will see the kingdom of God but will not enter it.” 4 “And who are the stones, sir,” I said, “that came from the deep and were fitted into the building?” “The first ones,” he said, “the ten that were placed on the foundations, are the first generation, and the twenty-five are the second generation of righteous men. The thirty-five are God’s prophets and his ministers, and the forty are apostles and teachers of the proclamation of the Son of God.” 5 “So why, sir,” I said, “did the virgins also deliver these stones for the construction of the tower, after carrying them through the door?” 6 “Because,” he said, “these were the first to bear these spirits, and they never separated from one another at all, neither the spirits from the people nor the people from the spirits, but the spirits remained with them until they fell asleep; and if they had not had these spirits with them, they would not have been useful for the construction of this tower.”
90.8 the clothes and Some ancient authorities omit.
93 “Sir, explain something else to me,” I said. “What else do you want to know?” he said. “Why, sir,” I said, “did the stones come up from the deep, and why were they put into the building, even though they had borne these spirits?” 2 “It was necessary,” he said, “for them to come up through water in order to be made alive, for otherwise they could not enter the kingdom of God, unless they laid aside the deadness of their former life. 3 So even those who had fallen asleep received the seal of the Son of God and entered the kingdom of God. For before people bear the name of the Son of God,” he said, “they are dead, but when they receive the seal, they lay aside their deadness and receive life. 4 The seal, therefore, is the water; so they go down into the water dead and they come up alive. So this seal was proclaimed to them as well, and they made use of it in order that they might enter the kingdom of God.” 5 “Why, sir,” I said, “did the forty stones also come up with them from the deep, when they had already received the seal?” “Because,” he said, “when these apostles and teachers who preached the name of the Son of God fell asleep in the power and faith of the Son of God, they preached also to those who had previously fallen asleep, and they themselves gave them the seal of the preaching. 6 Therefore they went down with them into the water and came up again. But these went down alive and came up alive, whereas those who had previously fallen asleep went down dead and came up alive. 7 So they were made alive through them and came to full knowledge of the name of the Son of God. This is why they also came up with them and were fitted together with them into the structure of the tower, and were joined together without being trimmed, for they fell asleep in righteousness and in great purity, only they did not have this seal. You now have the explanation of these things as well.” “I do, sir,” I said.
92.4 twenty-five One ancient authority reads fifteen (cf. 81.3). 93.1 even though Or since.
Explanation of the Twelve Mountains
94 “Now then, sir, explain to me about the mountains. Why is their appearance different from one another, and so diverse?” “Listen,” he said. “These twelve mountains are twelve tribes that inhabit the whole world. To them, therefore, the Son of God was proclaimed by the apostles.” 2 “But explain to me, sir, why the mountains are so diverse, and different from one another in appearance.” “Listen,” he said. “These twelve tribes that inhabit the whole world are twelve nations, and they are diverse in thought and mind. So just as you observed that the mountains are diverse, so also there are diversities of mind and thought among the nations. And I will explain to you the operation of each one.” 3 “Sir,” I said, “first tell me this: given that the mountains are so diverse, why is it that when their stones were set into the building, they became bright and all one color, just like the stones that had come up from the deep?” 4 “Because,” he said, “all the nations that dwell under heaven, when they heard and believed, were called by the name of the Son of God. So when they received the seal, they had one thought and one mind, and one faith and one love became theirs, and they bore the spirits of the virgins along with the name. This is why the construction of the tower shone with one color, as bright as the sun. 5 But after they went in together and became one body, some of them polluted themselves and were cast out of the race of the righteous, and again became as they were before, or rather even worse.”
95 “How, sir,” I said, “did they become worse, after they had come to know God?” “Those who do not know God,” he said, “and do evil receive some punishment for their evil, but those who have come to know God ought no longer to do evil, but to do good. 2 So if those who ought to do good do evil, do they not appear to do greater evil than those who do not know God? This is why those who have not known God and do evil are condemned to death, whereas those who have known God and have seen his mighty works and yet do evil will be doubly punished and will die forever. In this way, therefore, the church of God will be purified. 3 And just as you saw the stones removed from the tower and handed over to the evil spirits and thrown away from there, so there will be one body of those who have been purified; just as the tower became as though made of one stone after it had been purified, so also will the church of God be after it has been purified, and the wicked and hypocrites and blasphemers and double-minded and those who do various kinds of evil have been cast out. 4 When these have been cast out, the church of God will be one body, one thought, one mind, one faith, one love; and then the Son of God will rejoice and be glad in them, because he has received b
ack his people pure.” “All these things are great and glorious, sir,” I said. 5 “Yet tell me more, sir,” I said, “about the power and the functions of each one of the mountains, so that every soul that trusts in the Lord may glorify his great and marvelous and glorious name when he hears about them.” “Listen,” he said, “to the variety of the mountains and of the twelve nations.”
96 “From the first mountain, the black one, are believers such as these: apostates and blasphemers against the Lord, and betrayers of God’s servants. For these there is no repentance, but there is death, and this is why they are black, for their kind is lawless. 2 And from the second mountain, the bare one, are believers such as these: hypocrites and teachers of evil. These, then, are like the first in not having the fruit of righteousness. For as their mountain is without fruit, so also people such as these have the name, but are devoid of faith, and there is no fruit of truth in them. To these, then, repentance is offered, if they repent quickly; but if they delay, their death will be with the first group.” 3 “Why, sir,” I said, “is there repentance for them but not for the first group? For their actions are almost the same.” “This is why,” he said, “repentance is offered to them: they have not blasphemed their Lord, nor have they become betrayers of God’s servants. Yet because of the desire for gain they acted hypocritically, and each one taught to suit the desires of sinful people. But they will pay a penalty; yet repentance is offered to them, because they did not become blasphemers or betrayers.”
97 “And from the third mountain, the one with thorns and briars, are believers such as these: some of them are rich, and some are entangled in many business affairs. The briars are the rich, and the thorns are those who are entangled in various business affairs. 2 So these who are entangled in many and various business affairs do not associate with God’s servants, but being choked by their affairs they go astray. Meanwhile the rich associate with God’s servants only with difficulty, for they are afraid that they may be asked for something by them. Such people, therefore, will enter the kingdom of God only with difficulty. 3 For just as it is difficult to walk on briars with bare feet, so it is difficult for such people to enter the kingdom of God. 4 But for all these repentance is possible, but it must be quick, so that they may now retrace the days when in former times they failed to do anything, and do something good. So, if they repent and do something good, they will live to God; but if they persist in their actions, they will be handed over to those women, who will put them to death.”
98 “And from the fourth mountain—the one with much vegetation, which was green at the tops and withered at the roots, and some of which was dried up by the sun—are believers such as these: the double-minded, and those who have the Lord on their lips but do not have him in their hearts. 2 That is why their foundations are dry and have no power, and only their words are alive, but their works are dead. Such people are neither alive nor dead. They are, therefore, like the double-minded, for the double-minded are neither green nor withered, for they are neither alive nor dead. 3 For just as these plants were dried up when they saw the sun, so the double-minded, whenever they hear about a persecution, worship idols because of their cowardice and are ashamed of the name of their Lord. 4 Such people are, therefore, neither alive nor dead. Yet these, too, if they repent quickly, will be able to live. But if they do not repent, they have already been handed over to the women who take away their lives.”
99 “And from the fifth mountain, the rugged one with the green grass, are believers such as these: they are faithful, but slow to learn, arrogant, and self-satisfied; though they want to know everything, they know nothing at all. 2 Because of this arrogance of theirs, understanding has left them and a foolish stupidity has taken possession of them. Yet they praise themselves for having wisdom and want to be volunteer teachers, foolish though they are. 3 So, because of pride many people have been ruined while attempting to exalt themselves, for arrogance and overconfidence are a mighty demon. Many of these, therefore, were rejected, but some, comprehending their own foolishness, repented and believed, and submitted themselves to those with understanding. 4 And for the rest of these people repentance remains a possibility, for they were not really evil but rather stupid and short on understanding. So these will, if they repent, live to God, but if they do not repent they will dwell with the women who do them harm.”
100 “And those from the sixth mountain, the one with large and small ravines and withered plants in the ravines, are believers such as these: 2 the ones with small ravines are those who have something against one another; because of their backbiting they are withered in the faith. But many of these have repented, and the rest will repent when they hear my commandments, for their backbiting is relatively minor, and they will quickly repent. 3 But the ones with the large ravines are those who persist in their backbiting and hold grudges in their rage toward one another. These, therefore, were thrown away from the tower and rejected for its construction. Such people will find it difficult to live. 4 If our God and Lord, who rules over all things and has authority over all his creation, holds no grudge against those who confess their sins and is merciful, can a human being, who is mortal and full of sin, hold a grudge against someone as if he could destroy or save that person? 5 But I, the angel of repentance, am telling you, whoever holds this view must lay it aside and repent, and the Lord will heal your previous sins if you cleanse yourselves of this demon. But if you do not, you will be handed over to him to be put to death.”
101 “And from the seventh mountain, where the vegetation was green and blooming and the whole mountain was thriving and cattle of every kind and birds of the sky were feeding on the vegetation on that mountain, and the vegetation on which they fed became all the more luxuriant, are believers such as these: 2 they were always sincere and innocent and blessed, holding nothing against one another but always rejoicing in God’s servants and clothed in the holy spirit of these virgins, and always having compassion for everyone, and from their labors they supplied everyone’s needs without reproach and without hesitation. 3 The Lord, therefore, seeing their sincerity and utter childlikeness, prospered them in the labors of their hands and favored them in all that they did. 4 And I, the angel of repentance, declare to you who are like this: continue to act like this, and your descendants will never be blotted out. For the Lord has tested you and has enrolled you among our number, and all your descendants will live with the Son of God, for you have partaken of his spirit.”
102 “And from the eighth mountain, where there were many springs and all the Lord’s creation drank from the springs, are believers such as these: 2 apostles and teachers who preached to the whole world and who reverently and purely taught the word of the Lord, and who misappropriated nothing for evil desire, but always walked in righteousness and truth, just as they had also received the holy spirit. Such people, therefore, will enter in with the angels.”
103 “And from the ninth mountain, which was desolate, which had on it reptiles and wild beasts that destroy men, are believers such as these: 2 the ones with the spots are deacons who carried out their ministry badly and plundered the livelihood of widows and orphans, and profited themselves from the ministry that they received to carry out. If, therefore, they persist in the same evil desire, they are dead and there is no hope of life for them. But if they turn about and fulfill their ministry purely, they will be able to live. 3 And the ones who are rough are those who have denied and have not returned to their Lord, but have become barren and desolate; because they do not associate with God’s servants but remain alone, they destroy their own souls. 4 For just as a vine left untended along a fence is ruined and stunted by weeds and eventually becomes wild and is no longer useful to its owner, so also people such as these have despaired of themselves and become useless to their Lord, since they are growing wild. 5 Fo
r these, then, there is repentance, unless they are found to have denied from the heart. But if someone is found to have denied from the heart, I do not know if it is possible for that person to live. 6 And I do not say this regarding these days, that someone who denies may receive repentance, for it is impossible for anyone who denies the Lord from now on to be saved; but for those who denied him long ago repentance seems to be a possibility. If, however, any are about to repent, let them do so quickly, before the tower is completed, or else they will be destroyed by the women and put to death. 7 And the short ones are treacherous backbiters; these are the snakes you saw on the mountain. For just as snakes poison and kill a person with their venom, so also the words of such people poison and kill a person. 8 These, therefore, are short in their faith because of their conduct toward one another, but some repented and were saved. And the rest of those who are like this can be saved, if they repent; but if they do not repent, they will meet their death at the hands of those women whose power they have.”
The Apostolic Fathers in English Page 35