Time's End: A Future Chron Novel (Future Chron Universe Book 34)

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Time's End: A Future Chron Novel (Future Chron Universe Book 34) Page 9

by D. W. Patterson

  “Who is selling this weapon and how is it being procured?”

  It was Dr. Eiffel's turn to shrug.

  “Dave, maybe you better put in a call to Galactic and find out where we stand. While you are doing that I'll fill Dr. Eiffel in on the state of our research program.”

  Reynolds left to make the call and Pearce began to tell Dr. Eiffel of their “successful” experiment the day before. Then Dave returned.

  “What did they say Dave?”

  “Well it turns out they, that is the government, don't know what to do. It seems that no more than half a dozen Core ships have pretty much defeated the Earth's space forces. The news is just getting out now. CEO says for us to write up our results and standby. He'll pass along word from the government when he receives it.”

  They were silently stunned.

  “We should try to get more news,” said Pearce.

  They spent almost the next hour trying to find out more about what had happened. The only thing that was apparent was that the Core had defeated the bulk of the Earth's and its allies' space forces in under six hours. The Core planets had not made any demands but had indicated that the helium-3 supplies would continue but it would be for an exchange of resources though what resources had not been specified.

  “Well we seem to be at their mercy,” said Reynolds.

  “This is all very strange,” said Pearce. “Do you think that the Dhalkans are behind all this Dr. Eiffel?”

  “I don't know for sure. I would say that it is a possibility. They certainly have the brainpower to build such a weapon.”

  “That's true,” said Dave. “But their reason for selling it here and there and not to everyone is baffling. I mean if they were after profit you would think they would want the largest market possible.”

  “True Dave. The Dhalkans though from what I know have never been that interested in power or money.”

  “Yeah Pearce but here they have the opportunity of both. Maybe that kind of temptation has changed them?”


  “You mean you think someone else is using the Dhalkans as a frontman, so to speak Dr. Pearce?”

  “Maybe Dr. Eiffel.”

  Without any work Dr. Eiffel left. Dave provided her with a payment to cover her time and expenses.

  Then he and Pearce worked for a couple of weeks to finish their write-up of the previous test and create proposals for further testing. Dave turned these into Galactic and was told that there would be no further need for testing at this time but they would remain on the payroll for now. Somehow it was strange that after the flurry of attention there didn't seem to be any interest in continuing their work. The two then decided to return to their homes and await further word. Pearce flew back to his apartment in the Atlanta Tower Complex.

  Chapter 13

  From The PopSci Encyclic

  2700 A.D. Edition

  Although a bubble of negative energy begins to dissipate as soon as it is formed, bubbles have been known to hold together for several minutes depending on their size. The lifetime of a bubble can also be enhanced in various ways.

  One way to enhance the lifetime is to increase the density of the negative energy. This can be done by forming the bubble as fast as possible. The limit to this method is the power of the spin-two drive.

  Another way is to create the bubble as concentric spheres. In essence, the bubble is created from the center out in layers. The outer layers being created most recently act as an impedance to the dissipation of the inner layers.

  Finally, a small bubble of negative energy will have a smaller rate of dissipation and stay together longer. This is the characteristic that the Infinity Weapon takes advantage of.

  Anytime Pearce finished a project it seemed as if he were torn from one world and deposited in a different one. From the constant stimulation of thinking, talking and working with the physics of the phenomenon to listening to kids playing on the playground at his apartment complex seemed somehow like separate but parallel worlds. It usually would take him a couple of weeks to transition between those worlds. Fortunately the salary from the company and his savings would ease the transition. It seemed a good time to catch up on his reading.

  As I stood thus meditating, I turned my gaze from the landscape to the heavens where the myriad stars formed a gorgeous and fitting canopy for the wonders of the earthly scene. My attention was quickly riveted by a large red star close to the distant horizon. As I gazed upon it I felt a spell of overpowering fascination—it was Mars, the god of war, and for me, the fighting man, it had always held the power of irresistible enchantment. As I gazed at it on that far-gone night it seemed to call across the unthinkable void, to lure me to it, to draw me as the lodestone attracts a particle of iron.

  My longing was beyond the power of opposition; I closed my eyes, stretched out my arms toward the god of my vocation and felt myself drawn with the suddenness of thought through the trackless immensity of space. There was an instant of extreme cold and utter darkness.

  Pearce put down his Emmie. He was hungry and that meant a visit to his favorite restaurant on Peachtree Via. It was an astronomy-themed pizza place, but the astronomy was serious because the owner had a Ph.D. in the subject. Like many before him, Edmund hadn't found a job in his beloved discipline and had decided to cook pizza for a living.

  Pearce ordered the “Pillars of Creation” pizza, his favorite. With the order came the cook, Edmund.

  “Hello Pearce. I figured it was you,” said Edmund as he placed the pizza on the table and sat down.

  “Hi Edmund how are you?”

  “Same, nothing to report but a crazy world.”

  “I know but things seem different around here Edmund, what is going on?”

  “The government seems to have gone into hiding since the incident with the Core planets. There's almost no news about the situation. People don't know whether to be concerned or relieved.”

  “What do you think?” said Pearce.

  “I think there are some negotiations going on which when they are revealed are going to be very disappointing to us but it will be too late for anything to be done.”

  “You may be right Edmund. Remember the project I was working on?”

  “Yeah Pearce, the time bubble?”

  “Right. We were close to giving the government a defense against these Core planets and they lost interest. Basically closed down our research and paid us off with a salary but no work.”

  Edmund looked concerned.

  “Should you be talking about this Pearce? I mean if the government is involved.”

  “I signed no non-disclosure agreement Edmund. Maybe it was an oversight on the part of the company but I'm under no legal obligation not to discuss the work.”

  “Well, still I wouldn't tell too many people. It will only stir up more animosity towards the government.”

  “I understand Edmund. So how's business?”

  “Not good either. Too many people worrying. I should have started a bar instead of a family pizza place. That reminds me did you hear what happened down the street?”


  “Well you know the neighborhood has been having trouble with that nightclub ever since it opened.”

  “You mean The Q?”

  “Yeah, well it's gone now.”

  “What happened?”

  “One night last week it was reduced to rubble and dust.”


  “Yeah, like a real fine sand. They got it taped off now. The Territorial Security Bureau is investigating.”

  “The TSB is investigating?”

  “That's what I hear.”

  “That's pretty weird Edmund.”

  “Yeah, I think that's another reason people in the area are weary and it's affecting my business. I hope they finish the investigation soon.”

  Pearce and Edmund talked a little more, Pearce finished his pizza and took the rest home. He had some investigating of his own to do.

; On the way back he had the electric drive by the site where the nightclub had stood. He had it stop while he tried to see but it was impossible as there were several cops and really nothing left but a blank lot. He went on home.

  That night his research turned up more mystery. Pearce found other incidents similar to the neighborhood's nightclub but only when he narrowed his search to local news sources. The incidents weren't reflected in the territorial coverage.

  I would have thought something like that would be worthy of the territorial news.

  Pearce wished he could get an analysis of some of that “dust” from the nightclub site. He got an idea.

  The next day he put on his running shoes and jogging clothes and left the apartment bound for the nightclub site. He was jogging by when he stopped in front to look. A police officer saw him.

  “Hello officer. What happened here?”

  “You haven't heard?”

  “No sir, I've been out of town for a few months on a business trip,” said Pearce as he moved closer to the policeman.

  “Building fell down, nothing but rubble and dust left,” said the policeman. He seemed bored and willing to talk.

  “Really? I didn't think that building was that old,” said Pearce stepping over the police tape and moving up beside the officer as they stared at the empty lot.

  “It wasn't. I think this lot was redeveloped no more than fifty years ago.”

  “Wow, that means they probably used some of the latest nano-engineered materials. That stuff is supposed to last for a millennium.”

  “I wonder what happened then?”

  “I don't know officer but it's been good talking to you. I've got to get going I'm afraid.”

  “Okay buddy.”

  Pearce walked around the corner and sat down. Taking his shoes off he took out an envelope and brushed the sand and dirt from his shoes into the envelope. Just before he finished a delivery bot rolled up and stopped.

  “Can I be of help sir?”

  “No just tying my shoelaces.”

  “Very well, have a good day.”

  “You too.”

  Pearce finished, put on his shoes and jogged back to his apartment.

  “Where did you get this Pearce?”

  Pearce had taken his sample of dirt and dust from the nightclub site to a friend at the university.

  “Just walking around. Can you do an analysis?”

  “Yeah but it might help if you tell me what I'm looking for, it would save some time.”

  “I would except I don't want to bias your findings. It's more important that you tell me than I guide you to your findings.”

  “Okay but it's going to take a couple of days.”

  “No hurry, thanks Aileen.”

  It was a couple of days later that Aileen got the results to Pearce. He read her message on his Emmie. Eighty-five point-five percent silica, two point-two percent pulverized gravel, two percent nano-based reinforced carbon-fiber. Pearce stopped his reading.

  That could only be from the building that was destroyed. Such a building material makes sense but it should have lasted almost forever. What happened?

  Pearce had a suspicion of what had happened to the building based on his work with time bubbles. But if that was what was used in this incident then the technology had leapt ahead again. To create and launch a time sphere while orbiting a planet and have it hit a target on the surface would be quite an achievement. Even using a local link that was good aiming.

  He thought again of what a shame it was that he and Dave had been prevented from developing a working device.

  Pearce kept searching for more incidents over the next two days. He used a program that did all the searching. After a couple of days and tens of incidents he was starting to reach a conclusion. All the incidents he had found so far had been like the one in Atlanta where the target didn't fit the neighborhood. In fact as he thought about it he became convinced that all the incidents were related.

  He sent Dave a list of the incidents he had uncovered and asked him to take a look and draw a conclusion. He told Dave what he thought might be happening but he didn't as yet know why. Dave got back to him the next day.

  I have to agree with your assessment Pearce. These buildings are being destroyed by the same phenomenon we were investigating. As to who and why.

  Who would obviously be the Core planets since they are the only ones in the Solar System that we know have the weapon (unless another has appeared and the government isn't releasing that information). As a matter of fact I think the government does know but is keeping it a secret for some reason. So the Core planets are redeveloping our urban areas with or without the government's acquiescence.

  But why? I don't know. The only clue is what the target sites have in common. Which I think is that they don't fit into their neighborhoods. But I'm not too sure of that conclusion. How about you?

  Pearce kept collecting incidents although he still wasn't sure how they were all connected. He was looking at some of the latest incidents when he noticed one was not far from his apartment. He decided to go see for himself.

  The electric stopped in front of the address that Pearce had given it but instead of an empty lot Pearce was staring at a two-story building. A bright, clean-looking building. He took note of the realty sign and had the electric take him back home. A message to the sign's contact turned up nothing. The guy had no idea how long the building had been there, he had been hired the day before to offer it.

  The incident report indicates that the building had collapsed four days ago. This guy was hired yesterday to sell or rent the new building. It was built in two days?

  Pearce had no answer to his question but it was obvious that something had been built there and in a hurry.

  Could it be that they, whoever they are, are trying to minimize the attention to the “collapsed” buildings by putting up these new ones that fast?

  Pearce was contemplating the answer when he heard the door announce. Looking at his Emmie he saw two men in suits. Pearce got up to open the door.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Hello,” said the man in front. “Are you Dr. Pearce Rawlings?”

  Pearce noted the courtesy.

  “Yes I am Dr. Rawlings.”

  “Sir, we are from Territorial Security may we speak with you a minute?”


  “Yes, it would be best in private.”

  “Very well.”

  Pearce was wary but let the men in and offered them a seat.

  “Dr. Pearce,” said the second man. “We know that you have been involved in time research with Dr. Reynolds. That is why we are here. Sir, there are some things going on in the global government that frankly we do not agree with and we are determined to counter these developments.

  “You are aware that the governments on the territorial and international levels are not interested in you continuing your work. But we think continuing your work is important to the welfare of the territory and really the whole planet. That is why we want to provide you and Dr. Reynolds with the resources you need to finish your research.

  “If you are interested we can take you to a safe location that we have already started to prepare for such research.”

  Pearce was quiet. He wasn't completely trusting.

  “This is all quite a surprise to me,” he said. “I may have to think about it for a couple of days.”

  “That is understandable sir but we urge you to decide now. We know that you have been following the strange incidents as we have. There are others that also know of your interest in these incidents. We believe they are not far behind us in contacting you. I will only say that they are not interested in your work but in keeping you silent in whatever way is necessary. I strongly urge you to come with us now.”

  “You're saying my life is in danger.”

  “Yes sir. Frankly that is what I am saying. I believe they will strike after dark and they believe you to be expendable unlike us.”

  “Wow. I wish I could believe all this, what is your name?”


  “I wish I could believe all this Edgar but it seems a little far-fetched.”

  “So that is your decision Dr. Rawlings?”

  “For now, I guess it is.”

  “Very well then, if you change your mind my contact information is now on your Emmie under Edgar.”

  Pearce was just recovering from his last visitors when the door alerted again. He saw on his Emmie that it was a man and woman dressed in business casual. This time Pearce got on his Emmie to talk to them.

  “Hello, this is Dr. Rawlings.”

  “Hello, Dr. Rawlings I am Eva Jaskin and this is my associate Jack Lang.”

  Pearce could see the man waving at the camera.

  “I was wondering sir if we could talk with you about a matter of territorial, even international security.”

  “Well I don't know,” said Pearce. “I am in the middle of something.”

  “Sir, it will only take fifteen minutes and then we will be gone.”

  Against his better judgment Pearce agreed and opened the door to face a weapon in the woman's hand.

  “Dr. Rawlings you will come with us.”

  Pearce found himself being loaded into a large van which looked to be a long distance electric. The inside was bare, Pearce made his seat on a wheel well. The only window was between Pearce and the driver's cabin and was sealed. There was a comm system.

  “Dr. Rawlings this is Eva we are preparing to leave. You may want to brace yourself.”

  Before Pearce could respond the van was moving and Pearce was thinking.

  Obviously these groups, whoever they are, are not going to allow me to live in peace. I'll have to work for one of them. But which one? I liked Edgar better but I'm not sure I have a choice now.


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