by E. L. Morrow
“So, we enter, go left, and move clockwise.”
“I think so. The other one is: ‘before testing any static device depower first.’ I’m not sure how that applies, but we’ll see. Have you any idea what the riddle means?”
“Not yet. Maybe our search will help.”
Once in the Commercial Museum, they move left until they find a wing dedicated to old TV commercials. A large section deals with tobacco products. Both women realize that riddle contains cigarette names: Lucky Strikes, Old Gold, Kool and finally Benson and Hedges. “Apparently, Benson and Hedges is the goal, but we need to find the others first.” As they move through the area, they find all the brands mentioned, watch some of the commercials. Nothing seemed to click until, near the end of the display—a vending machine. This dispensing device has all the brands mentioned, with Benson and Hedges being on the far right.
A placard next to the machine reads:
Cigarette Vending Machine
At the height of tobacco consumption over a million vending machines (similar to this one) were located in stores, public buildings, service stations, even hospitals or schools. Signs on the devices stated “must be 18 to purchase.” These machines permitted many a youth to commit their first misdemeanor and begin an addiction to tobacco.
Most machines dispensed one pack at a time. Here is an example of a relatively few devices dispensing an entire carton.
This is an Interactive Display. Make your selection by moving the red selection lever located under the window to the desired brand; deposit coins; pull silver knob toward you (about 7 inches); carton should drop and lever retracts. You will need six Museum Coins.
The operation is for educational purposes only. The Product dispensed is not tobacco. Packaging is authentic. Odor and appearance are simulated.
CAUTION Imitation cigarettes are made of rolled flash paper. If exposed to a flame they will be consumed as a flash of light and heat in less than two seconds.
Remembering the protocol Marie disconnects the power. They deposit the coins—which fall right through to the Change slot. After reconnecting the power, the coins are re-deposited; then the electric is turned off, and the lever under Benson and Hedges is pulled. A carton drops to the lower slot.
Opening the package, they find two pairs of what look like sunglasses and a note:
“Map – outside shelter.”
Back in the car, they put on the glasses; nothing seems different. They head for the final destination on the map. With Marie’s Personal Assistant guiding, they reach the goal, five miles away from the shelter, on a side road.
“You have reached your destination,” says Friend.
“There is nothing here but vacant land.”
“The satellite view shows a home approximately 58000 square feet. You are eight feet from the driveway, leading to the garage.”
“Guide us,” orders Marie. Following the PA’s instruction, they turn off the road driving slowly across a barren landscape, until Vivi remembers the glasses. Wearing the glasses reveals a ranch style home. One door of the three-car garage is rolling up to admit their vehicle.
“This whole house is a hologram that can only be viewed wearing these glasses. The closer we get to the corners the more streams of bright light are visible—which defuse to create intricate patterns.”
Vivi adds, “This is the rainbow—all the colors of the spectrum appear when close to a ‘wall.’”
“Right. So where is the pot of gold, and pirates’ treasure?”
They start walking from room to room. The living room is large. The next room is a den with a fireplace. The image of a pot overflowing with golden coins appears carved into the wall above the hearth.
Vivi says, “We found the pot. Now, where’s the pirate’s treasure?”
“In the folklore, the pirate treasure is always buried. This looks like a floor, but really it’s dirt. What if we dig here?”
They look down to what should be the grate of the fireplace and notice an X. “And ‘X’ marks the spot,” adds Vivi.
“We have nothing to dig with.”
Friend says, “The carry robot in your vehicle can be adjusted to dig.”
“Thank you.”
Friend instructs the women how to adjust the robot’s Tire Changing function to a dig and scoop pattern. Once activated, the robot locates and removes a strongbox 24 by 18 by 9 inches. There is no apparent lock or lid. It appears to be one solid block of metal. Marie spots a rubberized plug in one corner and realizes she has a tool in her apartment that may release it.
“I have one other piece of left-over gadget from Phillip. It is a strangely shaped tool found in the old couch I replaced. I think it’ll open this box.”
Treasure found; Marie and Vivi enjoy a leisurely lunch. Well, somewhat leisurely—they want to hurry home and unpack the box.
The Box
2094-10-02, Saturday, 2:20 pm
Back at Marie’s they examine the box. There is only the one opening about the size of a pencil. The “tool” looks similar to the cranks funeral directors use to seal the lid of a casket to its frame, only much smaller. The end that slides in the slot is shaped like a six-pointed star with one point flattened, and two others twisted like fishhooks. Three counter-clockwise turns release the lid.
Just inside is an unfolded handwritten note.
August 1, 2094
I am relocating this material just in case my tormentors happen to breach the closet security. I suspect it may take several months for you to reach this box. Babe is instructed to help if you take more than four months.
Follow the instructions on each packet. You will know what to do.
The first envelope is the thinnest. On the outside is written: Share with your friend. Then decide…?
Marie slides the pages out of the envelope. The two sit side-by-side at the table and read.
By now, the younger of the pair will be aware that she is HMP. That’s right. I am familiar with the term and its meaning. I never used the designation previously, because I did not want to leave a trail for the rats to follow.
I told you in an earlier note—I met a young woman whose name begins with a C. What I did not tell you, is that she had just become impregnated, with you. She told me of her plan to leave on a sort of vacation. She planned to provide a false itinerary but end up in Seattle. I also learned about her “talents” (her word) and who your biological father is.
So, young lady, I knew about you before your birth. And I started making plans to meet you. That did not happen, but I understood we would need your gifts. I didn’t yet realize how essential you would be. Well, things began happening faster than any of us predicted. I spent much effort recently trying to secure you as my successor.
You wonder how I knew these things? Let me try to explain. The older member of this team will be interested in these revelations. I did not tell you for fear that this information would harm you.
My biological father was Anthony Herrington Walton III, born June 18, 1990. His father was Anthony Herrington Walton II born October 10, 1970. Guess what my great-grandfather’s name was – born March 10, 1942. The “first” married Margret Feingold.
My Biological mother was June Harbor Phillips, her mother, Crystal Lynn Wellington. (I do not have birthdates for any of the women—they kept those secret).
All the people I named were HMP. Hear me out.
The first Anthony H. met Margret at Woodstock in 1969. In addition to drugs, sex, and rock-and-roll, some behavioral scientist sought highly intelligent, aware, and compassionate individuals.
The number of scientists involved cannot be confirmed (some say six), but at least one of them was a Dr. Ashton Jacobs. She contacted my great-grandparents after they connected. There are several versions of how things evolved. But about 15 couples from Woodstock were recruited to have children, allowing them
to be examined and followed to observe their development.
A utopian philosophy undergirded the process. The organizers hoped to develop the super-human who would face the future. They believed that matching the right people would produce a smart, resourceful, balanced and compassionate individual. Realizing the children needed a nurturing environment, the researchers encouraged the parents to collaborate with them and each other.
I identified this as HMP. In reality, all this is pre-HMP. When the Bradley twins began developing the protocols for what eventually became the Project, they learned about a few of the pre-group. As a control group, and to make certain the military did not take over the children, some of the names, including all my family, were withheld.
Of course, I produced no direct offspring. However, I believe my sperm resulted in three or four children. My mate, Julia Marie Kline, (unable to bear children) donated 11 eggs for possible fertilization and implantation. Julie was also part of the group.
So, if I am HMP, what are my unique talents? Here are those that might interest the two of you most:
1. I can see more colors than most people, even some shades of ultraviolet and infrared.
2. I get flashes of insight into the future. They are not always clear, but they are never wrong. Sometimes they come in dreams, but most often, while awake in a near-meditative state, I can ask for an insight and often receive it. I must be relaxed and patient – sometimes I need days to get the picture, and longer to interpret it.
That is how I knew I could keep the kidnappers from finding out anything about the network from me. That way I protected others from the risk. I was also sure of your arrival as my replacement on August 15 or 16. Well - 90% sure.
3. Probably most interesting, I can slow down actions. It works like this: I view something at normal speed. Then I replay the action in my mind in super-slow-motion. For example, I used the electronic viewing glasses and slowed the movement of the current. I saw which components activate first, and where each electron pulse goes next. You can understand how this ability helps when installing and troubleshooting the enhancements to PA. I did not need to wait for a failure further down the line, I detected the problem and rerouted the current. Therefore, I built a supercomputer that teams worked on for decades unsuccessfully.
I think you will be able to do this as well, but not soon. I was over 40 before I developed this talent. I believe some hormonal changes are required. My research into the subject is incomplete, but you and your A friend can finish it. That research is in another one of the envelopes.
Three more things. As you’re aware, I am not dead. Disabled but alive. I perceived the events before they happened—so I prepared. We will also meet in the future. There is one more important task I must accomplish. You will both help me, and I will help you. I am tempted to try to explain it to you now, but the event is complicated. If I’m wrong about any part, we could fail. You will know what to do when the time comes.
Second, I realize that you both played significant roles in the indictments against some key disrupters, including the Senator. The latter and several of his henchmen escaped justice.But do not let your guard down. The real force of destruction, The General, is still out there. You will soon find an unexpected ally. Trust your instincts.
Finally, to my faithful friend for many years. I know when you will die – many years from now. And the friend who is beside you now will be there. The two of you will help each other through many spots of danger. You need each other. Don’t ever let your friendship fade. It will sustain you when everything else fails.
As I re-read this before closing, I realize that sounds like a creepy thing to say, about when you will die. The reason I went there was my fear that I had put you in danger. The only way I could be sure was to find the end of your natural life.
You two now need to decide if anyone else should learn these things. You’ll make the right decisions.
‘Till we meet again, PW.
Vivi and Marie look at each other—stunned by what they read. Vivi examines the paper used for the letter and announces, “This is indelible paper. My Sector uses this paper for backups—nothing can be changed once written.”
“Financial Services still keeps paper copies?”
“After we learned research data was being tampered with during electronic transmission, our Oversight Council started requiring copies for sensitive documents. Most of my work requires a hard copy in case our electronic files become compromised.”
“Interesting. Phillip’s note is a wake-up call. Lack of negative activity these last few weeks might lull us into letting our guard down.”
“He’s right about the true enemy being The General, not Bluefoot.”
They talk a bit longer about Phillip and his gifts to them. They decide Allison, Rudy, and Dr. Norris should be the only others to read this letter. Vivi departs.
An enjoyable and productive day off. But it’s not over yet—there are more envelopes.
The Second Envelope
2094-10-02, Saturday, 7:10 pm
The next thinnest envelope has written on the outside:
Read Alone!
Read Completely!
Then decide about sharing.
Marie removes a dozen or more typed pages. All look like gibberish.
Another “finger placement” code. One where the hands are moved one space—and then typing occurs as usual. Let me check with my keyboard adjustment program. Ah, here it is. This time the fingers were moved up one row. All else appears to be in order. I’ll do three pages as a test.
She places the first three pages on the scanner connected to her console’s third screen. Scanned pages are copied to a computer chip for transfer to Marie’s laptop. In less than a minute, she is reading from her laptop.
There is one other thing I can do that told me I am HMP. I can perceive other’s thoughts. This is different from reading “energy trails,” as B called them. When I first realized I could do this, I was 12-years-old. There had been occasions before, but I convinced myself those were my imagination. By the time I was 14 I could not distinguish between someone’s thoughts and what was being said aloud—unless I was looking directly at them. So, I had to learn to turn it off. You are probably learning to do the same with e-trail reading.
Why am I telling you this? Three reasons. First, I may be able to help you learn to ‘turn down the volume’ of the energies competing for your attention. Second, this may be part of what is needed to foreshadow certain aspects of the future. Third, hearing the “mental reflections” of those around you will save your life.
You may not be ready to tackle a whole new set of gifts while you are still taking ownership of your other talents. However, you will need this ability soon to keep yourself and others safe. How quickly? Possibly less than six months from the time you arrived.
First, let me tell you how I think this works. I believe you need the theory behind the action—to trust its efficacy.
You know emotions generate a static charge. You interpret the residual current that has been caught in the energy matrix. The person leaves an external mark of her or his emotions.
Wait a minute. Matrix? Of course, that is why air currents or other people with less intense emotions do not disrupt the field. So, I can read energy trails that are weeks or even months old. Phillip, you have helped me solve a mystery that’s troubled me all this time—well, almost two months.
Back to reading.
But the energy created by thought is internal. So how do you probe an internal mental activity? For me, the question was how to stop, so I had to reverse-engineer the process. So here is what I learned. As you use this, you may come to different conclusions or a better understanding. But for now, this is the best I can do.
When you pay attention, you are focusing your internal energy (mostly mental) toward the object of your attention. As a Doorkeeper you are trai
ned to listen to a client’s tone of voice and affect, comparing it with previous conversations. The purpose is to detect depression, fear, anxiety or other concerns. With your talent, you can jump in and check their emotional state. Again, you are paying attention.
The object of the attention can be a strange sound coming from the refrigerator, a message, or pain in your gut. When you focus, you do not ignore everything else. If you focus on a conversation with a troubled client, it may take say 80% of your internal energy. Leaving only 20% for your hunger, the cricket that came in the patio door, and the lights appearing on the console.
Getting into another’s thinking requires nearly 100% internal energy focus, for a brief instant (perhaps 3 seconds). After that, it slacks off. You connect with their thoughts—similar to reading an energy trail, except this is in real time, and the person must always be in your presence. A wall between you will prevent interpretation. But you can read the ruminations of the person behind you.
Reading energy trails is like hearing something at conversation speed. However, mental activities proceed at light speed and thoughts are more compact. For example, the writer who knows the whole story before starting, or the dream that seems like a day’s work happening in a few seconds. However, once I connect with another’s thinking, they carry me along at their speed—until I leave them. Clearly departing the other’s mind is essential. This relates to the intensity level. We will address intensity after you learn to connect.
So, there are two things you will need to learn: how to project your energy to another (joining their thoughts), and how to manage the intensity level (turn it off).
Marie stops to absorb what she’s read. After scanning the rest of the document into the memory chip, she resumes. The next section includes support for the theory of an energy matrix and some measurements. Phillip had researched and modified equipment to measure energy expansion while focusing on another’s conversation.