The Doorkeeper's Mind

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The Doorkeeper's Mind Page 11

by E. L. Morrow

  “I would like to understand how The Plan impacts and shapes individual’s conceptions of personal integrity, interdependence, and the drive to live out our callings as people of faith.

  “One of the goals of The Plan is to give people more time to engage their mind and spirit. Allowing time for what Abraham Maslow called ‘Self-Actualization.’ The question is: has that happened? Have we become more compassionate, co-operative, faithful, forgiving, learning, and supportive of the common good?

  “I would also like to take Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need Pyramid viewing each of the five levels from the standpoint of four groups.

  1. Those born during The Plan living in a Structured State.

  2. Those born during The Plan living in a Non-Structured State.

  3. Those who lived during the Age of Confusion now in a Structured State.

  4. Those who lived during the Age of Confusion now functioning in a Non-Structured State.

  “In each case, I want to check attitudes toward each of the Five Pillars, people in the opposite configuration (Structured versus Unstructured States) and money.

  “I would then like to be able to codify the differences, and make projections about the future of the economy, and our union throughout the world. All the while paying particular attention to the impacts, positive and negative, of the limitation created by the organizational structure of The Plan.

  “I also want to address volunteerism and family dynamics within our current structure. I’m unsure how to address those issues until I get into the research.”

  After a lengthy discussion of the potential impact of such research, the group offered encouragement and support. It is clear the project will require an Independent Studies approach.

  Decisions: Dr. London will contact The University of Toronto Graduate School for Organizational and Community Development to solicit their service as the curating school.

  Item 4—Committee Assignments.

  A total of nine different standing committees or task forces were mentioned as possibilities.

  Decision: The following assignments were made and accepted by Dr. London.

  A. Co-Chair with Security 53—Cross-Sector Task Force on Enhancement of Cooperation Between Security and Door Services.

  B. Member—Standing Committee on Door Facilitation Education.

  C. Member—Joint Task Force with Counseling, Central Services, Finance, and Research to address Anti-Plan rallies and misinformation campaigns. Following up on the Stop-the-Lies movement.

  D. Member-At-Large—Acquisitions Task Force.

  Item 5—Project.


  A. Dr. London will begin a tour of 48 cities in January 2095.

  B. At each location she will (if applicable):

  1) Meet with Door Services Facilitation Faculties.

  2) Speak to Doorkeeper Facilitation Student Body.

  3) Meet with Security Personnel.

  4) Speak to Security Student Body.

  5) Speak to the Public.

  6) Meet with DK Supervisors.

  7) Meet with Doorkeepers serving in the area.

  C. If appropriate, additional time for conversations with Graduate Schools, possibly attendance of classes, engage in related research or seek resources.

  D. The timeline for completion of this project is 12 to 24 months.

  E. Dr. London will report her preliminary finding quarterly (more often if appropriate) to Raven’s Nest members.

  F. Dr. London will continue her weekly blogs and audio-casts. A sub-group of Raven’s Nest approves content before posting. (Already in place, from a prior request).

  Item 6—Apprentice.

  Decision: Delegate responsibility for securing an appropriate Apprentice to Dr. Toronto, Dr. Kansas City, and Dr. London. Apprentice expected to begin in December. Notice of choice will be sent out with Dr. Toronto’s regular Door Services Workforce Status Update, due 11-20-2094.

  Evening Meal Break: 5:58 pm to 6:41 pm.

  Item 7—Automated Personal Assistant Modifications.

  Moderator: “During the lunch hour it was revealed that Dr. Chicago’s successor unearthed a well-concealed document regarding unique modifications made to the APA located at his residence/office. The materials include electronic schematics for hardware and software upgrades.

  “Documents found with the file make it clear that ownership of this modification belongs exclusively to Dr. London. The latter has made it clear that she plans to maintain ownership ‘in name only,’ while sharing the benefits with Door Services. A production facility will be required to create the enhancements. Such a facility will necessitate investors.”


  A. Raven Society will invest in the production facility. The hope is to be able to eliminate the need for any outside investors.

  B. Once start-up costs are known, Dr. London may approach Counseling Sector, Security, or Research for investments beyond what the Raven Society can provide.

  C. Modifications will be made available to Door Ser-vices, beginning with Society members, Supervisory Centers, and DK Facilitation Faculty.

  D. A potential market exists for other sector operations including Security, Medical, Counseling, Central Services, and Research.

  E. Some possible governmental uses may be identified. This technology must never be used for any military purpose, or available to the general public. Any applications must not violate the principles of The Plan, wishes of Dr. Chicago, or Dr. London.

  F. It is our considered opinion that the production site should not be located in the US or near WEEL production sites.

  Announcements by Moderator.

  1. Due to potential danger to others, Dr. London is requested to no longer fly commercial and to obtain a pilot’s license as soon as practical. 2. Membership in Raven’s Nest includes a compensation increase of one level.

  No other business.


  Moderator announced that she and Dr. Wichita will read and confirm minutes. She thanked everyone for attending. Dr. London requested Personal Privilege.


  She said, “In this room are some of the people I respect most. I’m filled with gratitude for the opportunity to serve with you. I am amazed at the depth of time, concern, and wisdom offered to me today. I pray that I will measure up to some of what you think possible from me. Thank you. May God protect you on your travels.”

  Session adjourned 7:48 pm.

  Using traditional names again, Dr. Stanley indicated a need to catch a plane back to Kansas City. Usually, three members of the Raven’s Nest are required to discuss Society business. However, Dr. Kim von Throne as the Placement Officer for DK Services is responsible for Apprenticeships. So, no third member is required.

  Seated at the table, Moderator and Dr. Wichita check the meeting minutes. They read and compare with their notes and memories with the transcription. Once accepted, Egg Minutes will be sent to the Nest Members.

  Dr. Stanley’s departure is noted as unobserved by others. Marie and Dr. Throne use the dead zone around the console for their discussion.

  “Marie, I have dossiers and transcripts for nine top DK Teaching Assistants. Each is from a different school; all but two will be finishing their TA year at the end of November. However, your pick will need to start in December, since your travel will begin in mid-January.

  “There are five men and four women.”

  “Am I correct that the apprentice will work at this console, and need access at all hours of the day and night?”


  “Given my current confusion about my sexuality, I would be uncomfortable giving a man that much access to my privacy. So, I would prefer to look at the women first. If none of them satisfy, then I will consider the men.”

  “Of course, you have a role as mentor, but this is about making your life easier. If you would be more comfortable with a female, so be it. Equal treatment
rules do not apply here.”

  Dr. Throne spreads out four packets each nearly an inch thick. She says, “One of them you know. She was on your team in KC.”

  Marie glances at the name and says, “I like her… but at my going away reception she told me that she would not have made it without my help. I don’t believe that, but she does. It could create a dependency that I doubt would be healthy for either of us.”

  “Yes, and if Dr. Stanley were here, he would raise a concern. She would be pulled out of her TA year, like you. Others could say that KC school is being favored by the system or at the least by you.”

  “True enough, we are still not beyond school rivalry.”

  “So that leaves three. All finishing in November.”

  For the next 15 minutes, Marie scans the first dozen pages of each resume. She settles on one and digests the entire package.

  Passing it to Dr. Throne, she asks, “What can you tell me about her?”

  “Excellent student, first in her class, well-liked, rather social, disciplined enough to get her work done. Her shortcomings are she’s prone to become overly focused on what people think of her. She may be a bit obsessive about her appearance, and she doesn’t have the reservoir of knowledge you do—but no one does.”

  “You do!”

  “Well, probably, but I’ve been at this for 40 years.”

  “Are you saying she is not as dedicated as you would like?”

  “She is dedicated to the work. I guess my feeling about her is she seems to be a ‘clock puncher.’ When her work time is up, her mind goes somewhere else.

  “I predict she will either be a short-timer or under the right tutelage will become one of the best.”

  “Sounds like she has a wider range of activities than I do. What you see as a problem, could be classified as appropriate self-care. My question is: can I trust her with my sector, and my reputation?”

  “Remember you are the mentor. The standards are yours to establish. You’ll be back in the role of teacher, though your student is six months older and has the same degree.”

  “She is number one, here is number two and three.”

  “So, your first choice is Alexia Lane; she goes by Lexie, age 19, birthday January 28. Completing her Teaching Assistance year November 30, is expecting assignment options by October 15; December as relocation month. We need her here by 12-15—she gets the same pay bump you did. That is an incentive—after she says yes.

  “You’re rather sure she will accept?”

  “I think anyone would jump at a chance to work with Marie of the Stop-the-Lies movement.

  “Wessel tells me the home to your south will be ready for occupancy by December 5 or sooner. So, will you put her up, or should we get her a motel room.”

  “Of course, she can stay. If I can’t trust her when I’m here, how can I trust her when away?”

  “That is what I thought. So, I will leave the contact to you. Reading the Doorkeeper Mentor’s Handbook, on the DK In-house Website is important. But you knew I was going to say that, didn’t you?”

  “I assumed I would have responsibilities and reports on her progress. She will also be on probation, so Supervisors will need our schedules—when they are worked out. I will need to inform the sector residents, Security, Central Services, Medical and Transportation about my Apprentice. Anything else?”

  “It’s all in the handbook…. Okay, I’m going to ask you straight out—are you HMP?”

  I sensed this question coming, but I’m surprised by her abruptness. Marie says, “You mean high maintenance potential?”

  “Human Maturity…. Phillip wanted you as his successor. In a conversation about how right you are for the position he said he knew your biological mother, and the woman who raised you. He told me, there’s something special about her. She has abilities she doesn’t know about yet. He also told me your mother taught him to feel the emotions of people—even after they’ve left the room. He believed you would be even more gifted than your mother. So, combined with some of the other things about you….”

  “Did you believe him?”

  “He never lied to me. So?”

  “The short answer is yes. But this week I learned… Phillip was also HMP.”

  Marie spends the next 30 minutes explaining her birthmother’s letter, and what she can do with energy trails. She emphasized the need for security and that only Allison, Rudy, Vivi, Dr. Norris and now Dr. Throne know. Marie refrains from mentioning her current project of learning to perceive thoughts. Marie checks only a couple times to see if Dr. Throne believes she is in the presence of an insane person—full acceptance is what she found.

  Then Dr. Throne flabbergasted Marie. “Thanks for sharing. I wondered when you were staying with me but wasn’t sure. So, I decided to ask. You see, I’m also HMP. Like Phillip, my folks were part of the earlier group formed out of rock ‘n roll history.”

  “Oh…my…lord! I had no idea, but it makes sense—you understand things about motivations, I find uncanny. Is that why?”

  “Partly. You say you read emotions, and sometimes you interpret thoughts from the feelings you read?”


  “Well, I read motives. I have to be with the person, or sometimes—I don’t know how—I pick up through an electronic medium. Like when Dr. Stanley and I were interviewing you, and I pulled up the other candidate—the one who falsified his record and is under indictment. I blamed it on an algorithm malfunction, but I read his motivation. I looked for a reason to dismiss him. He wanted to find something hidden by Phillip in this home. He was part of the Bluefoot conspiracy and an enemy of everything we work toward.

  “Some people are crystal clear—like you. The moment I met you before you spoke a word, I knew your only motivation was to be of service and learn everything. You were the one we needed here.”

  Their conversation continues in this vein for another hour. At 9:40 pm Dr. Throne departs for her hotel. Marie’s first day as a member of Raven’s Nest concludes.


  Red Letter Day


  2094-10-05, Tuesday, 10:40 pm

  Journal Section: Daily Reflections

  Date: 10-05-2094

  Today my life changed forever. That seems to be happening a lot recently. Sunday, August 15th, when I was tapped as Keeper for Sector 86, Wichita. A few days later, I received a letter from my birth mother telling me secrets about my past. Monday, August 23rd I confronted the Grog Institute’s campaign to convert students to their agenda. And today, October 5th, my first official day as a member of RSN. I’ll use initials in case someone breaks into my journal.

  I’m impressed, overwhelmed, and humbled by all the care showered on me. The entire meeting was about me. Three of these people traveled hundreds of miles to be here today!

  I understood most of what was covered in the orientation. Some of the group seemed surprised that I had completed my homework. In the session, I learned how meeting notices are sent, and how to interpret the coded time, location, and travel arrangements. I need to read this year’s Eggs meetings and the ongoing work of committees. As a member of the Nest, I gain access to everything that happens in the Door Facilitators’ world. I’m expected to be up to date on the efforts of all sub-groups.

  At lunch, I explained about the diagrams, specs for the modification to a standard Personal Assistant making it more like Friend. I was surprised when they suggested that RS become the financial support for the production. We tentatively decided to call it a “Phillip PA.” We discussed where to place the facility. The Data Accumulation Site in Iceland might be an acceptable location when Research no longer needs it. I’ll check it out, later.

  I start my Ph. D. studies soon. I will start with the University of Toronto. The group spent two hours suggesting resources, possible courses for my program. I made six pages of notes, course suggestions, books, research tools, and people to enlist as helpers. They even s
uggested how I might use my trips to various cities as data gathering opportunities.

  I’m on four committees. Well, one is a task force that should be done before the RS meeting in a year and a-half. I get to work with Security 53 who is now the Grand Chief over a multi-state region of Security Services. We need to develop an in-service, and additional input into Security Education to give a better understanding of a Security Coordinator’s role during emergencies.

  Curriculum. I work with Dr. Stanley, one of my favorite people. Acquisitions will change its name—it makes sense since I’m CEO of the companies they oversee. And the response team for the Stop-the-Lies movement—necessary since apparently, I spawned the whole thing. I’ll rub shoulders with a lot of smart people. It feels like this work can make a difference.

  This project will take me all over the country, and beyond. So, now I must learn to fly. Ever since our trip to Iceland, I’ve wanted to become a pilot. I start my aviation lessons as soon as possible.

  I will be away almost half the time on these projects. I also need to write more blogs, and audio-casts, for the Stop-the-Lies movement. We brainstormed about 25 topics—I will start with those.

  The biggest surprise – I will have an Apprentice.

  So, what did I do to merit all these affirmations? I don’t know. I’m only trying to do my job—but the job keeps growing bigger, and bigger…. What happens if I can’t manage it?

  My first week, I broke down under the pressure of what I was learning about myself. Now everything is exciting. But am I up to the challenge?

  I have a full-time job as DK, am CEO of a major company, and about to start another. Now I’m a member of two secret societies, serve on four task groups – all will take time. I will soon be mentoring an apprentice, making appearances all over the world, starting my doctorate studies, all while I try to figure out who I am. I read energy trails left by people passing through an area. Now I’m learning to interpret thoughts. Despite all of that I still haven’t figured out sex. Am I gay, straight, bi, or just uninterested?


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