by E. L. Morrow
DAS: Short for Data Accumulation Site.
Data Accumulation Site: A secret location where all the research data relating to the Clambering Viruses is gathered and analyzed.
Dedicated Service Pods: Vehicles designed and equipped for specific uses. Examples are Central Services, Security or Medical units.
Detractors: Term used by supporters of The Plan for those who would undo its benefits. The term applies to any number of groups that use misinformation and innuendo to convince citizens to vote against The Plan’s continuation.
DK: Short for Doorkeeper.
Doorkeeper: Person who remotely opens and locks doors of individual’s homes. Doorkeepers work from a console in their home, located in the Residential Sector they serve. When opening a door, the Keeper checks (or modifies) daily routine, confirms transportation, and assures the home is safe during their absence. Upon return residents scan their sleeve, the system identifies them as residents, and they are welcomed home by the DK.
Doorkeeper’s Residence: Home/office serves as shelter from hazardous weather or emergency. Open as a rest-stop for joggers most mornings.
Double lock: Doorkeepers can lock a door preventing it from being opened from either side. This is referred to as double locking, but actually involves multiple lock pins extending from the metal door into the metal frame, in several directions. This is used to prevent intrusion or address a safety issue.
Door Facilitation School: Center for Graduate Education of Doorkeepers. Usually connected to a major university.
Door Services: The official name for the services provided by Doorkeepers.
Economy: The overarching structure that provides jobs, goods, services, respect, and promotes creativity for all citizens. There are five ways to participate in the Economy. 1. Consumer. 2. Provider of goods or services. 3. Donor to a recognized charity. 4. Entrepreneur: starting a business—with or without economy start-up funds. 5. Investor: investing funds under your control to a start-up.
Educational Sector: Provides instruction from Primary 1 through college. Coordinates with educational divisions of various sectors of the economy to provide graduate level instruction. All residents have access to education to qualify for advancement or to change careers.
Emergency exiting: In the event of an emergency anyone may exit their home. The unauthorized opening immediately alerts the Doorkeeper.
Energy Trail Reading: Ability to identify and interpret the emotions that are or were generated by a person as he or she moves through a given space. An unusual ability possessed by some HMP offspring.
Essential Services: Each resident of a Structured State is guaranteed access to these services. These services consist of Medical care, Security, Education, Shelter, Food, Clothing, Transportation, and Counseling.
Evaluation: All workforce members are evaluated at least annually. The goal of evaluation is the maintenance and improvement of the quality of work. Ratings are conducted by Supervisors, Clients (randomly selected), and in some fields Colleagues (chosen randomly). Purpose of assessing is to identify strengths and areas needing improvement. Each work sector has criteria for remedying shortcomings. These standards determine when a worker goes on or off of Probation.
External Viewing Device: Provides connection to Business, Internet, News, or Entertainment channels.
Face Shields: an optional part of the Smart Outer Garments. The shield provides similar protection for the face and head as the rest of the garment does for the body. The Face Shield snaps up only when sensors detect a threat. Only those working in potentially dangerous situations such as Security, Medical, Construction, Judges, or Teachers, have face shields in their garments. All Smart Garments for Supervisors (all services) and active Doorkeepers are equipped with the shields.
Financial Sector: Responsible for two major tasks. 1. Track individual’s income, expenses, and balances. 2. Track the cost of each good or service available in the economy modifying the expenses as often as daily.
Fitness Centers: One is located on each block. They contain walking tracks, free weights, workout machines, and aerobic training set-ups. Some include spa, pool, sauna, or racket-ball courts.
Five Principles for an Interdependent Society: Five Foundational Principles underpins the philosophical of “The Plan for the Future.” The Five are: Community, Vigilance, Faith, Dignity, and The Common Good.
Five Pillars: A term used to identify the Five Principles for an Interdependent Society. See Principles of an Interdependent Society.
Five Pins: Used negatively by those opposing The Plan, implying that the Structured States are founded on something as weak as a straight pin.
Grog Foundation (also called Grog Institute): An anti-plan organization working to disseminate distortions and misinformation. Their purpose is to bring the return of the Age of Confusion economics.
Guidance Boards, Councils, Committees, or Teams: Each sector or service has a group with oversight responsibilities. The Board, Council, Committee or Team is composed of individuals from all of the following groups: practitioners, supervisors, clients, and educators. The group’s purpose is to review the standards, policies, guidelines, ethics, supervision, and educational preparation for the particular service. These boards have the authority to modify all aspects of services, responsibilities, procedures, or protocols.
The identity of most members of guidance groups is kept confidential. This allows the team members to effectively evaluate without undue influence. However, each group is accessible through its Public Face. (See Public Face for details.)
HMP: Abbreviation for Human Maturation Project.
Home Viewing Device: Mounted on the solid wall where a window would be, it serves two purposes. 1. Give a real-time view of what would be seen looking through a window. 2. Serve as an external viewing device for news or entertainment.
Human Maturation Project: Also called the Human Maturity Project. A secret project developed by concerned scientists to counter the military project to create “the super-soldiers.” The desire, through modified natural selection, is to maximize the positive development of humanity. The goal is to increase intelligence, awareness, and sensory abilities. Individuals with high or super high scores on one or more of the areas are matched with a donor with higher scores in different areas. They are asked to voluntarily participate in procreating offspring. Artificial insemination is often used, occasionally surrogates carry and birth the child. In the early days of the project, most children were raised by their biological parents. The children could also be placed with “choice parents.” In either case, a support team of physicians, educators, and psychologists is provided.
Home Viewing Device: Mounted on the solid wall where a window would be, it serves two purposes. 1. Give a real-time view of what would be seen looking through a window. 2. Serve as an external viewing device for news or entertainment.
Interdependence: The principle that everyone’s work supports and depends on everyone else’s contribution to the Common Good. Interdependence works effectively when all parties are dependable. The concept is employed to undergird the social contract in the US. This is both an assumption and goal of The Plan for the Future.
Invincibility Project: Official name of a secret military project designed to breed super soldiers with enhanced fighting abilities. See Super-Soldier for details.
Keeper: Short for Doorkeeper.
Keycard: A plastic programmable card primarily used by retirees. Any resident may use a keycard if they anticipate returning when auto-door would be operating the system. The card will gain access to the home only once; then must be returned to its holder for reinitializing before its next use.
Liquid Lava: Name given to a material which is harder than diamonds in solid form but can transform into a semiliquid state by applying a precise combination of electrical, sound, infrared, and magnetic fields.
Location Services: Service which keeps track of residents—checking against
their “Daily Routine.” If a resident is more than 30 minutes “out of routine” location services will notify the Doorkeeper, or Security, as appropriate.
Medical Clinic: A localized medical facility with medical professionals on duty. Regular patient care, emergency, and surgical services are available. Surgical staff at a university or other specialized centers assist surgeons and robots with complex procedures.
Medical Services: Provides routine medical care, emergency or surgical services to all residents in a Structured State. Treatment is provided regardless of residency. Home treatment is provided when advisable.
Non-Profit Sector: Those organizations allowed to accept gifts from citizens to support their work. The sector has a Guidance Board that reviews each operation, for quality, accountability, and contributions to the Common Good. There are also Guidance Teams for sub-groups within the Non-Profit Sector for areas like Arts, Music, Drama, Museums, Civic Preserves, Historical Societies, Libraries, and Research, to name only a few.
Option 1 (economy): Standard participation in the economy for individuals and companies in a Structured State. If an individual has an invention or idea for some product they may apply to the economy for start-up funds. If approved the economy backs the production and there is no “profit” for individuals (only their regular compensation).
Option 2 (economy): A process allowing entrepreneurs the opportunity to create a business within the economy by obtaining start-up funding from outside sources. Financial backers then receive a percentage of the profit until the full investment is repaid, or repayment time has elapsed. Investors absorb any losses.
PA: Short for Personal Assistant. See Automated Personal Assistant.
PCD: Short for Personal Communication Device.
Personal Communication Device: Also called Communicator. A hand-held device with a screen, and keypad. They are used for communicating by voice, text, email, message, through the internet or websites. Each device will work only for its owner or security with a court order.
Personal Pleasure Service Worker: Individuals who are available to provide personal pleasure services including massages and sexual activities. Workers maintain professional standards with their clients. Clients must be approved, have a medical certificate, and agree to safety and confidentiality with service workers. SWs use a pseudonym (like Candy) to protect their identities, so when they take up another career, they are protected from intrusions about their previous work.
PIC Lines: Public In City transportation. Similar to a pod, but larger. Travels specific routes to transfer centers.
PIC Line Kiosk: Located at PIC Line Stops. Allows passengers to indicate their destination and be given stop number or transfer instructions.
Plan for the Future: A comprehensive plan for reshaping the economic, political and social structure of the United States by rebuilding the emotional and value-laden fabric to create a society that is compassionate, respectful, creative and renewing. The vision is to raise the standards of dignity and equality for all creatures on the planet.
Pod: People mover provided by Transportation. Size ranges from three to fifteen passenger capacities. The pod is programmed to pick up specific individuals (whose names appears by the pod door) and take them to their destination.
Portalock: Common name for the device officially known as Portable-Actionable-Locater-Device which connects the Doorkeeper with her or his console when away from their office. Worn like a necklace, resting against the skin—flat and smooth, below the collarbone. Shaped like a grilled hot dog, turned up at both ends, but only a quarter of an inch thick. The other side containing various raised or indented symbols. In the hands of a skilled Doorkeeper, it does nearly everything the console can do.
PPSW: Short for Personal Pleasurer Service Worker.
Principles of an Interdependent Society: Based on the assumption that “any culture is only as strong as its underlying principles, norms, and sense of connectedness.” The Plan’s” Development Team identified the need to “renew the Social Contract.” See Five Principles of an Interdependent Society for more information.
Principle of Economic Justice: There is no justice without economic justice. The plan enshrines the principle that each person should be treated equally by being given what they need to survive and thrive in their chosen field. All Essential Services are provided to each individual regardless of their ability to pay. They include Medical care, Security, Education, Shelter, Food, Clothing, Transportation, and Counseling.
Probation: Probation requires a higher level of supervision and reports of one’s activities. New hires are generally on probation for 90 to 180 days. This includes relocation within the same service if requested by the worker. There is limited or no probation if the move is made at the request of the services placement officer.
Programmed States: The negative term applied by anti-plan forces to the Structured States. The implication being that those living under “The Plan” are programmed (brainwashed or controlled) like robots or computers.
Public Face: The individual members of a sector’s Guidance Council/Committee/Team that are publicly listed on the sector website. These members may be contacted by any citizen to raise a question, offer a suggestion, lodge a complaint, or protest an action. Moderator, Education, and Grievance officers are among those often identified to the public. Names, locations, and contact details are included.
Public Name: The name used to identify a person. Two types of names are used. Most common is a “functional name,” i.e., Security 23 or Medical Tech 101. Their job is the first part and a number to identify the specific individual.
Some responsibilities necessitate a more personal connection, i.e., Physicians, Doorkeepers, Teacher, or Personal Services Coordinator. For those cases, the person’s name is used and may be followed by an initial, additional name, or even a job title. Names become more detailed to honor the individual’s accomplishments or contributions to the Common Good.
Public Office: Anyone may run for a local or state office. All candidates fill out prospectus stating their qualifications and positions on relevant issues. These statements are circulated to all voters. Candidates must participate in debates moderated by members of the public. First Primary will eliminate the lowest vote getters until 55% remains. The procedure will be repeated each month until there is only one candidate for each party or ad-hoc group. Those candidates will face each other in the general election in November. A person may run for the same office no more than three times in their life without being nominated.
Those who run for a federal office must have served one full term in some local or state office, appointed to a federal office, or judgeship, and pass a constitution and current events exam.
Queen’s Armor, The – Toronto security firm.
Raven Society: Secret society of Doorkeepers, Supervisors, and Instructors. 120 members.
Raven’s Egg: Sub-group of the Raven’s Nest meeting for a specific purpose. A minimum of three members is required.
Raven’s Nest: Executive committee of the Raven Society. Twelve members, all part of the Door Services Guidance Team.
Residential Sectors: A numbered section of any city served by a particular Doorkeeper. Security, Medical Clinics, and Central Services have multiple sectors in their catchment area.
Research: A Guidance Team exists for research facilities. There are subgroups for more specific aspects of research such as Medical or Electronic. All funding of Research comes from Non-Profit contributions. Research organizations collaborate and share findings to advance overall knowledge. The Economy manages practical applications that may grow out of research findings.
Retirement: Anyone may retire after the age of 55. Retirees who are in good health are expected to contribute volunteer time of at least 1000 hours per year. Upon retirement, for those in Structured States, the compensation drops one level.
Robots: Electronic and mechanical devices that perform specific functi
ons in lifting, measuring, attaching, building, etc. The slogan “People think; Robots work” defines the relationship between people and machines.
Ro-Pro-Now: The name given to the assembly facility making, repairing, and programming the robots for WEEL.
Secret Societies: The rules governing Guidance Councils or Teams for economic sectors permit the creation of secret societies. The goals of those societies are to promote excellence in their particular field and to provide a mechanism for internal quality control. The society becomes the pool of practitioner members to be named to the Guidance Team/Council. The secrecy allows members to gather data about their service without undue influence from those with an “ax to grind.”
Shelter: A physical structure protecting cities and towns from the harsh elements. Contours allow wind and rain to pass around or inside as needed. Vents and flaps allow rain and migrating birds or butterflies in and out. The material is transparent, with UV protection, and shading for night hours. Solar collectors and defenses are mounted on the outside; a communication network is embedded on the inside. Entrance and exit points called “tubes” match up with the streets and highways.