Wicked Love

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Wicked Love Page 14

by Mae Doyle

  He’d stripped. Completely.

  When my hands ran across his strong hips, I gasped, and I grabbed him, pulling him to me. His hard cock pressed into my thigh and I strained up, pushing my hips into him.

  “I can’t believe that I missed this last time, Rose,” he murmured into my ear. “Glad that I get to be around for this time.”

  “I love you,” I told him, pulling back just a bit but keeping my hands on him. There wasn’t any way that I could possibly let go of him now. Not when I finally had him where I wanted him. Not when I had him with the rest of my rogues.

  “We all love you.” It was Kaleb whispering in my ear. He slipped his hand down between my legs and stroked my slit, making my thighs spread at his touch. For a moment, all I could focus on was the way his fingers swirled around my clit and slit, slipping inside me and slowly stroking me from inside.

  I twisted, reaching for him, but Brett pinned me to the bed, slowly kissing his way from my lips down between my breasts. As he worked his way down my body, I felt my stomach tighten.

  The orgasm that they’d pulled from me before had been gentle, but this didn’t feel the same way. I had a very good feeling that they were going to force it from me and leave me trembling.

  It excited and terrified me at the same time. Being with two of them before, I thought that I had an idea of what it would be like, but with Brett there, too…

  I didn’t have any more time to think.

  Kaleb’s fingers between my legs had me throbbing, and I moaned, arching my back as Brett slipped his mouth over one nipple and sucked. It hardened instantly in his mouth, the sensations of his tongue flicking over it almost enough to send me over the edge again.

  Before I could, though, he stopped, lifting me off of the bed.

  “I need to be in you, Rosa,” he said, his voice deep and husky. I almost didn’t recognize it, he was so filled with need. “Come on.”

  Jackie lifted me from Brett’s arms and we watched as Brett stretched out on the bed. I climbed on top of him, straddling him, slowly lowering myself down so that his cock stretched me.

  “Fuck,” I said, letting out a hiss. He felt amazing, like home. Brett’s hands were on my hips, holding me in place and guiding me as I started to rock on him, but before I could find my rhythm, Jackie pushed me forward, leaning me over Brett.

  I sucked in a breath of air as he licked me from behind, spreading my juice farther over my ass. After that, he kissed his way up my back then stopped by my ear. “Are you ready, Rosita?”

  Was I ready? Could I possibly be with all three of my rogues at the same time without something hurting or someone getting left out? Turning my head, I saw Kaleb standing by the head of the bed, his eyes bright as he watched me.

  “Come to me,” I commanded, reaching out for him. A grin lit up his face as he climbed on top of the bed and crawled over to me.

  “No,” I told him. “Stand up.”

  His cock was just inches from my face, and all I wanted to do was have it in me. Jackie was behind me, and as I reached for Kaleb, I felt the pressure as Jackie entered me. He and Brett filled me, and I paused, my hand around Kaleb’s cock, gasping a bit for air.

  It felt amazing.

  Before I could think too long about what was happening, I pulled Kaleb to me, slipping his cock into my mouth. The pressure from Brett and Jackie’s cocks inside of me made my core tighten and contract, and I kept feeling my breath hitch as I tried to relax.

  It was almost impossible.

  If I thought that all of my nerves were on fire before, I had no idea how it could really feel to have my three rogues all taking me. They filled me, threatening to split me.

  Taking a deep breath, I ran my tongue along the length of Kaleb’s cock, enjoying how his bulb filled my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head, digging his fingertips into my skin as he rammed forward into me.

  “You look so good right now, Rose,” he said, keeping his eyes locked on mine. By twisting my head, I could look up and see him, and I tried to keep tears from blurring my vision.

  It was like I had no control.

  Even as I tried to be in control of my movements on Brett, Jackie’s hands on my hips guided me. I was pushed and pulled, filled and thrusted into, and you know what?

  I loved every fucking second of it.

  “You’re going to make me, come, Rosita,” Jackie said, his fingers digging deeper into my skin. I cried out, the sound muffled by Kaleb’s large cock, as the pressure ebbed in me and then returned full force as all three of my rogues thrust into me.

  I’d lost all control.

  And I loved it.

  “You ready to come, Rose?” Brett asked me, his dark skin glistening under my hands. I’d braced myself on his chest, my fingers splayed across his perfect body, his skin a little slick under my touch.

  I couldn’t speak, so I nodded. The way he was thrusting…every time he did, I felt my core tighten a little more. The throbbing in me had been replaced by a dull ache, and I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to hold on for much longer, not with all three of my rogues loving me.

  I was beginning to spiral, and I felt all of my muscles start to tighten. Even though I tried to relax, I couldn’t rest – my boys held me up, making sure that I was going to get the pleasure that I deserved.

  It was happening.

  There wasn’t any way that I could concentrate on a certain part of my body. All of me felt like I was coming apart – breaking apart at my very molecules – my body so high on pleasure and the feeling of my coming orgasm that it was impossible for me to even concentrate.

  And then it happened.

  My orgasm crashed over me like waves, making my nerves scream out as if they were on fire. I did the same, throwing back my head and letting out a guttural cry as it ripped through me, all of my body suddenly torn apart by the feeling.

  Without my rogues there, I would have fallen apart, but they held onto me, making sure that I road it out safely, not letting me collapse. They all cried out with me, each of them reaching their peak at the same time that I did, but they still managed to keep me from falling over.

  Each breath felt like a gift of life as I started to come back down, but I had to suck hard at the air. My boys noticed this and Jackie and Kaleb gently slipped out of me, lifted me off of Brett, and then helped me stretch out next to him.

  My nerves were burning. My skin felt like it was too small, like I’d been wearing something tight and now had finally burst out of it. Every part of my being was singing from release.

  “Holy shit,” I finally managed. There’s no way for me to know how long I’d laid there before I managed to speak, but I did know that it had been a while.

  The heat that had made me feel like I was burning up was gone and my skin was chilled. When I shivered, Brett rolled over, pulling me to him, and Kaleb draped a blanket over me.

  It took a few minutes, but it was enough.

  I was so relaxed that I couldn’t help myself.

  Even though we’d all been famished after class and excited for dinner, there wasn’t any way that I could force myself to get up and leave my bed right then.

  “Just for a moment,” I whispered, and closed my eyes.


  When I finally woke back up, it wasn’t because I’d gotten enough sleep, or there was a loud sound that tore through my rest, but because the room smelled like a fancy restaurant.

  Brett slipped out from behind me and I rolled over, tucking the blanket around myself to sit up. Jackie and Kaleb must have gone to the dining hall and brought back as much food as they could carry, because it was mounded around me, plates piled high with shrimp scampi, fresh rolls, salads, and even some brownies.

  “Brownies!” I squealed, grabbing one and taking a huge bite of it. Taylor Prep wasn’t huge on having sweets at meals, but they generally had dessert at dinner on Friday, so we always enjoyed it the best we could. The chocolate practically melted in my mouth and I moaned a little,
licking a bit of extra frosting off of my finger.

  Kaleb’s eyes grew wide as he saw me do that. “Don’t you go licking things like that in front of me, Rose. Not after I know what you can do with that tongue.”

  I blushed and looked down, but when I glanced back up, all three of my rogues were grinning. “That was pretty incredible,” I agreed.

  “Yeah, Rosita,” Jackie said, giving me a wink. “I wouldn’t mind that every day after class if you’re game.”

  The thought of the three of them all filling me and taking me for their own gave me a chill and I shivered, pulling the blanket tighter around me and taking another bite of the brownie.

  Shrimp scampi was great and all, but brownies always won out. Always.

  “Now that we’re all relaxed,” Brett said, grabbing a plate of salad and sitting back down next to me, “do you guys think that we should run through how tomorrow night is going to go?”

  We all fell silent. It was obvious that, even though we all knew that we should talk about what was going to happen, none of us wanted to.

  Talking about the meeting with the council would only make it more real. It would only serve to remind us that the meeting was actually going to happen and that there really wasn’t anything we could do about it.

  After a moment of silence, when we were all eating instead of answering the obvious question, I sighed and put my brownie down on a plate. There was a bit of frosting left on my finger, and I licked it off, winking at Kaleb as I did.

  “Okay,” I said finally, wiping my finger on my blanket. “You guys want to talk? Let’s talk.”

  Chapter 24

  “You know what to do, right, Rosita?” Jackie sounded more nervous than I had heard him be in a long time, which honestly, did nothing to calm my nerves, but I managed to nod at him anyway.

  If my rogues were nervous, and they had been so confident that the plan was a good one and that it was sure to work, then how in the hell was I supposed to act confident?

  “It’s all going to be fine,” I told him. Honestly, though, I was saying that as much for me as I was saying it for him. I wanted to believe that everything was going to be okay. I didn’t want to entertain the idea that we had worked so hard to ensure that we would be safe and that it could still all fall apart.

  I wasn’t going to leave Taylor Prep willingly, so the council could either let me stay, or I was going to force their hand.

  That night I was dressed in a pair of jeans and a loose button-up shirt instead of the usual uniform. Because none of us really knew what was going to happen in the meeting, we’d agreed that I should be as comfortable as possible and that I should be dressed and ready to run.

  The bunker was my end goal if I had to run out of there, but I hadn’t told the boys that I didn’t consider it an option. I was tired of running. I was tired of being the prey. If the council wanted to keep playing fucked up little games, then I was going to stand my ground and see what they had to throw at me.

  “Just be safe. We love you so much, Rosita,” Jackie said, pulling my hand so that I turned to look at him. He’d been frowning most of the day, and I reached up to smooth out the wrinkles on his forehead.

  “Don’t worry, Jackie. You and I both know that I have a lot of things that I want to hold onto. I’m not going to do anything in there that would jeopardize our relationship, okay?”

  “Good.” He kissed me, a kiss that was full of longing and desire, and I instinctively wrapped my arm around his neck, pulling him closer. After a moment, though, he stepped back, leaving me with burning lips and wanting more.

  “I’ll see you guys on the other side,” I told him, starting to turn to walk into the auditorium. It sucked that Brett and Kaleb weren’t here to say goodbye too, but they’d already been in their positions for a few hours. The last thing that we’d wanted was for someone from the council to see them moving around and figure out our plan.

  Jackie adjusted my shirt, quickly smoothing his hands down it to make sure that it was flat. “You need to make sure that you look your best,” he quipped, winking. “We want to make sure that we get an unobstructed view of what’s going on.”

  Glancing down, I saw the black wink of a tiny camera that we’d used to replace a button on my shirt. It was practically impossible to tell that it was any different than the other buttons. All I could do was hope that the council wouldn’t notice that it was a bit shinier than the others, and then I’d be okay.



  I just kept telling myself that I’d be okay.

  Jackie couldn’t go with me into the auditorium. We’d debated having him walk me in since we were sure that the council would know that he was around, but decided against it, thinking that it would be safer to keep him out of it as much as possible.

  His aunt was, unquestionably, in there and waiting on me. She didn’t need to be faced with her nephew when we all knew how much she hated me already.

  The door felt heavy in my hand and I leaned on it for a moment, gathering my strength. As soon as I walked in there, things were going to be different.

  Taking a huge breath, I opened the door, letting it slam behind me as I walked down the hall. It was silent in the building, which I thought was strange, but maybe the council wasn’t as big as we had thought that it was.

  Maybe it was just a few people.

  That thought gave me a burst of hope, and I picked up my pace, fighting back a bit of a smile. If the council consisted of only a few people then I wasn’t going to have nearly as much trouble in there as we had thought.

  This time, when I needed to open a door, I didn’t pause. Throwing open the door to the auditorium, I strolled right in, feeling more and more confident. I hadn’t heard a sound from in the hallway, so there was always a chance that the council was just a few people. The thought made me smile.

  But that smile slipped from my face as soon as the door shut behind me.

  At the sound of it closing, everyone in the auditorium turned to look at me.

  And I mean everyone.

  Not only was there a podium set up on the stage, like they were expecting me to get up there and argue for my position of being allowed to stay at Taylor Prep, but the auditorium was packed.

  I didn’t recognize most of the people there, but that didn’t matter to me. They were, most likely, alums and parents, and they all knew who I was. Mr. Taylor and some of the staff from the school were all seated up front, watching me.

  It took a ton of self-control for me to not look up at the balcony. Brett and Kaleb were supposed to be hiding up there, ready to film everything, but I knew that if I looked up, everyone else would look, wanting to know what I was searching for.

  Keeping my eyes locked on the podium, I walked through the auditorium. Rows of unfriendly faces turned to follow me as I walked. Right before I got to the stage, Mr. Taylor stood up. He and Amelia’s mom met me at the stage.

  She reached out to shake my hand, but I kept my fists balled tight at my sides. There wasn’t any way that I was going to touch that woman. I had nothing for her. Not after what she and her daughter had done to me and my rogues.

  Seeing that I wasn’t going to shake her hand, Mr. Taylor cleared his throat. “Miss Bennett, I was honestly a little worried that you weren’t going to grace us with your presence, but I’m glad to see that I was mistaken. Why don’t you come on up to the stage so that everyone can see you and hear you?”

  I was pretty sure that everyone there was already hanging onto every word he said, and I had no doubt that they could all hear and see me, but I demurred and followed him, carefully taking each step. I didn’t want to trip. This all needed to be as smooth as possible.

  From up on the stage I could see more easily who was out there, and I scanned the crowd looking for any faces I recognized. Nobody. Not until…

  Harper’s mom.

  My heart fell deep into my stomach and I felt my insides twist. It was a huge betrayal from a woman I thought c
ared for me, but it wasn’t something that I could worry about just then. Taking a deep breath, I turned away from her and to Mr. Taylor.

  This was his school. His zoo parade. I was going to let him figure out what happened next.

  He cleared his throat, but before he could say anything, Amelia’s mom pushed him out of the way and walked up to me.

  “Rose Bennett.” She wasn’t near my microphone, but she didn’t need it. Her voice was clear and strong and carried easily throughout the auditorium. “I think you know why you’re here, but I’ll do a little recap for everyone. You came to Taylor Prep last year, as a charity case. Once the council was made aware that you were here and that you didn’t belong, we asked you to leave. You were told repeatedly by other students that you didn’t belong and that you needed to see yourself out, but you refused.”

  I cut her off. “I have every right to study here, just like any other student.” When I opened my mouth to continue, she just waved her hand at me.

  “We’re all tired of hearing that old line out of you, Rose. Allow me to continue, if you don’t mind. Not only did you refuse to leave, even when it was made exceptionally clear to you that you didn’t belong, but you did your best to make the council look like a fool.”

  “You did that on your own,” I pointed out. My hands were shaking, and I gripped the wood of the podium tightly to keep it from being obvious. I didn’t want them to have any idea just how nervous I really was up there.

  She rolled her eyes. “When you convinced some of the star students here that you deserved to stay, you did so with licentiousness, and that sort of behavior isn’t tolerated at Taylor Prep. Additionally, you acted out against other students who were simply carrying out the wishes of the council.”

  I knew that she was referring to Sara and Kelly, but this time I kept my mouth clamped shut. Even if I hadn’t had a pretty clear idea of how they wanted this to go, it was becoming terrifyingly clear now. I wasn’t sure if they were going to give me a time to speak, but even if they did, I was already condemned.


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