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Identity Page 10

by Brandy Slaven

  He tastes like coffee and the syrup. It would probably sound disgusting if it didn’t feel so damn good.

  When we finally break apart, I’m ready for the awkwardness to fall around the table, but it doesn’t, thanks mainly in part to Abraham as he says, “Damn. Can I get a kiss like that, too, if I buy that Chinese place?”

  “Hey, they’re always selling franchises in the pizza one,” Aric helps from my side of the table.

  Abraham thinks on it for a second before he nods. “Yeah, they are, aren’t they. What do you think, Sukie baby? Want to be able to call in for pizza whenever you want it, or be able to go down and make your own?”

  Leaning to the side, I press a quick kiss against his lips. All of them know it doesn’t take money or material things to own my heart. I’d love them regardless.

  “What if I have something better than pizza and coffee?” Alek asks, playfully competing with his brothers.

  I grin at him. “It’d have to be pretty damn amazing to beat those.”

  Anderson and Alejandro, who were always the non-competitors, smile as if they know what Alek’s plan is. My eyes narrow on them, but Alejandro throws up his hands while Anderson’s stare could compete with a stone wall.

  “Want to go find out, amar?” he asks, using the old pet name.

  After all the time in the States, it still pleasantly surprises me to hear their native language roll off their tongues. He could call me anything other than moon like he just did, and I’d still be a puddle at his feet.

  “Sure,” I tell him, trying to disguise my desire with confidence.

  He ticks his head to the side toward the door leading into the den as he stands and says, “Come on then.”

  Atlas lets his arms fall to his sides as he lets me go. Getting to my feet, I follow so close behind Alek that I can reach out and touch his back. Remembering that I don’t have to worry about spying eyes anymore, I do just that. Hard muscles flex beneath my fingers as he walks. Apparently, since stepping back in this house, I’m like a horny teenager. Without even seeing what he’s got to offer, I want him stripped bare beneath me.

  When we come to a stop about midway across the den, I realize I’ve been running my hand up and down his back. He leans into my touch like it’s the best thing he’s felt in a long time. Since hearing that some of them haven’t been with a woman for years, it likely is. Nevertheless, I’m back now, and we’re going to make up for lost time.

  Stepping around him, my intention is to entice a kiss from him by any means necessary. However, when I come flush with his side, the sight that greets me brings tears to my eyes.

  “Oh my god,” I gasp.

  I want to hug the huge aquarium that houses my pet. My baby octopus, Kraken, that I never thought I’d see again.

  “When she wasn’t in my room, I thought the worst. Figured she’d died or Trenton got rid of her just to punish me if I ever came back,” I admit quietly.

  Alek turns his body towards me and captures my chin between his fingers. When he lifts it so my eyes lock on his brown ones, he says, “We would never intentionally or knowingly let someone hurt you. Trenton demanded we sell her, but we put her here instead. Every single day he had that reminder of you and what he did. Anderson begged him until he was blue in the face, trying to find out what had happened and where you’d gone. All Trenton told us was that you’d decided to leave the family.”

  My hands come up to caress the back of his when they move to trap my face between them, much like I did Atlas’s moments ago. His soft, almost shoulder-length black curls tease my skin as he presses a kiss against my forehead and continues with his lips still against me, “We found you the day before you met Ransam and Orsam. Anderson wanted to fly to California immediately, but a few of us stopped him. There was a reason you left, and I never believed it had anything to do with us. You were smothered here. For once in your life, I wanted you to have that freedom you craved. The brothers was Anderson’s compromise. They were there to look after you when we couldn’t be. Trenton didn’t know where you’d disappeared to, and we weren’t going to lead him there, either.”

  I close my eyes when I feel the tears coming. This moment shouldn’t be shrouded with sadness and tears, but I can’t seem to help it. They’d known all along where to find me but suffered in silence to make me happy. All the money, diamonds, and pearls in the world couldn’t compare to a love like that.

  His thumbs wipe away what tears they can, but I’m sure he can still taste them the same as me when I rise up on my toes to press my lips against his. There’s no hurried urgency as Alek takes his time getting us reacquainted. His kisses are light and leave me wanting like they always have. I’m pretty sure he does it on purpose.

  I still have that same fire burning for him that we walked in here with, but now it’s a low hotspot. One that’s been momentarily sated, but ready to burst into flames again at any given second.

  Laying my head on his chest and enjoying the warmth that radiates from his body as he wraps his arms around me, I watch Kraken’s tentacles move against the glass. They’re said to be one of the smartest ocean creatures, and there she sits, trapped in a cage much smaller than the one I was in.

  “I know she’d never survive being released in the wild after being born into captivity, but do you think we ought to send her to an aquarium or somewhere with a larger tank?” I ask quietly.

  I can feel him shaking his head before I hear his vocalized no, “I don’t think she’d be happier that way. We can get her a tank that takes up this entire wall if that’s what you want, but she’d miss you. When you left, she went into her house and didn’t come out for over a month. I had to bribe her to get her to come out even then.”

  Lifting my chin to him again, he gives me another soft kiss before I say, “Thank you. For taking care of her…and me. I’m truly grateful.”

  I carefully run my fingers through his curls as his lips turn up with a smile. “I love you, Arsuilla. I never told you because I didn’t think it needed to be said. Then I regretted that when you left. I wanted to tell you that at least once so that you’d know just in case.”

  His words poke at my heart that’s taken a beating over the past couple days, but he already starts to mend it before there’s any serious damage as he adds, “Besides, I know you don’t like owing debts, so there’s an easy repayment.”

  I can’t help but grin up at him. “And what’s that?”

  Even though he’s the furthest away from speaking dirty thoughts aloud out of all the brothers, he’s still a man, and I’m almost certain I know what this payment will consist of. He surprises me for a second time when he reveals, “There’s been word you got a tattoo of Kraken. May I see it?”

  I want to bargain with him to find out who told him, but after finding out what these amazing men did for me in my absence, I’d give them anything. Doesn’t mean I can’t tease him a little in the process, though. Grabbing the bottom hem of my shirt, I slowly lift it over my head. His eyes drop to my naked breasts on full display since I didn’t bother putting a bra on after the shower.

  His breathing picks up, and I’d bet his heart is pounding as heavy in his chest as mine is now. Alek always has been a tit man. When mine finally came in was the point he didn’t deny this between us any longer. He’d been strong and held out until then.

  I want to tug his mouth down to them by those sexy damn curls, but he’d asked for one thing. I’d be damned if I let my desire take control of the situation before I could even give it to him.

  As I spin to give him my back, I catch sight of Abraham and Atlas, the two contenders in this little competition, at the door. Next to each other, their blue eyes and blond hair could almost give them a pass for brothers. Added to the twin expressions of rapture on their faces, it’d be a good guess from an outsider. Atlas’s eyes are on my face while Abraham’s follow the same path of Alek’s.

  Being their sole focus, there’s an indescribable feeling that’s that hits me. The power
and sexiness I feel by having more than one set of eyes on my body sends warmth flooding to my core. I’m not brave enough yet to put on any kind of show for them or anything, but I do take my time turning around to give them my back.

  If I thought I was going to buckle under the pressure of their gazes, it’s nothing compared to when Alek’s hand finally reaches out to touch me. His fingertips brush against the art on my back as he reverently murmurs, “Amazing.”

  “You did this for her?” he asks.

  I stare at the black screen of the tv across the room while he traces my tattoo, and I answer, “I did it for all of you. Look closely at the tentacles.”

  It takes him a long torturous moment of his breath against my bare skin for him to find it, but it’s obvious with his sharp intake of breath.

  “You put our initials in there?” he asks, surprise still weighing down his tone.

  “They’re tiny and barely noticeable, but yeah. They’re in there,” I reply before adding, “I left without any kind of warning, but that doesn’t mean I loved you any less. I expected you guys to move on without me, even if I couldn’t do the same. I wanted a piece of you on the outside to match the inside. So, it was completely selfish, I assure you.”

  “Selfish, baby? Really?” Abraham asks, stepping around me.

  I hadn’t even realized he’d come all the way into the room. One glance over my shoulder shows Atlas came with him. They’d obviously been as curious as Alek about the tattoo.

  With my arms still at my sides when Abraham presses us chest to chest, my nipples graze the front of his shirt, making them harder than they already were from their observations. Then Alek brushes against my back as he steps up, locking me between them.

  “That’s not selfish at all,” Abraham beams. “It makes me so damn hard I don’t know whether to run out and get one for you or ask Alek to hold you while I fuck you right here in front of Atlas.”

  Alek and Abraham couldn’t be more opposite if they tried. Where Alek takes his time and doesn’t do any of the dirty talking, Abraham can always be counted on to pick up the slack. Sometimes savagely so. Either way, his words do their work for not just me, but Alek, too.

  Alek’s palm latches on to my hip before slowing making a path across the top of Alejandro’s borrowed sweats that rest there. They’re huge and with the strings pulled tight, they still hang low on my hips. When Alek’s hand reaches the front of them, he’s mere inches from touching the top of my mound.

  I want to go up on my toes and force his hand lower, but Abraham’s lips coming down on mine put a kink in that plan. Their arousal is evident as they press me tighter between them. Alek kisses the side of my neck as Abraham works his way down the other. I’m rubbing my thighs together to keep from shoving Alek’s hand down the front of my sweats. All thoughts go out the window when Abraham sucks one of my nipples through his teeth. I’m pretty sure I make this mewling noise, too, but I can’t be certain since my brain is short-circuiting.

  My head falls back against Alek’s shoulder as a hand finds my other breast. Alek’s tanned skin over the paleness there while Abraham’s mouth still does work on the other one just about sends me over the edge, and they’ve hardly began to touch me.

  Alek cups it and pinches the nipple between his fingers softly. What finally pushes me over the edge is when I catch Atlas’s lust-glazed stare from where he’s now propped against the wall, watching. My release hits me, and our eyes stay locked as I ride it out. If this is what it feels like between the three of them, having not even been touched between my legs, it makes me wonder what it’d be like if I could get them all in the same room.

  Before I can begin to explore that thought or try to reciprocate for any of them, Anderson’s voice booms down the hallway as he walks and chats with someone on the phone.

  Abraham pulls away, but only enough to where he can slip my borrowed shirt back over my head as he says, “We’re going to finish this later.”

  “You’re damn right we are,” I growl, making the three of them chuckle.

  The guys are true to their word about lounging lazily around the pool all day. We order Chinese and coffee, and for the first time in forever, it feels like old times. Dog days of summers past where we’d do whatever we wanted around Trenton’s demands of us. I catch myself wanting to beg for a beach day a few times before I remember that doing something that public could put us all in danger. For myself, it’d be worth the risk, but they aren’t.

  A couple of them leave once or twice to take a phone call, I’m assuming, from the construction business, and around lunchtime, Anderson even stops working to join us. The only thing that makes the situation tense is the background knowledge that someone could be listening in at this very moment. It makes having a conversation more difficult when I start getting around to asking some of those questions I couldn’t think of this morning in the shower with Anderson. Eventually, I give up and decide to live in the moment, saving the hard shit for another day.

  By the time we’re heading inside hours later, dusk is already starting to put shadows on the lawn. It’s then I notice some of the security men out toward the back fence. That answers one of my questions. I could understand letting the cook, butler, and cleaners go, but we’d be number one on the hit list if Trenton’s death gets out. I’m glad they were smart enough to keep security around just in case. I only hope they gave them the option to back out because it’ll mean death for them, too, if Barbanio comes for us.

  “I don’t like whatever you’re thinking about right now, Sukie baby,” Abraham states, casually throwing an arm around my shoulders.

  “Sure,” I tell him before ducking out from under his arm and taking off towards the back stairs in the den. “If you think you can beat me.”

  His distant laugh says he’s already in motion. It’ll be to avail, though. He won’t win this one since my destination is at the top of these stairs. I skid to a stop right outside Alek’s door and don’t bother knocking before I barge in, closing the door quietly behind me. I knew Alek would be here because he was the first in the house. However, what I’m not prepared for is for him to be bare-assed naked. And, oh, what a fine ass it is.

  Primary shock wearing off at my interruption, he quirks an eyebrow at me, tucking a side of his hair behind his ear before turning to face me. With no shame, my eyes drop immediately to his cock that’s already standing halfway at attention. One of the things I’d always been jealous of is how he, Aric, and Alejandro all have that smooth even tan across their bodies. My half-Hispanic heritage hadn’t passed that fine trait down.

  Evening the playing field, I undo the strings holding my swimsuit top together and let it fall ungracefully to the floor. He’s already taken two steps before I make it to the bottoms. When they follow the top, his eyes drop like mine did. His cock, ramrod straight now, jerks a few times, reaching all the way up to just below his belly button. Alek’s stature is similar to Aric’s, but he’s got a lean muscled build, giving him less girth and more length on his cock.

  I meet him halfway across the room and softly shove him backwards until he’s falling back on the bed. He reaches for me, but I don’t give him the chance to get a good hold. Instead, sucking his cock into my mouth without warning. His loud groan echoes around the quiet room. If Abraham didn’t know where to find me before, he should now.

  The mere thought has him materializing as I watch in the mirror across the room when he saunters through the door. His eyes are glued to my ass sticking up in the air and everything else on display from this angle. Good. I get to torture them both at the same time. This morning was nothing compared to the small touches and whispered promises they’d hit me with over the past couple of hours, knowing damn well I wouldn’t do anything about it out there in the open. They’d awakened that evil witch inside me, and I wanted to take them for all their worth.

  Abraham’s hands go to his shorts. I want to watch him strip them off, but Alek distracts me with a hand in my hair as he says, “I
hope you’ll let this grow back out. I need something to grab ahold of like this.”

  It’s as dirty as he’ll probably ever speak, but it’s done the distraction job very well. Still working his cock and loving the salty taste of his precum on my tongue, I glance up to the mirror again only to find Abraham missing. I worry he left us a split second before I feel his tongue do a long swipe straight up my center before dipping inside for a taste.

  I moan around Alek’s cock, and his fingers tighten in what little purchase he has on my hair. Abraham drives me to the brink several times before stopping and starting all over again. It’s driving me crazy just like he wants.

  By the third time, I replace my mouth with my hand around Alek so that I’m able to demand, “Gods be damned, Abraham. If you don’t stop teasing and get your cock inside of me right now.”

  As the words leave my mouth, a new set of eyes catches mine from the mirror. Atlas snuck in and watches from his propped position against the wall. He’d come over and join us if I invited him, but I get the feeling he’d rather watch.

  So, as Abraham slams himself home and my lips close around Alek again, I keep my gaze on Atlas. He fidgets like he can’t help himself. Abraham picks up his pace, unable to handle all of his own teasing. His balls slap my clit, forcing even more sensations to rock my body. I take Alek as far down my throat as I can while getting the timing down just right to push back against Abraham when he thrusts. Only a few more times and I’m releasing so hard that I have to break that contact with Atlas to close my eyes. Without giving me enough time to react, Alek is next as he pulls out, and his release squirts across his chest. Abraham falls over my back as his hits him.


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