A Fantasy About Love

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A Fantasy About Love Page 4

by Opal Cole

  Putting my arm around her waist, we walked back to the car, and always smiling. What a beautiful day! She drove to the hotel and I accompanied her to the lift. She stopped before entering, visibly in good spirits, turned to me and said in a cheerful voice: "I believe that we have passed the kiss-the hand stage, James, " and kissing me warmly, she hugged me: "See you at 6:30. This was a lovely afternoon and I enjoyed every moment of it."

  Watching her in the lift as the doors closed, I said quietly "So did I."

  Chapter 3: A Night at the Opera

  I drove back to the apartment, had a shower, changed and waited for the time to pass. Suddenly I got up and called the driver I had contracted for tonight; no searching for a parking lot and no restraints on drinking a glass of wine. I was early and sat down in one of the comfortable chairs in the Lobby. All of a sudden, the noise level dropped, and I looked up.

  There she was: a vision of beauty and grace walking towards me. I swear that every man in the Lobby was mesmerized and every woman envious. She had her hair done up in glorious curls freeing her proud neck. Her golden earrings adorned with green stones moved with every step and she had changed her face from pretty to beautiful: golden high cheeks, glossy lips and a smudge of makeup to accentuate her beautiful huge green eyes. She had a faultless pearl choker, and a simple golden bracelet. Her black dress had an almost daring décolleté showing the top of her pert breasts, and the dress followed every curve of her body, from her narrow waist to her small hips and ended at her knees, showing off her long legs. She wore black sandals with golden and green straps, and they clicked with every step she made coming closer and closer. Her face was radiant, and her eyes looked deeply into mine, waiting for a reaction. A moment passed, then another, and her mouth quirked.

  "I was expecting some appreciation for the effort, but I didn't think I'd leave you completely speechless." She added the last with a wink.

  Broken out of my reverie, I realized that my mouth must have been hanging open. "You're so beautiful." I said in a reverent whisper and having recovered a bit, went further.

  "Goodness gracious, you are beautiful! Maureen, how could you change so much from last night to this moment? Did you bewitch me? Is this your older sister?"

  "No, James, it's me and I'm willing to go out to a splendid evening with my handsome consort. Are you not going to kiss me?"

  I did as ordered (and with enormous pleasure) and offered my arm. She linked hers with mine and off we went. I could not avoid looking back at all those faces staring at us and almost shouted 'she is with me, just with me and there is nothing you can do. She is mine!'

  Maureen looked at me and asked what this was about. I shrugged and replied that is was a man thing that women did not understand. I handed her into the car, and we were off to the opera. Since we were early, we sat down at the bar and I ordered a glass of champagne.

  "James, since I tried yesterday to make you understand wines a bit better, why don't you tell me something about the opera we are going to see?"

  "It was composed in the early 1830's by Vincente Bellini and is considered today as one of the peaks of bel canto singing. The story line is fairly ridiculous as in most Italian operas from that period, but the music just soars. I saw it once in the Met with Joan Sutherland and Marilyn Horne and it was absolutely fabulous ... After the Casta Diva aria she received a ten-minutes standing ovation! Maureen, my nature and my upbringing makes it difficult for me to be touched by sentimental emotions, but that aria makes it hard for me not to cry! I have that night in my count of treasures that I'll remember until the end of my days -- and may I say that I added another one today?"

  She looked at me and touched my hand.

  "James, I did not meet the man you describe -- I met an intelligent, courteous, decisive, funny and sensitive man who went through my barriers like they did not exist. I can't remember that I felt so much enjoyment and vivacity in everything we did together these two days. Perhaps I'll tell you one day a bit of my past, but that is another story and not for today. Just be certain that I would not have gone out with the man you start to describe -- and I certainly would not have kissed him the way I did -- and I assume that you enjoyed it, too? I'm happy if you want to include me in your thoughts in the future -- I'll certainly not forget these days easily."

  "Maureen, I'll try everything possible that you will not be able to forget these days but let us go inside before I do get too emotional! I do not want to destroy my image of the tough rational German."

  I pulled her up and we walked slowly into the lobby; it was grandiose, with a huge chandelier lighting up the staircases. We had good seats, not too close, but close enough to the stage that we could observe everything. The lights dimmed and the overture started. I took her hand and feeling her leaning over to me and when she laid her head on my shoulders, I closed my eyes. The story was way over the top emotionally and not very logical, but as I had mentioned to Maureen, the music just flowed from one scene to the other. Still in the first act the druids come to convince the High Priestess to declare war on the Romans and she asks for a moment of reflection. Her prayer to the Moon Goddess was the high moment of that opera. I knew the lyrics well:

  'Casta Diva...

  Pure Goddess, whose silver covers

  These sacred ancient plants,

  we turn to your lovely face

  unclouded and without veil... '

  Joan Sutherland soprano soared and soared ever higher, and I was taken away into a moment of pure emotion. When she finished, there was silence for a moment and then everyone stood up and the ovation was long and loud. I looked at Maureen -- she smiled sweetly and caringly, and then laid a hand on my face and wiped away a tear that was slowly forming. She touched my lips with her hand and then her own lips, blowing me a kiss.

  Later I perceived that this was the moment when all my feelings for the beautiful woman at my side changed from an affectionate curiosity to a much deeper emotion. It was no longer the pride to have her at my side, but I wanted her to stay there -- now and forever. I wanted to care for her and see her face smiling, see her eyes sparkling, and even hear her teasing me with affection, and who knows, even more than affection.

  I did not remember much of the rest of the opera -- I knew it well but was thinking more about Maureen and what was ahead for me and us. The music ended and after long ovations we left. The driver was waiting and took us to a dinner club where the food was reasonable and at the weekend there was live music for dancing.

  The table I had reserved was ready and Maureen looked around. The lighting was dimmed down a bit, the decoration was traditional with pastel colors and some oil painting depicting the sea and sailing ships.

  "It is nice here. Do you come here often?'

  "I have not been here before. Peter told me to reserve it for special moments -- and I count tonight as a very special moment."

  She blushed slightly and the freckles in her face appeared even through her little makeup.

  We ordered a glass of champagne and looked at the menu. I recommended the fish and she agreed to have a John Dory with asparagus and a champagne sauce. She chose the wines, the dish was fine, and she thoroughly enjoyed the taste and the texture of this flavorsome fish. We discussed the opera, the story and she agreed that it was rather silly; we agreed totally, however, on the wonderful voice of Joan Sutherland. This was probably one of her last performances because I had heard that she was thinking of retiring. When she complimented me on my knowledge of operas, I replied that my family always insisted that children had to have a classical upbringing, and this had continued through my adult life. In any case, we complemented each other, she with her wines and I with my music. We had a light dessert with a glass of Rutherglen Tokay finishing off the night.

  I was lucky: at that moment a small band appeared on stage and started to play some soft music.

  "May I ask you for a dance, dear lady? I'd be honored and deeply pleasured to hold you in my arms."

kind sir -- it would be all my pleasure to dance with you and to be held in your arms."

  "Do you know what you are saying? Are you just teasing or are you serious?'

  "There is nothing more serious or giving me more pleasure that dance with you -- and I meant every word, my dear James."

  I almost stumbled on the way to the dance floor -- this was the first time she had spoken a word of endearment. There was hope!

  The music started and I took her into my arms moving slowly to the tune and rhythm of the song. I looked down on her and she had her eyes closed, snuggling closer to me, and put her arms around my neck.

  She was not used to romantic dancing, but when the music was ending, I lifted her face toward me and pulling her even closer, our lips met. I felt the softest and most delicious lips pressed against mine. The kiss lasted for a few moments and very reluctantly, I let her go. We looked into each other's eyes and again I got lost in her smile, her sparkling eyes, and her charm. She seemed equally satisfied with our time together. There was another dance with the same happy finish, and I took her back to the table. And then I risked everything -- all or nothing.

  "Maureen, you must have realized that my feelings for you have changed during the last two days. I know what I want -- I want to get to know you much better and see you as often as possible. I have thought about what happened and still don't know completely why this happened, only that I want more. I do not want to push you too much, but I do not want you to go away as I would regret that for a long, long time. May I ask you something and no teasing, please. What do you see in me? And what do you feel about me? Is there a chance for us?"

  She gazed at me for a long time and then made up her mind.

  "James, as you yourself I'm confused about the last two days and my feelings. I met you after a horrible day and wanted to be left alone and you just ignored me and my rather impolite responses. You took me to dinner, and I must admit that the offer to drive the Porsche helped me to accept the invitation. You were sweet and polite, never pushing me into anything. You had the tickets for the opera and I always wanted to hear Joan Sutherland live, so I accepted another invitation and when you kissed my hand in the lobby of the hotel, I suddenly thought that you deserved a better reward. Again you were undemanding and sweet and I wanted that today should be a nice day for both of us. You fulfilled that wish. This afternoon, walking through the park, I felt affection -- no, more than affection -- and wanted to kiss you just to see how I would react. I was surprised with myself that I gave part of me in that kiss -- I had never done this before. I had some unfortunate incidences in my past and when I'll tell you one day, you will understand me better, but everything changed when I looked at you after this aria and saw your open emotion, your tear, and the way you looked at me. At that moment, James, something changed in me and I cannot explain it rationally: you were not anymore the polite German, but now you were a man I wanted to care for, to be with, and to stay with."

  Her eyes were very serious, and she seemed to offer me more than she had intended before.

  "There you have it, James, as open and clear as I can say it. You did not push, but I accepted your offer. I do not know what will happen, but now, today, I am happy to be with you."

  We gazed at each other, too moved to say a word. I felt like drowning in her eyes, a green pool of emotion and happiness; those eyes were imprinted on my soul. I took her hands and kissed them. She started to smile, and the music changed to a different tune.

  "Let's dance -- I want to hold you close."

  Maureen hugged me and placed a light kiss on my cheek. Her breasts felt soft and warm against my chest, and through her dress I could feel her nipples slowly hardening. They felt nice. Very, very nice. My hands slowly stroked her back, caressing her gently. Maureen's soft red-gold hair was curling across my shoulders, leaving a tender silky softness that one would think would tickle, but instead I found comforting and wonderful. Everything just seemed to come together between the two of us at that moment. How does one describe such a tender, intimate moment?

  She put her hands around my neck and looking at me, she slowly offered her lips, expressing her affection and happiness. I touched her lips with mine, teasing her with the tip of my tongue, and she responded equally. Moving to the rhythm of the song, feeling her body close to mine and her hugging me ever more closely, I could not stop that I was getting excited. I tried to move away, but she smiled wickedly and moved even closer, grinding her hip against mine. Thank God the music stopped at that moment and led her back to the table. She did not stop smiling and never let my hand go.

  "You know that people were watching us? The way we danced was an invitation for a citation for indecent behavior, my dear!"

  "We did not!'

  'Yes, you did, and everyone enjoyed it, especially I. You know that you are wonderful? That you're beautiful? That every man in this room would give fortunes to sit here instead of me? And that I'm falling in love with you? Have you bewitched me?"

  She stopped dead still and stared at me."

  "What did you say?"

  "I believe that I said that you are wonderful, and very pretty, and that every man in this room would kill to be in my place at your side."

  "What more did you say?'

  "I asked whether you had bewitched me. Considering that you are Irish and red haired, I assume that this is a reasonable assumption?"

  "What more did you say?"

  I looked at her and kissed her hands.

  "I said that I believe that I'm falling in love with you."

  "Look at me, James, and I don't want any joke or light side comment: I'm deadly serious, James, and I want an honest answer. What did you say, and did you mean it?"

  "Maureen, I'm falling in love with you, and it's no joke. I've started to care deeply for you, and I cannot stop it, whether I like it or not, and I do like it very much. I don't know how you feel -- you said that you cared, but how deep are your feelings? We just met yesterday, and I cannot believe my own emotions, but they are real. I just do hope that you like me enough that you give me a chance to make you love me one day."

  She looked at the ceiling, at the band, at the bar with boisterous men telling each other tall stories, and finally at me. She would never be a good poker player; her face went from surprised to reflective to inquisitive to joyful to serious and finally to tenderness.

  "James, I was always hoping to hear these words one day -- I am overjoyed that you say it today. I come from a family with many generations of red-haired Irish women, and there were certainly witches among them, but it was not me who bewitched you -- it was you who put some spells on me. I've never ever behaved this way, selecting always carefully my company and never letting anybody getting close to me. There are reasons for this, but that's another story. James, I have no experience in judging what my emotions mean, but if this is falling in love, I'm all for it. Yes, I'll give you all the time you want so that you can make me love you, but I know you will not need a long time. Falling in love is not yet loving, but it's the first step, and I'm willing to start the journey."

  "My darling, you can be certain that I never will take anything that you do not want to give freely. I warn you, however, that I keep track of your words and actions and whatever you have given, cannot be lightly taken back! No more hand kissing; your lips -- and later perhaps other parts of your body -- are not off limits anymore, but let's dance once more. I love to have my hands around you and feel your body close to me, but please no more indecent behavior from you!"

  "I did not behave indecently. I just hugged you because I also love to have your hands around me as I feel safe and protected. It is not my problems that you cannot control yourself!"

  "Forgive me for asking -- what would you prefer? That I have reactions that any man who has the pleasure of holding you close would have, or that I would be a sophisticated gay gentleman?'

  'Darling, please stay as you are. Just shut up, hold me close and dance with me."

sp; The band leader looked at us when we came up to him and smiled. "Some romantic tunes, Sir?"

  I nodded and suddenly remembered a Bacharat song: "Could you play 'Close to you'?"

  He stopped for a moment and looking at Maureen with her tender smile, nodded. "Yes, Sir. You are a lucky man, if I may say you."

  Now it was my turn to nod and went back to Maureen. She glued her body to mine and all kind of pleasant feelings passed through mine. When the music started, I whispered the words to her

  " ... On the day that you were born

  The angels got together

  And decided to create a dream come true

  So they sprinkled moondust in your hair

  And golden starlight in your eyes of blue..."

  She blushed and hid her face on my chest, but then she looked at me. "James, what are you doing to me?"

  Her face was lovely in its happy way, her hair was gloriously golden and red, her perfume -- both something I could not identify and her own womanly smell -- was intoxicating, and her body stroked itself against mine following the slow rhythm of the song. Her breasts were soft and hard at the same time, and the pert, perfectly rounded and proud mounds and the hard nipples were very evident. My hands moved slowly down her body until I reached her tight ass. When I pressed her against me, she reacted pressing even closer to my hip and with the obvious result. Maureen smirked. "You see, out of control! " I did not care -- I was in heaven.

  The band leader announced the last song and I smiled when I heard the first notes.

  "Darling (I seemed to have changed effortlessly from her name to an endearment), how appropriate. Listen..."

  " ... The shadow of your smile, when you are gone

  Will color all my dreams and light the dawn

  Look into my eyes my love and see

  All the lovely things you are to me..."

  "The only words I do not agree are 'when you are gone ' even if I have to get you to the airport tomorrow, but you can be certain that this is not the last time that we are dancing together!"

  She kissed me and only a little cough woke us up to the fact that the music seemed to have stopped some time ago and we were still standing in the middle of the dance floor kissing each other. She was embarrassed and blushed. It was funny -- it started in her face, moved down to her shoulders and highlighted the upper part of her breasts, which were rather visible in her generous décolleté. Her freckles flashed, and she looked down. I smiled and told her how lovely she was, freckles and all.


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