A Fantasy About Love

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A Fantasy About Love Page 48

by Opal Cole

  "You know that you're quite pretty?" I realized what I had said and apologized immediately. I was stepping out of bounds!

  She grinned, however, and responded that yesterday I was much more specific: should she today undo a few more buttons to motivate me to change pretty to beautiful?

  I preferred not to comment on that and told her about my meeting with HR. She would receive a list of evening courses on certain subjects we would recommend, and after finishing those courses with distinction, she would get a big promotion. She started to get up, but I said there was one more item: she had been promoted to be my assistant and her salary had practically doubled, starting immediately.

  She turned to see whether the door as really closed and asked: "May I?" I just opened my arms and she jumped straight into them.

  "James, thank you. Thank you for the promotions and thank you for your care."

  And then she kissed me with all her force, digging her tongue into my mouth, sucking on mine, embracing me with all her force, and when she finally relaxed, she stepped back and gave me a little chaste kiss.

  "This is not for the money or the status, this is for you because you care. James, if there's anything I could do for you, you just have to ask and I'll do it. Whatever it is, James!"

  I walked back to my desk and asked her to open the door, not totally, but that it seemed that we were discussing business. She sat but got up again and wiped a bit of lipstick off my face, then looked into her mirror and redid her makeup. Then she asked me to get up, walked around me and said, satisfied, that there was no proof of any wrongdoing.

  "Now, Mr. Winter, is there anything you want to discuss with me? Professionally or private? Can I decide what I want to discuss?"

  "No, and please listen to me. This is serious, Mary Ann, we have a complicated relationship. You, Maureen and me. I don't know what Maureen told you about her and me, but listen to my concerns. We have entered into something that is more than friendship and less than ... what? Love? Affection perhaps? We've been involved for a few days only, and the speed that our relation has evolved has surprised me. I love Maureen totally, no reservations and no limits. She's my one and all. I was astonished when she met you on Saturday and we had brunch on Sunday, as she had never done this before. Then we had dinner on Monday and every time we met, Maureen expanded the limits. I like you very much and I enjoy kissing you, seeing you smile and having your body close to mine, but you have to remember that Maureen is the center of my life, and whatever will happen, it'll depend on her. What will come next?"

  I looked at her for a long time.

  "I discussed this with her yesterday and she told me not to worry, as it was her decision what direction our relationship would take. She really loves you; you are the sister she never had. She trusts you and above all, she trusts me to keep my promise to never cheat on her. So what'll happen? I don't know, but I'll follow Maureen and if she wants to stop it right here, I will. If she wants to go one step farther, I'll do this, also. You are becoming a wonderful woman: superbly intelligent, business smart, caring, and very beautiful. I love to kiss you, embrace you and feel that you care for me, and under different circumstances perhaps you would be already in my arms. However, it is Maureen who'll have to open the door, and then I'll have to decide whether I step through it. This puts a lot of pressure on you, uncertainty and even insecurity."

  She smiled cautiously but convinced that she knew what she wanted. I wanted to stress that point.

  "You will also have to make a decision: what do you want? Do you want to stay my assistant and trained to become an executive, and we will stay friends, or do you want to wait to see what could happen and whether it might become more than friendship? There might be a lot of joy, but a lot of hurt if things go wrong. This is real life, Mary Ann; we have to make decisions and often without all the information we want and need, and then we have to live with them. We don't want to play with your life and you're the one who has to decide what you want. Take your time to think it through and tell us what you want, and we'll go on from there."

  She took a deep breath and looked at me with determination.

  "James, I can give you my decision right now: I want to stay with you, I'm willing to wait and will accept every decision that you'll make. I told you before that I love you and I love Maureen, too, in a different way, but living with you and close to you is much better than living alone again and on my own."

  I looked at her for a long time and then nodded. "So be it!"

  And we changed to business mode.

  "Mary Ann, I need the files on the new prospect. Give me ten minutes and then call Andrew."

  She got up and went to the door, but before she left, she turned and blew me a kiss and I saw her lips saying: "I love you."

  Suddenly she was back to be the efficient secretary and the professional day had begun. It was a good day. I heard from a contact at a business association that I belonged to, that a senior executive of a big distribution company located in Sydney had asked about me and showed interest in meeting me. I went to see Sir Allan, who also knew this person and he gave me all the details he had on the executive and on the company. It was big and the rumors were that they were not very happy with the systems they had installed; it was nice that it belonged to our major competitor. Perhaps another feather in my hat? I called the executive and he agreed to set up a meeting in two days. I asked Mary Ann to get as much data as we had on the company and arrange the place and time.

  When I came home, Maureen was all excited: she had closed the deal on the office.

  "James, I negotiated a good deal and called Mom; she agreed to the terms and told me to close. I've done my first deal!"

  I congratulated her and reminded her of priorities: closing deals were important, but kissing your husband when he arrived after a long day was more important! She hesitated (why? Priorities had changed?), then agreed and said: "In compensation, you may kiss me wherever you want!" and opening the buttons of her blouse, she offered her breasts.

  "I know what pleases you and me, too, I have to admit."

  I bent down and took her puffy nipples into my mouth and I felt them rapidly growing hard and pointy. She was very sensitive in this area and my kissing and suckling lead her fast to a little climax. She shuddered and leaning into me, whispered: "Does this satisfy my lord and master? I shall pay you back later!"

  I had my shower and she led me to the kitchen where she had prepared a light supper. She did not bother to close her blouse, and seeing her breasts swinging freely when she moved, I enjoyed the food much more.

  "Mom called and wants to talk to you. You seem to have to sign some documents in the city offices to confirm the wedding; she has talked already to the pastor and everything is alright with the church. Don't be surprised: it is the biggest church in Brisbane, and it will be filled to capacity!"

  We retired to the sitting room when the phone rang. It was Eileen and she confirmed that she needed my signature on several documents to get the wedding done. Her voice was a bit worried when she asked when I could come. I told her that she should have known that I had set up a meeting with NT and our staff for next Monday morning, and that I could sign the documents after the meeting and then go back to Sydney. Maureen would obviously accompany me.

  She was still hesitant when she asked at what time I would arrive in Brisbane, and I confirmed that it would be Friday night, taking the afternoon flight from Sydney and that we would be at her home in the early evening. She was satisfied but scolded me: "This is not my house, this is yours; I just live here. And let me tell you: I don't like to live this way, all alone. My puppies are sad because they feel they have been abandoned, and my body needs a really good workout, and several times! The forecast for the weekend is for heavy rains, so we probably have to stay all the time in the house -- or rather in bed."

  Maureen shrieked. "Mother! How can you say this! I am here, too!" and received the answer: "Is there anything wrong with my words? I've done s
o much running to calm me down that I even lost weight, but I need a very different exercise! And you? I expect you to cooperate and participate! So please hurry, my love!" and hung up.

  Maureen looked at me and wondered what we could do about her mother. I told her to relax: there were very effective treatments for her problems, and I would be pleased to use all of them on her mother.

  "Maureen, you know that you'll be excited, too, and will enjoy the fun. Relax and we'll get there in time, but ... don't relax too much since you still owe me a bit of compensation!"

  Maureen shrugged out of her blouse and shed her little shorts, too.

  "Here or in the bedroom?"

  "Remember when we made love the first times you teased me saying that I could ask you to bend over the chair and take you that way? We have never done that so..."

  She got up, took off my shirt and Bermudas, turned back and selected a chair. Bending over, she looked back at me and fluttered her lashes furiously.

  "Do you need a written invitation, Sir?"

  She was wet already, and it was easy for me to enter her. She needed only a few thrusts to get loudly excited and the feeling of having the woman I loved so much under me, led me rapidly to my climax. She came at the same time as I and I needed to hold her so that she did not fall down.

  "This was fun, my love. We have to keep in mind for other days, but let me get up and we'll go to our bed. I want you to hold me."

  We went to the bathroom, she cleaned me up, then hurried to our bed. There she did her thing and moved up and down until she found her place in my arms.

  "Tell me what you said to Mary Ann. I like her very much and don't want to lose her."

  "You will not. She told me that whatever happens, she wants to stay close to you and me, and waits for an opportunity to grow this relationship into something much warmer and closer. I told her that we were undecided how much we could offer her, and that it was her decision what risk to be hurt (or very much pleased) she would want to take. She did not hesitate one moment and said quite determined that she would stay with us whatever happened. I told her also that it is your decision of what we'll do; and she is happy with this, too. I like her a lot and I feel that you do also. Let's wait a few weeks and see what the future brings. If you want to invite her for dinner or a weekend here, I would not say no. She is fun and the two of you are difficult to handle, but I want to chance it."

  "What do you want: her mind or her body?"

  "I like to see her grow and become a partner, and I also would like to hold her in my arms and kiss her: she is good at this. The picture of you both trying to show me every bit of your bodies was wonderful and exciting, but I will not make love with her as long as this situation is not resolved by you. If you tell me to walk away, I'll do without any hesitation, but with regrets. Our relationship is so much more important."

  Maureen smiled and said to loosen up since she knew what she was doing.

  "I know how you enjoy the beauty of your women and both I and Mom enjoy showing us to you. At this moment Mary Ann is looking through a door that I opened, and much will depend on what she'll do and what I'll decide. Enjoy her now: you may kiss her and up to a certain limit caress her. You cannot make love to her, but if she manages to come receiving a kiss and a caress -- good for her. I promise that my decision will come soon."

  I really did not know what she was thinking, but trusted her completely.

  "I shall also invite her for lunch on Wednesday and we will see. Don't worry, everything is under control. Now kiss me and go to sleep."

  I doubted that very much, but again, it was her decision and I trusted her with my life and my happiness, actually our happiness.

  The next day was busy as always. When I arrived, Mary Ann was already waiting for me. She was dressed in a white blouse and a narrow dark blue skirt. I could not stop myself from asking whether she had bought only white blouses. She grinned and said: " Actually, I also bought two dresses, but those I want to show you in a private environment. And I bought very tempting underwear; I understand, however, that when I am at your house local rules apply, but they are not wasted -- imagine when I'm close to you, you might think what I might have underneath these clothes..."

  I almost blushed looking at her but got myself under control.

  "Please get me a return ticket to Brisbane on a Friday afternoon flight and a return on Monday afternoon. Please arrange also a meeting on Monday morning with our people and the appropriate NT staff. I don't need a hotel; I´ll stay at my Mother-in-law's house. I will also need the confirmation for tomorrow's meeting."

  "Yes, Sir. Understood, Sir. Tickets and meeting, Sir."

  She grinned happily and before leaving she told me that Maureen had called and that they had lunch on Wednesday.

  "Any guidance, Sir?"

  "Listen and be yourself. Don't screw up!"

  I had several meetings with my staff, met Sir Allan to confirm tomorrow's meeting, and seemed to have called over fifty contacts, prospects and customers. There was one customer, who seemed to be interested in a lower price offered by our competitors, but there was the other one who was interested in jumping to us because of better quality. I also received a call from Mr. Cunningham confirming the invitation to participate in an HQ Marketing meeting where the company was showing new products. I was grateful that it was the following week; the week after that I would have to devote myself to my wedding or better, devote myself to the orders I would receive from Eileen and Maureen concerning my behavior at the wedding, the clothes I would have to wear, the dress rehearsals in the church, etc., etc. I told Sir Allan and he agreed to the trip. Mary Ann gave me my ticket and off I was to walk home.

  It was still rather fresh, and a sweater would have been appropriate, but that item I had forgotten at home. I wondered what had happened to the sweater I had given Maureen on the first weekend? Would I ever see receive it back? I remembered also that we should prepare better for our running exercises; we went at least twice, and usually in the evening, for a run in the park close by. If we were frisky, we would run five miles, if less inclined we would do about four miles. Perhaps I should tell Mary Ann about the running? It would be fun to have another person with us. I decided to mention this to Maureen.

  At home Maureen was waiting for me with the latest news: the church had created a problem, but Eileen had already resolved it, she could open the new office in five weeks' time, and Eileen had recommended to feed me with oysters, caviar, and whatever would increase my stamina. Maureen was getting nervous: what did her mother have in mind for me? I wondered about this, too, but decided to wait and whatever happened, bear it with a smile.

  Mary Ann left on Wednesday for her lunch with Maureen with a strained smile, not knowing what was going to happen, but wanting to go forward. She came back with a much easier smile, but still worried about our future.

  "Maureen is a wonderful woman, and you have to work hard to deserve her, James. I will, too." And with that remark, she walked back to her desk and work.

  At home Maureen was sitting in the living room having a glass of white wine, and a satisfied smile on her face.

  "I called Mom and she will be waiting for us Friday night. I also had a nice lunch with Mary Ann and the girl is amazing: she knows what she is doing, and she wants us. I have to reconsider again, and there are lots of little things I have to think about. I also told her about our running and asked whether she did some exercises and she said yes. I invited her to come along on Thursday night when we go for a run and she agreed. That will add another part of her personality we will evaluate."

  This sounded rather cool, but the tone of her voice was warm. She got up and as always we had a light dinner, watched the news and went to bed, satisfied that we were close to each other. The next morning the weather was frisk and to walk to the office was freshening. Mary Ann was there as usual; I believe that I had been in the office only once before she arrived in the morning that I could remember. She was smiling and seei
ng that we were the first people on the floor, followed me into my office, closed the door and kissed me soundly.

  "I needed that, James."

  Then she grinned: "Maureen told me that kissing and caresses are allowed. We did the kissing: now do the caressing1" She placed her head on my shoulders and said: "A bit of TLC does wonders, James!"

  I hugged her, kissed her once more, and stepped back.

  "Mary Ann, we are playing with fire. We have to stop this. Imagine if someone opens the door and sees us: we both would have to leave the company and my wedding would be overshadowed by this incident. I do like you very much, but here we are professionals and should behave like one!"

  She suddenly realized the danger she had us exposed to and stepped back.

  "You are right, James. I apologize, but I had bad dreams and needed a proof that you still liked me." Then she opened the door and left, but before sitting at her desk she looked at me and whispered: "I do love you."

  I was happy we had stopped fooling around because Peter suddenly stepped in.

  "I've heard that you'll go to Brisbane tomorrow and see our people on Monday morning. I received a report that they are ahead of schedule and everything is fine. You'll also go to the States next weekend? Trying to delay the wedding?"

  I told him that I had been advised by Maureen and worse, Eileen, what would happen if I were not in the church on time. It was pure business to get to know new products, and for me to get to know my colleagues from the other regions. The day went fast and at night Maureen and I went to the park to do our running. Mary Ann was there already; did this woman ever arrive late? We stretched and before starting, asked Mary Ann what experience she had. She responded not to worry as she had been running for some time because what else she had to do? We took off, slowly first and then increased the speed. She accompanied us easily and after two laps asked whether we minded if she ran ahead. Maureen looked at me, I shrugged and off she went. Her strides became longer and faster, and after two minutes she was gone. We wanted to stop after three laps, but pride took over and we continued. At the end, of the fourth lap we heard someone running behind us and there she was: finishing her fifth lap. She was not even tired!


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