Bitter Heat

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Bitter Heat Page 20

by Mia Knight

  Seeing them together was surreal. Aside from the function where they first met, she had never seen Roth with her family members. Her worlds were colliding, and she didn’t like it.

  Lyle’s jaw was clenched, and his eyes were fixed on Roth who showed no outward signs of anger or distress.

  “Congratulations,” Roth said to Colette who managed to look regal even an hour after giving birth. Her back was ramrod straight, and even without makeup, she was a knockout.

  “Thank you,” Colette said and glanced at Jasmine as she said, “It sounds like congratulations are in order for you as well.”

  “Thank you.”

  Their awkward, overly polite chitchat made her want to squirm. Roth showed no signs that he was uncomfortable with the tension in the room. He walked toward her. He didn’t try to get a look at the baby or even fake interest in Polara. Men, in general, weren’t known to fuss over babies, but now she knew Roth didn’t care for children at all. It was an unfortunate moment for her to remember his vasectomy when he held a hand out to her. Bastard.

  She ignored his outstretched hand and went to Colette’s bedside to ooh and aah over Polara as she yawned. When she glanced up, she saw Lyle and Colette watching her closely and inwardly cursed. She reached back, and his beefy hand closed around hers.

  “When’s the wedding?” Lyle asked curtly.

  “We still have some details to iron out. We’ll keep you posted,” Roth said as he ran his hand down her back and then gripped her hip. “We have to get going. I have some meetings to get to.”

  Colette nodded. “Keep us posted.”

  “Auntie’s gonna see you later this week, okay?” she cooed to Polara before she hugged Colette and Ariana.

  “Call me if you need anything,” Lyle said as she kissed his cheek.

  She nodded and inwardly bristled when Roth grasped her hand and led her into the hallway, away from the prying eyes of her family. He called Mo and told him to bring the car around. Even though the hallways were crowded, Roth easily cleared a path. She walked by his side, staring straight ahead. It was done. She had agreed, and her family was on board. A heavy weight sat on her chest. It was the same sensation she had after her father died.

  “What did your sisters say?” he rumbled.

  “You were right. They asked some questions, but they wanted to believe, so they did.”


  “You’re good at predicting people’s reactions,” she said.

  “It’s part of my job.”

  “You knew I’d agree,” she said.


  When she tried to slip her hand from his, he tightened his hold.

  “Let me go, Roth.”


  He pulled her out of the hospital. Reliable Mo was at the curb. He paused in the act of getting out of the driver’s seat when Roth opened the door for her. She climbed in and watched him come around to the opposite side. Why didn’t he sit in the front?

  “Park Avenue,” he said to Mo before he closed the door.

  “I want to be dropped off at my hotel,” she said. She needed a dark room and to slip under the covers and forget what she had agreed to.


  She whipped her head around to find Roth watching her. “You can’t tell me no. I still have a few weeks of freedom left.”

  “You agreed verbally, but you have to sign.”

  “Not until my attorney looks at it.”

  “Give me their info. We’ll fax it over.”

  Her stomach roiled as she pulled up her attorney’s information on her phone. Roth called Sarai to have the prenup faxed, forcing her to call her attorney and explain what the fuck was going on.

  “I want to go back to my hotel,” she said again after she finished her call.

  “Your things have been transferred to Park Avenue.”

  Her mouth dropped. “What? Why?”

  “You agreed.”

  “Twenty minutes ago! When did you issue that order?”

  “Before I went to fetch you from Madison Avenue.”

  “I hadn’t agreed!”

  “I knew you would.”

  He was such an arrogant fuck! “I still need to go to the hotel. My car’s there.”

  “You don’t need a car. Either Mo or Johan will be assigned to drive you where you need to go.”

  “It’ll take my attorney at least a day to look it over, maybe two—”

  His eyes narrowed. “It’s done, Jasmine. Stop fighting me.”

  “I need some time before—”

  “You had time. Five years of it.”

  The walls were closing in around her. “Give me one more night.”

  “No. You have a habit of disappearing.” His eyes strayed to her lips before they came back to her eyes. “That’s not going to happen again.”

  “I need my things from Tuxedo Park. Once my attorney looks over the prenup, I’ll come back to New York and sign.”


  “I need my laptop!”

  He shrugged back his sleeve to check his watch before he rolled down the partition to say, “Tuxedo Park.”

  “I don’t need you to drop me off,” she said as the partition clicked back into place. “You have meetings.”

  “I have time.”

  He had never made time for her in the past, so why now? Three hundred and sixty-five days with her ex-husband. How was she going to keep up the charade? “Why did you tell them we’re having a wedding?”

  “Because we are.”


  “Marriages always impact business, and this one is going to send a shockwave through Wall Street. We’ll take pictures at our wedding to show everyone the feud’s over, and we’re allies.”

  Just like last time, he was mixing business and personal and would benefit from this alliance in more than one way. Business-wise, if he helped her sisters turn the company around, he would profit financially when they bought him out for more than what he paid for the shares. Being associated with a Hennessy would give him access to their extensive contacts. Combine that with Rami and Lyle, and Roth had a whole new arena to play in and would be indestructible. Not to mention, he had her in his bed… There was no downside for him, but there was a shit ton for her.

  “How does this work?” she asked.


  Her nails dug into her thighs as she tried to suppress her emotions. “Us. How far are we going with this? Where’s the line?”

  “There’s no line.”

  “There has to be a line. Rules…”

  He reached over and grabbed her hand. “Breathe.”

  She twisted her hand out of his. “Rules, Roth.”

  “Look at me.”

  She didn’t want to. She didn’t want him touching her either. She didn’t know which direction he was going to shove her in next. He switched from psychotic asshole to polite gentleman in the blink of an eye. He was a chameleon, adapting to those around him with ease while he herded her into a gilded cage. The fact that he had so easily taken over her life in a few short days freaked her out. What did he want from her?


  “Just tell me.”

  He tugged on her hair, a playful move that surprised her into turning to him. Black eyes speared into hazel.

  “You’ll fulfill all roles as my wife. You attend functions with me, you travel with me, you fuck me.” He cupped her chin as he leaned in. “No other men. If I even see you look at another man, I’ll…”

  He brushed his thumb over her bottom lip and shook his head.

  “Just, don’t.”

  Fingers stroked along her jaw and then down her throat.

  “We have history, most of it bad, but that’s in the past. We start from here.”

  “Start what?” she asked.

  “What we would have had if Maximus hadn’t ripped us apart.”

  “Dad didn’t make me leave you,” she said quietly. “You did.”

  A muscle
jumped in his jaw, but his caress remained light.

  “I was pissed at your father, and I took it out on you. It won’t happen again.”

  She didn’t believe him. “Boundaries, Roth.”

  “One thing neither of us likes is rules,” he said thoughtfully. “Your dad gave you an ultimatum, and you bucked against him. People tell me no, and I react the same way. You and I are more similar than you think.”

  “How far are we supposed to take this?” she asked.

  “Take what?”

  “The act.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Act?”

  “The PDA. What you were doing in the hospital.” She swatted his wandering hand. “What you’re doing now.”

  “You think it’s an act?”

  “What else is it? You weren’t like this before.”

  He leaned in. She balled her fists in her lap as she resisted the urge to scoot back.

  “I spent five years without you and then you gave me the green light in Colorado. You’re better than I remember. One taste and I’m addicted, worse than before.”

  His hand landed on her breast with unerring accuracy. She fell back to get away from him, and he followed, pinning her against the door. His dark eyes were burning and hungry.

  “Been jacking off to the thought of you for three weeks.” His hand clenched painfully around her breast. “You want to know why marriage? I want legal rights over you. I want you at my mercy. I want everyone to know I’m fucking the Hennessy princess. I want those frat boys to know they’ll never be where I am. I want Maximus to turn in his grave.”

  “Get off me!”

  “You want me too. You admitted it. You have wet dreams about me.”

  “Shut up!”

  “You like how I give it to you. You like when I take over, when I force you to bend. You were made for me. No one fits me like you.”

  His head dipped down, and when she turned her face away, he forced her still for his kiss. His tongue demanded entry and lapped against hers. When he pulled back to survey her with heavy-lidded eyes, she panted for breath.

  He dropped his forehead on hers and inhaled. “A year of you. That’s my price to stop me from claiming my vengeance. Your father made me a slave for seven years. You’ll be mine for one.” He pressed a chaste kiss against her throbbing lips. “Surely, that’s fair?”

  “It isn’t.”

  He clucked his tongue. “Life isn’t fair, princess. You should know that by now.”

  “Let me up,” she whispered.

  His weight disappeared. She stayed in place, trying to find the strength to move her heavy limbs.

  “I’m not your enemy,” he said as he adjusted her in her seat and belted her in. “I’m the only thing standing between your sisters and the rest of the wolves who would like a chance to knock them off their throne.”

  As she tried to think of something to say, he reached into his pocket for his phone and answered it even though she hadn’t heard it ring.

  “Roth,” he said and paused. “You have the figures for me?”

  She stared out the window without seeing a damn thing. He could switch from sex to business in a heartbeat. Why couldn’t she be like that? Her heartbeat wasn’t back to normal, and he was spitting out numbers as if he had a sheet of them in front of him.

  She heard her father mention Roth once in passing before she met him. Roth made his first million before he graduated from college. He was a whiz with money and had a knack for choosing the right companies to invest in. He was a mathematical genius with a photographic memory. Being raised around her father, who had a similar set of skills, she knew what to expect. Their minds were always turning over some problem, always researching and analyzing. Frequent calls, endless meetings, not mentally present. The more they worked, the more energy they had. Her father had a hard time in relationships, evidenced by his two failed marriages and three baby mamas. Men like them didn’t know how to slow down and tired of things quickly. Roth was no different. She suspected part of her appeal still stemmed from a need to get one up on her father by reclaiming the daughter of his enemy. Maybe once they had been married for a few months, the novelty of having her back would wear off, and she’d be free.

  Chapter 15

  When they reached the estate, she left Roth in the car. She lost count of how many calls he’d taken. How he managed to retain all that information without jotting down a single thing was a mystery.

  Her hands trembled as she packed a suitcase. This isn’t the end of the world, she told herself. This was temporary, not a big deal. After she lugged her suitcase downstairs, she entered the library. She averted her face as she passed her father’s desk. She could imagine his fury if he knew she was breaking her promise to him. Not only had she laid eyes on Roth, but she had also fucked him, and now she was legally binding herself to him once more. Roth was right. Her father was probably turning in his grave, but what choice did she have?

  She was at her desk when Roth entered the library. Seeing him cross the threshold into the sanctuary she’d shared with her father felt as if he was desecrating holy ground.

  “I’m almost finished,” she said curtly.

  He ignored her and looked around. The way he was sizing up the place got her back up. She could imagine him tallying up what he could get for the estate. There was no way in hell he would ever get his hands on her castle. She would make sure the prenuptial agreement protected her assets.

  He walked toward the massive windows and stared at Tuxedo Lake. She finished packing the last of her notebooks and favorite pens.

  “I’m ready.”

  When he didn’t move, she checked the end tables to see if she had left anything there. Thea had obviously been by to clean since the used tissues and water bottles were gone.

  “This isn’t what I expected,” he said.

  She wasn’t sure what he meant by that. “It’s home,” she said simply.

  He nodded. “I can see that.”

  Some of the tension eased out of her. “It’s a special place.”

  “We should have the ceremony here.”

  She stiffened. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because.” After they divorced, she would come back here. She didn’t want it cluttered with thoughts of him or their fake wedding.

  “Why?” he pushed.

  “I’m sure we can find somewhere in the city,” she said.

  His examined her for a long moment. “You don’t like me in your space, do you?”


  The corner of his mouth curved. “Too fucking bad, princess.”

  She let out a growl when he kissed her forehead and slung her laptop bag over his shoulder.

  “We’re not having it here, Roth!” she shouted as he strode out of the library.

  When he didn’t reply, she hurried after him. He snatched her luggage on his way out the door. Mo took her things from her and put them in the trunk.

  “Is that all?” Roth asked her.

  “For now, but—”

  “Get in.”

  She opened her mouth to argue, but he slipped into the car and slammed the door. She rushed around to her side and climbed in.

  “We shouldn’t have a wedding. Dad just passed and now this? It’s gonna look…” She searched for the right word. “Tacky!”

  “Getting cold feet, Jasmine?”

  She twisted her hands in her lap. “I don’t want to make a fuss about this.”

  “You never liked being the center of attention, did you?” He shook his head. “You have no choice. We’re having a wedding, and your family will be present. You’ll wear a gown fit for a Hennessy, and the backdrop is going to be one only the elite would recognize. Tuxedo Park… Old money, exclusive, private. A picture is worth a thousand words, and our wedding photo will be better than any statement either of us could give.”

  She understood even though she wished she didn’t. Her mind skittered in a dozen directions.

  “Get Da
iyu to make your dress.”

  Her mouth sagged open.

  “She said she’d be willing to dress you for any event.”

  Instantly, her mind went to the dreamy gown on the mannequin. It was breathtaking but not for her. It wouldn’t be right to claim that dress for a fake wedding… “I’ll find something.”

  “If you don’t call her, I will.”

  She scowled. “Don’t I get to pick my own dress?”

  “Not if you’re going to wear black.”

  She looked out the window.

  “Do it, Jasmine.”

  “She’s busy, and her shit costs a fortune,” she muttered.

  “Money’s no object.”

  He wasn’t satisfied with gaining access to her body. No, he wanted legal ties, and he was still pushing for more. A ceremony with her family present, a wedding gown… Her stomach tightened.

  “Lyle wanted to know if there’s a prenup,” he said quietly.

  “Of course, he did.” She turned back to him. “What did you say?”

  “I have no interest in what Maximus left you.” He cocked his head. “How much did Daddy leave you, Jasmine?”

  She said nothing.

  “Your assets have to be disclosed in the prenup. If you don’t tell me now, I’ll find out later.”

  She debated for a moment before she revealed, “His remaining assets which include real estate and some stocks are worth upwards of three hundred million.” She raised a brow. “Would that have bought back the stocks?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “You interested in selling?”

  His hand landed on her thigh. “No.”

  She smacked his hand, but he didn’t retract it. “It’s a lot of money.”

  He examined her for a moment before he said, “For every hundred million you have, I’ll match you ten billion.”


  “Working like a dog pays off,” he said quietly. “Your attorney will advise you to ask for a bigger settlement.”

  She closed her eyes and slumped against the seat as the magnitude of the power he wielded hit her. She was so fucking screwed. “I won’t ask for anything.”


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