Bitter Heat

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Bitter Heat Page 28

by Mia Knight

“There’s nothing to solve. You’re back where you belong, and everything’s as it should be.”

  Her eyes fluttered shut against her will. “This is wrong.”

  “For the first time in years, everything is right. You know it, but you keep fighting it, fighting me.” His teeth scraped over her nape, and she shivered. “You can fight all you want. You won’t win.”

  She fought his spell and stared at the flames as she asked, “When we were in Colorado, were you already pursuing Hennessy & Co?”


  Rage trumped desire. She stomped his shoe with the heel of her foot. He hissed, and a second later, he lifted her high against his chest so her feet were dangling in the air.

  “Behave,” he hissed against her ear.

  “I’ve been behaving all fucking day. You’ve been pulling the strings for weeks, manipulating me, boxing me in. You took over my life, threatened my family, threatened me. I’m done. Let me go.”


  When she tried to bruise his shin, he carried her to the bed and threw her on top of it. As she floundered in the sea of skirts, he flipped her onto her back and yanked her to the edge of the bed. As she struggled to sit up, he spread her thighs. She froze when he pressed his crotch against hers.

  “You want to kick off our wedding night with me spanking your ass?” he asked as he loomed over her.

  “This isn’t a real wedding night. It’s an expensive charade so you can solidify your rule of New York by showing you have the support of my family.”

  “Is that what you think?”

  “Yes. This is about revenge.”

  “A part of it.”

  “And the other parts?”

  His eyes dropped to where he was pressed intimately against her. “You know the rest.”

  He pulled her into a sitting position. She tensed, ready to punch his dick. He disarmed her by tunneling his hands into her hair and gently tugging out the bobby pins. She closed her eyes as she fought the surge of comfort caused by the simple action. This was far more seductive than sexual fondling. She swayed toward him before she caught herself.

  She had grown up without hugs or kisses. Affection was something she received in small doses from Thea when her father wasn’t looking. Everyone kept her at arm’s length, afraid of inciting her father’s wrath. In boarding school, the teachers pushed them hard, knowing their jobs would be forfeited if the students didn’t excel. When she was engaged to Ford, she was giddy over hand-holding and pecks on the cheek. She was starved for touch. Roth seemed to sense that and used it to bind her to him. Did he remember? Was that why he sifted his hand through her hair slowly, soothing her when she wanted to fight? When she tried to pull away, he pressed her face against his abdomen and massaged her nape, coaxing her to relax. How could she hold out against him? She didn’t know how to battle his tender onslaught.

  He’s going to ruin you.

  Her eyes opened as Kaia’s words echoed in her mind. “Why does she think you’ll ruin me?”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “To punish me for leaving you?”

  “Does this feel like punishment?”

  She swallowed hard. “I don’t know how to do this.”

  She didn’t know how to compartmentalize when it came to him. They had history, so he wasn’t a faceless fuck. Once upon a time, he had been her best friend and savior, and now… She had no fucking idea what they were. Enemies? Partners? It was only hours into day one, and he had her all fucked up.

  “You don’t have to do anything.”

  She closed her eyes as he tipped her face up to his. He defused her tension even more by covering her face in kisses.

  “Stop,” she said as her eyes burned with tears.

  His fingers traveled down her throat. “Did my mom tell you she calls me a monster?”

  Her eyes flew open and clashed with his. “What?”

  “My mom thinks something’s wrong with me. She used to take me to psychologists to have me institutionalized.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss over her hammering pulse. “Maybe she’s right.”

  She clutched a handful of his suit. “Roth.”

  “I’m not what she wanted in a son. That’s something you and I have in common. We never fit in with our families.” He sucked on her neck and smiled against her skin when her breath hitched. He followed the tendon in her neck to her jaw and then her ear. “You’re a Hennessy, heir to one of the largest empires in the country. You were engaged to a Baldwin, a golden boy who grew up like you. On the outside, your life was perfect, but you were looking for something else. You found it in me.”

  He raised his head and looked down at her.

  “You gave me what no one else has,” he said.


  His hand circled her throat. “You accepted me for who I am. You chose me when no one else did.”

  When she tried to draw away, his hand tightened on her throat.

  “You gave me everything. How can anyone compare to that?”

  “Stop it, Roth.” He was slicing open old scars that had never completely healed.

  “If you remarried, I would have destroyed him.”

  She could see he meant that.

  “If I had the names of the men in your books, the men you used to forget me, I’d fuck them up.” His eyes traveled over her face. “Be careful who you bring between us.”

  “You said—”

  His hand flexed, cutting off her words.

  “You forgave your father for all he’s done. Why not me?”

  “H-he loved me.”

  His eyes moved over her face. “Do you want me to love you?”


  “Why not?” he asked as his thumb stroked her pulse.

  “I want to be free.”

  “I’m a wealthy man.”

  “Money doesn’t equal freedom, and you… you’ll never be satisfied with what you have. I already know what road you’re on. I’ve already lived that life. I don’t want any part of it.”

  “I’m not like everyone else.”

  “I want freedom,” she said fiercely. “I grew wings after I left you. I soared without you.”

  “I’ll burn your fucking wings.”

  “You have me for a year. After that—”

  His mouth closing over hers swallowed her voice. He gripped her hair, angling her face for him. Her mind went blank as he swamped her senses with him—his taste, his touch, his will. There was a darkness to Roth that had drawn her in like a moth to a flame. Ford’s squeaky-clean manners hadn’t done it for her. It was Roth’s aggression and rough edges that drew her in. She wanted authenticity, a rare commodity in her world. People were constantly hedging their bets or kissing someone’s ass for a favor. Roth hadn’t bowed to her father’s decrees. He wanted to get to the top through hard work. Back then, he made it clear that he desired her and never made any false promises. That was why she believed him in London. He never lied.

  His hand went between her legs. Her underwear was no barrier. She gripped his jacket and pulled him against her. She didn’t know how to feel about him, but the bitter heat he ignited overruled her anger and hurt. He was right. This was all that mattered. She just prayed it burned out before she got singed.

  He groaned when he discovered how wet she was. When she rocked her hips against his hand, he cursed and fumbled with his pants. It took him seconds to free his penis and sink into her as if he couldn’t bear to be apart from her. He detached their mouths and pressed his forehead against hers.

  “Look at me.”

  She opened her eyes. He glared at her as he slid in to the hilt. She wrapped her arm around his neck and pressed her forehead against his. The layers of her skirt were a crumpled mess between them.

  “No one else but me,” he growled.

  She stroked his beard and fingered the scar on his neck. “I know.”

  His hand came over hers and brushed over the massive ring. She saw the dark flash of satisfaction in h
is eyes.

  “You’re mine.”

  And he was hers. They had changed roles. Now he was the one who was sought after and admired. He was an eligible bachelor that any of her friends would love to claim. Dai’s reaction to him slid through her mind, and she dug her nails into the back of his neck. He was the bad boy who fucked like a god and would give it to them dirty. Women sensed it instinctively and would do anything for a taste. That was why Dai had hit on him minutes after he’d fucked her. They wanted a man to wreck them like he could… For the next year, this beast was hers.

  He wrapped his hand around her throat and pushed her back. He loomed over her, his weight bearing down on her to force himself as deep as possible. She gasped, limbs jerking as she processed the pain and pleasure.

  “Say you’re mine,” he demanded.

  The turbulence in his black eyes told her his control was in shreds. His façade was cracking as it always did in the bedroom. After weeks of playing his game, she wasn’t about to wave the white flag. She might wear his ring and bear his name, but she wasn’t going to give him everything.

  “Jasmine,” he said raggedly as he thrust into her, face screwing up with pleasure as she flexed her inner muscles to torture him.

  She yanked on his shirt and was pleased when the buttons popped free. Her hand skimmed over his hot flesh before that hand on her neck forced her down again.

  “You’re mine,” he said again.

  When she raised her brows at him, deliberately not repeating his demand, he froze. She hissed as he planted himself deep.

  “You want to play games?” he asked as he grabbed her bottom lip and bit.

  When she didn’t tap out, his hand landed on her clit and applied pressure, making her squirm. He released her lip, and she immediately swiped her tongue over it, sure he had broken the skin. He hadn’t, but it hurt like a bitch.

  “Say you’re mine before I fuck your mouth.”

  “That’s a threat?” she scoffed. She didn’t sound as tough as she wanted to because she was panting like a bitch in heat.

  He straightened and hauled her off the bed. He carried her toward the fireplace and settled her on her knees on the white rose petals. As she looked up at him, he twisted one hand in her hair.

  “Hands behind your back,” he ordered.

  She did as she was told. He paused for a moment, but she didn’t balk. She held his eyes and saw something shift in the black abyss before he said, “Open.”

  Once more, she obeyed. He held her head steady with both of hands as he slid into her mouth.

  “Ever since I saw you wearing this color, this is all I could think of.” His lips peeled back from his teeth as he sank into her moist cavern. “Those purple lips wrapped around my cock. Yes.”

  She kept eye contact as he pulled back and slid in again. He seemed mesmerized by the sight of his cock disappearing into her mouth. When he tried to pull back again, she leaned forward, impaling him deep in her throat. Roth tipped his head back and let out a tormented groan as she choked and then withdrew.

  “Jasmine, fuck.”

  He didn’t take his eyes off her as she took over. The stinging grip on her hair turned into pets as she sucked him as if her life depended on it. His eyes closed and he yanked away, hissing through his teeth. Knowing he was close to orgasm, she chased him.

  “Fuck! You don’t know when to quit, do you?”

  She gave him a sloppy smile as she recaptured him and feathered her tongue around him. She dragged his pants down and scraped her nails down his sensitive buttocks. He bucked, and she took all of him.

  “Fuck, I can’t.”

  He shoved her backward. She landed on her back and spread her arms on the thick carpet as if she was about to make snow angels. She sighed as he spread her legs and filled her. He braced his arms on either side of her with her skirts floating around them.

  She knew it was going to be rough, and she wasn’t wrong. She cried out as he pounded her into the floor, which was definitely not as soft as the bed. He pulled out until only the tip was in and then used his full weight to slam back home. He grabbed the lace neckline of her gown and yanked until he could get at her breasts. His arms hooked under her knees, changing the sensation.

  “Come,” he said as he bit her nipple.

  She wrapped herself around him and slid around on her skirts until he was fucking her just right, every thrust sending bolts of lightning through her. She bit his neck as she came, clawing and fighting the excruciating wave. Roth pinned her to the carpet and fucked her hard enough to make her contemplate tapping out. When he came, he balled her beneath him, keeping her ass tipped up as he spilled.

  When he collapsed on top of her, she let out a pitiful moan. He buried his face in her hair spread over the carpet.

  “You shouldn’t test me,” he panted.

  “I can take it.”

  His fingers slipped over her swollen mouth. “Tell me.”

  She knew what he was asking. Still, she resisted. He lifted his head. His expression was as gentle as it was ever going to be when he had the weathered features of a pirate.


  She stared at him and said nothing.

  “You’re mine.” His hand went to her hand and brushed over the ring. “Legally, you’re bound to me. Sexually, you can’t resist.”

  “Emotionally? You have no power,” she hissed.

  His expression hardened. “I’m going to break you.”

  “Not if I break you first.”

  His lips curved in a cruel smile. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  He rose. She closed her eyes and clamped her shaking legs together. She heard the sound of running water and then Roth was back. He brushed her legs apart and ran a warm, damp cloth over her. She lay there and allowed him to do whatever he wanted as she floated. Four times he traveled to and from the bathroom, rinsing the rag before he came back. She made a face when he tried to clean her makeup with baby wipes.

  “Roth! Makeup wipes!”


  She gave him instructions, and when he brought them to her, she slapped his hand away when he tugged on her fake eyelashes.

  “Dai’s going to freak out if she knows what you did to this dress,” she said as she brushed her hand over the ripped bodice.

  “I paid for it. I can do whatever I want.”

  He scooped her up and placed her in bed. When she tried to pull the dress down, he stopped her.

  “I haven’t gotten my money’s worth yet.”

  He stretched out beside her, wrapped a layer of satin around his cock and closed her hand around him. She tipped on her side and got comfortable as she stroked him. His eyes roved over her face, assessing and cataloging. When she couldn’t stand his appraisal another second, she slid down and used her mouth on him again. This time, when he came, he aimed at her snow-white skirts. She made a face as his eyes closed.

  “Aren’t you going to help me out of this?”

  He tucked her against his side. “Sleep in it.”

  “I can’t sleep in this! It’s tight and uncomfortable.”

  His hand brushed over the fluffy skirts. “Give me ten minutes. I want to fuck you one more time in it. Then you can sleep.”

  Chapter 21

  When she woke, the room was still dark. The fire had long since died, leaving a chill in the air. She rolled away from Roth who was facedown and snoring lightly. She winced as she straightened. He had put her through her paces last night. She stepped over the ripped and soiled gown on her way to the bathroom. She showered before she crept downstairs. The house was still quiet. She couldn’t have gotten more than four hours of sleep, but her mind was wide-awake. She made herself a cup of coffee and went into her sanctuary. She paused in front of her father’s desk and gave him a silent good morning before she built a fire. She settled on the couch with her notebook and listened to the pleasant crackle and pop.

  Kaia’s words still floated around in her mind, but she couldn’t dwell
on them. It was done. She married him. Roth could be a merciless asshole, but a monster? Despite the fact that he had blackmailed her and would spend hundreds of millions in the name of revenge, she didn’t think he needed to be institutionalized. If so, her father would be in that category as well. Men like them didn’t recognize the word no and never forgot a slight. That was what drove them to be the best and succeed in a world that wanted to pull them down. They were fighters.


  She turned and saw Thea hovering near the doorway. “What are you doing here so early?”

  “I came to make breakfast for everyone, and I was hoping to catch you alone.” Thea advanced into the room with her hands behind her back. “I tried to speak to you yesterday, but I was the last to know.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  She held up an envelope. “This is from your father.”

  Her heart soared. She leaped to her feet and rushed toward her. “I have a letter? Why did you wait so long to give it to me?”

  She took the heavy envelope, which had her name on the front of it in her father’s bold scrawl.

  “I had orders.”

  “What orders?” she asked as she broke the seal on the envelope.

  “I was instructed to give this to you only if you became involved with…” Thea looked back at the door before she whispered, “Mr. Roth.”

  When she froze, Thea nodded vigorously.

  “He told me to give it to you directly and not to trust anyone with it. I tried to give it to you before the wedding, but I couldn’t get you alone. I’m so sorry.”

  “I don’t understand,” she said.

  “Me either, miss. I hope… I hope it’s not too late.”

  She reached into the envelope and pulled out her father’s personal stationery and a disc. She unfolded the letter.


  If you’re reading this, you’ve broken your promise to me, and James Roth is back in your life. Don’t let him in. He’ll take what he wants from you and leave you with nothing. He’s not the kind of man you need. He—


  Thea’s panicked hiss broke her concentration. She raised her head to find that Roth had entered the library and was closing the distance between them. She hid the disc and letter behind her back as Roth cupped her face.


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