The Perfect Holiday: A Bad Boy New Year Romance

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The Perfect Holiday: A Bad Boy New Year Romance Page 64

by Mia Ford

  “Hey, man,” Rob said, slapping me heartily on the back. “I didn’t see you all weekend!”

  “Uh, yeah, I was busy getting my dick wet,” I said. “Unlike you, I have priorities in life.”

  The other guys roared with laughter and Rob threw me an annoyed glance.

  “I bet you do,” Rob said smugly. “With who?”

  Shit. I can’t say Molly. They can’t know I’m fucking some chick the size of a heifer!

  “Her name is Hannah,” I lied. “Blonde sorority girl. She just moved into my building.” I closed my eyes and struggled to remember our brief conversation by the mailboxes. “She’s a tri Delt, you know how slutty those girls are. She sucked me off like a pro.”

  The guys cheered and clapped. “Whoa, bro! Alex, you’re a champ,” one of them yelled.

  Rob grinned. “Doing God’s work,” he said, shaking his head and laughing. “You get all the luck, man. I’d kill for your leftovers.”

  I smirked. “They call it sloppy seconds, bro,” I said. “And she’s yours if you want her. You know I don’t like fucking the same girl more than three or four times.”

  “Asshole,” Rob said, but he was grinning. “Man, show me your skills. It’s been ages since we went out. When our shift is over, let’s go into the city and pick up some hot bitches. I want a girl to blow me like that.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe.” I smirked. “Who knows, Hannah might’ve blown up my phone by then. She was awfully thirsty,” I said, remembering the delicious way Molly had slurped up my cock and balls like they were the world’s most delicious food.

  “Let her wait,” Rob said. He reached into a small fridge and tossed me a can of beer. “Girls like that – they like waiting around for us to call.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Savage,” I said. I popped the beer open and poured half down my throat. “Rob, no wonder you can’t get any pussy with that attitude.”

  “Like you’ve never made a girl wait?”

  I laughed. “Well, you learned from the best, after all.”

  Rob smirked. “Hey, how’s that sister of yours?” He leaned in close. “She’s a virgin, right? Ever fucked a virgin, Alex?”

  I snickered. “I try not to,” I said, rolling my eyes. “They’re usually not very good.” Except for Molly, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking. “Why? You think she’ll let you get your dick wet?”

  Rob laughed. “We should double date. You, me, your sister, and that hot foxy blonde. Maybe she can blow us both under the table.”

  “You’re a dog,” I said, but my voice was tinged with admiration. Every time I thought I was the world’s biggest pervert, Rob always outdid me.

  “Like it wouldn’t be fun,” Rob said. He smirked. “Besides, you and your sister have such a…sweet relationship,” he added.

  “Yeah, tell me about it,” I said dryly. “I have no idea how we made it out of adolescence without burning our parents’ house down.”

  Rob threw his head back and laughed. “I’m sure there are plenty of people who would be more than willing to pay just to witness that,” he said.

  “No shit,” I said. I slurped down the last of my beer and reached for another can. Technically, I wasn’t supposed to drink on duty – but no one listened to the rules. Everyone drank, anyway. We just made sure not to get too plastered if we thought things were going to be busy that night.

  “I never had a sister,” Rob said thoughtfully. “I always sorta wanted one, though. An older sister, though, like three or four years older than me. That way I could spy on her and check out her tits after she hit puberty.”

  I laughed. “You’re one sick fuck, you know that?” Besides, it was nothing like that. Rebecca hated me from the moment she came sailing out of the womb. She was always jealous of me.”


  “Because I was a total shit to my parents so I got more attention,” I said, grinning smugly. “I acted out all the fucking time. And Rebecca totally hated me – she was jealous.”

  “So why didn’t she act like a little bitch just to get more attention?”

  I shrugged. “She tried, but she couldn’t compete with me,” I said with a snicker. “There was one time when she ripped up all the flowers in Mom’s garden. That probably would’ve gotten her a spanking, but I came home suspended from school for kicking some geek’s ass. So Mom pretty much forgot about it. Rebecca was so pissed – she stayed in her room for a whole week.”

  Rob laughed. “You really were a little shit, wow,” he said. “So, look, we should really go out later. I’m dying to hit the town with you.” He elbowed me in the side. “We can have some steak, pick up some girls. What do you think about that?”

  I shook my head. All I could think about was Molly – and talking about Rebecca had brought her closer to the front of my mind than ever before.

  “Nah,” I said. “I think I’m gonna stay in. I’m coming down with something.”

  Rob squinted. “Are you coming down with a terminal case of Becoming a Pussy?”

  I glared at him. “Dude, cut the shit. Why are you so butthurt that I don’t want to go out and find a couple of skanks to screw?”

  “Because you used to love going out and finding a couple of chicks to screw,” Rob said. He frowned. “I just don’t know what’s gotten into you, man. You’re a different dude now.”

  I sighed. “I told you, I think I’m getting sick. And besides, I’m pretty occupied at the moment.” I smirked, thinking of Molly’s pussy dripping juice all over my cock. “This girl, man, she’s something else. She’s like the hottest girl I’ve ever fucked. She really lets go.”

  Rob whistled. “Sounds nice if you can get it,” he said. He smirked at me. “So really, you’re just coming down with a case of obsession?”

  I frowned. Obsession. It was a word that I’d used privately, in my own mind, when thinking about Molly. But coming from someone else?

  “No,” I said, shaking my head and tossing my empty beer can into the trash. “I’m just tired, man. That’s all.”

  “Liar,” Rob said. But he wasn’t angry anymore – there was something strange in his voice.


  Chapter Fourteen


  After the fight with Rebecca, we didn’t speak for a few days. I was depressed – we hadn’t fought like that since high school, at least not that I could remember. And even before, it had been bad…but this was worse, much worse.

  I knew that I should apologize just to break the ice, but whenever I thought about doing it, I got angry. Why should I have to apologize, when I didn’t do anything wrong? She was the one getting her knickers in a twist just because I had the hots for her brother. And besides, if she was really an observant friend, she would’ve caught wind of that years ago. It’s not like my crazy obsession with Alex Travers is anything new.

  Days went by and I didn’t apologize. We didn’t see much of each other – it was the first time I’d really felt relieved that we didn’t share any classes in our program. I hung out with Dan on campus as late as I could without missing the bus home. One night, we ordered pizza to campus and sat up in the loft of the student union, watching old movies from the fifties on the projection screen. Dan was becoming a good friend of mine.

  “So, how are things with McDreamy?” Dan asked, winking at me.

  I rolled my eyes. Alex had texted me a couple of times – of them to say that he wished he was buried inside my tight pussy. But I hadn’t responded. I knew it was bad – he was chasing me, why was I ignoring him? I hadn’t answered because a secret small part of me was just paranoid that Rebecca was wreaking havoc on my life for no reason. What if she’d somehow hacked into Alex’s phone and she was using that to mess with me? It was totally crazy and paranoid, and yet I couldn’t shake the thought from my mind.

  “He’s texted me a couple of times,” I said, trying to keep my voice casual. “I don’t really know what that means.”

  Dan laughed. “It means he texted you,” he sa
id. “Trust me, honey, I’d read into it if I wanted to disappoint you. But it just means…he likes talking to you, or he wants you to think of him.”

  I swallowed hard and reached for my fourth slice of pizza. Ever since I’d started sleeping with Alex, I felt hungrier than I’d ever felt in my entire life. “Well, that’s funny, because I can’t stop thinking about him even when I want to,” I said, chewing thoughtfully. “I dream about him every night and every day. I got a C on that stupid quiz last week because I kept going off to la la land and thinking about Alex.”

  “Oh, honey, you’re a goner,” Dan said. “You can’t keep that up. You should try to find another distraction.”

  I frowned. “Like what?” I nibbled delicately my crust. “Like knitting? I already knit,” I said. “And I hate crocheting.”

  Dan gave me a look. “Are you real?” He laughed. “A twenty-two-year-old virgin who knits! That’s rich,” he said.

  I glared. “Hey,” I said. “I’m not a virgin anymore. And you know that.”

  “I’m teasing,” Dan said. “But no, Molly, I didn’t mean knitting.” He leaned in close. “I meant fucking.”

  “I’m already doing that,” I said. I blushed hotly. “And I don’t want to stop, if that’s what you think.”

  “I didn’t mean with Alex,” Dan said dryly. “I meant with someone new. You need to diversify, Molly. Branch out and find a backup guy. Find someone who likes you a lot more than you like them, and that way you’ll be set. A woman today needs to have options,” he said.

  “I don’t think I could do that,” I said. “Isn’t that like…cheating on Alex?”

  “Don’t be naïve, Molly,” Dan said. “He might be sleeping with other women. Unless you’ve talked about being in a relationship, you should always assume the other person is sleeping around.”

  My jaw dropped. “You’re kidding,” I said. “People don’t do that!”

  “What did I say about being naïve?”

  I blushed. “You make me feel like such a dumb kid,” I said, shaking my head. “I never even thought about this stuff before.”

  “Well, there’s a bit of a learning curve,” Dan said dryly. He reached for a slice of pizza and plucked the pepperoni off before eating. When he set them down on the box, I reached for one and chewed without even tasting it.

  “I’m starting to figure that out on my own,” I said. I sighed. “This is just…harder than I thought it would be. And I don’t think I could sleep with anyone else! I like Alex too much. The thought of being with another guy just seems weird and kind of awful to me.”

  Dan gave me a sympathetic look. “Molly, just promise me one thing.”


  “That you’ll never tell Alex any of what you just said to me,” Dan said. “You need to maintain a little…secrecy. That makes you sexier, trust me.”

  I frowned. “I guess,” I said. “But I wouldn’t know how to bring this stuff up, anyway. I already have such a hard time talking to Alex.”

  Dan shrugged. “You’ll get better,” he said. “Just keep practicing. And remember what I said – you can always meet some guy who has a crush on you, even if you never sleep with him. Practice on him – someone who likes you no matter what.”

  I was about to reply as I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. “Oh my gosh,” I said. “I hope it’s Alex!”

  Dan rolled his eyes. “You’re hopeless, Molly.”

  My stomach churned and twisted when I saw Rebecca’s name flashing on the caller ID.

  “It’s my roommate,” I hissed. “We got in this huge fight last week and we still haven’t talked!”

  “You should answer it,” Dan said. “Maybe she wants to apologize for being such a meddling bitch.”

  I blushed. The phone kept buzzing and buzzing. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of agony, I swiped the call open and held it to my ear.


  “I know you know it’s me,” Rebecca said. She sounded miserable. “Molly, I’m really sorry. This is just hard for me. Neither of us has ever dated before – we’ve both always spent so much time together.”

  “I know.”

  “Can you come out and meet me? I’ll buy you dinner.”

  I looked down at the mostly empty pizza box. “Sorry, I just ate. I’m on campus – Dan and I ordered a pizza.”

  “Oh, okay. Drinks then? We could go to a bar and I’ll buy you a few beers.”

  I swallowed. Part of me wanted to say no, to yell at her for being such a bitch. But the other part of me desperately missed my friend. This had been one of the loneliest weeks of my life and I was looking forward to making up and getting over it.

  “Okay,” I said. “Where do you want to meet?”

  Rebecca gave me the address of a bar close to campus and I hung up, slipping the phone into my pocket.

  “We’re going to get drinks together,” I said, getting to my feet and picking up my things. “Sorry, I felt sort of like I had to say yes.”

  Dan waved his hand in the air. “Hey, don’t worry about it,” he said. He rolled his eyes. “You think you have a dramatic life? Try being a gay man.”

  I laughed. “Thanks for not minding,” I said. Dan pecked me on the cheek and I set out for the bar.

  When I got there, it was so crowded I could barely squeeze past the bar. Rebecca was at a small table in the back, nursing a glass of white wine.

  “Hey,” Rebecca said. She gave me a hopeful smile. “Thanks for coming out on such short notice. I know I could’ve waited for you at home…but I don’t know, this is probably better.”

  I nodded. “Yeah,” I said. “Um, thanks for apologizing. That means a lot.”

  “I was just such a jerk,” Rebecca said. “I’m jealous of your time, Molly, and I realize that’s totally not healthy. We’ve just always been so close, you know?”

  I nodded. “I know,” I said. “Trust me, I get it.”

  Rebecca sighed. “I’m just sorry I acted like that. It’s kind of…hard to imagine you with my brother, and I just don’t want you getting hurt.”

  “Well, probably nothing will happen with Alex,” I said, sighing moodily. “So, it’s not like you have much to worry about.”

  “Have you seen him this week?”

  “Seen who?”

  The sound of Alex’s voice made both Rebecca and I jump. He grinned, then lowered his muscular body down into a chair next to me. His face was red and sweaty, and I could smell beer on his breath.

  “Alex!” I said. “What are you doing here?”

  Alex smirked. “Having a drink. God, Molly, you would be the only person in a bar without a beer in front of you.”

  Rebecca rolled her eyes. “She obviously just got here,” she said. “If you care so much, go get her something.”

  Alex cocked his head to the side and stared at me. “Only if she promises to thank me for it,” he said, raising an eyebrow.

  I blushed hotly, grateful for the dark cover of the bar. “Of course,” I said. My voice was barely above a whisper.

  Alex grinned and vaulted out of his chair.

  “I can’t believe he just showed up!” Rebecca said. She shook her head. “I should go.”

  “No,” I said. “Don’t.”

  “Really? You don’t want to be alone with him?”

  I did want to be alone with him – more than anything else in the world. But being in a bar wasn’t really like being alone, and I felt like the nature of my friendship with Rebecca was still slightly more precarious than it should be.


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