Interplanetary Love

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Interplanetary Love Page 5

by Shelley Munro

  A glint of humor flashed in Ekim, but before she could react, he brushed the scarf away and his mouth covered hers. His lips tasted of cinnamon spice, and he coaxed a response, made her heart beat faster. Callused fingers cupped her face and stroked her cheek while his tongue slid between her parted lips.

  Shimmers of sensation zapped through her bloodstream, converging and fueling flames that already burned and made her ache for him. She wondered briefly if her behavior made her seem sluttish—kissing and throwing herself at him on their first matched date—then decided to worry later. Better to enjoy the magic while it sparkled through her senses. Carly pressed closer, elated to feel his erection prodding her upper thigh. They were in accord—the attraction mutual.

  Ekim gently moved Carly’s gauzy scarf aside so he could run his fingers through her soft hair. If Rala had wanted to annoy him by arranging this blind date, she’d miscalculated. Carly was beautiful with her blue eyes and brown hair. Her height matched his with perfection, and she tasted of tart lemons and sunshine. He explored her mouth, the softness inside her cheek and the contrasting hardness of her teeth. Her taste. Her scent. While they kissed, his hands wandered her body, skimming her muscled arms. He thought about touching her breasts but decided he’d wait until they were alone, when he had a chance to unwrap Carly and savor her charms in private. He thrust his tongue a little deeper into her mouth before retreating.

  Goddess, the woman could kiss. But best of all, she had his full attention. Ekim wanted to howl his anticipation aloud. Revved and ready to go, Rajah was very excited, a rare occasion that demanded celebration.

  “By the Goddess. Get a room. Eew, eew, I’m not looking. My eyes are closed. Have you stopped exchanging spit yet?” His sister’s voice intruded, forcing reality on Ekim. He was kissing Carly in a see-through glass coach. The entire population of Nidni could see if they cared to look.

  Ekim pulled away from Carly and scanned the area for newshounds. His sigh of relief eased out with a gust of air. Lucky for them, not many newshounds hung around the Bridge of the Single Strand and the traffic was noticeably lighter during the hours of the winds.

  Ekim glanced at Carly and wished his mother and sister and her companion were on the other side of the planet. On second thought, perhaps it would be better if he and Carly were on the other side of Nidni. There was a couples resort there that would gift them with romance and privacy—the perfect location for a tryst.

  “Ekim.” Rala clouted him across the shoulder. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

  “You’d better not let Mama hear you talk like that. You shouldn’t have come out of your trance so early. We’re midway across the bridge. Don’t look down,” he said, aiming for sincere innocence. Of course, all three of them glanced down at the transparent floor and into the ravine below.

  The bridge crossed a deep canyon. A swift-flowing river forced its way through jagged rocks, the white water surging and beating the huge boulders on the valley floor. The roar of the water was audible inside the rocking coach, even over the whistle of the afternoon winds.

  “What are those animals?” Carly asked.

  “Crocobats,” Rala whispered with a trace of horror.

  “They’re carnivorous,” Ekim said. “A colony lives in the canyon.”

  Carly eyed them, her nose wrinkling when one black creature with a mouthful of sharp teeth flew closer to the coach. “Dangerous?”

  “Yes,” Ekim said. “Very dangerous.”

  Several hung from the rock walls while dozens swam in the water, their jaws wide open to display sharp teeth.

  Rala gave a feeble moan and promptly shut her eyes. “Ommmm, ommmm, ommmm.” The tenseness left her muscles as she went back into a trance.

  “Wow, that was quick,” Carly said. “Maybe I should try that trance thing.”

  Ekim curled his arm around her shoulders. “You okay?”

  “No problem about the heights. I’m a cop. Will the crocobats attack the coach?”

  “No, they’re only dangerous if you come face-to-face with one in the open.” Ekim’s gaze wandered from her eyes to her kiss-swollen lips. “I’d like to kiss you again.”

  “Yes,” she said, offering her mouth. “I’d like that.”

  “And so much more,” he whispered, his gaze lowering to the curves of her breasts. The black top she wore displayed her plump breasts even though it covered her from neck to waist.

  “What?” Carly glanced at the other occupants of the coach before squirming nearer.

  “Let me tell you.” Ekim paused, pondering where he’d start his exploration and his gaze drifted to their surroundings outside the coach.

  The wind howled. The coach rocked and the whip cracked constantly, forcing the beest to continue across the narrow bridge.

  “Gedup!” the driver hollered.

  Ekim turned back to Carly. “I’d start by loosening your hair and running my fingers through the strands. Maybe I’d take the time to massage your head in the Nidni manner. I’d press here.” He tapped a finger at her temple. “And here, so the pleasure starts to swell and hum through your body and your pussy weeps for my possession.”

  “What next?” Her blue eyes were wide, the pupils dark with arousal, and his own excitement fed off hers.

  Ekim ran the pad of his forefinger across her mouth before tracing the curves of her lips. “I’d strip your clothes off very slowly and massage your skin with the finest Nidni oils while I discovered and explored your body.”

  “What scent?” The pulse beating in her neck quickened and quivered when he took the opportunity to strum his finger over the spot. She cleared her throat. “What scent would you use?”

  His finger popped into her mouth when she spoke, and before he could remove it, she closed her lips, holding his finger in her warm heat. They stared at each other, scarcely breathing during the intense awareness. Rajah swelled, a taut, needy sensation springing to life in his balls. She ran her tongue across the tip of his finger and gently sucked.

  Ekim gasped, the heat of arousal sweeping into his cheeks. “I’d use a spicy oil mix,” he whispered. “I’d get the perfumer to mix a special blend to suit your personality.”

  Carly sucked on his finger again before letting it pop from her mouth. “Where would you rub the oil first?”

  “I’d want to do everything without haste. Allow the anticipation to build, but I know I’d feel impatience, so I’d dribble oil on your breasts. I’d massage your curves inch by inch until your skin absorbed every trace. Then, I’d turn you over and massage your shoulders. I’d work my way down your body, rubbing the scented oil into your back, your buttocks, your thighs and calves. Your feet.”

  “And then where?” Carly’s voice was a needy whisper.

  “I’d turn you over again and redo your breasts until your nipples were tight with need. I’d work my way down your body, maybe snatching a kiss or two.”

  “Then what?” Carly asked, the words hoarse and a trace husky.

  “I’d part your legs and give you an intimate kiss. But not straightaway,” Ekim said. “I’d want to touch and stroke scented oil down your cleft. I’d touch you everywhere except your flower bud.”

  “You’d tease me?”

  Ekim pressed a kiss to her lips and followed the touch with a slow, lazy exploration. By the Goddess, he thought he might embarrass himself and explode if this went on much longer, and that would definitely be a first.

  “I’d want us both to reach the ultimate pinnacle together. I’d stroke you and enter your channel with my fingers. First one finger, and when you accepted me easily, I’d use two and then three fingers. By that time, I’d need to taste you so I’d lift you to my mouth and lick your juices. I’d kiss you and suck your erect clitoris with my mouth. But I wouldn’t let you come.”

  “Oh man,” Carly said, the sound wrapped in a groan. “How long would this take?”

  “How long do you have here on Nidni?”

  “Ekim.” Carly buried her face
against his shoulder, gripping his shoulders as if she’d never let go. “When can we do this?”

  Ekim closed his eyes, savoring Rajah’s insistent throb. Soon. Hell, he hoped it was soon.

  Before he could answer, Carly said, “Maybe we can manage private time together this evening?”

  “I’ll see what I can arrange after we’ve visited the temple. I think you’ll enjoy Ynroh. Most people do.” Ekim scanned the road ahead. “Hold tight.”

  The coach hit a series of potholes. The restraint holding the three women opposite in place popped open. One after the other, Rala, his mama and Aisha bounced off the plush seat to land in a heap on the floor.

  “We’ll leave them there. They’ll only fall off again. The road gets worse.”

  “But won’t they get hurt?”

  “The trance protects them. Don’t worry.”

  A loud snort erupted from one of the women on the floor followed by a series of rhythmic snores.

  “See what I mean,” Ekim said. “They’re very comfortable down there. We’re the ones who will suffer.”

  Chapter Five

  Rala suppressed a groan and an unladylike curse. “I’m bruised all over,” she grumbled while she waited with Ekim at reception for their room allocation. “Why didn’t you check we were strapped in properly?”

  “Because I couldn’t keep Carly safe and grab the three of you at the same time. I’d quit complaining if I were you.” Ekim cast a sly glance at his mother and Carly before turning his attention back to his sister. “Mama wouldn’t be very pleased if she knew what you’ve been doing on your ’puter. I’ll tell her if you force me.”

  “But—” Rala broke off to grimace and stared at Ekim through narrowed eyes. “Okay. You win this round.” Both her mother and Aisha would restrict her ’puter usage if they learned she was visiting sites like Interplanetary Love, and when they discovered she’d put a password on her correspondence, they’d want to know why.

  “You make it sound as though we’re in competition.”

  This wasn’t a competition, Rala thought. It was a war to win her love. Gregorius was too honorable to elope as she’d suggested, which was why she’d decided to take these drastic steps.

  She had no intention of turning into a dried-up old appleberry, of no use to anyone except as a companion. Luckily, she’d managed to seduce Gregorius into the physical declaration of love.


  A grin flirted with her lips. A memorable seduction indeed. Their weekly sessions were the highlight of her existence. Rala felt her secret smile widen. She enjoyed sex way too much to wait for her brother to take a mate, but judging by the way her brother and Carly were sucking face, her plan was working.

  Gregorius, sex god, here I come.

  A pity Ekim and Carly couldn’t share a room. Unfortunately, she couldn’t expect Carly to jump into a relationship with her brother straightaway, no matter how much she might wish this pairing. She could even understand Carly’s reservations since she and Gregorius had done a lot of kissing before proceeding to greater intimacy.

  But Ynroh Temple—now that was a different matter. Rala held back a smirk with difficulty. Carly would get the shock of her life when she visited the temple. If the temple didn’t give her ideas of what she and Ekim might do together, then the Earthwoman wasn’t the right match for her brother.

  Rala couldn’t wait to see Carly’s reaction. Could not wait.

  “I’m going to call one of my friends,” she said.

  “Okay. Here’s your room entry card. You’re sharing with Carly.”

  “It’s such a nice day. I think I might make the call outside in the gardens. Can you tell Mama for me?”

  “Sure,” Ekim said and strode away without another glance at her.

  Rala stared after him. He seemed more relaxed now. Rala hurried outside, her mind still on her brother. The look on his face when he’d read the note she’d arranged to have delivered to his dressing room. Her big brother really did have a secret. She’d merely wanted to rattle him and had chosen a cryptic message at random. His expression, though, had spoken of momentary panic. Something to consider.

  Pushing away the thought, she put through a call to Gregorius’ private number.

  “Yes.” His voice was brusque, yet just hearing it made her go gooey inside.

  “It’s Rala.”

  “Sweetheart.” His husky voice was softer now. More intimate. “It’s a little busy here at the surgery. I’ve had a small animal flurry. Ever since that singer was filmed with a katmer, everyone seems to want one, and some people don’t know how to look after them. Feeding them cake,” he muttered with a trace of disgust. “They’re katmers and not of our species. They need fruit. Vegetables.”

  Smiling, Rala listened to him expound on the proper care of katmers. She loved it when he focused this passion on her. He was a very passionate man.

  “I don’t like this sneaking around,” Gregorius said. “I want to meet your parents and declare my intentions.”

  “What?” It took a long sec for her to comprehend, for the panic to spark to life.

  “I want to meet your family.”

  “But I told you. Ekim isn’t wed yet.”

  “Sneaking around is wrong. I’m sure they’ll understand. I’m willing to wait for you.”

  Rala shuddered at his silky voice, imagined his skilled hands strumming over her flesh. This depth of feeling, the longing, the desperation…it was more, much bigger than what she’d felt for Helios. She couldn’t lose Gregorius. She couldn’t.

  “Papa and Mama are determined to hold to the laws of the Goddess. They won’t change their minds.” She knew this because she’d tried to talk them around when she’d fallen for Helios. They’d remained steadfast and had acted swiftly to prevent her running away with Helios. Papa had dragged her from the spaceport and had informed her he’d send her to the Frigiditz Nunnery if she tried to bend the rules to her will again. It hadn’t been a mere threat.

  One of her friends had gone to the nunnery. She seemed happy enough, wed to the Goddess, but Rala couldn’t imagine anything worse. Those white robes they wore for a start.

  “What if I tell them I’m willing to wait, to pledge our troth?”

  “They won’t trust me.” Rala bit her bottom lip.


  The sharp tone gave her pause.

  “Rala, I believe I told you I don’t like lies.”

  Crap. “When I was younger, I thought I was in love. I…was wrong. Papa and Mama were right. He was after money.”

  “I see.”

  Rala sank her teeth deeper into her lip and wished they were having this conversation in person. “I am older now. Besides, you are not like Helios.”

  “I want to meet your parents.”

  Double crap. “Yes, Gregorius. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.” His tone had softened, but Rala’s shoulders remained tense. This was a disaster. Gregorius was honorable and meant every word. It was a miracle she’d managed to seduce him into sharing their bodies. It had taken forever, but the wait had been worth every sec. Why couldn’t he keep the status quo? Why?

  “I’d better go,” she said. “I love you.”

  “Rala.” Warning simmered in his voice this time.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I know I shouldn’t say that to you, but it’s the truth.”

  “We’ll arrange a meeting with your parents soon.”

  “Yes, Gregorius.”

  “I need to go,” he said.

  “Yes, Gregorius.”

  He clicked off, and she slid her communicator into her pocket.

  Gregorius was handsome, independent. Honorable. All good qualities. His stubbornness, not so much. She blew out a breath, aware he wouldn’t hold the same appeal if she could twist him to her will. He meant every word.

  She might lose him after all.

  * * * * *

  “This is Ynroh Temple?” Carly studied the erotic friezes on the temple wal
ls, very aware of Ekim at her side. Wind whistled between the temples, and she had to hold on to her scarf. “Um…it’s…um…different.”

  She desperately wanted to fan the heat from her cheeks. Unsure of what to say or where to focus her gaze, she stared at the vegetation—the trees with the bright red flowers, the flit of a strange little bird with a vivid orange fanlike tail and the buzz of industrious robot bees, gathering nectar to return to their factory. Nidni, like Earth, had suffered when a mite destroyed hives of bees necessary to pollinate flowers. She’d read in the inflight magazine during her journey to Nidni about the Nidni scientists who’d designed artificial bees, and now she’d seen them herself.

  Her gaze shifted and struck an erotic statue of a couple…well, she wasn’t sure what they were doing. She tilted her head for another view and frowned. Whatever they were up to, the woman was enjoying herself, her stone lips curved in a secret smile.

  Fascinated, her attention moved on to the members of her group. Ekim’s mother went on a pilgrimage to an erotic temple. Carly couldn’t help a surreptitious glance at his mother. The woman looked how Carly expected a wife and mother to look—loving and well, ordinary. Apart from her colorful dress, she could pass for an Earthwoman. She reminded Carly of her mother or one of her aunts, and not a woman who should visit an erotic temple. Carly took in the woman’s beatific smile as she scanned the panels of the temple.

  The temple…the erotic positions of the figures carved into the friezes made her wonder about the woman’s sex life. Did she… Carly’s glance shot to the nearest temple wall again. The figures depicted were acrobats. They had to be with their limbs entwined and bent in that manner. Carly’s legs and joints ached at the idea of emulating the figures. She was all for experimentation but this…

  “Would you like me to show you around?” Ekim murmured next to her ear.

  Carly nodded as the wind ceased tugging on her scarf and the wail faded. “The wind has stopped.”


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