Interplanetary Love

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Interplanetary Love Page 7

by Shelley Munro

  “I thought we might have a drink,” he said, aware Rajah had subsided to rest. Sighing inwardly, Ekim lifted a bottle out of the bag to check the label. “There’s juice or eparg wine.”

  “I’ll try the wine, thanks. I guess it’s like Earth wine? Never mind. I’ll try it.” Carly lay back on the blanket and closed her eyes, allowing Ekim to look his fill. The scarf had come adrift, leaving her hair to fall loose. If the light hit it at a certain angle, her locks glowed with fire. With each breath she took, her breasts strained against the cloth of her shirt. Ekim swallowed, his mouth as dry as the deserts to the south of Nidni’s main town. Jerking his attention from the tempting sight, he reached for the bottle of wine. He twisted the synmetal cap to open the bottle. Ekim jammed the bottle between his legs to keep it upright and wiped his clammy hands.


  He inhaled and attempted to relax. The doctors and the mage he’d consulted had all told him he must remain calm. Easier said than done. He pulled two goblets from the bag and filled them both before replacing the lid on the bottle.

  “Carly, you awake?”

  “Just,” she said, her voice thick with relaxation. As she spoke, her lids flickered and her eyes opened. She smiled lazily. “What?”

  “You’re beautiful.” An understatement, although not perhaps in the strictest sense, and not if he judged her by Nidni’s standards of beauty. Her mouth was a little wide, her eyes not the pure blue that bespoke beauty and her nose was on the large side. But Ekim liked the way she looked, and he enjoyed their similarity in heights. Carly was self-sufficient. Confident. A cop.

  She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think my ex-husband would agree.”

  Ekim shrugged, trying to push away the knowledge of Carly having experience of successful sex. He forced his hands not to squeeze the goblets out of shape. “His loss.”

  Carly sat up to accept the wine. Their hands touched during the transfer, and to Ekim’s surprise, Rajah stirred with enthusiasm. He couldn’t help the cocky grin that sprang to life. Perhaps not all was lost.

  “I try to keep telling myself that.” Carly paused to take a sip of her wine. “Oh nice. It has a hint of lemon. I like it.”

  “Your husband didn’t deserve you.” Curiosity prodded Ekim to ask more questions. “Is he a cop?”

  “Not on your life. Cops have to start with decency and integrity. My ex doesn’t have an honest bone in his body. That’s part of the reason I left him. He has a gambling problem and difficulty confining his dick to one woman,” she added in a tight voice. “The man doesn’t tell the truth unless it suits him. Heck, he probably can’t remember what the truth is because he lives so deep in his fantasies.”

  Although her face remained expressionless, Ekim heard the underlying pain. He also realized not telling Carly the truth about his occupation was going to lead to big trouble. Hell, not telling her about the deception Rala had pulled would stir things up too. He sipped his wine while he debated how to introduce both subjects. No matter how he shaped his thoughts, he’d already passed the point of no return when it came to Carly.

  In lieu of a successful strategy, Ekim dragged the bag closer and examined the contents. Maybe he’d eat something. His hand encountered a piece of paper. He pulled it out and unfolded the single sheet.

  I know your secret.

  “What’s that?” Carly asked.

  “A list of the contents,” Ekim said, folding the note up and sticking it inside his pocket. Another bloody note. He was being stalked by a phantom who left blackmailing notes. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like a pakora or a samosa? Some cheese from the planet Franco?”

  Crap. Another lie to Carly. But even more worrying—how did the note get inside the bag? Who knew about Rajah and his virginity? “Or could I tempt you with some luscious berries?”

  “Does anyone swim in the stream?”

  Ekim stilled. “As far as I know there are no crocobats in residence here.”

  “As long as you’re sure. I’d hate to get impaled by those sharp teeth. It’s much hotter here than on Earth. I thought I might go for a swim.” As she spoke, Carly unbuttoned her shirt and slid it off her shoulders.

  Ekim gaped as she stood and unfastened her black trousers. They slid down her legs, leaving her clothed in a pair of matching white garments. “You’re going swimming?”

  “Unless you have a better idea,” she said.

  Rajah stood to attention with such vigor Ekim wanted to groan aloud. “Did…did you have anything in mind?” he asked hoarsely.

  “Wanna fool around?”

  Ekim found himself nodding dumbly. Crap. When he messed up, he did it big time. His secret was going to come out whether he liked it or not if he didn’t slow things down with Carly. Icy fingers of fear stroked his skin, bringing a shiver despite the warmth of the evening.

  Carly lay beside him on the blanket. “I’m all yours,” she said with a wicked grin. “Do your worst.”

  Ekim’s mouth watered as his gaze wandered her partially clothed curves. Desire battled with cowardice. What was the worst thing that could happen? She could laugh at him and do an interview with the newshounds. His heart burst into a series of weird skips and jumps at the idea. No, he didn’t think she’d do an interview. Even though he didn’t know her well, speaking to the newshounds didn’t seem her style. Her innate honesty and integrity were obvious, even on their short acquaintance.

  He stared, unable to remember ever being attracted to a woman so much. Her skin was a golden color, as if she toasted in the sun. Another tremor sped from his fingers and up his arm as the desire to touch turned into a craving.

  Was it wrong to take advantage of her willingness and see where their relationship might lead? His thoughts drifted in turmoil. He dithered and wondered if she was that golden color beneath her remaining clothing. Then, he took a deep breath. One way to find out. He could do this. He could make love to her fully, but first he’d explore with his fingers and hands, with his tongue. He’d enjoy himself and play a little while Rajah got in the mood.

  Tossing his hat aside, he hesitated then removed his shirt. He dearly wanted to slide his chest across hers and feel naked skin against naked skin.

  “I think you’re the beautiful one,” Carly whispered, her hands busy exploring his biceps. She grinned up at him, her blue eyes dark with devilment. “So, explore me. Do you need a map? Go on. You know you want to.” Her gaze skimmed Rajah, and his cock reacted with unusual vigor.

  His breath whooshed out, part in excitement and part in relief. The Goddess would take care of him. All he needed to do was believe. Ekim forestalled further discussion by kissing her. Immediately, Rajah pressed against the placket of his trousers, the pressure so great it was almost painful. His balls drew tight and Rajah wept. He actually leaked at the thought of becoming closer to Carly. Exhilaration poured through him. He wanted to leap to his feet and dance a jig of celebration.

  Instead, he deepened his kiss, sliding his tongue between Carly’s parted lips. She tasted of tart wine. Addictive. His hands cupped her face, fingers sliding through her soft tresses. His heart thudded while Rajah continued to plague him, urgently wanting to escape confinement. The unusual demand from his cock was so unexpected, Ekim decided on a little torture. Payback. That would teach the critter to have a mind of his own…

  Ekim pulled back in order to see Carly’s expression. Her lips were red and swollen from his kisses and her nipples puckered, easily visible through the cloth covering her breasts.

  “Let me take this off,” Ekim said. It was going to be all right. It really was. Soon he wouldn’t have a secret to worry about. His fingers fumbled but managed the back closure and freed her breasts. He drew the garment down her arms and tossed it aside.

  “Kiss me again,” Carly said.

  Ekim kissed her eyelids and pressed his mouth to the tip of her nose. “That okay?”

  Carly grasped his head between her hands and forcibly directed his mouth to one breast. “Kiss me h
ere. My breast,” she said, spelling out her need.

  Her nipple pouted, standing upright in a silent bid for his mouth. The dark pink tip trembled as he watched. “Are you nervous?”

  “Yeah. I mean, I like sex, but I don’t know you well. I don’t usually jump into the sex straightaway. What if I disappoint you?”

  “You won’t disappoint me,” Ekim said with certainty. It was more likely he’d disillusion her, but he wasn’t about to confess that little gem of information now that things were getting interesting. “Let’s take things slowly. There’s no need to rush. Turn over and I’ll help you relax.”

  “I don’t want to relax. I need release,” she muttered.

  “Trust me. You’ll like this.”

  Ekim pulled a small bottle of scented oil from the picnic bag. When he’d seen it earlier he’d thought the oil a strange addition, but then, maybe not. He’d noticed the hotel had included several aphrodisiacs and items for lovers within the basket. Visiting the town and touring the Ynroh temple complex would put most people in the mood for sex.

  He broke the stopper and tipped the bottle so the oil dripped on her spine.

  Carly screeched, raising her upper body off the blanket. “That’s cold!”

  “You’ll warm up soon,” Ekim promised, smiling at the glimpse of plump breasts. Carly’s form was beautiful, and he couldn’t wait to touch her all over.

  He set the bottle of oil aside and trailed his fingers across her shoulders. Silky-soft skin greeted his touch. He rose on his knees and moved to straddle Carly’s hips. Rajah rejoiced in the position, pulling tighter than Ekim had imagined possible. He gritted his teeth against the surge of pleasure-pain. Goddess, he’d never experienced this before. Breathing through the wave of sharp sensation, he placed his hands on Carly’s back again and commenced light, feathering strokes. As the oil on Carly’s skin heated, the scent of wild flowers drifted up to Ekim. He smoothed his hands across her shoulder blades and dipped to slide over the outer curves of her breasts, teasing them both.

  “More,” Carly murmured in a sleepy voice. She attempted to turn on her side so her breast filled his hand, but Ekim stayed her with a touch in the middle of her back.

  “Soon,” he promised. “Relax. Let the tension seep away.” His hands kneaded the muscles in her lower back before hitting the barrier of her panties. “Let me take these off,” he suggested. “Wouldn’t you like me to massage all of your body?”

  “Please.” Carly’s sigh made Rajah throb insistently. Once. Twice. Three times.

  Ekim barred his teeth in a feral grin. It didn’t sound as if he suffered alone. Ekim grasped her hips and lifted them high enough to slide the panties down her legs. He tossed the white fabric over his shoulder and settled her back on the blanket to look his fill. Her ass was a lighter gold than her arms and legs. A round, luscious handful. Ekim cupped both cheeks in his hands and squeezed lightly.

  “Part your legs,” he said.

  She hesitated for long seconds before following his order.

  In the instant it took her to part her legs, Ekim heard the shout of a child in the distance, his senses hyperaware. Overhead, a bird shrieked, the cry echoing through the clearing. The breeze rustled the leaves on the trees and the sun sank lower on the horizon. He backed up until he kneeled in the space between her legs.

  “A little wider,” he whispered. “Yes. Perfect. Just like that.” When he looked down, he could see her folds were damp with arousal. He trailed one finger down her backbone. She shuddered, and suddenly Ekim wanted to know what she was thinking. “Tell me how you feel.” The fact he’d voiced the words astonished him since sex for him was furtive and done in a hurry—something sandwiched between vid-cam takes—but he yearned to know more of Carly.

  “How I feel?” She sounded surprised.

  “Please. What will make you feel good?”

  “I’m so hot I want to get myself off,” she confessed in a rush of words. “Yet you’ve hardly touched me. Embarrassed because I’m desperate to have you thrust your cock deep inside my pussy.”

  Her honesty made him squirm. Fear that he could lose any hope of forging a relationship with her, if he wasn’t careful, froze him.

  “Too honest for you?” She mistook his silence for something else.

  “No,” he said, swallowing away the lump of anxiety growing in his throat. She wanted him to fill her with Rajah. Dammit, Rajah wanted in—the critter was demanding entrance to her love canal. Ekim squeezed his eyes shut. He prayed he didn’t disappoint her. Nothing like a little pressure to make things interesting.

  Chapter Seven

  Carly wished she could see Ekim’s face. His nimble fingers sent a quiver trickling across her skin. Flames of sensual heat licked wherever he touched, stoking her need to bursting point. She really, really, really did want to touch herself, to stroke her clit until she exploded. God, much more and she’d start begging.

  “Where would you like me to touch you? Tell me exactly what you want.” His thumbs dug into the muscles of her butt. Slight nips of pain that brought pleasure as well as a bite.

  “I need to you touch my breasts. I want you to put your mouth on me, to take my nipples inside your mouth and suck.”

  “Anything else?”

  Carly caught the touch of humor in his voice and was relieved she hadn’t shocked him.

  “I’m not touching your breasts yet,” he said in a low voice. But he didn’t sound as if he was laughing or making fun of her. In fact, his words hinted at other treats in store.

  “I’m the kid who rattled the presents under the Christmas tree before it was time to open them,” she said. “I’m not patient.”

  “Ah, but patience will make your release better. Stronger. More explosive.” His husky voice held tinsel-wrapped promises. “You’ll enjoy this.” His hands stroked her butt as if it were a pet cat. The devil in her wanted to tell him her pussy was elsewhere but she bit her tongue. The man spoke the truth. The longer she waited, the more he’d touch and stroke her hungry body, and the harder she’d climax. Her ex hadn’t been big on foreplay nor had the couple of men she’d slept with since. Besides, everyone knew women were stronger than men. He’d crack first or her name wasn’t Carly Abercombie.

  His stroking fingers glided across her butt then dipped ever so slightly between her parted legs. A groan built deep inside her chest but it backed up behind the begging words she refused to utter. He could torture her as much as he desired. She was not going to beg. Without warning, he stopped.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Patience, my sweet. Patience.”

  She heard him rifle through the contents of the black bag from the hotel.

  “Ah,” he said, a wealth of satisfaction in the sound.

  Carly heard the crackle of paper along with the steady thud of her pulse rate. At his next touch, she couldn’t restrain the flinch.

  “Steady,” he said. “I promise I won’t hurt you.”

  A steady trickle of oil landed on her buttocks and the heady scent of flowers filled the air. Ekim stroked her bottom until she purred with the pleasure of his touch. But man, she wished she could direct traffic a little.

  “Feel good?”

  Oh, yeah. “Hmmm.”

  The strokes were going lower, progressively closer to her throbbing clitoris. Carly held her breath, the incessant weeping of her body telling her how close she was to orgasm.

  She was easy. She must be if she could get off on having her butt fondled.

  Ekim gripped her legs and pulled them even wider, exposing her feminine flesh to the great outdoors. Carly didn’t care. All she wanted was to get off, and the begging words came closer and closer to the tip of her tongue.

  “Let’s see if you like this,” Ekim murmured.

  One of his hands left her bottom to touch her inner thigh. The other drew a line along the crevice between her butt cheeks, dancing over the puckered rosette of her anus and through her cleft to circle her swollen clit.

/>   A groan escaped as tiny shards of tingling pleasure followed his touch. “Harder. More. Please.” The words burst from her unchecked. Her eyes had closed, her senses seduced with a world of darkness. Anticipation hummed through her sensitized body.

  “Impatient,” he murmured, tapping her butt cheeks hard enough that it stung. He repeated the move again before she could protest, and damned if she didn’t enjoy the slaps.

  Eew! She was a sad, sick woman, getting off on the thought of spanking. A third tap on her bare ass intensified the pleasurable sensation dancing across her nerve endings. Okay. It was official. She was sick. Carly waited impatiently for the fourth blow but it didn’t come. Instead, he skimmed a finger around the swollen bundles of nerves that needed attention.

  More, she thought, almost frantic. She tilted her butt and pelvis upward, following the movement of his skillful finger, but he was too quick for her sly move. The subtle pressure of his finger disappeared, leaving her unfulfilled.

  What was he going to do now? Her breathing sounded harsh to her ears. Needy. Desperate.

  The crackle of paper or plastic sounded. “I’m not sure if you have these on Earth. It will give you great pleasure. That, I promise you. You can turn over now, but you must close your eyes. Will you do that for me?”

  “Yes,” Carly whispered, curious and rebellious at the same time. She’d do almost anything…anything to have him touch her right where she needed him. Anything.

  Ekim helped her roll over onto her back. He parted her legs, then silence fell. The anticipation was the same she experienced when she apprehended a criminal. Adrenaline rush, big time.

  “Bend your knees for me,” he directed. His hands guided her moves until she was in the position he wanted.

  The paper crackled again. Carly felt his hands grip her backside, lifting. Oh, my. He was going to make her come with his mouth. She held her breath. Swallowed.

  He toyed with her swollen flesh, his finger gliding easily because she was so aroused and slick with juices. One finger eased inside her channel, and she arched upward to maximize the penetration. Damn that felt good. So good. Carly sensed Ekim leaned closer and knew it for fact when a stream of warm air blew across her clitoris. She trembled, the urgency in her body quickening, intensifying until she thought she might scream.


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