12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020

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12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020 Page 13

by Megan McCoy

An Imprint of

  ABCD Graphics and Design, Inc.

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  Mira Brooks

  Iver & Illayda

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-64563-783-7


  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book contains fantasy themes appropriate for mature readers only. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual sexual activity.

  Chapter 1

  “Mmm,” Illayda moaned into the crook of her husband’s arm. “It is amazing to awake in our own bed.”

  Iver, the king, was only just waking himself, and as his beautiful wife cuddled to his side, he pulled her even tighter and dropped a kiss to her forehead.

  Even pregnant, he eclipsed her in their bed.

  Naked, they had spent much of the night twisting in each other’s embrace, chasing the high of release. Instead of the early distaste for intimacy in the first trimester, Illayda had become a new woman during the second.

  Iver accepted his call to duty, grateful that with the disappearance of the nausea came a renewed interest in other morning activities.

  The swell of his awakened cock quickened when she shifted softly and draped a leg over his.

  His muscles hardened effortlessly, accustomed to the hard work of being a border guard before ascending to the throne.

  Illayda loved his sculpted form. It was sobering to think that he had the ability to physically control her whenever the desire overcame him, and yet, in their quiet peaceful moments of the dawn, he became the tender lover who took his time worshiping every part of her.

  Tracing little circles on his rippled stomach, Illayda grinned as she felt the babe within her womb kick. Grabbing Iver’s hand and placing it over the area, she cooed looking up into his loving eyes. “Seems someone else is awake as well.”

  Dropping another kiss to her forehead, Iver shifted as his shaft poked into her hip notifying her of his hungry intent. Immediately, her nipples tightened painfully, anticipating a rush of endorphins before the abandonment of their love nest for the harsh unknowns of what the outside world would deliver before they returned to their sanctuary that night.

  Iver rubbed the swell of her stomach and said with a soft scolding, “Awe, little one... It’s still early. This is Papa’s time with Momma.”

  Rolling away from his wife with a seductive leer, he slowly descended the length of her body. “Perhaps, we can coax him back to sleep?”

  Illayda giggled as her husband’s hands slowly spread her thighs, parting the freshly waxed lips of her mound with his thick fingers, to bare her swelling clit reaching out to greet him. “You mean, she?” Illayda corrected, relaxing back willingly as her husband awoke her dormant desire.

  She was convinced it was a girl; Iver was teasing the opposite.

  “Oh right, the smell of your body seems to have intoxicated me,” he amended.

  While he wanted and needed an heir, Iver was too excited to be a first-time father to allow the sex of the child to be an issue. If it was a girl, then he’d just need to keep his queen with child until a boy arrived. At least that was his intended plan.

  Every time Iver went down on Illayda, her body soared to life with the lavished attention. Parting her slick folds, that already formed a light sheen of arousal, Illayda moaned as she felt her husband’s tongue part her slit and slide over her delicate bud. That was the spot!

  The one that made her eyes slam shut, roll back and her mouth part into the small o that allowed the softest whimper to escape the back of her throat.

  It was joy like this that made living worth the pain and frustration that often accompanied the consciousness of being alive in the cruelty life often inflicted.

  Biting her lip, Illayda allowed herself to get lost in the moment Iver was giving her. Her legs were draped loosely over the hard muscles of his shoulders as he cupped her bottom in the palms of his hands.

  Ever since her arrival in Bear Claw, he’d honed his skills at hitting the right places to fully stimulate her like the skilled tracker he was. Always striving to be the best, Iver excelled in pleasing his wife like a proud pupil. It became like a game, how many times a day he could bring her to the apex of desire and without hints to where their game would start.

  With how vigorously keen she was to copulate as the pregnancy progressed, Iver was happy to keep her barefoot and pregnant in their Peetohwah home for the rest of their natural existence.

  Illayda, as well, emphasized her aspirations for a large family. She had only had Kavon and Syza for siblings, and despite the horrors of her brother, Syza and she had always been close. The gift of having a childhood with companions by blood, made her want their children to experience the same youthful fun, even the worst times transitioned into laughable memories.

  Kavon had always been a bastard, but now with Syza living here in Bear Claw, Illayda and she frequently reminisced about their lives growing up on the beaches of Insula in the Willow Kye village. As the Solstice approached, the happy recollections of childhood excitement reappeared. Chief Kovo and Willow Pellor, their parents had always made a grand affair of the celebrated day. In order to reserve enough food, many of the men went into the woods to do a multi-day fasting, which was a spiritual cleanse. Many of the boys who became men that year, were taken by their fathers as their fathers had once done. It had become part of a tradition Illayda was seeing now, that was unique to the Willow Kye.

  She had asked Iver about it, and he had disclosed there was no such custom for the men of Bear Claw. They did go into the forest for fasting and spiritual cleansing, but not as a conjoined ritual with preparations for the Solstice. He suggested it may have originated when feasting became difficult for the Willow Kye, due to the rationing of food in the winter. In order to have a grand feast, many would have to starve after and prior to ensure food was plentiful.

  Illayda had spoken with Syza about it, and they agreed that Iver was probably right. Watching Bear Claw prepare for the celebrations was much more elaborate. There was a feeling of excitement that buzzed like breathable energy and filled a person to the brim with joy, on every breath.

  The cold temperatures had set in, making each breath appear in a thick fog as it was exhaled. Illayda liked to think of it as that joyful energy taking form, and delighted in watching her little niece Lily laugh and play out where the emergence of the energy could be seen. It reminded her that while we cannot see everything around us all the time, it did not mean that nothing was there. Spiritually, she preferred to have that silent reminder of how complex our lives were. Each breath has purpose, even when we cannot physically see it.

  One slow kiss to her lower lips, made Illayda draw in an intense breath as she plummeted from her far away thoughts, grasping the furs about her sides. Ever since she had passed the dreadful morning sickness, her sensitivity to touch had increased. Orgasms had always been wonderful, but now the sensation from release made her crave Iver’s touch. It was like an unquenchable hunger that had them retreating at times through their day, to feed in sinfully odd places. One heated look coupled with a devilish grin from Illayda had Iver running to do her bidding.

  It wasn’t lost on those closest to them. They didn’t even try to hide their escalated sex life. Hell, Iver even boasted to his brothers about the quantity in which Illayda demanded his attention. It seemed his wife could not get enough of his raised affection. Puffing out his chest with pride, he expressed it more crudely with his siblings: grabbing at his crotch, boastful that his dick spent more time satisfying his wife than in his pants these days. Zyon and Qu
inn tolerated their older brother’s graphic tales with mirth.

  Zyon longed for Irae to reach that point in her pregnancy, and so far, Quinn and Len had no such news to warrant any announcement. However, all three men made one thing resoundingly clear, their wives were unequivocally making Bear Claw a much happier place to be these days. Married life suited them.

  Quinn often had to leave the village and his wife behind, due to his obligations as the chief border guard. The winter was no time to allow Lenah to accompany him. Come spring or summer, he’d gladly welcome her company, but the trails and mountains during the winter were brutal and unpredictable.

  Len was comfortable at Bear Claw, which helped when his duties required him to leave. The village had been her home longer than it hadn’t, and she had found a sisterhood in the women who were part of their privileged family.

  Illayda, Syza, Irae, Willow Pellor, Owna and Taya were becoming exceptionally close. They had all gone through similar traumatic life-altering experiences within the last few months, and some had done so together. Much like the bonds of marriage, friendships were forged, forming a tight inner circle around the princes of Insula. Unlike before the life altering parlay, the brothers lives not only shifted to take on the responsibility of their wives, but their loved ones as well.

  Many were living in a Utopian-like existence, now that peace had replaced the civil conflict that once existed between the tribes. However, many were still fearful of something catastrophic occurring to alter the new normal they were living. It all just seemed too good to be true.

  Willow Pellor had returned to her camp outside the village with Lutta, but even she was around more than she wasn’t. With Illayda, Syza and Irae in the village, and Illayda and Irae pregnant, Willow Pellor made frequent trips when the weather was well, with Lutta in tow.

  Quinn often became grumpy that he felt he had to fight for Len’s attention when he was off duty. Len liked his jealousy to a point. It was nice to have her husband want her around. However, when she missed out on fun nights with the girls, she soured toward the excessive attention.

  Illayda was the worst to point out how child-like Quinn’s demands became when he was off duty. Iver and Zyon had enough to occupy themselves that their wives’ plans never had them feeling passed over. Quinn preferred Len all to himself.

  Illayda would giggle to the women, when Quinn would appear at the gate. “It looks as if Len’s plans just changed.”

  Lenah usually was happy to see her husband, but had to admit she was disappointed when she knew the others were still able to maintain their plans, before retiring for the night to devote their attentions solely on their man.

  Iver and Zyon had been skeptical of their wives spending time together at first. They seemed to be a handful on their own, let alone when combined. There had been a little mischief, but it had only been innocent. As long as it stayed that way, they were pleased everyone was getting along so fabulously.

  Bear Claw was bursting at the seams.

  For the first time ever, two tribes were co-existing in mutual harmony. Insula was finally breathing a sigh of relief, after a very turbulent year.

  First, there was a monumental shift of power in the Willow Kye tribe, the overthrow and execution of both the chief and his heir.

  Second was the marriage of all three brothers wielding power; King Iver, Princes Zyon and Quinn.

  Lastly, a dangerous quest ensued to break the curse haunting the island for generations. It revealed that Quinn’s wife Lenah was far from the lowly slave they had presumed her as. Instead, they learned she was a true descendant of Myzah, a demigod who met a tragic end once his greed and thirst for supreme power fractured his peaceful co-existence with his twin brother.

  Upon return from the eastern side where the battle took place, the princes decided it was in every one’s best interests to remain at Bear Claw until the spring thaw. The weather was just too unpredictable.

  With many of the Willow Kye people older and unable to safely travel, Zyon knew the right thing was not daring fate twice to spare those most vulnerable to the weather’s harsh exposure. The wise thing to do was hunker down until it was safe to travel the mountain and return to Unity.

  On their way back to Bear Claw, some of the snow drifts they came across were taller than Zyon, and that made predators harder to see. Malirouse, Pythrow Wolves and Femra Bears were known hunters to the forest. Irae had seen a Malirouse when it attacked Unity, shortly before they set out to Bear Claw to obey Iver’s universal decree. The large cat was most definitely one of the islands more terrifying predators.

  Pythrow Wolves were massive animals as well. While most of the women had never encountered one of the large canines, Len assured them that the men were not exaggerating when it came to their size. She had only seen dead ones that had returned on spikes to be skinned and stripped of meat. The only word she had to describe the beasts was, scary. Although, Iver and Zyon painted more detailed descriptions to make the women fearful of encountering one up close. Zyon and Quinn spoke of how they came across a pack where the alpha sitting was almost as tall as Quinn. Like Zyon and Iver, the baby brother wasn’t a short man. He stood well over six feet tall.

  Femra Bears were generally solitary creatures, that rarely allowed themselves to be seen. Smaller than many of the large species of black bear in the woods, Femra Bears appeared harmless but their venom was lethal. One bite from their fangs could kill a person, if it managed to inject enough poison.

  Walo berries eased the effect of a lot of poisons, but like most vegetation on Insula, they were seasonal remedies. If a bunch of people were attacked, the limited supply wouldn’t last long. Lutta always made sure to collect what he could find to make a tea for wounded villagers. Usually, the area bitten had to be amputated. Which for many, was worse than death. A warrior unable to hunt and provide for his family was a waste of a man in the tribes that relied on the men for hunting and assembling shelters. Thankfully, the bears were very solitary animals and didn’t tend to move in groups of more than two or three. It gave men the added advantage of outnumbering them, and escaping their often-fatal defense mechanism.

  Quinn continued to patrol the border camps, but instead of remaining on the trails and bouncing around the camps continuously, he visited each sparingly and tried to do more communicating by pigeon.

  Every brother wanted to spend some down time with their families. The winter had given them an excuse to stay in the village and enjoy each other’s company.

  Iver’s sheen of sweat and huffed breathing gave silent proof of his satisfactory enjoyment of their most recent activities. He nearly hated to leave the spot, but the weight of his duty was ever present. The brunt of his weight was being shouldered by the mattress as Iver shifted to move his large form first and then playfully slammed his large palm down on the cheek of Illayda’s limber ass with a loud crack.

  “Ouch!” she cried, dropping one of her hands to protect the assaulted flesh from any further attention.

  “Arise my beauty, or there will be more descending to redden that glorious bottom,” Iver teased.

  Rolling to the edge and sitting to dissuade further attention, she stuck out her tongue while allowing her warm feet to touch the floor. The chill of the rock made her want to tuck them back up beneath the blanket and forget the plan she had worked out in her head to complete the gift she had been working on for Iver.

  If the plan was executed properly, she’d have it completed tomorrow. Lost in her own little world for a few thoughtful moments Illayda contemplated how exactly she was going to escape unnoticed long enough to make it up to Lutta and her mother’s camp outside the village.

  These days, Iver was all the more cautious of her actions. He seemed to be like a hovering shadow, nervously watching for any wrong movement that might cause her or the babe harm.

  It was, at times, outright annoying. He’d spanked her a few days ago for just standing in the hut doorway without a cloak around her. She hadn’t even
stepped a toe beyond the threshold, as she called him in for chicken soup and tea.

  Her pride had been wounded more than her bottom because Len and Charlotte had been present. Tearfully pleading with him to right her, as the swats fell with her dangled over his knee at the table, one small gratitude she could afford him was that he had left her dress down.

  When Iver set her back to her feet, he warned if there was a next time, she’d be bare, and his hand would be replaced with the large cauldron spoon hanging from the wall near the hearth.

  Insula was a world ruled by men. Women did as they were told or were punished. Illayda had never been under any delusion that Iver would be different as her husband. He had made it known from the first day she came to Bear Claw, he wasn’t a man to be led around by his bollocks.

  Illayda was told she would marry him, not asked. Although, their match had been blessed by the gods. Love had grown, over the days and months they had shared, and both thought that they were lucky.

  Love was not necessary in a tribe marriage, although all the princes had faired out well. Iver, Zyon and Quinn all managed to challenge fate and fall madly in love with their wives, defying even their own boyhood intentions on marrying for the sake of heirs and duty.

  The princes and princesses of Insula were a unique group, forging their own identities on the island that had once given them bleak prospects of happy destinies. The future looked bright and prosperous.

  Chapter 2

  The Solstice celebrations were drawing closer, and there was a happiness in the air that really affected everyone. Even Iver, who was one of the least expectant champions of the hooligan anarchy that often ensued during the winter celebrations. For Illayda’s sake, he prayed the festivities were uneventful this year for her first attendance and set a limit on the amount of wine to be distributed.


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