12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020

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12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020 Page 50

by Megan McCoy

  Katie was needy and occasionally self-centered. But, more often, she was funny, sassy and sensitive to the feelings of those around her. And it was clear to Nick and the close friends he allowed into his trusted circle, that to Katie, he hung the moon. She adored her guardian lover. Katie depended on Nick for both protection from the harsh realities of the world, and the unconditional love she craved, but had never received, before he walked into Jimmy D’s Bar and changed her life.

  When Katie woke up a few hours later, she turned to lie flat on her back and immediately regretted that decision. The events of the previous evening were suddenly present in her mind, and the well-chastised girl winced at the pain in her aching butt. Rolling onto her side, Katie kicked away the warm covers and shamelessly lifted the old tee shirt of Nick’s she was wearing, to reveal her still pink bottom. The complete silence assuring that she was alone in the suite, left Katie feeling uninhibited to push her sore butt up to feel the cool morning air. Sighing with relief, she reached back with both hands to carefully rub her still warm rear end.

  Katie’s brief respite was disturbed when memories of the previous night suddenly flooded her mind. Whining with self-pity, she buried her blushing face in the soft, over-stuffed pillow trying unsuccessfully to forget the image of Jake’s face when Nick had threatened to spank her bare ass right there, in the back of the limo. The night before, she had been too worried about the impending punishment to think much about her embarrassment. After the spanking was painfully administered, she had dissolved into a sobbing mess. Now, in the bright light of morning, her shame was mortifyingly clear.

  The spunky young woman in Katie wanted to be livid with her older, domineering lover. What kind of gall did this man have, to proclaim in front of her new friend, and the eavesdropping driver, that he might pull down her pants and deliver a spanking? Really? She was twenty-one-years old. Old enough to drink at a club in New York City with or without his permission. Who did Nick think he was anyway? He wasn’t her father. And she was getting along perfectly fine on her own before the alpha male came strolling into her life and declared himself her rescuer.

  The ache in her bottom, coupled with the longing to be held, quickly overwhelmed sassy Katie. Suddenly, the insecure child behind the angry young woman made a reappearance. Katie yearned to have Nick’s strong, capable hands replacing her own which continued to pitifully rub at her tender bottom. Tears unexpectedly filled Katie’s dark eyes as she remembered the humiliation she’d felt being treated like a naughty child in front of a boy she was trying hard to impress. And at the same time, she desperately wanted to be comforted and reassured by the same man who had put her in that humbling position. More than anything, Katie was confused. She needed Nick to sort her out and confirm once again that he would love her always, no matter how unruly her behavior.

  Katie heard the door in the next room opening. Panicked that the housekeeper might walk in and find her crying like a silly little girl with her well-spanked, naked butt sticking out for the world to see, Katie quickly sat up, pulling the covers up around her. Her aching bottom protested the sudden change of position, but Katie ignored the pain and hastily wiped at her wet eyes.

  “Hello. Who is it?” she called out trying to keep her voice cheerful.

  “It’s just me,” Nick responded. He absentmindedly set the muffins and orange juice he had brought back for his girl on the granite island in the suite’s kitchen. Noticing the much-dreaded wooden spoon was on the table where he had left it after paddling Katie’s little butt the night before, Nick put it away in the dishwasher. He was a firm believer that a good spanking was the end of any misbehaving. He never harped on or lectured Katie about past behavior that had been punished. When his sassy girl decided to repeat behavior, that she had been spanked for in the past, Katie learned the hard way that her man would not hesitate to administer a second or even third butt scorching if it was needed to curb her stubborn streak.

  Nick walked casually into the bedroom expecting to find Katie dressing for their last day in the city. He was startled at the sight of his girl looking miserable with the huge, white comforter wrapped tightly around her tiny frame. Katie’s arms were wrapped around her knees which were pulled up tight against her chest. She was sniffling, unsuccessfully trying to hold back tears when she looked up at Nick with her dark brown eyes, red-rimmed and puffy.

  “Sweetheart,” Nick said going immediately to her side. Taking her face gently in both hands, he continued to soothe his distraught girl. “What’s wrong, Katie? Are you sick?”

  “No,” she responded quietly. “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine,” Nick said skeptically. He tucked the loose hair covering one eye back behind her ear.

  When Katie remained silent, Nick sighed. “Come on, honey,” he tried. “You know I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  Katie shrugged and fiddled with the comforter. She wanted to protest Nick embarrassing her in front of Jake the night before in the limo, but she knew from experience exactly what the older man’s response would be. Nick would say she knew the consequences of sneaking out behind his back. He would likely add that if she didn’t want to be embarrassed in front of her new friend, she should have considered that before involving him in her wild plot.

  Deep down, Katie knew that Nick was right, but her stubborn streak would never allow her to admit that to her lover. Katie decided there was no benefit in starting an argument she would ultimately lose. Instead she appealed to her guardian’s instinct to comfort and protect, steering the conversation toward a topic where she might find some sympathy.

  Experience had taught Katie that Nick was unable to resist her big, sad puppy dog eyes. Keeping this knowledge in mind, she wiped pitifully at the tears on her face and stared up at him with her most wounded expression. Katie saw his concern deepen, leaning into his gentle touch when he rested his rough hand against her cheek using his thumb to wipe away her tears. She felt a little guilty for manipulating the situation, but Katie craved the gentle care and reassurance only Nick could provide.

  “Come on, baby,” he soothed using just the right mix of tender and firm. “Tell me what’s happening here.”

  “I don’t know,” Katie began. “I woke up and I forgot where I was for a minute. I could tell I was alone, and I sat up too fast.”

  Nick’s expression was confused. “What are you saying, Katie? Are you dizzy?”

  Katie sighed, frustrated that he was not getting her point. “No. It’s not that. I’m not dizzy,” she whined. “When I woke up, I had forgotten about last night. I sat up too fast, and my heinie really hurts.”

  Nick’s expression changed from concern to amusement. He immediately tried to hide the smirk, but it was too late. Katie pulled back and leaned against the big pillows pouting and refusing to look at her man. He was not reacting at all as she had expected to her appeal for sympathy and comfort. Now she had been sitting up for a few minutes and her butt was truly sore. The tears that welled in her dark brown eyes were now involuntary, and she felt generally miserable.

  Nick recognized the sudden change from pouting brat seeking attention to wounded little girl needing care and understanding. The older man was aware that Katie’s emotional state could turn on a dime, so he was not at all fazed by this development. Shaking his head and smiling inwardly, Nick thought for about the thousandth time that he was too old to deal with this wild young girl.

  Moving to sit next to his girl, Nick put his arm around Katie’s shoulders and pulled her close to his side. She responded immediately, leaning into his embrace and burying her face in his chest. Taking deep breaths, she took in the scent of the man she adored, attempting to relax. Katie was surprised by her frazzled emotions. Only a few minutes had passed since she was deliberately hatching a plan to gain sympathy and possibly a lunch at Planet Hollywood before heading to the airport. Now she was a crying mess clinging to the man she adored, her only source of love and protection.

understood her rapidly changing emotions better than Katie herself. He silently kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back while she attempted to bring herself back under control. When he felt her breathing even out and her taut body relax against his own, Nick gently pulled his girl back to lean against his shoulder so they could talk.

  “Feel better?” he questioned gently.

  “I guess so,” Katie responded looking down. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for what, honey?” Nick questioned.

  “I don’t know,” Katie shrugged. “Crying like a little kid when we are supposed to be having this perfect vacation.”

  Nick smiled and pulled the young girl close placing a quick kiss to her temple. “There is nothing wrong with having a good cry when you need to let out your feelings. Last night was a hard one for you. I understand that, and you have no reason to be sorry for not keeping your emotions bottled up.” He paused to let that sink in. When Katie remained quiet, he continued. “Do you feel better now?”

  Remaining quiet, Katie nodded against his shoulder. She fiddled with the end of Nick’s shirt which at some point she had begun to clutch in her hand. Katie was content in his strong arms and didn’t feel up to a big discussion of her feelings about the previous night’s adventure gone horribly wrong.

  “How about your little heinie?” Nick teased, using her own childish term. “It’s not going to fall off on us, I hope.” Nick had full view of Katie’s backside before, during and after her spanking. He was confident that while she would be feeling the effects of her bad choices for the rest of the day, there was no bruising or real damage done. Katie was angry at him for embarrassing her and paddling her butt. She was feeling sorry for herself and confused about her wildly changing emotions. Nick knew all of this about his girl, and the teasing got exactly the response he expected.

  “Very funny,” she snorted, pulling away. “I’m glad you find it so entertaining that I’m in pain and it’s all your fault.”

  “Really?” Nick laughed. “Your sore butt is my fault? I guess you were just an innocent victim of cruel injustice.”

  “You’re the one who spanked me with that stupid spoon!” she yelled, sitting up and immediately regretting the impulsive action. “Ouch!” she squealed, reaching back with both hands to rub her smarting bottom.

  Recognizing the genuine pain, Nick responded immediately. “Hey, hey honey,” he soothed, reaching over to put his hand on the back of Katie’s head. “Calm yourself down.”

  “But it really hurts, Nick. I’m not lying.” She looked hurt, believing he thought she was exaggerating.

  “I’m sure it does hurt,” he said calmly. “But wiggling around and getting upset is not going to make it hurt any less. You need to settle down and listen to me.”

  “I am listening,” she pouted.

  “I’m glad to hear that, sweetheart,” he chuckled. Wrapping his arm around her waist, Nick guided Katie to turn on her side to rest against him and take the pressure off her aching butt. “How’s that?” he questioned.

  “Better, I guess,” she responded softly.

  “Well, better is good,” Nick said. Kissing the top of her head, he reached down and gently pulled back the covers to get a look at the area in question. He shook his head fondly at his girl’s obvious attempts to relieve the heat in her bottom by the fact that she was bare from the waist down. As expected, Nick could clearly see that while her little fanny was still pink, and surely she was feeling the results of the wooden spoon smacking her bare ass, there was no real damage done.

  When he began to pull the covers back up to restore her modesty, Katie softly protested. “No, Nick,” she whined. “Leave off the covers. It feels better with the cool air.”

  “Whatever you want, sweetie,” he responded shaking his head at her immature lack of modesty.

  When Nick began to gently stroke her exposed bottom, Katie moaned approvingly. She turned further to the side until she was full out lying on her tummy and crawled forward placing herself face down across his lap. Katie thought briefly to herself that this was a lot more pleasant than the previous night when she had found herself in the exact same position. Nick gently rubbing her bare skin and humming softly was a complete one-eighty from the strict disciplinarian who unapologetically scorched her bare butt, while she kicked and pleaded and screeched in protest, as he scolded her bad behavior and tanned her bottom good and hard with the hated spanking spoon.

  The bumpy car ride to the airport and uncomfortable plane ride back home provided plenty of opportunity for Katie to regret her behavior. Once again, she had acted impulsively without considering the consequences. And once again, she had paid the price for her recklessness. When Nick put Katie to bed after she was scolded and punished, the man she loved had reassured her that she was forgiven, and he was no longer angry. That was hard for Katie to believe, considering that he had been practically seething when he came to rescue her from that dance club. He was calm on the plane ride home, and he had taken her for lunch at Planet Hollywood before their flight, allowing her to cross the final New York adventure off her list. Still, Katie felt guilty for being blatantly naughty and bratty. And most of all for worrying Nick. Not for the first time, the younger woman was amazed to have found a man who loved her so much as to not let her go, despite her crazy antics.

  A week later, Katie was lounging happily on their oversized couch with her head in Nick’s lap, looking at their giant Christmas tree. It was the night before Christmas Eve. The presents, mostly for her, were piled under the tree. She had spent the day in the kitchen with Holly, frosting cookies and helping the older woman prepare for the traditional dinner Nick hosted for his friends on Christmas Eve.

  “I love our tree,” Katie said suddenly.

  “Yeah?” Nick questioned. “So, I guess I picked a good one then.”

  “It’s perfect,” she returned. Katie snuggled deeper into his lap and wrapped her arms around his leg. “It’s even better than the one they had in the hotel lobby.”

  “You think?” the older man chuckled.

  “For sure,” Katie returned. “New York was great. But I love Christmas here even more.”

  Nick stroked her hair and hummed in agreement. He had to admit that despite Katie’s antics on their final night, he’d enjoyed seeing the city through her eyes. Still, he was glad to be home at Rolling Hills with his horses and his friends. And most of all, with the girl he adored in his arms safe and close. Here at home on this farm in the middle of nowhere, with the wind blowing and the snow falling. Nick was completely content. The girl of his dreams adored him, and he loved her more than he had ever thought was possible. As the two weary travelers snuggled together before the crackling fire, they both closed their eyes, smiling peacefully. Nick realized that with Katie by his side he was like the guy they had watched in her favorite Christmas movie. The richest man in town.

  The End.

  The Silver Snuff Box

  12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020 - Book 9

  Melinda Barron

  A Rakes of Mayfair Story

  Chapter 1

  December 17, 1892

  “Conan Doyle believes in it.” Lady Gabriella McIntyre rattled the letter she was reading and worked hard to keep her attention on the page, and not glare at her husband, Lord Fergus McIntyre.

  “Perhaps we should have stopped by 221B Baker Street and picked up Sherlock Holmes on our way out of London,” Fergus said. “Does he believe in spiritualism?”

  “Darling, he’s a fictional character,” Gabby said.

  “He is, my love.” Fergus turned his attention to her. He’d been looking out the window ever since they’d left Edinburgh on their way to Inverness. She didn’t want him to study scenery he’d seen hundreds of times. She wanted him to talk to her. “We are going to visit my aunt for Christmas. Yet you are speaking of ghoulies and ghosties as if it were Samhain.”

  She rattled the letter at him. “Your aunt is seeing ghosts.”

�Bonnie is still recovering from the death of her son, not even a year ago.”

  “You mean Malcolm’s unexplained death,” Gabby said. “You must call it what it is, darling. A man his age having a heart seizure? It’s unheard of.”

  “Do you think a ghost frightened him to death?” Fergus waved his hands in the air as if he were shooing off an imaginary being.

  “I think someone helped him to his death, and that’s why Bonnie has been having nightmares, that’s why she’s summoned you to Inverness for Christmas.”

  “Not Inverness,” Fergus corrected. “Once we’re there, we have at least an hour’s travel in a carriage to Maque.”

  “Oh yes, I remember that trip.” Gabby shook her head. She’d only been to Maque once, and that was for a celebration of her marriage to Fergus almost four years ago. She’d been unable to attend Malcolm’s funeral with him because of obligations at her newspaper, The London Journal, the one Fergus has bought for her along with his friends Ellington and Buxton. The road to Maque had been bumpy, and they’d broken two wagon wheels on the way and been forced to stop for repairs. It had been the most trying trip of her life.

  Not that there had been that many. When she’d met Fergus, Gabby had been poor and trying to find just the right story that would convince male publishers that she was as talented as male reporters. She’d done it, and found love in the process. Now she owned a newspaper and made sure to give her female counterparts a chance at their dreams.

  The newspaper was thriving, and Gabby was thrilled with the news it gave, and the opportunities it provided to her workers.


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