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Protecting What's Mine: A Security Romance Collection

Page 23

by Apryl Baker

  “Come on, Darlin’, sit down next to me. Unless you’d rather sit in my lap?” Kasper waggled his eyebrows.

  “Gutter Mouth, behave,” Foster pretended to chastise him. Everyone laughed. “Watch that one, Sloane. He’s trouble.”

  “Foster, you wound me, man.” Kasper winked across the table.

  Sloane sat there listening to the men tell stories of old times before Foster met Bella. Eventually she began to feel restless. The strawberry margaritas were fabulous. Every sweet, sugary sip pulled a little more of the tension she was feeling from her. They hadn’t been there long and she was already on her third one.

  Evanescence boomed through the speaker, and the pulsing beat pulled on her. She was on her feet before she realized it, heading for the dance floor. Her hips swayed to the music that was breathing life back into her.

  Sloane stayed near the edge of the dance floor; she didn’t want to have to fight her way through the crowd and this way Foster and Bella could see her at all times, per their agreement. She was enjoying the music, dancing with a muscle-bound, brown-haired man to her left and a tattoo-covered man with his head shaved clean to her right. Both men took her in, undressing her with their eyes, but neither of them touched her anywhere inappropriately. The way she was beginning to feel, she may have welcomed it.

  Halfway through the song, warm hands encased her hips, moving in sync with her. She didn’t move them, allowing her new dance partner to press his body flush with hers. The rich musky scent of his cologne was nice—not overpowering like the kind a lot of men used. Kasper spun her around and wrapped his arms around her. His body pressed to hers tightly. The other two men forgotten, she smiled up at him. Feeling the eyes of everyone at their table, she risked a look over while never losing the rhythm they had created.

  The only face she was able to make out was Max’s. Like a statue, he stood absolutely still, his eyes glued to the dance floor. No, not just the dance floor, but on her and Kasper specifically. She noticed a leggy redhead had her arm entwined with his.

  She was pretty and it bugged the shit out of Sloane. Why couldn’t she have been wrong? Would it have hurt to have the girl look less like a model and more like say, a troll? Then again, this was Max. He was gorgeous. He could have any woman in the room.

  Secretly, Sloane wished he wanted her. He knew Brody. She had to keep that in mind. God only knows what Brody told him about her. No doubt what a lousy sexual partner she was. Why would Max want to waste his time with someone like her?

  Forget it, she berated herself. She was currently in the arms of a hot guy. A hot guy who definitely did want her, even if it was only for tonight. She was fine with that. More than fine. That’s what she wanted—some mindless fun, and she was going to enjoy every second of it. Sloane turned her attention back to Kasper, rolling her body down his.

  Two more dance songs played before the DJ slowed it down. She was ready to sit down, and luckily it seemed Kasper had read her mind. A light sheen of sweat glistened on her skin. She couldn’t wait to get back to her frozen margarita. Kasper took her hand loosely, leading her back to the table. It was a sweet, yet possessive gesture.

  “Max! Good to see you again, man. Who’s your friend?” Kasper slapped Max’s hand in lieu of a normal handshake.

  “Charlie, this is Kasper and Sloane.”

  “Hi guys. You two make a really cute couple.” Charlie smiled. Kasper pulled Sloane off the chair she was sitting in and into his lap, ripping an unexpected squeal from her.

  “We do, don’t we, Darlin’?” He winked at her. Sloane watched Charlie rub her hand down Max’s chest.

  “Sure do, Cowboy,” Sloane answered as she wrapped her arms around Kasper’s neck.



  What. The. Fuck. Did he miss while picking up Charlie and why did he care so much? He knew why—because Sloane looked like a fucking goddess on the dance floor. That sad excuse for a dress clinging to every single curve on her mouthwatering body was like a second skin. Every unattached male in there had their eyes glued to her tits or her ass, neither of which were properly covered.

  He’d wanted to drag her off the dance floor the moment he’d laid eyes on her. Those two strange men had been stealing touches wherever they could. They were nothing, however, compared to the way Gutter Mouth had been touching her. Now she was sitting there in his lap laughing like he was the funniest man alive. Why the hell was she calling him “Cowboy”? Now that he thought about it, he didn’t like him calling her “Darlin’” either.

  Charlie cleared her throat beside him. No, he hadn’t forgotten her “cute couple” comment either. They did not look cute together. She was too…and he was too…They just weren’t cute together. This evening was not going the way he had envisioned. Here he thought he would spend a few hours watching out for Sloane before taking Charlie back to her house, where he would fuck her senseless before returning home himself.

  Maybe if Sloane had kept dancing with the strangers it would’ve been different. If it hadn’t been Kasper’s hands sliding down her back, gripping her waist as he pushed himself against her, maybe it wouldn’t be affecting him this way. No, it didn’t matter who touched her. He didn’t like it. Not one single bit. She was his. She just didn’t know it yet.

  “Max told me you ran into some trouble at work,” Charlie said to Sloane in between Kasper’s ever-witty jokes. His fingertips roved lazily across Sloane’s bare knee. Bastard.

  “Yeah, I was in the right place at the wrong time. The guys have been worried about me ever since. And to make matters worse, my apartment was broken into.”

  “Oh my God! How horrible. I couldn’t imagine going back to something like that. It makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.”

  “It’s scary and I felt violated after seeing my apartment, that’s for sure. Now I’m on lockdown until he’s caught or the guys think I’m safe.”

  “I’ll keep you safe, Darlin’.” If Gutter Mouth didn’t stop winking at Sloane that way, Max was going to lose his shit. He was already hanging on by a thread with the way he was touching her.

  “Aww, how romantic. Like a white knight. How long have you two been dating?”

  “We aren’t, actually. We just met tonight,” Sloane said, jabbing Kasper with a playful elbow to the side.

  “Oh wow, really? I’m sorry. I just assumed.”

  “See what happens when you assume?” Max growled.

  “Anyway—” Charlie gave him a disapproving look. “—it at least helps to know guys like these are looking out for you, right?”

  Sloane sighed. “It does, but I’ll be happy once it’s all over. I just want to get on with my life. I hate living out of a suitcase.”

  “Have you been staying at a hotel?” Charlie asked.

  “Um, actually I’ve been staying with Max.”

  Charlie’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second; only someone studying her reaction would have noticed it. Max knew she’d want an explanation of some sort, but she wasn’t his girlfriend, and he didn’t want her to think she was by giving her one. She’d never been his girlfriend. She did, however, know his number one rule: No women at his home.

  “Oh. Well I hope you’ll be okay.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Sloane said. She lied almost as well as Bella, he thought.

  The night went by slowly for Max. Every time Sloane and Kasper hit the dance floor, Max wanted to hit him. Charlie asked him to dance several times, but he couldn’t be bothered. In fact, he wished she would stop pawing all over him. He wasn’t a touchy feely in public kind of guy. Then again, he wasn’t a touchy feely guy in private either. Sure, he had no problem touching a woman. He could work Charlie with ease, but he wasn’t the kind of guy to cuddle with after or talk about feelings. Why the hell did he bring her here in the first place? Oh yeah, he wanted to get laid. What a joke.

  Talk about a touchy feely man. Now Kasper had his hands just above the soft globes of her ass as the song ended. With each song his hand
s dropped lower. One or two songs more and he would have Sloane’s sweet ass in the palms of his grimy hands, literally. A slow pop song sang about love. It was the first slow song that they had danced to. Sloane put her head on Gutter Mouth’s shoulder, eliminating any space between them. Max saw red. Oh hell no, he wasn’t going to sit and watch this.

  Max was on his feet before common sense could stop him. He tapped Kasper on the shoulder, and without a word he stepped in, taking his place. Surprise washed over Sloane’s features before she could school her expression. What did she see when she looked at him? Did his eyes give him away? Did she know what she did to him or how hard he’d fought against her pull? Her arms slipped around his neck, but inches still separated their bodies. He couldn’t have that. He needed to erase Kasper from her body.

  Max pulled her close enough that he knew she could feel his semi-erection press into her belly. He didn’t care; in this moment, he wanted her to know. Her breasts practically flattened between their bodies he held her so tightly. Like a lover’s caress, his hands never stopped moving. Sliding down her back, up her side, swirling circles on her hip. Her arms were wrapped around his shoulders. One hand played with the hair on the nape of his neck. Their eyes locked together, unwavering. It was breathtaking.

  The song continued on as the rest of the room fell away. No one else existed. Sight, sound, smell—all of his senses were filled with only her. His hands threaded into her golden mane, pulling her head forward to meet his. Their bodies touched from their foreheads, chests, and hips. He could taste her breath on his lips as they swayed together. The sweet smell of the margaritas she had been drinking beckoned to him to take a taste.

  He was just about to give in and take that taste when suddenly Sloane pulled away, her eyes wide with wonder. Max instantly missed the feel of her. Cold seeped into his skin all the while his blood burned for her. He wanted to grab her again and beg her not to let go this time.

  “Song’s over,” she whispered like he cared.

  “Just like that, it’s over…” Max didn’t know if he was making a statement or asking a question. Was he talking about the dance or the enchantment they had been under? That he was still under? She opened her mouth, an answer on the tip of her tongue. Max held his breath, waiting for her reply. Whatever she said could make or break this thing he could feel between them. Meanwhile, the DJ was taking his sweet time announcing the next song. Max wished she’d answer before the music drowned her out.

  “Hey, Darlin’ get your sweet ass over here.” From the table Kasper’s loud call pulled her attention away from Max.

  “Gutter Mouth, shut the fuck up.”

  It was out of Max’s mouth before he could stifle it. He groaned internally, slowly closing his eyes in frustration. Way to lose your cool there, Maxwell. Sloane’s jaw dropped slightly. It might have been comical in any other situation. Risking a look behind him, Max took in the expressions on his friends’ faces. Disbelief, humor, self-righteousness, and—yup, right there to round it all out—rage. Charlie was one pissed off woman.

  That pissed off woman was heading in his direction, a murderous look in her eye. Her confident stride quickly ate up the space between them. Briefly he wondered if he could hide behind Sloane. Nah, even in her incredibly sexy heels she was still a few inches shorter than him.

  “You had to be here to protect her?” she accused, her hands waving around.

  He wanted to say yes, that’s exactly why he was here, but he couldn’t get the words out. The whole drive to Charlie’s house he kept thinking of the way Sloane’s ass had looked under the robe she was wearing as she ran to her room. He should have known this night wouldn’t end well.

  “Looks to me like Kasper had things under control just fine without you.”


  “No. Just no, Max.”



  Sloane watched Charlie march back to their table to collect her purse. She eyed Sloane, shaking her head in disapproval. What the hell did she do now?

  “Look, Charlie…” He tried to talk to her, but she wasn’t having it.

  “Handcuffs, Max…Hope she’s worth it.”

  For the second time in less than five minutes, Sloane was frozen with her mouth hanging open. Peering up at Max, she tried but couldn’t read his expression. What the hell just happened? One minute she’s having a great time flirting with Kasper and seriously thinking of letting him take her home, the next she’s lost in a moment so intense with Max, she forgot where she was.

  Perhaps Charlie’s departure was a good time to call it a night. Max refused to meet her gaze, so she left him standing there on the edge of the dance floor. She tried to ignore the looks from everyone. She was just as confused to the cause of Max’s outburst as they were. She just shrugged her shoulders.

  “It looks like the party is over tonight, Darlin’.”

  “So it does.” Sloane put on the happiest face she could muster. It wasn’t much.

  “So, you gonna let me call you?”

  “Sure, I’d like that.”

  She smiled for real this time. How could she not when Kasper flashed that sexy as sin grin? Sloane knew he was probably a total player, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t as if she was looking for forever. She just wanted some fun, so she gave him her cell phone number. After hugging everyone goodbye, she promised them they would all get together again. Sloane picked up her clutch, trailing out behind Mirabella. She was just about to get in the Tahoe when Max called out to her.

  “Sloane, I’m over here.”

  “I see that.”

  “I mean, why are you getting in Foster’s SUV?”

  “He was driving me home. As per your request.”

  “Why would he go out of his way to drive you when I’m here and going to the same place? That makes no sense. Get your ass in the truck.”

  “Fine,” she mumbled, walking to his truck. “Night, guys,” she called back.

  “Hey, darlin’,” Kasper bellowed while running toward her across the parking lot.

  He was crouched down to half his height, closing the distance between them quickly. He was ex-SWAT and she could easily imagine him in action. All he needed was his gear.

  He picked her up without slowing his speed, spinning them around in circles until she was dizzy. Considering the amount of alcohol she had consumed, it didn’t take long before she was yelling and giggling.

  He stopped abruptly, letting her body slowly slide down his until her feet hit the ground. The friction caused her dress to slide up enough that only the swell of her ass stopped her from an indecent exposure charge. She tried to tug it back down as Kasper grabbed her face. He pressed a soft, closed-mouth kiss to her lips, winking when he stepped away.

  “I’ll hit you up later, beautiful.”

  “See ya around, cowboy.”

  She couldn’t hide the smile on her face as she hoisted herself up into Max’s truck. Which was not easy considering her attire. He barely gave her time to shut the door before he sped off out of the parking lot. Whoa. What was his deal? Up until the end, she’d had a great night. She met some new people who helped take her mind off of all her problems for a little while. Sloane could have done without seeing Max with Charlie, but it wasn’t any of her business who Max slept with. The chaste kiss from Kasper probably would have been amazing, if only she hadn’t had Max as the new standard of kisses. That was a depressing thought.

  Max parked the truck and then exited without saying a word. Whatever. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with him anyway. Her plans of getting laid were ruined. Maybe she still could’ve went home with Kasper. If only she had his number, he could come get her. She’d only given him hers, though. Asking Max for it didn’t sound like a good idea. Foster, maybe. Yeah, that’s a better plan, but it would have to wait. Now that she’d taken her shoes off, she realized she wasn’t going anywhere. Max slammed the refrigerator door, startling her.

  “What’s your problem? You’re acti
ng like you have a huge bug up your ass.”

  “The only problem I have is trying to keep you safe,” he growled. “Going to a crowded club with wall to wall strangers was a bad idea.”

  Sloane folded her arms. “Foster didn’t seem to think so.”

  “That’s because Foster was thinking of keeping Bella happy. I was thinking of keeping you alive.”

  Sloane didn’t know what to say. She was so angry with him for ruining her night and yet at the same time she understood what he was saying. She knew he was trying to look after her. The whole situation sucked. She hated being babysat. She hated being a burden on him. She decided she didn’t want to fight with him.

  “Do you mind if I shower first? All that dancing made me sweaty.”

  “No, go ahead.”

  “Thank you. Good night.”


  Sloane wanted to press him. She wanted to ask if keeping her safe was all that was on his mind. He was pissed at her. She couldn’t bring herself to ask, though. She didn’t want him to tell her how he screwed up with Charlie. Ignorance is bliss. On the dance floor with his arms around her was by far the most sensual encounter that she’d had in…well, ever. Like a ray of sunlight, it warmed her, bringing with it desire like she’d never known. Her panties were still damp with it.

  She stripped everything off and stepped into the shower. She poured body wash into her hand, lathering herself. Her palms moved smoothly over her breasts, the nipples peeking into stiff points. She closed her eyes. She remembered the way they pressed into Max’s hard chest, not even an hour ago. There was something about Maxwell Fear that pushed every one of her buttons. She massaged her hands down her body, picturing Max there with her. She imagined him holding her from behind.

  Sliding her hand down lower, her fingers touched the delicate folds between her thighs. Skimming them gently, she shivered. Placing one foot on the side of the tub, she let her head fall back, giving into the sensations overwhelming her body. The water continued to rinse away the rest of the suds as she plunged her finger inside. Already the digit was slick with her juices. Sloane pulled it out before pushing back in, adding another finger this time. In and out she drove them repeatedly. Soft moans escaped her, even as she bit down on her bottom lip to stop it. The pressure, building rapidly. Her hips rocked forward on their own accord, fighting for sweet release.


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