Protecting What's Mine: A Security Romance Collection

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Protecting What's Mine: A Security Romance Collection Page 25

by Apryl Baker

  A throat clearing from the door released her from the spell she was under. Sloane pulled away, looking toward the hall. Foster and Bella stood there with identical smirks on their faces. The nurse was nowhere to be seen.

  “Hey, guys!” Sloane straightened herself, sitting up further. Max flashed her a look she didn’t understand. Then he walked away from her. Guess he didn’t like her ruining his chances with Nurse Slut. Whoops. Bella smiled, rushing to her side.

  “Honey, are you really okay?”


  “We were so worried. Why would you run out like that?”

  “I wasn’t running out. I went shopping. I needed some time to think. I really just needed to be alone.”

  Even to Sloane’s own ears it sounded like a lame excuse. Her whining made her sound like a child.

  A tap at the door had them all turning to look at the new arrivals. Kasper and Tank waltzed inside, and Max turned back to the window, tension evident in his stance. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, his feet planted shoulder width apart. It didn’t take him more than a minute to turn around to face them all, and then the tension was magically gone. Either she’d imagined it or he was a hell of an actor. An incredibly sexy actor. With an amazingly talented mouth.

  “Hey there, Darlin’.”

  “Hey there yourself, Cowboy.” Sloane smiled. “Hey Tank. What are you guys doing here?”

  Tank shoved his massive hands into his pockets. His voice barely more than a whisper, he murmured, “We were worried about you.”

  “You were?” She couldn’t help the surprise in her voice. She couldn’t imagine the giant standing before her worried about anything, much less her.

  “Max mentioned what you’re dealing with; we thought we’d see if we could help,” Kasper added. Tank nodded as if they had agreed to a deal, but she had no idea what.

  Kasper moved closer, kissed her cheek, and flashed his signature smile. He leaned back down, whispering in her ear so softly she knew no one else could hear.

  “Ever fuck in a hospital bed, Darlin’?”

  “Get outta here.” She slapped him playfully in the arm while shaking her head, still laughing.

  “Back the fuck up, Gutter Mouth,” Max snarled.

  “Dude, what the fuck is your problem?”

  “She’s my fiancée.”

  Everyone stared at Max like he’d grown a second head before he recovered. “I mean, I had to tell everyone Sloane was my fiancée so they would let me stay with her. It would look shady as fuck if someone walked in and saw the two of you just now. You know what I mean?” He looked knowingly at Sloane.

  Sloane frowned. “Max is right. It would look awful. I apologize, Max.”



  If Max was in his right mind he would remain where he was. Keep the distance between them, but he wasn’t. The kiss she’d laid on him before everyone arrived left every neuron firing inside him. Seeing her flirt with Kasper only added to the possessiveness he was feeling. He did not like the idea that she could be attracted to Kasper. Or anyone other than him, for that matter.

  Which was stupid because he didn’t do relationships. He hadn’t in years. Not since he decided to join the force. He had to get control over himself.

  “Sorry, man, it’s just important to keep up pretenses. I need to be able to stay here to keep her safe. The Petrov family is no joke.”

  “I get it, dude. No problem.”

  “Petrov family?” Sloane’s eyes widened.

  “It’s gonna be fine.”

  “Yeah, Darlin’. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I’ve got feelers out. A few leads have trickled in as to Booker’s whereabouts,” Tank added.

  “See, nothing for you to worry about. Having said that, I need you to listen to me. When I give you an order I expect it followed. No going out alone.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  Max wandered over to the bed, lowering himself down next to her. He started rubbing his hand up and down Sloane’s blanket-covered thigh. He ignored everyone else in the room except Gutter Mouth. Max hoped he was making his silent claim clear. Gutter Mouth needed to stay away from Sloane. Gutter Mouth raised a questioning eyebrow before a mischievous smirk played over the corner of his lips. Just in case Gutter Mouth wasn’t catching on to his seriousness, Max maneuvered himself in the bed so he was stretched out beside her.

  That’s how the flirtatious nurse, Alley, found them when she returned. For that alone, Max was grateful that he positioned himself where he was. The entire time Sloane was unconscious the petite brunette made it very clear that she wouldn’t be missed if she disappeared for twenty minutes. She even told him where the supply closet was. Honestly, he was worn out from turning down her advances all night. Years ago he might’ve taken her up on her offer, but he had outgrown nameless one-night stands. He wasn’t celibate by any stretch of the imagination, but he kept his options opened to three or four regulars with no promise of anything serious on the horizon.

  The reappearance of Nurse Alley speared Sloane into action. She laid her head on his shoulder. Max was careful not to bump her injured arm as he slid his around her. The way she snuggled into him heated his blood. Then it rapidly moved south, causing his pants to tighten slightly. Maybe she would kiss him again. Probably not with everyone else in the room. That disappointed him, but her body pressed into his was enough. For now, that is.

  “Visiting hours are over, everyone.” Alley’s eyes locked on his. They were still full of proposition. No matter how many times he declined, she wouldn’t back off. It was an unattractive quality.

  “I’m not leaving.” Max stared defiantly at her. The kiss he placed on Sloane’s forehead punctuated the seriousness behind his words. The act felt completely normal, as if he did it every day in the past and would continue to do so every day in the future.

  “Of course, Mr. Fear. Everyone else must leave for the evening. I’ll be back in five minutes to check.” Alley gave him a disappointed look before turning on her heel and marching out the door.

  Bella laughed. “And the plot thickens.” A moment of silence shrouded the room and then everyone else joined in.

  Everyone finally left after Alley returned for the third time and threatened to call security. Max made no attempt to move. He loved the way Sloane’s scent enveloped him. The way her warmth spread into him everywhere they touched. He could get used to this. He realized he wanted to. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep again, this time in his arms. Right where she belonged.

  Chapter Eleven


  The morning couldn’t have come sooner. Sloane couldn’t wait to get outta this place. Thankfully Nurse Alley was gone with the morning sun. A new nurse with gray hair and a sweet smile checked in on her before going to get the discharge papers. Once Max woke up, he’d removed himself from the bed, walking stiffly to the bathroom. Without saying a word.

  She needed a few minutes away from him. She’d woken up multiple times throughout the night. Max was always right there spooned around her. It felt amazing being in his arms, but she knew it wouldn’t last. Sloane couldn’t afford to let the feeling linger.

  Max came out of the bathroom looking slightly more refreshed, his eyes landing on her. Without a word, she averted her eyes and grabbed the bag of her belongings. There was a scrub top left by the day nurse for her to wear home since her shirt had to be cut off. She pushed past him to get dressed in the now vacant bathroom.

  Now that a door was between them, she relieved herself before washing her hands and face. She pulled her clothes on quickly, trying to come up with something to say to Max. She’d kissed him last night. Without warning or explanation. She’d just wanted the nurse to stop flirting with him. She didn’t know Sloane wasn’t really his fiancée and that pissed her off. Who does that? Sloane was shot at, for God’s sake, and here some nurse was making a play for her future husband. Well not really, but that was irr

  She knew she couldn’t hide in the bathroom all day thinking up the perfect thing to say. She would just go out and apologize for her crass way of dealing with the nurse. She hoped things weren’t extremely awkward between them. Stepping out of the bathroom, she was feeling somewhat more energized. Not that she should have worried. The room was empty. She sat in the only chair to put her shoes back on. By the time she was done, Max had returned.

  “Are you ready?”

  “More than. About last night…”

  “Don’t worry about it. It was nothing.” He brushed her off, walking just ahead of her down the hall.

  Nothing? Sloane felt a pang in her chest at his words. She’d kissed him and felt something she had never felt before, but he felt nothing. They stood next to each other, waiting for the elevator doors to open. The ride down to the lobby and the ride to his house were done in silence. She fought to keep her emotions in check. Coming around to the back of Max’s farmhouse, she spotted a black Harley Davidson Fat Boy. Max’s knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel tighter. Fear momentarily gripped her.

  “Is something wrong? Petrov?”

  “No, nothing like that.”

  There was that word again. Nothing. Sloane climbed out of the passenger seat, slamming the door closed harder than she really needed to. Damn him for turning her insides into knots. She rounded the bed of the truck, making her way to the house. She watched the gravel crunch under her feet, wondering what to do about staying here with Max. He was too much of a temptation for her. She wanted him too much. Her heart wasn’t safe here.

  “Hey there, Darlin’.”

  Her head snapped up. Sitting on the porch stairs with a small black and silver gift bag in one hand and an embarrassingly large bouquet of red roses in the other, was Kasper. He stood up. She ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck while kissing his cheek.

  “What are you doing here?” Sloane asked as they all walked through the kitchen door.

  “Since you aren’t engaged to grumpy here anymore, I wanted to bring you an ‘I’m sorry you got shot’ present.” He held up the bouquet of roses and the bag for her to take. She laughed loudly, feeling sincerely happy for the first time since Max had left her in bed alone this morning. “Go on, open it.”

  Sloane set the flowers down on the counter and took the bag with both hands. She pulled the tissue paper out, peering into the bag. Inside was a brand new smartphone. It was the same kind she’d had before, only this one was an updated version that didn’t have any scratches on the surface like her old one had.

  “I already programmed my number in it and your provider can transfer the rest.”

  “I can’t accept this, Kasper.”

  “Why not?” He looked confused.

  “These are hundreds of dollars. I can’t let you spend that on me. Let me write you a check for it.”

  “Fuck no, Darlin’. Money isn’t an issue for me. I like to spoil beautiful women, so let me.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t feel right taking it. I’ve never been given a gift like this. Not for any occasion.”

  “Even more of a reason you should accept it. Plus, I’ll just rip up every check you give me.” He smirked.

  “Fine,” Sloane surrendered. “I’ve never been given a ‘Sorry you got shot’ present. If I had, I know this would’ve been the best by far.” She giggled.

  Max moved around the kitchen slamming cabinets. Finally, he opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. His eyes fixed on Kasper. It looked like he was angry, but she couldn’t tell why. If it were any other man, Sloane would say perhaps he was jealous. Since Max made it clear that their kiss was nothing, she couldn’t figure out what his issue was.

  “Hey, Max, do you have something I can put these in? They’re beautiful, by the way. Thank you, Kasper.”

  Max produced a vase from one of the lower cabinets, setting it on the counter next to where he was standing. She walked around to where he was and started arranging the flowers inside it. “Do you have any aspirin?”

  “Are you okay?” He touched her cheek, compelling her attention. His eyes were soft and sincere. Damn, she could get lost in their depths for hours, days, weeks. The way he touched her once again had her wishing he felt something, anything, for her.

  “Oh, I’m fine. The pain medicine from the hospital hasn’t worn off yet. Adding aspirin to the water prolongs the freshness. It makes the flowers last longer.”

  “No problem. When they die, I’ll buy you fresh ones.”

  She was more than a little stunned by the chill that resounded in his tone. She stole a glance at Kasper on the other side of the island. He was watching Max, shaking his head slightly in amusement. Did she miss the joke? She took a moment to really look at Kasper. He was dressed in black jeans with a black t-shirt. Celtic looking crosses and skulls adorned the t-shirt, the dark gray color almost camouflaging the design altogether. She just bet he was every women’s wet dream dressed like that while riding his Harley.

  Not that she was immune to his charms by any means, but when she looked at him next to Max, he paled in comparison. She had fun flirting with Kasper. She could’ve even seen herself dating him. He seemed like a great guy. Standing here with both of them, though, made it painfully obvious which man she wanted. Even if he felt nothing.

  “So. Whatcha say, Darlin’? You, me, dinner…?”

  Before Sloane could respond, however, her non-feeling protector stepped forward. “Not happening.”

  “Excuse me?” she shrieked in shock. “I don’t think that’s your decision to make, Max.”

  Kasper chuckled. “Lady has a point.”

  “What I meant was…someone tried to kill you yesterday. There’s no way you’re leaving this house tonight. Plus, Foster and Bella are coming over with dinner.”

  “Oh…I’m sorry I yelled.” She turned to Kasper. “He’s right. I really do need to be here if Bella is coming by.”

  “Sure, no problem. Rain check?” His smile was infectious.

  “I’d be wounded if you didn’t want one.” She winked back at him.

  “Hot damn. Then I better get going. Don’t let grumpy here get ya down. I’ll talk to you later, Beautiful. Later, Maxi Pad.”

  “Fuck you, Gutter Mouth.”



  It took all Max had not to throw his friend out of his house. The moment Kasper told Sloane she was no longer engaged to him, his temper flared to an almost uncontrollable level. It was ridiculous—they were never engaged. It was a rouse to keep watch over her. So why did it feel so wrong to hear Kasper dismiss it?

  He grabbed a bottle of water and chugged it down. Damn he wished it was a beer, but ten in the morning was a little early even for him. He felt more relaxed after Gutter Mouth left.

  “I’m going to get cleaned up,” Sloane said, wrinkling her nose as she plucked at her scrub top. “I smell like hospital disinfectant. Maybe catch a nap before Foster and Bella get here. Do you mind?”

  “Not at all.” Max nodded toward her arm. “Try not to get your stitches wet.”

  Sloane took a step toward him. Her small hand triggered an electrical energy inside him where it rested on his chest. Stretching up on her toes, she kissed his jaw just below his ear. His cock stiffened slightly.

  “Thank you, Max. For last night. For the past few days. I really don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

  Turning quickly, she scurried out of his kitchen. He could hear her taking the stairs up to her room. Max wanted to follow her up there. He wanted to make her his. He was never a playboy like Gutter Mouth or Foster, but he’d had his fair share of feminine company over the years. He never had a problem telling a woman what he wanted, so why the hell couldn’t he make himself walk up those stairs? Perhaps because this time he wanted more than a casual hookup. This time he wanted it all.

  Chapter Twelve


  Dinner with Foster and Mirabella helped c
reate a buffer between him and Sloane. No matter the topic, he couldn’t stop thinking of her kiss back in the hospital room. It was different from the one he’d given her at her apartment door that first night they met. It was passionate and promising. If they hadn’t been interrupted, who knows where it could have led? He watched her talking to Bella. She was laughing and making motions with her hands. He’d never seen her so happy.

  Every so often she would push her hair out of her eyes. Always with the hair—why she didn’t just cut it, he couldn’t figure out. Then again, the simple movement was sexy as hell. Max wondered what it would take for her to flirt with him the way she did with Kasper. Then he remembered the first time he met Brody. He said he always had to initiate everything. Could that mean even flirting? Kasper definitely didn’t hold back on flirting with anyone. Only one way to find out.

  Max retrieved the bottle of wine from the kitchen. Leaning closer than he normally would, he topped off Sloane’s glass. He tried to keep the smile off his face when she startled. Bowing down further, he placed his nose so close to her neck it was almost touching. He breathed her in.

  “You smell amazing.”

  “Oh. Thank you.” Her cheeks flushed slightly. That was a good sign, right?

  “You’re welcome. So, Bella, you getting cold feet yet?” he teased.

  “Not even a little bit, Max.” She grinned while wrapping her arm around one of Foster’s.

  “Don’t give her any ideas.” Foster shook his head playfully. “I’ll never find another one even close to her if she smartens up now.”

  Everyone laughed, enjoying the tension-free evening. Max sat back down, winking at Sloane when she looked over at him. Her face twisted in confusion. Not the response he had been hoping for. She looked guarded. He wanted her smiling again.


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