Protecting What's Mine: A Security Romance Collection

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Protecting What's Mine: A Security Romance Collection Page 34

by Apryl Baker

  Sighing, he left Mateo to his game and went to find his whore.

  Chapter Five

  Kade shut off his laptop and leaned back. He’d left Angel over an hour ago in the trustworthy hands of Watkins to parcel out assignments to the security team Nikoli acquired for them. He’d pulled another of their men, Max Sheridon, to watch Lily until Able could be pulled from a security detail for a pop singer in town. She was one of their bigger clients, so Kade was hesitant to upset her. She knew Able and trusted him, even though he wasn’t who they usually put on bodyguard detail. Kade still wasn’t sure why the man was assigned to her every time she called. He’d make a note to ask Viktor about that.

  He’d called Watkins earlier, and Angel was still sound asleep. Her breakdown had taken a lot out of her. The doctor hadn’t returned his call yet either, but it was the weekend, and the man probably didn’t return non-urgent medical messages. While that was all well and good, it left Kade in a bad spot. It drove him nuts not being able to help Angel. It fucking killed him.

  “I thought you went home.”

  Kade looked up to see Dylan lounging in the doorway. It was Saturday evening. What the hell was he doing here?

  “I’m waiting on some information for a case. Why are you here?”

  Kade pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh. The man was uncanny. There might be a psychic bone in his body somewhere, hidden behind all the badassedness.

  “Nik hired extra security for the girls. I met them here and gave them their assignments.” Kade rolled his neck, wincing when so many bones popped and cracked. Damn, he felt old.

  “Why do you still look like hell?” Dylan wandered in and plopped down in one of the chairs across from his desk. “They’re protected now.”

  “Angel had a bit of a breakdown.” Kade explained that they’d lost their son and about the boy she’d seen at the store. “Lily said it might be a physical manifestation of her grief, and I called the fucking shrink, but he hasn’t called me back. I don’t know how to help her.”

  Dylan was silent for a long moment before finally leaning back in his chair. “My daughter died in a car accident. Black ice. My wife survived, but she couldn’t come to terms with the fact she lived and Molly didn’t. Grief can do all sorts of things to you. She ended up taking her own life, so I get how worried you are.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know about your family.”

  Dylan shrugged it off, but the tortured look in his eyes remained. Grief never truly went away. “I don’t make a habit of telling people. I’m only talking to you because I don’t want your wife to get so depressed over this it drives her to do something she normally wouldn’t. I like Angel. She’s a spitfire.”

  “That she is.” A smile tugged at Kade’s lips despite how worried he was. “I just wish I knew how to help her.”

  “Maybe it’s as simple as showing her who the boy belongs to.”

  “What do you mean?” Kade sat up, intrigued.

  “I can do some investigating and find out who his parents are. Shouldn’t take more than a few hours.”

  “I don’t know his name. Angel didn’t get it either.”

  “You know what hotel it is?”

  “The one across the street from Macy’s.” Could it be that simple? Show her who his parents were and make her understand the kid wasn’t theirs?

  “I know it. The head concierge over there is a friend of mine. He’ll be able to tell me who they are. It’s easy after that. I’ll call you later tonight once I have the information.”

  “Thanks, man. You don’t know how much I appreciate this.”

  “I do, because I wish someone had been there to help Lisa. I’ll do what I can for your wife.” Dylan didn’t say anything else and left to start digging into the mystery man and his son.

  Kade grabbed his keys and locked his office, heading home. Typically, he’d walk, as it was only a few blocks away. He and Viktor decided to find places as close to their business as possible since they would potentially have clients staying in the brownstone. It was why they chose the building over some modern office building. There were bedrooms upstairs and a full kitchen downstairs for guests to use as well as the staff.

  The security system Mason, their youngest brother, had installed was top-notch. He knew computers almost as well as Nikoli did. He liked to try his hand at hacking too. That was why Viktor was trying to move Mason into the business. He and Kade both feared their little brother would do something that landed him in jail. At least, working with them, his hacking would only be at the request of the client, and they’d have permission to hack private work products.

  His car was parked in the small lot right behind the building. Kade glanced around, nervous for the first time in years. No one seemed to be watching, but you never really knew. He hurried to the SUV as quickly as he could and breathed a sigh of relief once he closed the driver’s door.

  He started to turn the ignition but paused, another old fear coming back to haunt him. The cartel—or any major drug syndicate, for that matter—was a fan of car bombs. What if they’d found him and had hidden a bomb under the vehicle tied to the ignition, or worse, under the seat? Those were dangerous. They armed when you sat down and exploded when you moved your weight off the trigger.


  He’d put all this shit behind him, and now he had to go back to those days of constant worry and vigilance. Worse, he’d involved his family and put Angel at risk. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  He called Dylan to come out and sweep the vehicle for bombs. They both agreed it would be a good idea to increase security at the office, including a thorough walkthrough of anyone’s vehicle before they left. Los Muertos was too dangerous to leave any detail to chance.

  Once he was clear, he drove the short distance home and found Watkins drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen.

  “The boys got here a few minutes ago. I set one up in the lobby and one at the end of the hall. The third is outside, watching.”

  Kade nodded his thanks and went in search of Angel. She wasn’t in the bedroom, but the bathroom door was closed. He found her in the bath, soaking. She still looked pale, but at least her eyes weren’t so wild.


  She looked up, startled, but gave him a small smile. “Hi.”

  “Feeling better?” He tossed off his jacket and got down on his knees beside the tub, his hand tracing the outline of her face.

  “Yes.” Her voice came out husky, and he tamped down every lustful thought he had. She needed be taken care of now, not fucked. “I don’t know why I reacted like that…”

  “It’s okay, moye serdste.” He cupped her cheek. “I’m just sorry you’re in pain.”

  She rubbed her cheek against his palm, almost purring like a kitten. Her and those cat eyes. Right now, she reminded him of a small kitten, hurt, lost, and confused.

  Angel let Kade’s calming presence soothe her battered nerves. Her body still ached the same way it had when she’d woken up with the news her son died and was told he’d been disposed of. It was a pain that never lessened, only retreated to the darkest depths of her soul. The little boy brought that pain roaring back to the forefront of her thoughts, and she couldn’t make it go away.

  She hurt.

  “Why is Jasper here?” Distraction had always been the key to managing her grief.

  The guarded look that flashed in Kade’s eyes caused her to sit up straight. What was going on?

  “I had hoped to be back before you woke up.” He reached for the washcloth and soap. “There’s a situation.”

  “Situation?” She let him push her back into the water as he soaped up the cloth. Kade picked up one hand out of the water and began to gently wash it, sweeping up her arm and ending at her shoulder. The simple motion was erotic as hell, and she had a suspicion that was his goal.

  “Los Muertos.” He swiped the cloth over her collarbone and up the side of her neck, eliciting a moan and a gasp.

  The fear that came
a second later overpowered everything else. The same cartel that had killed her brother. All the desire she’d been feeling fled, replaced by a cold numbness.

  “I had Dylan look into the situation in Miami to see if it was safe for us to go.”

  “And we can’t go.” She slumped, her pain driving deep. Her one bright spot was being able to go say goodbye to her brother, and now she couldn’t even do that.

  “No, but there’s more.”

  “More?” He sounded harsh, and it brought her gaze up to study his expression. Anger vibrated in his black eyes, but she knew it wasn’t directed at her. “How can there be more? What do they want?”

  “Me.” That one word sent chills ghosting along her skin.

  “Over my dead body.” They’d taken her son and her brother. She’d be damned if they took her husband too.

  “Easy, kitonya.”

  “Don’t easy me, Kincaid. Tell me what’s going on.” She pushed his hands away and stood, grabbing the towel as she did. He tried to take it from her, but she knew if he did, they’d just end up in bed. “No. We are going to talk about this.”

  He rolled his eyes but stood and wandered into the bedroom. The fear came rushing back, pushing the anger aside for a moment. These people were dangerous. Everyone in Miami knew you didn’t fuck with them, but still, they’d been raided before. Most arrests never stuck. What made Kade different from any other undercover cop? The thought of them getting their hands on Kade terrified her. She’d only just found him again. They couldn’t take him from her, not after everything she’d lost.

  They just couldn’t.

  Sighing, Angel dried off. Ten minutes later, dressed in her flannel pajamas, she marched into the bedroom, determined to be strong. She wasn’t that same nineteen-year-old kid with stars in her eyes. She was a strong woman who survived the death of her brother, her child, and suffered at the hands of a criminally insane psychopath. She’d handle this too.

  Kade watched her storm into the room, those cat eyes glowing with fire. It tilted his lips in a smile. That was his Angel, prepared to fight to the death for the person she loved. He just hoped she’d never be put into a position to do that again.

  He was sprawled out, and she sat cross-legged on the foot of the bed. He snorted. She knew better than to get closer. He’d distract her with sex.

  Arching her eyebrow, she simply waited for him to start talking. It was very reminiscent of his mother’s inquisition techniques.

  “I thought they would have forgotten about me by now, or at least moved on. What happened was the cost of business. Tomás Rivera should understand that.”

  “What happened, Kade? It’s got to be more than the raid.”

  “Miguel Rivera died in the raid. I shot him. He pulled a gun and started shooting. I had no choice. I had to protect myself and the men with me. I’d never killed anyone before, and I didn’t even really think about it until days later. By then, I’d lied to you and gone to Atlanta. He couldn’t have been more than sixteen. His face still haunts my dreams sometimes.”

  “Oh, Kade…”

  He held up his hand to stop her sympathy. “I took a boy’s life. I need to remember and accept the guilt that comes with that. Anyone who takes a life needs to understand exactly what that death means. Was it necessary? Yes. He would have killed me or my men. I had a responsibility to protect them, but at the same time, I have a responsibility to Miguel. I will always remember that day and what I cost his family. It’s made me a better cop. I haven’t killed another person since that night because I find ways to honor his death by not killing.”

  “Was he…was he related to this Tomás?”

  Kade nodded, folding his hands behind his head and staring up at the ceiling. Odd how he’d never noticed the swirl pattern in the texture around the ceiling fan. It was only in that one spot.

  “Tomás Rivera used to be the second in command of the cartel. Miguel was his little brother.”


  “In a nutshell, Angel girl, we’re fucked if he knows we’re in New York.”

  “How could he know?”

  “Dylan said the cartel moved into the city spring of last year. Even if they don’t know it yet, they will. The company deals with a lot of different jobs. Chances are we’re going to run into the drug dealers, and since the hit is still out on me, Los Muertos will find out.”

  “What if we leave? Go to Europe or something.”

  His laugh was hollow. “It won’t help. My brothers are here, Angel. The cartel will pick them off one by one to get to me. Tomás knows I won’t sacrifice my family to hide from his wrath. He may have been focused on gaining control and expanding the cartel, but he never forgot what I did.”

  Her head dropped into her hands. “What are we going to do?”

  “Fuck if I know.” He sat up and hauled her into his lap, needing to touch her. Images of what Tomás would do to her tormented her. Feeling her safe and sound in his arms calmed him enough to think rationally. “But no one is going to touch you, Lily, or Becca. I swear it.”

  “Lily…” Her eyes widened as realization dawned. “They’d hurt her or even Becca?”

  “Lily belongs to Nik and Becca to Dimitri, so to Tomás, they’re fair game.”

  Angel tucked herself into Kade’s side, laying her head on his chest. He looked like a lost little boy. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Nothing to be sorry for, moye serdste.” He wrapped an arm around her and hugged her tight. “None of this is your fault. It’s mine. I’ve gone and dragged you right back into the lair of the monster I walked away to protect you from. I’m the one who’s sorry.”

  She leaned up so she could look him in the eyes. “First, that was just plain stupid. You made me think you didn’t love me or the nugget. I thought we were only a means to an end. A way to get into Peter’s good graces. I spent six years with that, Kade. You should have told me the truth from the start, and we could have grieved our son’s death together.”

  His dark eyes turned pitch black, his own grief pooling in the obsidian depths. Angel knew he still blamed himself for Matthew’s death, but she didn’t. Maybe one day he’d realize it wasn’t his fault. He had no way to know the police bursting through the door would startle her badly enough to fall down the stairs.

  “Second, you didn’t drag me into that world. Peter did, whether he meant to or not. He had drug dealers and God only knows who else in and out of the house while I was growing up. Don’t blame yourself for something my brother started.”

  He cupped her face and ran his thumb over her lips to shut her up. “I love you, moye serdste.”

  That stopped her tirade like nothing else could. “I love you too.”

  He pulled her head down and kissed her so gently, it stole her breath. “You’re fucking perfect, Angel, you know that?”

  Instead of answering, she kissed him again. She was terrified about tomorrow, but she couldn’t control what tomorrow would bring. This? Tonight? She could show him how much she loved him. Angel had a feeling her husband needed this as much as she did.

  He deepened the kiss, and that fire caught in her belly, flaming outward, the heat consuming every cell in her body. She let herself get lost in the fire, not caring that Jasper could probably hear them. Kade rolled her, and she groaned when he sat up, straddling her.

  “Fucking flannel, Angel?” He quirked an eyebrow as he leaned down and started to pop one button at a time on the top. Each flick revealed more and more, the cool air of the ceiling fan stroking her heated flesh.

  She laughed at his expression. “You know you like my flannel. Admit it, Kincaid.”

  “Mmm hmmm…” He leaned down and licked the exposed skin between her breasts, sending shivers racing through her. The sensation of his wet tongue against her skin pulled a moan from deep within her. He pushed her shirt to the side, revealing her nipples, which were already begging for attention. He blew across the exposed tip, and she arched up, enticing his lips to taste it. He only chuck
led and sat up, popping more buttons.

  “Kade.” God, did she really sound that whiny?

  “Shush.” He shimmied down her legs and gripped the edges of her pajama bottoms. “I’m busy.” Then he jerked the material, pulling her panties down with them. She let out a hiss, not expecting the harsh movement when he’d teased her just a few seconds before. It didn’t frighten her but made the fires flash hotter under her skin.

  He flipped her, pulling her up, so her knees were positioned on the bed, baring her ass to his gaze. “Don’t move.”

  Angel twisted her head and watched him walk into the bathroom. What the hell was he up to? When he came back a few minutes later, he was whistling. Whistling. Her eyes narrowed. He looked far too pleased with himself.

  He set the towel he carried on the bed behind her. He had to go and put it out of her field of vision, didn’t he? The sound of his pants dropping distracted her enough to bring her gaze back to his now very naked body. Kade stripped bare had always done her in. Tonight was no different. His muscles rippled as he moved, and her mouth watered, visions of running her tongue along those very tight abs…

  He slapped her ass, and she yelped. Glaring, she opened her mouth to yell, but he put a finger to her lips. “You were zoning out, Angel girl. None of that.”

  Holy hell, the expression on his face as he gazed down at her. If she could bottle it, women would never leave the comfort of their bedrooms and their toys. The man was pure sin.

  He grinned wolfishly and slid onto the bed behind her, his hands gripping her cheeks and massaging them. He worked each muscle until she sighed with satisfaction. His hands were liquid sex.

  “You’re leaking, Angel.”

  She already knew that. She’d been leaking since he stripped.

  He slid two fingers inside her, and she clenched them tight, her walls refusing to give them up. Fuck, she needed…

  He pulled them out and slammed them high and hard inside her.

  That. That was what she needed. She sagged against the bed, her thighs vibrating with tension. When he did it again, she couldn’t stop the cry it forced out of her.


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