Protecting What's Mine: A Security Romance Collection

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Protecting What's Mine: A Security Romance Collection Page 74

by Apryl Baker

“Jack?” Harley’s hoarse voice pulls me from my sleep.

  I get up and grab her hand. “Hi, baby. How are you feeling?” I brush her hair out of her face.

  “I hurt. I’m thirsty.” I get the nurse, letting her know that Harley’s awake. She comes in and checks Harley over before disappearing to get her a cup of ice chips. I elevate the head of her bed enough for me to slip ice chips between her lips. “I’m sleepy,” she whispers, and I put the head of her bed back down and Harley falls right back asleep.

  I don’t sleep much through the night. Nurses periodically come in to check her vitals, her IV, and her dressings.

  Reece shows up with the ring box; he leaves us alone and I open it. It’s a platinum band with a princess-cut diamond. I grab her left hand and slip it on her ring finger—it fits perfectly.

  I stare out the window and shake my head. In a million years I never thought I’d get married again, but she makes me want to do a lot of things I said I’d never do.



  I open my eyes and stare up at the plain white ceiling of the hospital room. It feels like someone jammed a hot poker in my gut; I can still feel the blade sinking into my flesh. My heart starts to race. “Harley?” Jack appears above me, and I immediately relax. “Are you okay? You were starting to pant, and your heart rate increased.”

  “Yeah, I was just remembering everything.” I lick my chapped lips. God, even exhausted—which I know he is—he’s still a beautiful man.

  He grabs my hand, bringing it up to his mouth. “He can’t hurt you ever again.” I can only nod. He says it with so much conviction that I believe him.

  Something sparkling on my hand catches my attention, and I bring my hand up to my face. I look at Jack, forgetting all about the pain. “Ummm…did we get engaged?”

  He grins. “I’ve had it for a little bit. I remember you telling me that in one of your books, the heroine got hurt and while she was in the hospital recovering, she woke with the engagement ring on her finger. And I thought, what better way to ask you?” He leans down, holding my hand in his. “What do you say?” He kisses me right over the ring.

  My eyes burn. “I thought you didn’t want that?”

  “I didn’t, until you.” Jack kisses me on the lips. “Marry me? Please.”

  I nod, smiling. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” He kisses me again. “I love you, Jack.”

  “I love you too, Harley.”


  Two weeks later

  I move slowly through Jack’s bedroom—or I should say, our temporary bedroom. After our little honeymoon we’re taking, he’s moving into my home and we’re making it ours.

  I was released from the hospital two days after I was attacked. I’m not sure how I got so lucky since the knife didn’t hit any organs. It’ll take some time to completely heal, though. Jack’s been the one to change my dressing every day, and again, trying to carry me everywhere.

  He’s been wonderful to me, and when I have nightmares he holds me until I’m able to fall back asleep. Cobi has been a fixture at Jack’s—heck, his whole team and the spouses have been over, cooking or bringing food, helping with whatever we need done.

  Jack’s told me Cobi still feels guilty and that he thinks he let us down. I finally got him to sit down and talk with me, and I made it very clear that no one blamed him for anything. When he’s not with us, he’s usually looking in on Sara, even though she always refuses to see him.

  We did find out the whole story: Sara had bought a paperback copy of Release You, and her husband grabbed it from her and read it. He’d slapped her around and then made her stay on her knees praying for hours. Then he began emailing me and digging until he found out more about me.

  When I wouldn’t respond to his emails, he got pissed. He made his wife watch as he shredded my books.

  “Martha” was the name of the preacher’s wife at the church Justin had attended as a child. He’d watched his mom be preached to by his father over and over; his father would make them both kneel while he read scripture after scripture.

  I guess he’d just finally snapped, and beat Sara badly before coming after me. Justin’s still in the hospital, but as soon as he’s able, they’ll transfer him to jail where he’ll face multiple charges, including attempted murder.

  But now I’m focusing back on today: the day I’m marrying Jack.

  Earlier, Delilah braided my hair in one of those thick fishtail braids, sticking flowers throughout my hair. She even did my makeup, giving me a slight glow. I hugged her tightly. “Thank you for doing this.”

  While she hugged me, she whispered in my ear, “Can I call you Mommy?” We laughed and then she kissed my cheek before disappearing downstairs.

  Jack wanted to get married in Vegas, but then I suggested we just do it here because I was still healing, and doing it here meant the kids could be involved too. His parents flew up for the weekend, and his dad had pulled me aside and asked if he could have the privilege of giving me away.

  His sweet gesture made me cry, but I was honestly still a bit of an emotional mess.

  I’ve thought about reaching out to my dad, but I’m nowhere near ready for that, and I may never be. If anything, I just want answers and then to move on with my life, with my new family.

  Someone knocks, and when the door opens, Jerry sticks his head in the room. “Wow, sweetheart, you look beautiful.” His smile widens. “I brought someone to help give you away.” He’s holding Fifty in one hand, and on closer inspection, I see my bunny is wearing a black bow tie. I lean down and kiss his furry head.

  “Thank you for giving me away, and thank you for including my little baby.” I stand up and brush my hand down the off-white dress with capped sleeves; it has an empire waist so it doesn’t rub against the wound on my stomach. The dress is knee-length and I’m wearing a brand-new pair of purple Converses.

  “It’s my pleasure, beautiful girl.” He holds his arm out to me. I loop my arm through his and we head down the steps. Soft classical music plays from the surround sound in the living room. We reach the bottom of the steps and I smile when I see everyone.

  As soon as my eyes land on Jack I begin to cry—happy tears, of course. He smiles widely at me, the smile that I’ve always loved, especially now that it’s directed at me. When we reach him, Jack holds out his hand to me and I take it.

  “You look beautiful, baby.” He’s wearing a white button-up shirt and black dress pants.

  In front of our family, I vow to love Jack and spend the rest of my life making him happy. He vows to do the same, and adds that he has something else to say. “When we first met, I admit I wasn’t the nicest to you, but that was only because I knew you were going to change my life and I was scared. I’m now grateful every day for you coming into my life—for loving me and my family.”

  I smile up at him, not even caring that tears are sliding down my face and dripping from my chin.

  When the minister announces that we can kiss, Jack grabs my face, kissing me thoroughly until everyone’s catcalls cause us to pull away from each other.

  Jack’s parents ordered appetizers and champagne, which means everyone snacks and everyone who could drink does after the short, sweet ceremony.

  Someone turns up the music and “Lucky” by Jason Mraz starts playing through the speakers. My husband grabs me carefully and we begin to slowly dance in the living room. He surprises me by singing along. His voice is deep, rich, and soothing. I rest my cheek on his shoulder and close my eyes.

  That’s another little tidbit I’ve learned about my husband: he can sing, and really well too.

  When the song ends, I open my eyes and see everyone is watching us, and they’re all smiling.

  Reece raises his beer bottle. “To Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie.” I smile at them and then up at Jack. What a perfect day.



  One year later

  I pull into the driveway and shut off my SUV. I wave to my grandkids from the
front window of their house, then make my way inside the house. Silence greets me. I head down the hall toward our bedroom, where I find my beautiful, heavily pregnant wife fast asleep, wrapped around her body pillow.

  Our son Jameson is due any day now, and my girl is hurting. He’s a big boy and has been causing her to have lower back pain and hip pain. She can’t sleep most of the time.

  I sit down next to her and stroke her cheek. Her eyes open and she smiles at me. “You’re home.”

  “How are you feeling?” I help her sit up, and then help her stand.

  Harley rubs her hands over her belly. “Tired, sore, and frustrated. Your son doesn’t want to come out.”

  “He’ll come when he’s ready.” I stroke a hand over her hair before leaning down and kissing her lips.

  She makes her way into the bathroom. I can hear her fiddling around and then she calls out, “Ummm…Jack? My water just broke.” Harley comes waddling out of the bathroom with her dress clearly wet at the bottom.

  Harley is cool, calm, and collected, but I begin to panic—rushing around our bedroom and feeling like I don’t know what the fuck I’m supposed to be doing. My beautiful, patient wife stops me. “Baby, you have to settle down. I’m good, and hopefully we won’t have long to wait before we get to meet our son.”

  “You’re right, sweetheart.” I take a deep breath. “I’m good, I promise.” I grab her bag and help her get changed into dry clothes so we can head to the hospital.

  Once we get there they get us checked in, wheeling her up to labor and delivery, and then I help Harley get changed into her gown. They hook her up to some monitors, and then they start her IV. I send out a group text letting everyone know we’re in the hospital and I’ll keep them posted as things progress.

  We decided we wanted to keep this a private affair—I didn’t want her worrying about everyone in her face. I want her to just focus on letting her body do its thing.

  Five hours later and Harley’s miserable. She wanted to do this au naturel, but the pain became too much so they gave her a shot that would help with the pain and help her relax. She managed to sleep in between contractions, which is what we wanted, her getting some rest. It’s now starting to wear off. The nurse said she’d be back soon to check her.

  “Baby, you’re doing great. Our boy’s going to be here soon.” I kiss her sweaty forehead.

  The nurse pokes her head in the room. “Are we ready to check you to see where you’re at?”

  Harley nods; she’s too tired to talk right now.

  Our nurse has Harley bend her legs while she puts her gloves on and then reaches between her legs. “Who’s ready to have a baby?” She smiles up at us.

  After that, she has Harley push a few times. “That’s great, Harley. You’re doing really well.” I hold Harley’s hand as she pushes each time the nurse tells her to. This goes on for about a half hour and then the doctor is coming in.

  I wrap my arm around Harley’s shoulders and help her lean forward like the nurse instructs us. She smiles at me. “I can see the head. Dad, do you want to look?”

  I lean forward and, sure enough, there’s a head with dark hair right there. “Baby, I can see our boy. He’s almost here.”

  That encourages her to push harder, and in no time the sweetest sound in the world fills the room: the cries of my son. The doctor has Harley grab the baby under the arms and pull him up onto her chest. Tears fill my eyes as I kiss my wife’s sweaty head and smile down at my goo-covered son. “Jack, he’s so beautiful.”

  “That’s because you’re his momma. God, he’s perfect.” The nurse takes our son and gets him all cleaned up and then brings him back. She helps Harley place the baby to her breast, and my son knows a good thing when he sees one: He begins nursing right away.

  While Jameson nurses, I step into the hall and start making the phone calls. When I’m done, I step back into the room. They’ve already got the room all straightened up, and Harley in a fresh gown. “Did he eat well?”

  “Like a champ. Jameson, do you want your daddy?”

  I take my son, holding him in my arms. God, he’s fucking beautiful. “Hey buddy, your big sister is on her way to see you. You better be prepared for lots and lots of kisses.” He opens his eyes and looks at me and I swear my heart swells.

  I can’t believe I convinced myself I never wanted any more kids. Jameson is only an hour old and I already can’t imagine my life without him in it. It took me twenty-three years to find the right woman to do this with again, and I can’t wait to see what our future holds.



  Jameson nurses happily while I read in bed. Our little man is a month old already. He’s starting to coo when we talk to him and Jack swears he smiled at him, but I didn’t have the heart to tell him that it was probably just gas.

  This baby is already loved by a lot of people: his big sister, and his niece and nephews. Growing up all I wanted was a huge family to love and one that would love me back. Then as I got older, I kissed that dream goodbye.

  Jack just didn’t want any part of getting married or having kids again, but together we seemed to fix that for each other. I love that man so much, and every time I look at our son, I love him so much more.

  The front door opens and then I hear footsteps. “Daddy’s home,” I whisper, and sure enough he comes around the corner, looking as handsome as ever. Business for them has been booming, and they’ve finished the expansion. They’ve hired some new staff to take on more clients.

  Jack has cut down on his hours temporarily, just for the baby’s first few months, but he’s got a great team and they’ve stepped in—allowing Jack time with us.

  “Hi, babe.” He climbs on the bed and kisses me before bending down and kissing our son. “How was he today?”

  “Perfect.” Once he’s done eating, I burp him and then hand him over to Jack.

  “I’ll change him and then take him out into the living room so you can get some sleep.”

  He does this every day. It doesn’t matter that he was just at work—he wants to do his part. I couldn’t have picked a better father for my son. I lie down, hug the pillow to my chest, and smile because life is good.


  Two years later, it got even better with the birth of our daughter, Gracie.

  The End

  About the Author

  A Midwesterner and self-proclaimed nerd, Evan has been an avid reader most of her life, but five years ago got bit by the writing bug, and it quickly became her addiction, passion and therapy. When the voices in her head give it a rest, she can always be found with her e-reader in her hand. Some of her favorites include, Shayla Black, Jaci Burton, Madeline Sheehan and Jamie Mcguire. Evan finds a lot of her inspiration in music, so if you see her wearing her headphones you know she means business and is in the zone.

  During the day Evan works for a large homecare agency and at night she’s superwoman. She’s a wife to Jim and a mom to Ethan and Evan, a cook, a tutor, a friend and a writer. How does she do it? She’ll never tell.

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