Aiden (Grim Sinners MC Book 4)

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Aiden (Grim Sinners MC Book 4) Page 6

by LeAnn Ashers

My heart warms at these beautiful, kind ladies. “Thank you so much. You guys are so sweet.

  “Just being truthful.”

  I end up having an amazing night, spending time with these girls. I have had female friends, but these girls make me feel like I could really trust them. Most of Aiden’s friends are such genuine people. It makes me think that the world isn’t as shitty as I thought.

  It’s easy to become jaded, especially when terrible things happen. Then you meet amazing people, and it restores your faith in humanity.

  “Well, great.”

  I follow Joslyn’s eyes and see a man stumbling in our direction. Well, mostly in my direction. One second he’s close to me, and the next Aiden is standing next to me, stopping the guy in his tracks.

  He looks at Aiden before he backs away and crosses the room. My mouth is hanging open at this point, because that was hot as hell.

  Aiden touches the back of my head before kissing my temple, and he goes back to his friends.

  I look at the girls wide eyed because that just happened, but they aren’t shocked like I am. “Welcome to the world of alphas, honey. They are a different but amazing breed.”

  I wholeheartedly agree. I think this is going to be an entirely different kind of experience, and that is something I am excited about.

  I am excited about him. My eyes connect with his and, for the first time in a long time, it’s like I am finally living.



  After being out until around two o’clock in the morning, I decided to stay all night with Aiden. Honestly, I just wanted to fall asleep in his arms again.

  I look at the clock on the wall, wondering what brought me out of my sleep, and that’s when my phone starts ringing again. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. I never get a call at this time.

  I pick it up, sitting up in bed, trying not to wake Aiden. “Hello?” I whisper.

  “Is this Gracelyn Walters?” a professional-sounding lady asks, and my stomach sinks. I don’t think this is going to be good.

  “Yes?” I feel the bed move and, from the corner of my eye, I see Aiden sit up, confused.

  “I am calling about your aunt Mary. She is on life support at the ICU in Saint Thomas. If you want to come see her, I would come as soon as possible.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper back. I put the phone down, and I’m instantly hit with what do I do?

  My dad’s side of the family and I just don’t get along. I did like Aunt Mary, but she was the only one. The rest of my dad’s family aren’t good people, and I want to avoid them like the plague. I have not seen my dad or any of his family since I was eleven years old.

  But I want to see my aunt.

  “Sweetheart, are you okay?” Aiden pulls me into his lap and turns my face gently so I am looking at him.

  My stomach is in a bunch of knots; I am sick and confused. I am scared, because I don’t want to see… “That was the hospital. My aunt is on life support, and they called the family in.”

  His face softens. “Let’s get dressed and I will drive you there.”

  Relief hits me. “You’re going with me?”

  He touches the side of my face, his thumb stroking my cheekbone so tenderly. “Of course I am.”

  I feel like I should tell him about that side of the family. The anxiety is clawing up my throat, making it hard to breathe. I close my eyes, trying not to think about…

  “I have to warn you, I have not seen that side of the family since I was eleven years old. They aren’t nice people.”

  “Don’t worry, baby, I will be right by your side.”

  Relief slams into me hard. I never realized how much I needed to hear that and know that I am not going into this alone.

  I grip the sides of his face, kissing him softly. I want this kiss to let him know every single thing I am feeling.

  We kiss for a few minutes before pulling away, and I press one last kiss on his cheek. I slide out of bed and into the bathroom. Luckily, I was smart enough to pack an overnight bag.

  I hurry and get dressed because I just want to get this over with. I want to see her, pay my respects, and just get the hell out.

  I stop putting foundation on my face and look at myself in the mirror. You got this, Gracelyn. You aren’t the same little girl anymore. You are strong and brave, and you can handle every single thing life throws at you.

  I immediately feel better. I square my shoulders and walk out of the bathroom, ready as I ever will be.

  Aiden hits the elevator button for me. I swallow hard in anticipation of what I’m going to face. I can feel him looking at me.

  “It’s fucking killing me to see you so anxious. Want me to just clear everyone out so you can see her alone?” He pulls me into a hug.

  I laugh. “That would be so appreciated but unnecessary. You’re a sweetheart.” I look up at him, smiling.

  His eyes are shining with happiness, and he presses his lips to mine. “I told you I wasn’t sweet,” he says under his breath.

  “Keep telling yourself that,” I tease, just as the door opens, bringing me back to reality. He takes my hand, and I squeeze his in thanks. I am beyond thankful I am not doing this alone.

  I walk into the ICU, and the first thing I notice is my aunt. Aunt Mary is one of my dad’s sisters. Other members of my dad’s family are gathered in the ICU. I want to turn around and run out of the room. I just pray that the two people I hate more than anything aren’t here.

  I gather my strength and walk toward them with my head held high. They only have the amount of power over me that I give them.

  I am not a small child anymore; it’s different now.

  My aunt Glenna looks up at me, and her husband, Ron, is right behind her, sitting in a chair. She scowls at me, looking me up and down. “I’m sorry but only family are allowed in here.”

  That immediately pisses me right off. “Did you forget you had a niece?”

  Her eyes widen as she takes a closer look at me. She looks way different than she used to. Over the years, life has not been easy for her; the cut on her lip is a sign of that. When you’re involved with this family, a rough life is inevitable.

  Most of the men in the family have little to no sympathy for anyone. They just do whatever satisfies them, even when it hurts others. Hurting others is something they take great pride in. They love and thrive on it.

  “Gracelyn?” Aunt Glenna says as I walk through the entrance. One by one, my relatives look at me, shocked.

  “How did you know?” Aunt Glenna says and I can tell, right off the bat, she is angry.

  Did I mention they hated me?

  I ignore all of them; it’s like my skin is crawling. The bathroom door opens and someone walks out. I immediately feel sick to my stomach. I look into the eyes of my dad’s brother. His eyes connect with mine, and I want to scream.

  I look away and walk to the edge of Aunt Mary’s bed, ignoring the stares and the whispering.

  Aunt Mary looks so lifeless. I got out of this family, but she didn’t. I knew she hated it, but she got married when she was just fourteen or fifteen. This life was all she had known.

  She tried to make her world normal, to separate herself from the insanity, but it always bleeds into you one way or another.

  My heart breaks for her because not once did she experience peace. She never had one ounce of happiness with her husband. She wouldn’t have known what love was. And she didn’t have kids because she couldn’t bring one into the world she was living in.

  I bend down and kiss her cheek and touch her hand. “I am so sorry. May you finally have the peace you always dreamt of, Mary. I hope that you’re laughing and happy,” I whisper in her ear, my heart breaking for her.

  She was the only sense of normal I ever had in my life. She always made sure, one way or another, that I had everything I needed. She tried her best; she tried to protect me.

  She is the closest thing I ever had to family.

  A tear slips down my cheek, an
d I push her hair away from her face. She is so pale. I wish I could have talked to her one more time and let her know the world is better outside of hell.

  “I think it’s time for you to go.” I tense at the sound of my uncle’s voice, and disgust settles in my stomach.

  “Why don’t you mind your own fucking business,” Aiden snarls. This is the first time in my life someone has stood up for me.

  “I love you.” I kiss the top of Mary’s head one last time, and I look at the room filled with people who hate me. I want to say so much to them, but it’s not worth it. Aiden puts his hand on the small of my back. He went into a war zone with me, and he stood right by my side and faced them down. I will never, ever forget that.

  We start to walk out of the room, and my uncle steps toward me. A second later my world stops on its axis as the next person steps into the room.

  I want to scream; the pain is so fierce it pierces my stomach and heart. I can’t breathe. I am frozen in complete, utter panic.

  The memories hit me full force.

  My father recognizes me, and he looks me up and down. I want to throw up.


  I can tell that Grace is hurt by what’s happened to her aunt. I can feel the hate pouring off the people in the room, and I want to fucking give them a piece of my mind. She doesn’t need this shit. She is fucking beautiful, and these people are the exact opposite.

  I can feel the bitterness and meanness written all fucking over them. Especially the fucker who walked out of the bathroom and glared at her.

  I stepped in front of her. If he is going to glare at someone, it’s going to be me. Not her.

  Grace steps away from her aunt and looks at everyone in the room, then at the guy who’s been glaring at her, and she pales. I put my hand on her back, my body stiffening, ready to beat some ass.

  Someone walks into the room, and his eyes immediately go to Grace. She sucks in a sharp breath and her face pales, her whole body shaking under my touch.

  What the fuck is going on?

  I step in front of her, and she grips the back of my shirt, burying her face into my back like she wants to hide. The man who just stepped into the room moves closer to Grace. “What the fuck is she doing here?”

  The one who came out of the bathroom speaks up. “I don’t know, but she needs to leave or she’s going to fucking regret it.”

  I snap.

  I grip him by his fucking throat, slamming him into the bathroom door. His head bounces off the door, causing his eyes to roll back for a second. “I don’t know who you are, but threatening her is a deadly fucking mistake. Watch your back.” I wish I could put a bullet in his head.

  I let him go and he collapses to the ground. I put my arm around Grace. She holds onto me tightly, like she is afraid of being ripped away.

  We step out into the hallway. The man whose head I just slammed into a door follows us out of the room. “It’s very good to see you again.”

  She doesn’t turn around or acknowledge him but pulls me down the hallway and into the elevator. Once inside, she leans against the wall and stares at the ceiling like she is in a daze.

  I am fucking worried.


  I don’t remember how I got outside. I don’t remember anything but the words of my father, saying it was good to see me.

  I had a moment of pure, utter terror, and the panic attack completely took over. If Aiden hadn’t been there, I don’t know what could’ve happened.

  My worst nightmare came to life: my father and uncle in the same room.

  Hands grip my face, and I look into Aiden’s eyes. I can tell he is worried. “Grace, what’s the matter?”

  My stomach turns, and I run to the back of the truck and vomit on the grass. I hear him open the truck, and then he is there with me. He pulls my hair out of my face, takes the hair tie off my wrist, and pulls my hair into a bun. “Here.” Baby wipes come into view, and he presses one against the back of my neck, cooling me.

  Why has he not run?

  I clean my face; then he hands me a small bottle of mouthwash and I rinse out my mouth. He helps me into his truck and gets in on the driver’s side. Then he looks at me and I look down in my lap.

  What do I say?

  “Sweetheart, it’s fucking killing me knowing you’re so upset, and I don’t know what’s going on.”

  I close my eyes and try not to burst into tears. If I tell him, this might be the very last time I am around him. But I also have to be true to myself and not pretend that everything is perfect, because it’s far from it.

  “What do you want to know?” I whisper, slightly heartbroken.


  “Let’s go back to your house and I will tell you.” I lean against the door and just try to hold myself together, expecting the worst outcome.

  We reach his house way too soon. I just want to scream at the injustice of it all.

  I walk into his house, without bothering to look at him, and sit down on his couch. I grab the blanket off the back, covering myself.

  I see his feet first; then I feel the couch shift as he sits beside me. I make myself look at him, and his face turns blurry as my eyes fill with tears.

  “I am so afraid,” I whisper. I have only told my story to a few people, and one of them is my therapist.

  He intertwines our fingers. “No matter what, I will be here with you.”

  If only… This is so embarrassing.

  “I was three years old when the abuse started. It started small. It started with touches.” I stop as I remember to breathe. I can’t look at him, so I look at the ground and just try to hold myself together, because telling him is probably the hardest thing I have ever done.

  “My father made it seem like it was normal, then it got worse—until he raped me. He raped me for years, until I was around eleven years old, but before that it got worse.” A sob escapes because the pain of it all is coming back.

  “I just remember praying, as a child, begging for it all to stop. My dad’s side of the family knew it was happening.” I grip my blanket, just hoping it can keep me grounded until I can get it all out. “So much happened—physical, sexual, and verbal abuse was my everyday life. Then one day my uncle started touching me, and then I realized I needed to get out.”

  I sniff. Please help me, Lord, help me have the strength.

  “One day I made my father take me to the doctor because I knew that was the only time I could get privacy. I was homeschooled and just completely trapped. I told her everything, and the police were called right then and there. My father and uncle were arrested, and then I became the person everyone on my dad’s side of the family hated. Today was the first time I have seen them since I was eleven years old, when I testified.”

  I am picked up off the couch and set on his lap. I look at him for the first time since I started telling him.

  “It fucking hurts me, baby, that this happened to you. You’re so fucking brave, putting a stop to it. You’re the most amazing, beautiful woman. I am in awe of your strength.” He kisses my forehead, and that’s all it takes for me to break.

  I sob. I cry for the first time in a long time, but these tears are healing; they’re releasing all of the bad.

  He holds me—he lets me get rid of all the pain—and I can’t tell you how many times I have wanted this to happen.

  “I thought you wouldn’t want me anymore,” I tell him.

  He looks at me like I’m crazy. “That’s not possible, baby. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. You’re fucking perfect. This shit doesn’t define you. It shows how unbelievably strong you are.” He wipes my tears away with his thumb. “Nothing can change the way I see you. You’re my CiCi.”

  For the first time today, I smile—because a huge part of me just fell in love with Aiden.

  I lay my head on his shoulder and, for the first time in my life, I let myself be held and comforted.


  I never expected her to tell me that. I
knew shit had happened, but I never imagined that happened to her.

  She is so fucking beautiful, filled with such light and happiness, that I never thought. Hearing what happened to her fucking killed me right down to my soul. I was in the presence of those fuckers earlier, and if I had known, they would have had bullets in their heads right then.

  They will pay. Every single fucking person who had a hand in what happened to her. If they caused her an ounce of pain, they will face the wrath of me.

  I know one fucking thing. I will make sure she never suffers any amount of pain in her life again, and I will never see the fear of rejection in her eyes—that shit hurt.

  I see her in a whole new fucking light. I’m filled with so much respect because she has kept on going—and look what she is doing with her life.

  She is fucking amazing. She is an angel. She is not bitter or mad at the world; that shows what kind of person she is.

  She is my person.

  She is mine.

  Nothing can change that. This shit will be dealt with, and she will never have to be afraid of them again.

  “Sleep, baby,” I tell her softly, stroking her back and holding her. I don’t think I could let her go if I tried.

  This has ripped my fucking heart open. I am so fucking mad, but I can’t let her see that. She needs me, and I am going to be whatever she needs. Right now she needs me to be calm and comforting, and that’s what she’s going to get.

  Their day will come.


  Grace left earlier to go to the center, and I am going to the club. I have to take care of those fuckers that hurt her.

  I am so fucking pissed; it’s just gotten worse every single second since she told me. The fear on her face when she saw both of them in the same room fucking killed me.

  It’s hard to believe she went through all this alone. When we were fourteen years old, I noticed a change in her. I knew she was going through some stuff, but I had no idea what she was struggling with.

  In the clubhouse, Lane is sitting at the bar with Travis, Wilder, Smiley, and Lucas.

  “Can I speak to you guys?” I nod in the direction of the room where we have our meetings. I hold the door open for them as they walk inside. Then I shut the door and close my eyes for a second, because I have to tell them of the horrors Grace has experienced.


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