Rescuing His Virgin: The Mercenairies

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Rescuing His Virgin: The Mercenairies Page 2

by Moore, M. K.

  There are no words for how I feel right now. Fulfilled comes to mind.

  I kiss him until I can’t feel my lips anymore. His cock hardens inside me. With wild abandon, he fucks into me over and over. Hell yeah.

  I come again as does he.

  “We should get moving. I need to get you to safety,” he says as he sets me back down.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I think I am pretty safe now.”

  He grins and kisses me again.

  I finally feel like everything is going to be okay.


  Shit. Her pussy was so warm and tight. The shock of finding a girl as beautiful as she is a virgin was more than I expected. But, her giving that virginity to me, is even more surreal. Spilling the last of my seed inside her juicy cunt, I brace against the tree for a second to catch my breath. I will never regret this turn of events, but I do regret not giving her something else for her first time. I set her on her feet and kiss her softly, trying to convey my appreciation for the gift she gave me and make sure she knows that I felt it too.

  We both groan as I pull my protesting cock out of pussy. Neither of us wanting to break the connection.

  “Come on baby. That set us back a bit. I don’t want to get caught with our pants down. Literally. Or otherwise.”

  “Ok. I…well…never mind. I’m ready.” I turn to look at her as I fix my pants. Her lip in her mouth, hands fidgeting beside her. I can tell she has something on her mind. I know we just met, and we have much to learn, but right here, right now, I want her to know she can come to me. She can tell me her fears and concerns and I will listen and slay any dragon I need to.

  “Hey, baby look at me. Tell me, what’s wrong?” Her quivering lip is going to be my undoing. I should be moving us from this spot toward freedom, but all I want to do is take her down the ground and slam my cock into her over and over making sure whatever insanity has beseeched us never leaves.

  “I just...well...I want you to know I don’t regret this. It's not like...what do they call it...hero’s not that. I really feel something in here...ya know” she puts her hand over her heart. “And I wanted to know if, maybe, you don’t regret it either?”

  This fucking girl.

  “Kimbella, there is nothing about this I regret other than not meeting you sooner and that your first time was in the middle of the jungle. But, I would do it again if it got my son-bearing cream inside you baby. Now kiss me and let’s get the hell out of here.”

  Happy to hear my answer she bounces her sexy ass on her toes and kisses me chastely, but I got the message. I grab her hand and we trek the rest of the way through the forest.

  After what feels like an eternity, we come to a clearing in the trees and I can see the Humvees up ahead. As we get closer, I can see Axel and Diesel are already inside and from the looks of the fog on the windows of both trucks, I can see I am not the only one who found light in the darkness. Too bad I have to break the private parties up.

  “Fellas,” I yell this so they know I am outside the vehicle. I can hear the hastening of...whatever they have to correct going on in there before the doors finally open.

  “Sir. Sorry, Sir. I had to…”

  “It’s not what it looks like,” says her friend, Saffron. “I was just feeling grateful and wanted to thank him for saving my life.” I look from her to Axel and almost chuckle at the fire coming out his ears. He looks madder than a cat on a hot tin roof.

  “The fuck that’s all it was. Nothing about that dripping…”

  “Ahem.” I clear my throat stopping him from finishing that sentence. Not only would it be wrong to embarrass her like that, but I don’t want some other man saying the word pussy in front of my woman. Axel looks ready to spit shit right now. I don't want to pull rank, but we don’t time for this.

  “Kim, can you get in the next truck with me. Please?” Saffron begs her. I can read the indecision on her face, as she looks from me to her friend.

  “I was going to ride with the Colonel.” She tells her, leaning further into me. I know she wants to be there for her friend.

  “It’s ok baby. Go ride with Saffron. You might as well spend as much time as you can with her now. Cause once we make it back to home base, you won’t be leaving my house, let alone the bed for a long time baby. Now go.” I whisper this in her ear as I squeeze her plump ass. My cock, the rowdy fucker, doesn’t care we are still in enemy territory. He wants back in his new home. She leans into me, puckers her lips up and fuck if I can turn her down even though we have an audience. I run my fingers through her hair with one hand as my other pulls her waist flush against me. Our tongues mate in a dance full of promise and heat. She moans in my mouth, trying to climb me, desperate for me to take her again.

  “Calm down baby. Not here. Go.”

  After making sure everyone is in the vehicles, we drive through the border patrol, 40 clicks ahead. The badge affixed on the front of our Humvees is enough of a pass that we don’t need to show ID. Those badges get us clearance into anywhere in the world, without divulging who we are. And once I make the call to Hagen, our images will be scrubbed from the border cameras.



  “Clean up in aisle 4.”

  “Roger that. Scrubbers in action.”

  I hang up, no more words needed.

  I drop the girls off with Axel and his brother, waiting patiently for Kimbella to say her goodbyes. When she gets back in the car, the air is charged with the promise of what’s to come.

  Putting my hand on her thigh, I use the connection to calm the pulsing of my cock. Ha. Joke’s on me. All it does is make me pulse harder. I can feel the bead of sweat forming on my upper mouth. I lick my lips trying to calm my racing heart. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see her chest rising and falling. Her thighs tightening under my hand as she too fights the need that threatens to break us both.

  “Where are we going?” she finally asks, voice husky and sultry.

  “Home.” I can only manage the one word without giving my insane need for her away.

  “Your home?”

  “No, Swan. Our home.”

  “I like the sound of that. Colonel.”

  I am glad to know she wants it to be ours as well. But the truth is...didn’t give any fucks either way. It’s where we are going and where she is staying. Forever. Don’t give a fuck how fast it is either. She is never getting away from me.


  Being in his home, somewhere in Minnesota, since I fell asleep and I have no idea where we ended up, feels right. The very first thing I did was take the hottest shower I have ever had. It felt amazing. Now clean and warm in his dress shirt I found in the closet, I feel human again. Somehow in that shithole, he found my purse but not my phone. Finding him in his bland living room, he holds out his hand to me, so I move to sit on his lap. His cock is already hard under my ass. Squirming, I try to get closer to him.

  “How was your shower, swan?”

  “Perfect,” I sigh. He feels so warm and strong underneath me. Do all men feel like this? “Um, can I call my parents? Let them know that I’m alright.”

  “Of course. I’ve spoken with your father already.” He hands me his cell phone and immediately, I call my dad.

  “Daddy?” I ask when he answers it on the first ring.

  “Bella? Is that really you?” The familiar and comforting sound of my father’s voice almost brings me to tears. Has it really only been a few days since I saw him last?

  “Yes. I’m fine. Saffron is fine too. Thank you, Daddy. The Colonel said you sent him.”

  “We did. Here speak to your mother. Colonel Cranks explained why we can’t see you yet and we understand that.” That is news to me, but honestly, I am not ready to leave his side.

  “Bella!” My mom shouts as she takes the phone from my dad. Now, my tears flow freely. My mom was my first best friend and we are really, really close.

  “Hi, Momma.” She begins asking me incoh
erent questions and since she is sobbing too, I can’t understand her through her tears. “Momma, please calm down. I’m fine, I swear. We’ll see each other soon.” My voice is just as jumbled and incomprehensible as hers. What a fine pair we make.

  “You will call me every day until you are home,” she says sniffling.

  “Of course. Every day. I love you guys. We’ll talk again tomorrow.”

  I end the call and Colin takes the phone from me, setting it down on the table next to him.

  “I have to go into the office for a little bit and clear some things up, but then I am all yours,” he says smiling at me. “

  I start to panic inwardly. I REALLY don’t want to be out of his sight, but I am going to use the time to reflect and maybe take a nap in his huge bed.

  “Ok,” I say swallowing my anxiety about being separated from him again. Riding with Saffron was torture. “I think I might take a quick nap. I am exhausted.”

  “You should eat something first,” he says rubbing my bare ass. Even this little touch makes me wet as hell. God, I really need to get a handle on this.

  “I just ate all that beef jerky on the way here. I’m gonna ease back into eating,” I say laughing and patting my belly

  “If you think that’s best.”

  “I do,” I say getting off of his lap and sitting back down on the couch.

  He stands and leans down kissing me soundly. Damn, he’s good at that and I don’t want to think about how he got that particular skill, but fuck his mouth feels amazing and I wonder what it would feel like on my pussy. Before I saw him, sex was the furthest thing from my mind. Now, all I can think about is getting him on top of me, giving me what I need.

  “I’ll be back soon,” he says grabbing his phone and walking out of the room. At the doorway, he stops and turns back to me. “Are you sure you going to be okay for a little while?”

  “I’ll be fine. Go take care of business,” I say with more conviction than I am feeling. He nods once and continues on his way.

  Once I hear the front door close, I am up and snooping around. I look through all the cabinets in the kitchen, finding nothing good. I walk down the long hall and glance into each room. The first door is a spare bedroom. Boring. The next door is more of the same. Three spare rooms in all. The last door before the one I know leads to his bedroom is his office. His desk has a three monitor setup that I am a little bit jealous of. I sit down at his desk and a sense of power washes over me. I shiver. Not for the first time, I wonder if my feelings for him are in essence a form of hero worship. While I do have excessive admiration for him, I know it is way more than that.

  Shaking the thoughts from my head, a pile of manila folders catches my attention. I know I shouldn’t, but my curiosity gets the better of me. I pull the stack in front of me and open the first one. A beautiful woman stares back at me. The next sixteen folders are much of the same.

  Does he do this with every woman he meets? Am I just one of many?

  I lose track of time reading all about the remarkable women he has recused. Tears fill my eyes as I realize I am not accomplished at all. At best, I am a charitable socialite who trusts too easily. File after file tells me I am not good enough for a man like Colin, but fuck I want to be. Is it crazy that I want to be everything to him? That I want to be his forever. I don’t think I’ve known him for twelve hours yet, but that’s more than enough time to fall hard for someone in my opinion, mostly because that’s what happened here. I look up guiltily when I hear someone clear their throat. My gaze meets his and I am so busted.


  Typical woman. A man leaves you alone in his house and you snoop. Don’t get me wrong, I am in no way upset because I have nothing to hide and I want her to feel at home here. But there are some things I would rather she not see. In reference to my line of work.

  “Looking for something baby?” I have no clue why I find it sexy to watch her fidget, but every time she bites the corner of her mouth, I want to fuck her.

  “Uhm…not really. Are all of these women you have saved?”

  “Yes.” I can tell by the way she won’t look at me where this situation is going. I want her to ask the question so I can answer it and we can never have this between us again.

  “They are all so beautiful.”

  “Are they?” I never looked at any of them like that until her.

  “Yes. And most of them are important. Accomplished.”

  “I suppose so.” Come on baby. Ask the question.

  “Did you...did you sleep with all of them?” Bingo.


  “Really?!?” she says with such incredulity I want to be insulted.


  “So why me?”

  “The moment I saw you in the picture your dad sent, something in me drummed over and over, a steady beat, with one thing resonating. You’re mine. The way you laugh, your smile, your big tits, that round ass, those beautiful eyes and especially that tight ass pussy I took. All of it is mine.” I lift her up and put her on top of my desk. Our tongues desperate for one another, mating in a frenzy. My mind keeps chanting ‘Pregnant. Breed. Breed her.’ My hands are all over her. One hand sliding under my shirt she is wearing, as I come to her bare uncovered pussy. She spreads her legs as she whimpers, desperate for my fingers to touch her.

  “Thighs so wet and sticky from you leaking all over. You want me, baby?”

  “Yes. I want you so much. Sir.” Fuck.

  “Then tell me what you want.”

  “Fuck me.” Before she can finish the word, my pants are down, and I am buried deep inside her warm cunt.

  “Shit, Sir. Oh fuck. So deep.” My hands gripping her legs, I pull almost all the way out before slamming back in over and over. Forcing her pussy to meet me thrust for thrust.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. She feels so good. Her nails scratching my back is the giddy up I need to unleash. We are like two battering rams, trying to bring each other to heel.

  “Oh God. Harder, sir. Yes. Right there.”

  She is giving as good as I am. Squeezing her pussy over and over threatening to make me come harder.

  “Shit. You little fucking cheat. You know exactly what you’re doing, don’t you? Go ahead. Squeeze me some more. Force me to put my baby in you.” She likes this. She becomes ravenous as she moves beneath me, wild and out of control.

  “Oh shit. Come with me baby. Now.” I scream as I pinch her clit and she goes over.

  God, she’s beautiful as she gives herself to me.


  Though he's moved away from me, I'm still coming down from my orgasm. I'm trying to catch my breath. I'll never get enough of his magical cock. God, even thinking about it is enough to almost come again. Are we ever gonna make it to a damn bed?

  "What do we need a bed for?" he asks, and I realize I said that out loud. I burst out laughing. We leave the office and go into his manly living room.

  "Maybe for a little bit of comfort or something. I don't know," I say. Sex wasn't even on my damn radar before him.

  "How about a little comfort on the couch?"

  "What's on the couch?" I ask, thinking he wants my pussy again.

  "The TV control. You probably want to relax after your ordeal."

  "My ordeal?"

  "Ya know, drugged, kidnapped, held without food or water."

  “I remember it,” I say though I'd rather not. “Do you have a smart TV?” I was right in the middle of a show on Amazon Prime that I'd like to finish. It amazes me that yesterday I thought I'd be dead, never doing something as mundane as watching TV again.

  "Of course," he says going around the couch and sitting on it. He pats the cushion next to him and I snuggle into his side. His scent invades my senses. It's like trees and clean air. It doesn't fail to make my pussy wet. We watch TV for a while, M*A*S*H, in case you were wondering. Luckily, I like M*A*S*H.

  Since I've seen them all, I think about what happened in that jungle and about how I want so much m
ore from this man. No other man will do. He's amazing. Strong. Attentive. I need him to be mine.

  Around eight, his doorbell rings. I panic for a second, as he said he was secluded in the woods between two tiny ass towns. But it's short-lived. I know he'd do anything to protect me.

  "Wait here," he says moving out to the front door. I hear it open and he exchanges quiet pleasantries. Then, I hear a female. She giggles and I'm up. My jealousy is swift. I'm at the door and a gorgeous woman is standing there. She's holding a covered casserole dish and carrying a reusable shopping bag. I'm not exactly what you would call dressed. I look like a freaking bum compared to this goddess. I'm only wearing Colin's extremely large black tee shirt. I instinctively curl my hand around his giant bicep, squeezing it possessively. He chuckles, low under his breath and flexes his muscles under my fingertips. I give her my nice-nasty smile. The one I’ve perfected in my years a politician’s daughter. She doesn't even flinch. Damn, I must be getting rusty.

  "Hi, you must be Kimbella. I'm Misty Odenkirk. I am the executive assistant at Berserker Security, and I work with the colonel. I heard you were here with him. I figured you must be starving. This guy doesn't cook unless you count MRE's, which I definitely don't. No one should. I made lasagna. There's a salad, a few dressings, and a six pack of beer and I may or may not have done some Facebook stalking and determined Dr. Pepper was your favorite."

  "Thank you," I say remembering my manners. Colin takes the stuff from her hands.

  "Alright. Welcome to our little corner of the world. I'll leave you two alone now. If you are in need of clothes, some of the ladies in town just opened a boutique downtown. They'll help you out." Colin sets the stuff down on the little table by the door.

  "Thank you, Misty. I'll check it out." She waves and climbs back into a huge truck and drives off. Colin shuts the door and after gripping my arm presses my back against it.


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