Mak's: The Mountain Man's Crush (BWWM) (The Wallflower's Series Book 6)

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Mak's: The Mountain Man's Crush (BWWM) (The Wallflower's Series Book 6) Page 4

by T. C. Clark

  “Honestly, no. Now I did think for a while I’d made the wrong choice. It’s hard for painters these days most people prefer digital art because of the cost and the ease of purchasing it. But I’m a traditional sort of man. It was definitely an uphill battle for a while.”

  “But I bet it felt good when you reached the top,” she said.

  “It did,” he admitted.

  A handsome Spanish man walked in with a wild look in his eyes. He was a little smaller than Maks but he held the same quality of strength. He quickly looked around the cafeteria and ran in their direction. “Where’s Isabella?” he asked.

  “She should be in the delivery ward,” Leslie said.

  “Yeah, we dropped her off in the ER just a few minutes ago,” Maks added.

  Nina, one of the few nurses who worked in the tiny hospital walked up with a frown on her face. “We’ve been looking for you, Marco. I need you to come with me.”

  “Are they okay?” Marco asked warily, he ran a big hand through his black curly hair.

  “You need to come with me,” Nina said again. She looked as if she’d rather talk to him in private.

  “Nina, tell me. I don’t care if they hear. They’re the ones who got her here. Please just say they’re okay,” he said.

  “The baby’s fine. It’s Isabella we’re worried about and you really should come with me.” This time she didn’t wait, she reached out and grabbed his arm. They watched them leave and Leslie turned to Maks with tears in her eyes.

  “I bet you it was the blood,” she said.

  “Leslie, stop it.”

  “I should have done more. I didn’t know how to stop the bleeding. What if something happens to her?” She closed her eyes as her mind raced with all the things she could have done differently.

  “Leslie, there is nothing more we could have done, you know that.” Maks reached for her hand and she squeezed it. After a few minutes of silence, Leslie stood and pulled him with her. They walked down the hall.

  He didn’t know where she was leading him and he didn’t seem to care. When they arrived at the small hospital chapel, they found Marcos sitting alone on one of the pews. Leslie moved to one side of him and directed Maks to the other side. They didn’t speak they just closed their eyes and prayed with him.

  The three of them stayed that way until a doctor walked up holding a folder. She asked to speak to Marcos outside. Leslie and Maks watched him walk outside and then turned and looked at each other.

  She was scared. Growing up practically living in hospitals, she’d seen this talk go the wrong way too many times. Maks leaned forward and tucked one dark curl behind her ear. He pulled her stiff body closer to him and wrapped an arm around her. Something about the weight of his arm and the warmth of his body unexpectedly comforted her.

  When Marcos walked back in he was smiling. He told them Isabella was going to be fine. Leslie sagged with relief. It was as if all the adrenaline that had fueled her today disappeared within seconds. Maks arranged for a car to pick them up from the hospital.

  The ride back was filled with peaceful silence. Her animosity towards him was tucked away for now. When they got back to the cabins. He walked her to her door.

  “It’s been a helluva a day. I’m sorry you didn’t get to see the town. You could always try tomorrow,” he reasoned. He stood feet braced apart using his massive frame to block the howling wind from her body. She didn’t know if he did it consciously, but she appreciated it.

  “I’ll go another day. Tomorrow I’m probably going to be sleeping today off. How are you going to get the trucks back?” she asked.

  “I’ve already sent two of the maintenance men I use for the upkeep of the cabins to get them. Your truck will be back in the garage before morning.”

  “Thanks, Maks. Also, thanks for keeping me calm today. I have to admit I was glad you were there,” she confessed.

  “Don’t thank me; all I did was say a few words. You and Isabella did all the work. I’m just grateful you found Isabella when you did. Who knows what would have happened if you didn’t? Would you like to get something to eat tomorrow?” he asked, his dark gray eyes surveyed her expression as he waited for her to answer. She could feel his will fighting hers. After a day like today, she would be an easy target for a man like him.

  For a second she wondered what it would feel like to be loved by him. Most likely it would be magnificent and overwhelming. But she couldn’t risk giving into her feelings. They’d just started to build a fragile friendship, and she knew he had another side to his charming personality.

  “No, I think I’m going to catch up on my writing. Thanks for the offer.” She didn’t give him a chance to ask for anything else. She just mumbled her goodbye and slipped inside. She waited at the door watching him through the blinds as he walked away.

  She caught a glimpse of herself in the living room mirror and frowned. Her curls had frizzed up so much that she was sporting a massive afro. Her brown skin was almost gray and her clothes were caked in blood. She took a deep breath and stretched her back. A glass of red wine and a hot bath that’s what she needed, she would do anything to keep her mind off of the tall mountain man that occupied the cabin next to hers.

  Maks walked into his home with a smile on his face. He’d felt Leslie’s eyes on his back as he walked away. He was happy. Isabella and Sofia were safe. Leslie was looking at him with something other than disgust. Today was a good day. He grabbed a water bottle and picked up his phone. He didn’t calculate the time difference he just dialed his brother’s number.

  “Hello?” a woman’s sleepy voice whispered into the phone. His sister-in-law, he cursed he hadn’t thought about waking her up. Nikos was pretty sure she was pregnant again.

  “Sorry, Ada. Can I speak to Nikos?” Maks opened his fridge and pulled out a yogurt.

  “Oh, hey Maks. Yeah, give him a second. You know how he is when he wakes up.” He smiled; Nikos had the temperament of a child when it came to waking up. It was the one area of his life that he’d yet to master. There was a rustling noise in the background.

  “What in the hell are you doing calling here this late. You know I wear Ada out, she needs her sleep,” Nikos laughed as Ada hit him hard on the arm.

  “I just wanted to tell you that I’ve met the woman I’m going to marry,” he announced downing a spoonful of yogurt.

  He laughed. “How did you get Leslie to agree to that?”

  “How did you know I was talking about Leslie?” Maks put his spoon down, was he that obvious?

  “Really Maks? You’ve been barking up that tree for a while now.”

  “No, I haven’t got her to agree to anything yet. Apparently, I fucked up when I met her. I can only imagine it was after…. you know,” he said quietly.

  “You just need to tell her everything. She’s a sweet girl, once she understands what was going on I’m sure she can forgive you for what you did.”

  Something in Nikos tone told him he knew what she kept referring to. “You know what she’s talking about. Tell me what happened,” he demanded.

  “It’s not my story to tell and anyway you can wait until she’s ready to tell you. Don’t forget everything that is happening right now is your fault. I can agree with her on that. All I’m saying is that I think that you too can move past it as long as you tell her everything.

  “Nikos, I can’t tell her everything. It’s too soon.”

  “Then you don’t want to marry her. You can’t have it both ways, Maks. You’re smart, you know that. It’s either all or nothing with a woman like Leslie. She’s not one of those bimbos you used to be so fond of. She’s more than that and if you want her, you’re going to have to make her believe it. Now I have a wife to tend to I will talk to you later.” Nikos hung up and Maks stood still as he thought about what he’d said.

  Maks pulled a small worn picture out of his wallet. He looked down at it for a moment and then kissed it. If telling her everything was the only way for them to move forward, then
he would do it. If he’d learned anything in his life, it was that every moment mattered and he wasn’t going to miss a single one with Leslie.

  * * *

  Leslie read through the first 10,000 words of her romance book with a frown. She really needed to have Ursula look at it. She couldn’t tell if it was good or not. What made a romance story work? How was she supposed to know, she’d never been good at it herself? She sighed and stood up.

  She’d been writing since 6 am. It was time to get dressed and make some food. She put on a red long sleeve cotton dress and took the time to de-tangle and reseal her curly hair. She smiled when she noticed how long it was. Thank god for that natural hair website she’d found last year. Their step-by-step process had really helped her hair.

  She walked to the kitchen and pulled out everything she needed to make her French pressed coffee. She heard knocking, well more like someone banging on her front door. She shook her head. It was probably Maks, and she didn’t know what she was going to say to him now. Sure she enjoyed their time together yesterday, but that didn’t mean she’d forgotten the past.

  She looked through the curtain and relaxed when she saw Isabella’s husband Marcos. She opened the door.

  “Hi, Marcos.”

  “Hey, Leslie, I wanted to stop by and drop off this food as a thank you. Isabella told me what you two did yesterday, and I wanted to show my appreciation. There is enough here to feed you and Maks for days. My aunts put it together.” She looked behind him at two women who were also carrying casserole dishes and smiled. Their dark brown eyes were kind.

  She spoke in Spanish. “Thank you for this but it was nothing. Isabella did all the work. We were just her cheerleaders.”

  They laughed and she let them in. She grimaced at the state of the cabin. As organized as she was in her professional life, she was the exact opposite at home. She had stuff everywhere. They only stayed for a few minutes.

  “We are heading to the hospital now. I called Maks and told him the food was here. If you ever need anything at all, please call me. I really do appreciate everything you’ve done.”

  “You’re welcome and thank you for the food that spread will definitely feed us for a few days.”

  They got back into their bright blue truck and drove away. Leslie watched them go and then braced herself as the door to Mak’s cabin opened. He leaned out. He was shirtless. His muscular frame looked like it belonged on the cover of a fitness magazine.

  “I’ll be over there in thirty minutes if that’s okay with you,” he yelled.

  She paused, how could she get out of this? The food was meant for both of them. Her plans for staying away from him were not going as planned.

  “I can bring you a dish,” she yelled back. He put his hand to his hear. Geez, he couldn’t hear her. She shook her head this was ridiculous she was a grown woman she could have a meal with him.

  She closed her mouth and sent him a thumbs up. His smile widened, and he disappeared back inside. She closed her door and went back to the kitchen. She opened each dish and her mouth watered at the sight. Everything looked so good. One of his aunts had given her strict instructions on which dish to eat first.

  She preheated the oven and put the other casseroles away. This was just a meal. As soon as it was over she could kick him out. She would tell him that she needed to work on her book. Satisfied with the plan she put the casserole in the oven and got to work.

  Maks arrived in exactly thirty minutes. She immediately moved him to the kitchen so they could eat quickly.

  “It smells delicious,” he said.

  “I know, I’m not exactly sure what’s in it but I would bet money that it’s good.”

  She cut them two large pieces and brought them to the table. He made their drinks. When they were seated. She said a quick prayer, and they picked up their forks. She took a bite and closed her eyes in bliss as the flavors hit her mouth. Whatever was in this enchilada was heaven. When she opened them she noticed that Maks wasn’t eating. He was staring at her with a serious expression.

  “What is it, Maks?”

  “Leslie, I need you to tell me what happened between us.”

  “Maks, it’s not important anymore.”

  “It is and I think you know that. I deserve to know what I did. I can’t fix a problem that I don’t know about.”

  She sighed. It was time to let all of this go. He was more than that moment in time and he was right, it was time for them to address it.


  Chapter 3

  She took a deep breath and then began to tell him about when they’d first met…

  “I need you to go out to Italy and check on my brother. I think he’s in some sort of trouble.” Alex looked up from his computer to examine his secretary’s reaction. So far they’d had a great working relationship. She was easy to get along with, super efficient and, best of all, not in the least bit interested in him.

  Leslie’s heart sped up at the mention of his brothers. So far she’d only met intimidating Nikos and charming Julian. The one that was in Italy was the elusive artist of the bunch, Maks Stravanos. He was the only brother she hadn’t been introduced to.

  “Are you talking about Maks?” she asked, aware that she would have to get her crush under control before she met him. Ever since she’d seen one of his paintings, she’d been hooked. She’d looked him up and found hundreds more online. She’d never been a fan of art, but she’d found herself drawn to his.

  “Yeah, he’s gone silent on us, and the duty has been entrusted to me to keep an eye on him this week. Nikos is away with his girlfriend and Julian is training for an upcoming fight. The Woodson case has been moved up and I have to be in court on Friday,” he explained. He took off his glasses and wiped them off. The strain around his eyes was a testimony to his stress.

  He’d built this law firm with his own hard work. When she’d come into the interview, she’d been shocked at how many runway model looking women were sitting around waiting. Every single one of them was perfectly groomed. She’d looked at herself in the mirror and grimaced.

  She’d chosen a simple black dress that was somehow two sizes too big. Her black flats only emphasized how tiny she was. She’d never been overly concerned with her looks, but she’d felt so uncomfortable in that moment that she’d almost walked out.

  Then Alex opened the door to his office and scowled at all the women except her. He’d simply pointed to her and commanded that she come in. Their interview had been easy. He’d been surprised when she told him she had a master’s degree in library science. He asked why she would want to be his executive assistant and she told him honestly that the salary he offered was triple what she made currently and that she wouldn’t have to deal with the overwhelming politics in education.

  He’d hired her on the spot, and they’d been working together peacefully ever since. One thing she knew for sure was that Alex was a fair boss. If he could go to Italy himself, he would.

  “I’ll go. I don’t mind, Alex. Who would be angry at a free trip to Italy? And besides, as long as I don’t have to pick up that intimidating older brother of yours, then I’m good.”

  She didn’t have a lot of time. She went home and packed a light bag. She ignored how long it took her to pick out a couple of dresses. They were her two best ones; they showed off her figure although the fabric had seen better days.

  The dresses weren’t for Maks, she told herself firmly. She didn’t even know the man. Yes, she was in love with his talent as an artist, and after looking him up she could admit he was not bad to look at. But she was being sent to do a job, and she would do it as best she could.

  Alex put her on a first class flight to Venice the next day. She arrived in good spirits. She was only going to be there for two days. The city was teeming with people. The driver Alex hired to escort her around the city told her that a fashion event was going on.

  She took a deep breath when they arrived at the hotel. Maks was there somewhere inside. She would
put her stuff up and freshen up first. She walked into the opulent hotel with wide eyes. It was magnificent. It was grand with polished marble floors and gold-plated tables.

  She checked in quickly and made her way to her room. It was there that she took her first real breath. She needed to find Maks and convince him to go back home. She pulled out her flat iron. As much as she hated to admit it, she wanted to take special care with her appearance.

  For the first time in ages, she did her makeup and fixed her hair. She was even surprised at the difference it made as she took her image in. She looked nice, like Easter Sunday nice. When she reached for her comb for the third time, she shook her head. Again, she reminded herself she was here to do a job.

  She didn’t know what was going on in Maks’ life that had made him spiral so hard, but he didn’t need her fangirling all over him. She put her admiration for his work as an artist aside. Tonight, he needed someone who was compassionate and empathetic. The pretty yellow flower-print wrap dress and the light makeup were necessary as they gave her the confidence to approach him.

  She found him at the bar after a very informative chat with a chatty housekeeper. Apparently, Maks was a memorable guest and people everywhere were quick to talk about him. He was one of the only famous people that frequented here.

  She looked around as she entered the bar and smiled. It looked just like the one you saw in all the movies, with low hanging metallic light fixtures and a soulful-looking man playing a light melody on the piano.

  He was every bit as beautiful as he had been in the picture. He was a big man, just as Alex described, sitting alone at the end of the bar working his way through what must have been his third drink, considering the empty glasses around them. His area was messy as if the bartender had just kept the drinks coming.


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