Complete Poetical Works of Robert Southey

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by Robert Southey

  VIII. Now when the Cid Ruydiez had gotten possession of the suburbs, he cut off from Valencia both the ingress and the egress, and they of the town were greatly straightened, and knew not what they should do, and they repented them that they had not listened to what the King of Zaragoza sent to counsel them, for they had none to help them; and the Almoravides were in the like straight, for they had none to look to, and the pay which they were wont to receive failed, both to them and to the other knights. All this time Abeniaf secretly continued his love with the Cid, for he had not departed from the promise which he had made him to send away the Almoravides, and put himself under his protection. And they took counsel together in this distress, both the Almoravides and the men of the town, how they might obtain the love of the Cid, in whatever manner they could, so that they might remain in peace in the city till they had sent to the Miramamolin beyond sea, and received his commands; and they sent to the Cid to say this. But he made answer that he would make no treaty with them till they had sent away the Almoravides. And they of the town told the Almoravides what the Cid had said, and these Africans were well pleased, being full weary of that place, and said that they would go their way, and that it would be the happiest day of their lives, that, wherein they should depart. So they made their covenant that the Almoravides should be placed in safety, and that they should pay the Cid for all the corn which was in his granaries at the time when King Yahia was slain. And moreover the thousand maravedis per week, which they were wont to pay him should be paid for the whole time which they had been in arms, and also from that time forth. And that the suburb which he had won should be his; and that his host should remain in Juballa so long as they continued in that land. And upon this they made their writings, and confirmed them. And the Almoravides departed from Valencia, and horsemen were sent with them, who conducted them in safety, and the Moors of Valencia were left in peace.

  IX. Then the Cid went with all his host to Juballa, leaving none but such as were to collect his rents with his Almoxarife. And Abeniaf cast about how he might pay the Cid for the corn, and also what else was to be given him. And he made terms with those who held the Castles round about Valencia, that they should pay him the tenth of all their fruits and of all their other rents. Now this was the season for gathering in the fruit, and he appointed men in every place who should look to it, and see it valued, and receive the tenth; a Moor and a Christian did he appoint in every place, who were to receive this, and to gather the corn also into the granaries: and this was done after such manner that the Cid had his tribute well paid. At this time came tidings to Valencia, that the Almoravides were coming again with a great power, and the Cid devised how he might prevent their coming, or if they came how he might fight against them. And he sent to tell Abeniaf to forbid them from coming, for if they should enter the town he could not be Lord thereof, which it was better he should be, and the Cid would protect him against all his enemies. Well was Abeniaf pleased at this; and he held a talk with the Alcayde of Xativa, and with him who held the Castle of Carchayra; and they agreed to be of one voice. And they came to Valencia, and the Cid came to his suburb; and they confirmed love with him in great secrecy. But he who had the Castle of Algezira would not be in this covenant with them and the Cid sent parties into his lands, and did him much evil; and the Alcayde of Juballa went against him, and cut down all his corn and brought it to Juballa, which the Cid had made a great town with a church and with towers, and it was a goodly place; and there he had his corn and his other things, and his rents were all brought thither, and it abounded with all things; and men held it for a great marvel that in so short time he had made so great a town, which was so rich and so plentiful. And the Cid thought to have Valencia if the Almoravides did not come, and for this reason did all that he could to prevent their coming.

  X. At this time Abenrazin the Lord of Albarrazin covenanted with the King of Aragon that the King should help him to win Valencia, and he would give him great treasures; and he gave him in pledge a Castle which is called Toalba. And in this which he did he gained nothing, but he lost the Castle. Now this Abenrazin had made covenant with the Cid, so that they were friends, and the Cid had never done hurt in his lands. And when he knew this that he had done with the King of Aragon, he held himself to have been deceived and dealt falsely with; howbeit he dissembled this, and let none of his company wit, till they had gathered in all the corn from about Algezira de Xucar, and carried it to Juballa. When this was done, he bade his men make ready, and he told them not whither they were to go, and he set forward at night toward Albarrazin, and came to the Fountain. Now that land was in peace, and the dwellers thereof kept neither watch nor ward; and his foragers slew many, and made many prisoners, and drove great flocks and herds, sheep and kine, and brood mares, and prisoners all together, and they carried away all the corn; and they sent all the spoil to Juballa, and it was so great that Valencia and Juballa and all their dependencies were rich with cattle and with other things. While the Cid lay before Albarrazin, as he one day rode forth with five of his knights to disport himself, there came twelve knights out of the town, thinking to slay him or take him. And he pricked forward against them, and encountered them so bravely that he slew twain, and other twain he overthrew, so that they were taken, and the rest were put to flight: but he remained with a wound in his throat from the push of a spear, and they thought he would have died of that wound; and it was three weeks before it was healed.

  XI. Now came true tidings to Valencia that the host of the Almoravides were coming, and that they were now at Lorca, and the son in law of the Miramamolin at their head, for he himself could not come, by reason that he ailed. They of Valencia took courage at these tidings, and waxed insolent, and began to devise how they should take vengeance upon Abeniaf, and upon all those who had oppressed them. And Abeniaf was in great trouble at this which was said openly concerning him, and he sent privily to the Cid, telling him to come as soon as might be. The Cid was then before Albarrazin, doing all the evil that he could, and he brake up his camp and came with his host to Juballa; and Abeniaf and the Alcaydes of Xativa and Carchayra came unto him, and they renewed their covenant to stand by each other, and be of one voice. And they took counsel and made a letter for the leader of the army of the Almoravides, wherein they told him that the Cid had made a treaty with the King of Aragon, whereby the King bound himself to help him against them; and they bade him beware how he came towards Valencia, unless he chose to do battle with eight thousand Christian horsemen, covered with iron, and the best warriors in the world. This did they thinking that he would be dismayed and turn back: but the Moor did not cease to advance, notwithstanding this letter.

  XII. There was a garden nigh unto Valencia which had belonged to Abenalhazis, and the Cid asked Abeniaf to give it him, that he might take his pleasure there when he was disposed to solace himself. This he did cunningly, that when the Almoravides heard how this garden had been given him which was so nigh unto the city, they should ween that the men of Valencia had given it, and that they were better pleased with his company than with theirs, Abeniaf granted it. And the Cid was wary, and would not enter it till a gateway had been opened into the garden, for the entrance was through narrow streets, and the Cid would not trust himself in those strait places: so Abeniaf ordered the gate to be made, and told the Cid that he would be his host on a day appointed. And Abeniaf bedecked the gate of this garden full richly, and spread costly carpets, and ordered the way to be strewn with rushes, and made a great feast, and expected him all the day, but he did not come. And when it was night he sent to say that he was sick and could not come: and he prayed him to hold him excused. This he did to see whether they of Valencia would murmur against him. And the sons of Aboegib and all the people murmured greatly, and would fain in their hearts have risen against Abeniaf, but they durst not because of the Cid, with whom they would not fall out least he should lay waste all that was without the walls. And they looked daily for the Almoravides, and one day they said
, Lo! now they are coming: and on the morrow they said, They are coming not. And in this manner some days past on. And the murmur which there had been concerning the garden died away; and then the Cid entered it, and took possession of the whole suburb of Alcudia round about it: and this he did peaceably, for the Moors and Christians dwelt there together.

  XIII. Now came true tidings that the host of the Almoravides, which was at Lorca, was coming on through Murcia, and that the tarriance which they had made had been by reason of their Captain, who had fallen sick, but he was now healed, and they were advancing fast. And the sons of Aboegib and great part of the people rejoiced in these tidings, and took heart: and Abeniaf was in great fear, and he began to excuse himself to the men of the town, and said unto them to pacify them, that they did him wrong to complain of him for the garden which the Cid had asked of him, inasmuch as he had only given it him to disport himself therein for some days and take his pleasure, and that he would make him leave it again whenever it should please them. Moreover he said, that seeing they were displeased with what he had done, he would take no farther trouble upon him; but would send to break off his covenant with the Cid, and send to bid him look out for others to collect his payments, for he would have the charge no longer. This he said in his cunning, thinking that he should pacify them; but they understood his heart, and they cried aloud against him that they would not stand to his covenant, nor by his counsel, but that the sons of Aboegib should counsel them, and whatsoever they should think good, that would they do. And they gave order to fasten the gates of the town, and to keep watch upon the towers and walls. When Abeniaf saw this he ceased to do as he had been wont for fear of the people and of the sons of Aboegib, and took unto himself a greater company to be his guard. And the war was renewed between the Cid and the people of Valencia.

  XIV. Now came true tidings that the host of the Almoravides was nigh unto Xativa; and the people of Valencia were glad and rejoiced, for they thought that they were now delivered from their great misery, and from the oppression of the Cid. And when he heard these tidings he left the garden and went to the place where his host was encamped, which was called Xarosa, and remained there in his tents, and he was at a stand what he should do, whether to abide the coming of the Almoravides, or to depart; howbeit he resolved to abide and see what would befall. And he gave order to break down the bridges and opea the sluices, that the plain might be flooded, so that they could only come by one way, which was a narrow pass. Tidings now came that the host of the Almoravides was at Algezira de Xucar, and the joy of the people of Valencia increased, and they went upon the walls and upon the towers to see them come. And when night came they remained still upon the walls, for it was dark, and they saw the great fires of the camp of the Almoravides, which they had pitched near unto a place called Bacer; and they began to pray unto God, beseeching him to give them good speed against the Christians, and they resolved as soon as the Almoravides were engaged in battle with the Cid, that they would issue forth and plunder his tents. But our Lord Jesus Christ was not pleased that it should be so, and he ordered it after another guise; for he sent such a rain that night, with such a wind and flood as no man living remembered, and when it was day the people of Valencia looked from the wall to see the banners of the Almoravides and the place where they had encamped, and behold they could see nothing: and they were full sorrowful, and knew not what they should do, and they remained in such a state as a woman in her time of childing, till the hour of tierce, and then came tidings that the Almoravides had turned back, and would not come unto Valencia. For the rains and floods had dismayed them, and they thought the waters would have swept them away, and that the hand of God was against them, and therefore they turned back. And when the people of Valencia heard this they held themselves for dead men, and they wandered about the streets like drunkards, so that a man knew not his neighbour, and they smeared their faces with black like unto pitch, and they lost all thought like one who falls into the waves of the sea. And then the Christians drew nigh unto the walls, crying out unto the Moors with a loud voice like thunder, calling them false traitors and renegados, and saying, Give up the town to the Cid Ruydiez, for ye cannot escape from him. And the Moors were silent, and made no reply because of their great misery.

  XV. Then Abenalfarax, a Moor of Valencia, he who wrote this history in Arabic, took account of the food which was in the city, to see how long it could hold out. And he says that the cafiz of wheat was valued at eleven maravedís, and the cafiz of barley at seven maravedís, and that of pulse or other grain at six; and the arroba of honey at fifteen dineros; and the arroba of carobs the third of a maravedí, and the arroba of onions two thirds of a maravedí, and the arroba of cheese two maravedís and a half, and the measure of oil frhich the Moors call maron, a maravedí, and the quintal of figs five maravedís, and the pound of mutton six dineros of silver, and the pound of beef four. These maravedis were silver ones, for no other money was current among them. The Moors who dwelt in the suburbs carried all the best of their goods into the city, and the rest they buried. And when the Cid was certain that the Almoravides were not coming, he returned again to lodge in the garden, and gave order to spoil the suburbs, save that of Alcudia, because the inhabitants of that had received him without resistance; and the Moors fled into the city with their wives and children. And when the Christians began to plunder the suburbs they of the town came out and plundered also those houses which were nearest unto the walls, so that every thing was carried away and nothing but the timbers left; and then the Christians took that to build them lodgments in the camp; and when the Moors saw this they came out, and carried away what timber they could into the city. And the Christians pulled down all the houses, save only such as could be defended with arrows, and these which they dared not pull down they set fire to by night. And when all the houses had been levelled they began to dig in the foundations, and they found great wealth there, and store of garments, and hoards of wheat; and when the Cid saw this he ordered them to dig every where, so that nothing might be lost. And when all had been dug up the Cid drew nearer to the city, and girt it round about, and there was fighting every day at the barriers, for the Moors came out and fought hand to hand, and many a sword-stroke was given and many a push with the spear. While the Moors were thus beleagered came letters from the Captain of the Almoravides, saying that he had not turned back to Algezira de Xucar for fear, nor for cowardice, neither as one who fled, but for lack of food, and also by reason of the waters; and that it was his set purpose at all events to succour them and deliver them from the oppression which they endured, and he was preparing to do this with all diligence. And he bade them take courage, and maintain the city. And when the Moors of Valencia heard, these letters they took heart, and joined with the sons of Aboegib, and their resolve was that they would be firm and maintain the city. And they said that Abeniaf had made the Almoravides retreat, because he had told them that there was discord in the town. And Abeniaf kept great watch, having a great guard to secure him, least the people should attempt aught against him. And the price of all things in Valencia was doubled.

  XVI. Then the Cid drew nearer to the walls, so that no man could either enter in or issue out, but whosoever attempted it was either slain or taken. And he gave orders to till all the lands which lay round about Alcudia, for this was now become a great place, even like a city, and the Moors who dwelt there were safe; and tents and shops were made there for all kinds of merchandize, and merchants came there safely from all parts to buy and to sell, so that they who dwelt there were greatly enriched. And justice was administered to all full righteously, so that there was none who could complain of the Cid nor of his Almoxarife, nor of any of his people; and the Moors were judged by their own law, and were not vexed, and he took from them only a tenth. Now came true tidings from Denia that the Almoravides had returned into their own country, and that there was no hope of succour at their hands. And when they of Valencia heard this they were greatly troubled. And they who he
ld the Castles round about came humbly to the Cid, to place their love upon him, and besought him that he would accept tribute from them, and have them under his protection; and he gave orders that they might travel the roads in peace: and in this manner his rents increased, so that he had plenty to give. And he sent to them who held the Castles, bidding them provide him with cross-bow men, and foot-soldiers, to fight against the city; and there was none who dared disobey his bidding, and they sent him cross-bow men and foot-men in great numbers, with their arms and provisions. Thus was Valencia left desolate, and forsaken by all the Moorish people; and it was attacked every day, and none could enter in, neither could any come out; and they were sore distressed, and the waves of death compassed them round about.


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