Origin (Scales 'N' Spells Book 1)

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Origin (Scales 'N' Spells Book 1) Page 19

by AJ Sherwood

  “…and then Ravi got his tail stuck between two tree branches. Baldewin and I fell over laughing while he’s trying to get out of this tree,” Cameron was saying as he drew closer.

  Alric placed the pen he’d been making notes with on the desk blotter and straightened a little in his chair, hoping Cameron was heading to him for his daily visit and not simply passing by. Maybe he should step outside of his office, just casually run into him.

  A low sigh slipped from his lips. He was pathetic. Ravi was right, he needed to be more proactive than this.

  While he was still debating with himself, there was a soft knock on his door a second before it opened, and Cameron stuck his head inside, a small smile playing on his lips.

  “Hi!” he said.

  Alric jumped to his feet while his pulse soared. Cameron had been coming to see him. “Hello. How are you?” Inwardly, he winced. He sounded like a stiff idiot. Why couldn’t he be more relaxed and casual like Ravi? No, not like Ravi. Baldewin. Yes, Baldewin was far more personable.

  “Good. Do you have a moment?”

  “Of course. Please come in.” Alric walked around his massive desk, his footsteps muffled by the thick carpeting.

  Cameron’s smile grew as he stepped inside the room with his phone held in front of him. “Thanks. I was talking with Cassie, and I wanted to introduce you.”

  “Oh,” Alric murmured, blinking in surprise. “Have you been introducing her to everyone in the castle?”

  A beautiful blush stole across Cameron’s cheeks, and he pushed at his glasses with his free hand, adjusting them on his face. “No, I haven’t. Not yet anyway. I wanted her to meet you first.”

  Alric’s dragon preened at the news. Not only was Cameron introducing him to his sister, but he was the first person Cameron had wanted to meet her.

  “Hello! Turn the camera! I want to see him!” insisted a sharp voice.

  Cameron jumped and quickly moved over to stand beside Alric so that their shoulders bumped into each other. Alric loved the crooked smile on Cameron’s lips, but it was the low “ooooo” that drew Alric’s eyes to the phone Cameron held out in front of them both.

  Cassie Park was adorable with large brown eyes and short, bright blue hair. Her face was similarly shaped as Cameron’s but a little narrower. They were clearly siblings with the same nose and same mouth. And definitely the same animation when they were excited.

  “Oh my, you are scrumptious. And I’m not just saying that. Men do not turn my crank in the least, but my god, if they did, I would be all over you like a monkey on a jungle gym. No wonder Cameron was happy to move into your castle.”

  There was no stopping the blush that seared Alric’s cheeks, but he was more amused by the horrified noises coming out of Cameron. The mage jerked the phone so Cassie could only see him on the screen.

  “What the hell!” Cameron screeched. “You said you were going to behave.”

  Cassie snorted. “As if. We both know I was just saying that so you’d let me see him. Now turn that camera back. I see your face all the time. I want to see the pretty dragon.”

  Cameron growled at his sister, while Alric sidled back up to Cameron. He carefully wrapped his left arm behind Cameron’s back and rested his hand lightly on his hip. With his right, he lightly gripped Cameron’s wrist, turning the phone so that they were both visible to Cassie. The mage was now practically wrapped in his arms. The sweet, floral smell of his shampoo mixed with hints of his soap and the wonderful heat of his body left Alric wanting to nuzzle his face into Cameron’s neck. But he locked his focus on Cameron’s sister.

  “Yes, Cameron. Let your sister see the pretty dragon,” Alric teased in a low voice, his lips just inches from Cameron’s ear.

  A muffled sound sort of like a whimper left Cameron while Cassie made more ooo-ing noises.

  “You two are so cute together. And Cam, your face looks like you’re about to—”

  “Cassie!” Cameron’s face became bright red, and his eyes were wide as he stared at his sister.

  “I’m just saying—”

  “No! No, you’re not saying anything.”

  Alric chuckled. He definitely liked Cameron’s sister. “Cassie, it is an honor to meet you. Your brother has told me a great deal about you.”

  “Anything that wasn’t positive, don’t believe. He’s a liar.”

  Alric smiled at her. “All positive, I assure you.”

  Cassie clucked her tongue. “Sexy and charming and a king and a dragon. You’ve just got it all.” She suddenly leaned close to the camera lens so her face filled the screen. “Are you sure you don’t have a sister?”

  “No, no sister. I’m sorry. But you are welcome at Burkhard Castle at any time. I would be happy to introduce you to my clan.”

  Cassie let out a high-pitched squee and bounced a little before looking at her brother. “Cam?” she prodded before biting her bottom lip.

  Cameron sighed loudly and dropped his head to the side so it rested on Alric’s shoulder, his hair brushing against Alric’s. This. He never wanted Cameron to move from this spot. Couldn’t they just spend the rest of their lives exactly like this?

  “Cass,” he sighed. “You know I’d love to have you here. I’m just worried about your safety and Halmeoni’s. We’re still trying to figure out who grabbed me and why. We need to settle that before you come, I think.”

  Alric tightened his hand on Cameron’s hip and then winced at the small pain that shot up his arm at the gesture. He wasn’t sure if Cameron saw or felt the wince, but his head popped up immediately, worried eyes flashing to his. Alric relaxed his hold and smiled.

  “You know we would do whatever it takes to keep your sister safe,” Alric murmured.

  Cameron turned to face Alric, his hand coming to rest over Alric’s rapidly beating heart. They were so close right now. He’d need to lean up only a few short inches to claim Cameron’s beautiful mouth, but the worry in Cameron’s large brown eyes kept him perfectly still.

  “I know, but everyone is already working so hard to keep me safe. I don’t want to cause you and your people more trouble by bringing Cassie and Halmeoni here.”

  “It would be no trouble. We would be honored to protect you and any member of your family. You’re so precious, Cameron. I…”

  Alric had no idea what he was going to say. His mouth was clearly operating outside the control of his brain. Luckily, Cassie’s voice interrupted.

  “Wow. I seriously don’t know whether to swoon or gag. You two are so cute together.”

  Cameron growled again in the back of his throat, and Alric was sure it was the most adorable sound he’d ever heard.

  They both looked back at the phone to find Cassie resting her chin on her hands in front of her, a wicked grin on her lips.

  “Let me think about it,” Cameron grumbled. “Maybe give them more time to figure things out.”

  Cassie huffed. “Fine, but the countdown clock is running. Things are finally getting quiet at work, and I see a window to escape. And I’m literally dying over here. I want to meet dragons and learn magic and do the cool stuff.”

  Cameron stepped away from Alric, and the dragon immediately felt the loss. He missed the warmth and feel of Cameron against his body, but he didn’t try to keep him close.

  “I guess we should be going. You’ve got work to do.”

  Alric opened his mouth that he was happy to spend more time with Cameron and his sister, but Cassie was already speaking up.

  “Wait! Before we go, can I see your dragon? Please!”

  Alric stiffened, and he noticed Cameron did the same. Alric rarely shifted anymore. He couldn’t fly. His left side was too weak to be of use to anyone in a fight. His dragon roared to be set free, to feel the sun on his hide, but Alric would not shift if he could help it. His dragon wanted to display and show off to a potential mate. But that wouldn’t end well, as Alric’s dragon form couldn’t move properly. He’d skip that potential disaster, thanks all the same.

nbsp; “Um… he can’t. There isn’t nearly enough room in here, and shifting takes a little time and preparation,” Cameron quickly replied, saving Alric the need to make up an excuse. He chewed his bottom lip for a second, and then his face brightened. “But I can show you magic.”

  “Oh! Yes! Show me magic! Do a trick.”

  Cameron narrowed his eyes as he walked back over to Alric. “It’s a spell. Not a trick. I’m not pulling a rabbit out of a hat.”

  “Well, I’m gonna magically put my foot in your ass if you don’t get on with the magic,” Cassie snapped.

  Alric poorly covered up his bark of laughter with a cough, but the glare from Cameron showed he wasn’t fooled in the least.

  “Would you?” Cameron asked, offering his phone to Alric to hold.

  “Of course.” Alric accepted the phone with his right hand, keeping the camera trained on Cameron.

  To his surprise, Cameron then leaned in and captured Alric’s lips in a sweet kiss. It was brief, and Alric froze in shock at the wonderful touch of those two soft lips pressed against his. Cameron’s sweet scent wafted around them, embracing him. There was only the slightest hint of Cameron sipping power from him, but it was nearly lost in the blaze of heat and need that swamped Alric.

  Cameron broke contact but didn’t immediately pull away. He hovered so close, his hot breath caressing Alric’s parted lips. Those deep, liquid brown eyes were wide with surprise and something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Hunger? Hope? Need?

  But before Alric could close those couple of inches between them to claim another, more thorough kiss, Cameron flashed him a bright smile and backed away. He lit a candle on Alric’s desk, then securely held it arm’s length away from him before speaking the spell. “Vente anti gev adi.”

  The flame abruptly winked out, the air whipping around Cameron in a flurry that sent his hair dancing around his face before abruptly dying down.

  Cassie oohed. “Wind spell?”

  “Wind spell,” Cameron confirmed for her.

  “And you kissed Alric…why?”

  “I was borrowing some dragon’s breath.” Cameron winked at Alric. “It’s a powerful spell element, and it’s what powered the spell. I can’t do it on my own.”

  Cassie’s voice rose in excitement. “So I can kiss a dragon every time I need to work magic?”

  “Sadly no.” Cameron mock-pouted at her, his eyes dancing with laughter. “I asked the same thing.”

  “Boo. Still, the magic is very awesome.”

  “Thank you, thank you. I’d like to show you more but didn’t you say you only had maybe twenty minutes?”

  “Time…oh shit! I totally lost track of time! I’ve got to get ready for my date.” Even though Cameron had stepped away from him, Alric could see Cassie kiss her phone. “Love you, bro. Stay out of trouble. It was nice meeting you, Alric.”

  And then the call was ended. Cassie was gone, and it was as if some of the excited energy had been sucked out of the room. The silence almost felt deafening for a moment.

  “Thanks for taking the time to meet my sister,” Cameron said with a smile as he shoved his phone into his pocket. He looked a little tired, a trace thing that showed up in the slight slump of his shoulders. Alric wasn’t sure it if was the effort of talking to his very hyper sister or doing magic. An unbound mage didn’t have as much magical power at his beck and call, after all. It was one of the advantages of being bound to a dragon, or so Alric understood.

  Alric placed his right hand over his heart and bowed his head a little. “It truly was my honor. She is quite energetic and entertaining.”

  Cameron’s smile twisted a little on his lips, and there was a look of mischief in his eyes that caused Alric’s heart to speed up. “You can’t help it, can you?”

  Straightening, Alric blinked at Cameron, a blush lightly burning his cheeks under Cameron’s devilish gaze. “I don’t understand,” he murmured, but he very much wanted to kiss that grin from his mouth.

  “All the charm and crisp politeness. Did you go to king school to learn it?” Cameron asked. He strolled closer, and his dragon rumbled with pleasure in his chest. He loved watching Cameron walking toward him and only him.

  Alric shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers, and grinned. “Dieter was sure to pound some diplomacy into my brain, but I like to think I come by my charm naturally.”

  Cameron hummed softly. “A charming dragon. I had no idea dragons could be charming.”

  “Dragons aren’t all fire and bad tempers. Sometimes, to get what we want, we have to be charming.”

  Dark eyebrows rose to disappear into the fall of Cameron’s hair, and he silently laughed. “Is there something you want, my charming dragon king?”

  Pulling a hand out of his pocket, Alric reached out and snagged Cameron’s. Without shifting his gaze from Cameron’s, Alric slowly lifted Cameron’s hand to his lips and brushed a light kiss across the knuckles. “Only to see you smile. The light in my darkness.”

  “Oh, you are very good,” Cameron murmured. His fingers tightened in Alric’s hand.

  “Anything for you.”

  “Then go on a date with me.”

  Alric blinked, surprised to hear the very words he’d planned to say coming out of Cameron’s mouth.

  Cameron chuckled, the sound low and intimate. It felt decadent to his ears. A gift just for him. “You look surprised.”

  “I am.” He stopped himself from asking if Cameron was sure. He clearly was sure and had decided to spell it out clearly. Alric could only bask in his confidence, his courage, and answer him properly. Cameron deserved that from him, they both did.

  “I want to spend some time with you, get to know you better.”

  “Oh,” Alric breathed, his brain still trying to catch up to this unexpected development. Had he fallen asleep at his desk? This all felt too good to be true.

  “Is that a no?”

  “No! I mean yes. I mean—” Alric snarled, his cheeks burning while Cameron laughed. “I mean, I would love to go on a date with you.”

  “Excellent. Tonight?”

  Alric nodded. “We can meet in the courtyard at seven. We’ll drive into town.”

  “Great!” Cameron said, followed by what sounded like a relieved sigh. Could he have been nervous? Did he really believe that Alric wouldn’t want to spend an evening with him? Insane. “I will…um…see you at seven then.”

  Cameron walked backward, slowly pulling his fingers from Alric’s grip. With one last smile, he spun on one foot and hurried back out of Alric’s office. Once the door was shut, Alric placed his hand to his chest. His heart beat like a thing gone mad under his fingertips. He had a date with Cameron.

  This was not what Cameron had in mind when he thought of a date with Alric.

  Yes, maybe his daydreams of crawling into Alric’s lap after they’d parked in some secluded spot and kissing the damn wings off the dragon weren’t exactly realistic. If the man could murmur such sweet things to him, then Cameron was dying to know what else he could do with that talented tongue.

  Okay, and maybe he’d conveniently forgotten they needed to have a bodyguard with them when they left the castle.

  But he was not expecting to have grandpa dragon and grandma mage along as freaking chaperones.

  Not that he didn’t love Lisette.

  Lisette was amazing. He adored her no-nonsense attitude and the wonderful way she explained magic. She was quickly becoming both a second mother and a beloved mentor for him. And while he hadn’t spent a great deal of time with Dieter, Lisette always spoke of her mate with such love. Cameron was certain he was a wonderful person.

  But he did not want to feel their watchful eyes on them during their one escape from the castle.

  Cameron’s dreams of a romantic evening filled with long looks, little touches, and blistering hot kisses went up in smoke before they even climbed into the car.

  But hey, the man had said yes. No more mixed signals that he had to deal with.
And Alric had been very happy while saying yes, so he clearly wasn’t going along for the hell of it. Cameron was so ridiculously relieved, it wasn’t even funny. Having the chaperones along was a pain, sure, but it wasn’t a total loss if it meant seeing Alric in jeans. Yes, honest-to-god jeans. At one point, Cameron reached over and ran one finger down Alric’s leg, drawing the dragon’s heated gazed up to him while a confused smile lifted one corner of his mouth.

  “What?” Alric inquired. He was seated behind Dieter, who drove them down to the town.

  “I was just checking to make sure they were real jeans,” Cameron teased.

  “Real jeans? Why wouldn’t they be?”

  “Because I’ve never seen you in anything but a three-piece suit and tie. I wondered if you were allergic to jeans.”

  Alric shifted a little in his seat, running his right hand down the front of his v-neck cashmere sweater. The air was still warm, and he’d pushed the sleeves up to reveal strong forearms. The fact he was daring to show off the scars on his left arm a little made Cameron’s heart skip with the hope that Alric was becoming comfortable with him.

  “Since you’re on vacation, I thought it might be wise to dress a little more casually this evening.”

  “Does this mean his majesty just might possess a pair of shorts?”

  Alric smirked at him. “Is this your way of asking to see my wardrobe in my private chambers?” He’d pitched his voice soft and low, like he was proposing the most indecent of actions.

  Cameron licked his bottom lip and opened his mouth to reply—

  “Oh Cameron! I wish you’d arrived in the spring,” Lisette began.

  Cameron had to press his lips tightly together to keep from laughing for a moment. The same amusement twinkled in Alric’s deep blue eyes.

  “Why’s that?” Cameron asked, winking at Alric.

  “This whole hillside fills with bright white snowdrop windflowers in the spring. They are one of my favorite flowers. Such happy little things,” she exclaimed, waving her hand over to the hillside rising up along the driver’s side of the car that was mostly just green and yellow grasses now.

  Alric’s right hand sneaked across the leather bench seat until just the tips of his fingers brushed against the side of Cameron’s hand. With a smile, Cameron turned his hand palm up. A second later, Alric’s larger hand rubbed against his as their fingers intertwined. There was just something so unexpectedly wonderful about holding Alric’s hand. As if two passing comets suddenly fell into the same orbit. Closing his eyes, he softly sighed and Alric tightened his hand in his.


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