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Origin (Scales 'N' Spells Book 1)

Page 23

by AJ Sherwood

  “We hope to,” Gunter admitted. “Two of the ingredients are most commonly found between the Rottach and Grünten lakes, just northeast of Sonthofen. A third is found in the forests close to the Grünten mountain peak.”

  Alric shook his head. “That’s a lot of ground to cover.”

  “Have you sent scouts?” Dieter asked.

  “Several, and we’ve located a small village that doesn’t appear on any of the maps. By the size, it doesn’t look as if it could have more than a thousand people. Melissande and I would like permission to take a closer look.”

  Unease crept through Alric at the thought of any mage getting close to these would-be kidnappers. Even if he counted Cameron, Cassie, and Ha Na among their clan, they still had only nine mages to fifty dragons. He hated the idea of risking any mage’s life. He looked over at Dieter, who didn’t appear to like that idea any more than Alric.

  “The idea curdles my stomach, Hoheit, but it’s our best shot right now of learning more; particularly since Baldewin wasn’t able to learn anything from the one Cameron’s sister captured,” his advisor said.

  Alric grunted. It was true. As long as they were trapped in the dark, they wouldn’t be able to formulate a proper defense against these attacks.

  “Granted, with the caveat you take two royal guards with you.”

  Gunter stiffened, sitting painfully straight in his chair. “I am more than capable enough to protect Melissande.”

  Alric sat up in his chair, meeting Gunter’s disgruntled gaze with his own stern one. “Normally I would agree with you, but I am taking no chances. You’re both too important to our clan to risk needlessly. This is just a scouting mission. You’re not to engage in any way. Locate them, gather what information you can, and return to the castle. Am I understood?”

  “Yes, Hoheit,” Gunter said a little sullenly.

  “Of course, Eure Majestät,” Melissande easily agreed.

  Ravi nudged Gunter with his elbow and smirked. “You know he wants you back safely to protect your dungeon from me.”

  Gunter’s head snapped up and he stared at Alric with a look of horror written clearly in his wide eyes. “You wouldn’t dare allow this menace near my books while I’m gone, would you?”

  Nearly everyone at the table knew Ravi had no interest in going anywhere near the royal library. He’d only said it to pull Gunter out of his pout, and it had clearly worked.

  “I promise to find some task to keep Ravi busy and away from your books,” Alric teased. He then turned his attention back to the rest of the table. “As much as I hate to do this, for the time being, all mages are prohibited from venturing outside of the castle until further notice. Until we understand and eliminate this threat, I’m not willing to risk anyone’s life if it can be helped.”

  Lisette leaned forward so that she could see around her husband, pinning Alric with narrowed eyes. “Is this non-negotiable?”

  “I am willing to discuss it on a case-by-case basis with the understanding that the request falls under the heading of dire emergency. I would like you to act as a liaison between me and the mages, sorting out the more frivolous requests and finding possible work arounds where possible. Please explain to the mages that I’m concerned for their safety as well as the safety of the dragons who would be protecting them.”

  Lisette nodded. “There will be some grumbling, but I think everyone will be understanding.”

  “I don’t think it will hurt that we have new guests arriving shortly.” Alric smiled at Cameron, watching as Lisette happily wrapped her arm around his shoulders, pulling him in close. “I’m sure they’ll be exhausted from their travels. Rooms are being arranged near yours, Cameron, so they will be comfortable. Once they’ve rested, we will arrange for a proper celebration to welcome them and allow them to meet the clan.”

  “Thank you. I wish I could say you don’t have to go to the trouble, but Cassie and Halmeoni are always ready for a party.”

  “Wonderful. Then if there are no other questions…” Alric paused, looking over the gathering before he nodded once. “Thank you for your time.”

  Alric and Dieter remained seated while everyone else stood and bowed to him before filing out of the room. Alric couldn’t stop himself from following Cameron’s progress around the table as he talked excitedly to Lisette. A part of him wanted to pull Cameron aside and talk to him. Not that he had anything in particular to say. It had just been hours since he’d last had Cameron alone.

  Or stolen a kiss. Now that there was casual kissing between them, Alric was determined to enjoy that new benefit as much as possible. Maybe he could steal Cameron away to a shadowy nook in the castle, away from prying eyes so that he could explore Cameron’s delectable mouth—

  “Hoheit? It’s nearly time for the call with Rodrigo,” Dieter prodded him, and Alric barely held back his weary sigh. He should be excited for this call. Sadly, he wasn’t. Talks with the other clan didn’t always go smoothly, although at least they had common ground for this conversation.

  Rising to his feet, Alric led the way out of the War Room and down the hall to his private office. Since taking over the office from his father, Alric had redecorated it with bright white walls and pale blue curtains that were always pulled back to allow the sunlight to pour in through the massive windows that lined two walls. The view overlooked the expansive valley below and reminded him of flying. Since it was the room he was destined to spend most of his time in, he thought he could at least make it a place he enjoyed being in. His desk was his father’s, and there was another long boardroom table, but there was also a set of comfortable couches in front of the massive fireplace.

  As he crossed the room, his eyes strayed to those couches. In his mind, he could so clearly see Cameron curled up under a thick blanket on one of those sofas, a book of magic spells in his lap. His hair would be slightly disheveled from running his fingers through it, his glasses balanced on the edge of his nose. He’d wanted to be close to Alric while he worked.

  He nearly tripped at the thought. The vision in his mind was so clear he could have sworn it had really happened. It hadn’t, but Alric’s heart wanted it to.


  Alric was already shaking his head. “It’s nothing. Lost in thought.” He paused at a mirror hanging on the wall not far from his desk and straightened his tie. “Do you think your mate would be upset if I don’t wear my crown?” Alric teased.

  “Very likely so, but I promise not to tattle on you,” Dieter murmured, earning a snort from Alric.

  “My mother would be grateful for all her meddling,” Alric admitting, flashing his old friend a smile.

  “She takes it very seriously. She knows the queen would have wanted someone watching over you.”

  Alric snorted again. “I feel as if I have an entire castle filled with people watching over me.” He crossed to his desk and sat down. With just a touch of the mouse, the computer woke and automatically registered his face, unlocking the programs. Alric smiled to find that Dieter had already set up everything for the call. All Alric had to do was push a button as soon as Dieter was in position behind his right shoulder.

  Butterflies took flight in his stomach as Alric initiated the call. It really was a little silly to feel this strange mix of dread and excitement. While Alric wouldn’t call them friendly, they were at least on speaking terms. Of course, it didn’t help that Rodrigo was closer to his father’s age than his own six hundred and twenty-seven years. The ice dragon had a way of making Alric feel like a little kid pretending under his father’s crown, and Alric didn’t care for it.

  The call connected, and Alric was faced with pale blue eyes, blond hair so light it was nearly white, and full lips that seemed to be forever twisted into a sardonic smirk.

  “Greetings, King Alric,” Rodrigo said easily.

  “Greetings, King Rodrigo. I hope you are well.”

  The dragon shrugged. “The weather is cooling, but the swells in Arpoador and Itaúna Beach are rising.
My people welcome a new surfing season with enthusiasm.”

  Alric fought to keep his face expressionless as he remembered that Ravi loved to call the Ice Clan a bunch of beach bums. Of course, Rodrigo had once teasingly called the Fire Clan snow bunnies, so it was a trade-off.

  “I wish you and your people a wonderful surfing season.”

  Rodrigo waved his hand and said, “And I wish your people lots of snow. Let’s dispense with the pleasantries. We’ve not spoken in five decades, and I know you did not call me for an update on the tides.” Rodrigo leaned closer to his monitor, his eyes narrowing. “My advisor has been excitedly spouting this nonsense in my ear that you’ve located a mage. And then your strange email. I thought it all a cruel joke. What’s going on?”

  Alric could see the king’s advisor just behind his shoulder and nearly laughed to see the man roll his eyes. He just smiled at Rodrigo. “It’s true. I would never joke about this.”

  “A mage? You found a mage. The first in five hundred years.”


  Rodrigo fell back in his seat, swearing softly under his breath. He rubbed his lips with his hand and seemed to stare off into space, his brain still digesting this information. It was a lot to take in. He had a feeling that like Alric, Rodrigo had all but given up on finding more mages for his clan.

  Rodrigo lurched forward in his chair suddenly. “How? Where?”

  “I will admit it was purely by luck. One of my clansmen was in town for the Dragon War festival.” Rodrigo’s lip curled in disgust at the mention of the holiday, but he said nothing. “He ran across the mage, though the poor man had no idea his family comes from a line of mages.”

  “What do you mean he had no idea?”

  “Just that. His grandmother told some stories, but there’s no one in his family who knows how to use magic. He had little knowledge of dragons and mages. The true stories.”

  “Impossível,” Rodrigo breathed. Alric knew the feeling. It wasn’t that the king didn’t believe Alric. It was just hard to stomach that there were mages out there who had no idea they were mages.

  “Speaking with him, we’ve learned he’s from the Noh Clan.”

  Rodrigo nodded. “Sim. I remember the clan. Small clan. Good with seeking spells. Have you investigated his entire family? Is there just one mage?”

  “We’ve found three so far. Cameron, his twin sister Cassie, and their grandmother. Unfortunately, their parents are not. The rest of the family line is in Korea, and we haven’t spoken with them yet. The mages are being brought to Burkhard castle to begin learning about their heritage and how to use magic.”

  “And to find mates, I would wager,” Rodrigo said, his voice becoming a low rumble. The older dragon shook his head. “I will not lie and say I’m not jealous. Three mages, Alric. That is quite a treasure you’ve found.”

  Alric leaned forward. “I like to believe we’ve only found the first three of many more to be discovered.” He narrowed his eyes and allowed the excitement he felt to finally creep into his voice. “Think of it, Rodrigo. We’ve been searching for entire conclaves of mages, believing they would stick together for their own protection. We never considered they’d be so scattered that they’d lose their own heritage, that they’d never know how important they were. It means they could be living right under our noses, and we just didn’t know it. We merely have to learn how to search for them better—smarter.”

  Rodrigo chuckled softly, ending in a sigh. “You’re right. I’m happy for the Burkhard clan and grateful you have shared this news. I will be cutting our surfing season short so we can redirect our efforts. You’ve given us new hope.”

  “It’s not the only reason I’ve called. There is dark news as well. The newly discovered mages are being hunted.”

  “What?” Rodrigo shouted, sitting up in his seat. It was one of the few displays of extreme emotion Alric had seen in the dragon since he’d known him.

  “Cameron was nearly kidnapped off the street with me standing no more than a few dozen feet away. His sister Cassie was also nearly kidnapped, and she was in her home in America.” Alric had to fight to keep his voice calm and even as he spoke of the two events. There was no question in his mind a mage had been watching them on their date, looking for an opportunity to make another grab at Cameron. Just the thought of someone touching Cameron again made Alric want to tear the person apart with his claws.

  Rodrigo swore, straightening in his seat, a flush painting his cheeks. “Who? Who would dare?”

  “We’re still trying to figure it out, but we believe this group might also be mages. There is something off or tainted with their magic. We don’t know why they are attempting to kidnap the mages or what they intend to do with them. It’s critical that if you find a mage that your people are vigilant. The mage might not be willing right away to believe our tales of magic and dark threats.”

  A low groan rumbled up Rodrigo’s throat and he rolled his eyes. “I have enough headstrong dragons to deal with. I have plenty experience, I’m sure, to handle a headstrong mage.”

  “Probably so.”

  “Thank you for this valuable information, King Alric. I am excited to share it with my clan and begin our search anew.”

  Alric regally bowed his head to the other ruler. “I am happy to share this information with you. With both our clans working to find the mages, we will at last be able to bring them safely home. Anything we discover, I will have Dieter, my advisor, reach out to your advisor immediately.”

  “Yes, and we shall do the same.”

  “I also ask that you share contact information for your head researcher and head mage so that they can speak directly with their counterparts in my clan.”

  “Of course, I will leave it to Thiago to arrange everything,” Rodrigo said, waving to the man behind his shoulder.

  “As you wish. Happy hunting, King Rodrigo.”

  “And to you, my friend.”

  Rodrigo ended the call and Alric turned to look over at Dieter, one eyebrow raised.

  Dieter chuckled. “Yes, I would say that went rather well, and Rodrigo is happy to call you ‘friend’ since you very likely saved his clan.”

  Alric made a scoffing noise as he slouched a little in his chair. “Saved only if he and his dragons can locate some mages. And it has not escaped me that finding Cameron was pure chance. Ravi was lost in a sea of people at that festival, and he just happened to smell a mage. What are the odds of that?”

  Dieter scratched the salt-and-pepper stubble on his chin. “Chance or not, we are all grateful that it happened. It has given us a new starting point and a new hope after so very long.”

  “True,” Alric was forced to concede. “And with the Ice Clan watching for these rogue mages as well, we all have a better chance of uncovering the truth and saving the mages who have yet to find their way home.”

  “Speaking of home,” Dieter drawled as he pulled his vibrating phone out of his pocket. “Lisette reports that the car bearing our two newest mages home has just pulled into the courtyard, and Ravi is at the head of the welcoming committee.”

  Alric groaned and rubbed his eyes. That dragon was exhausting. But considering what he knew of Cassie after meeting her on the phone and the stories Baldewin had already sent him about Cameron’s grandmother, it was likely they would not be disturbed by the sight of a dragon acting like an overly excited puppy.

  Cameron placed his hand over his heart. Was he having a heart attack? This was starting to feel like a heart attack. His pulse was racing, he was light-headed, and he smelled fresh-baked bread.

  No, a heart attack was supposed to be toast. Or burnt feathers.

  No, wait. That was a stroke.

  Never mind, it wasn’t a heart attack, but the arrival of his twin and his grandmother was definitely feeling like a mistake.

  Not that he didn’t want his family safe. He needed to know that Cassie and his grandmother were safe if he was ever going to sleep again. There was no question they’d be safe at
the castle surrounded by what was starting to feel like overprotective dragons.

  But living in the castle also meant they were going to be near Alric. Or more correctly, they were going to see Cameron when he was around Alric, and they would know. They would see Cameron acting like a tongue-tied, overly excited, peacocking idiot around Alric because he was mindlessly, hopelessly attracted to him.

  Of course, Cassie would only encourage him because Alric was bone-meltingly sexy.

  And Halmeoni would encourage him because Alric was sexy and a powerful king. She’d be telling him to put a ring on it before some other mage came along to claim him.

  Cameron did not need that kind of tag-teaming pressure when it came to Alric. Luckily there wasn’t a whole lot of competition at the moment for the dragon, but it sounded like they were hoping Cameron and his family were just the tip of the mage iceberg. Soon, Burkhard would be crawling with mages, and Cameron would be beating the bastards off Alric with a stick…or maybe a wand.

  Groaning softly to himself, Cameron rubbed his temples against the threat of a headache. This kind of thinking wasn’t helping. There was no question they were attracted to each other, but that didn’t prove a damn thing when it came to being actual mates.

  How could Cameron even think of being Alric’s mate? He was the freaking king of the entire clan. He was calm, collected, smooth, and so damn controlled when it came to handling any situation he was thrown into. Alric needed a mage mate who was just like him, who could rise to the occasion and be the voice of reason to help him lead.

  And Cameron was…well, he wasn’t that.

  Which sucked because he really liked Alric. Liked his laugh. Liked the way he glared, because it was almost a dare. A challenge to get Cameron to make him laugh again. Everything about the man was a challenge. He wanted to show Alric that he really was strong and fierce when Alric saw himself as simply damaged and weak. He wanted Alric to finally see how loved he was by all his people.

  What a freaking mess. Cassie and Halmeoni were not going to make things any easier.


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