Origin (Scales 'N' Spells Book 1)

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Origin (Scales 'N' Spells Book 1) Page 32

by AJ Sherwood

  “And this disturbs you?”

  Cameron ran a hand over his face, hiding his expression for a second. Then he blew out a breath. “Kinda feel like an energy vampire, not going to lie.”

  “You are not.” Alric turned his head, resting their foreheads together in a sweet tilt of the head. Against his mouth, Alric murmured, “All that I have is yours. I do not begrudge you anything, Liebling.”

  Cameron’s heart strings gave a sharp tug at those words. Cameron had to kiss him then. Alric was being too sweet, he couldn’t resist him. Alric hummed back into the kiss, not at all shy about doing so in front of Lisette. But because of their audience, Cameron kept it short and drew back. The sincerity of it was in Alric’s eyes. He truly didn’t mind, was maybe a little happy about this whole thing.

  Which was a relief, but Cameron had one more question he needed answered. “Lisette, this isn’t harmful to him, right?”

  “Not at all.” Lisette made a throwaway gesture. “Living beings are constantly in a flux of energy on some level. We make, dissipate, and use it without notice or care. You’re just absorbing Alric’s extra energy before it can fully dissipate.”

  “Good.” Because he’d hate to cut the sex out. Like, really would hate that. Cameron would be devising the magical equivalent of a condom if necessary. So he was just as glad to hear it wasn’t an issue.

  A teasing glint crinkled up the corners of Alric’s eyes. “I can share a bit more with you, if you wish? To help with all of these magical lessons.”

  Cameron smirked back at him. “Why honey, how thoughtful of you.”

  “Stop being gross, you two!” Cassie called to them.

  “Oh, stop,” Halmeoni rebuked her, a laughing tone in the words. “They’re being cute.”

  Cameron growled, abruptly reminded he had people watching. He tended to forget others when wrapped up in Alric. “Remind me, why did we bring them here, again?”

  “Bad guys,” Alric deadpanned.

  “Dammit,” Cameron sighed. “Of course, it had to be a good reason.”

  Cameron wandered down the halls of the castle after he finished his lessons for the day. Cassie had dashed off to locate Sasha while his grandmother muttered something about taking a nap before dinner. Cameron had only half listened to them. His mind was consumed with thoughts of Alric.

  Or more specifically, Alric’s words.

  All that I have is yours.

  He knew the man wasn’t talking about his castle, clan, or collection of swanky cars. Not even his hoard of books. Though, all of that was included.

  No, Alric was talking about his heart and soul. His very essence and drive for being belonged to Cameron. Alric cared for him that much.

  And what had Cameron said in response?


  Well, he’d kissed him, and he’d tried to convey all his tangled feelings and hopes in that kiss. Had Alric understood? His adorable dragon needed to know he meant everything to Cameron, even if the idea of being mates scared the crap out of him.

  Just the word “mates” had Cameron pausing and placing his hand on the wall to steady himself. His talk with Lisette had settled his mind some, but the concept was still so big, so much more than what he’d been expecting for his life. The responsibility of all those people and their future. Wasn’t it enough to be responsible for the happiness of the king who cared for all those people? That was a big, important job too.

  A quick glance around revealed he was wandering down the hall that led to Alric’s office. Left to their own devices, his feet had decided to take him back to Alric, like by his side was where he belonged. Silly feet.

  Maybe he would just pop his head in. Check on the king and see if he could use a little cheering up.

  At Alric’s door, he briskly knocked and chided his pounding heart. Being nervous around Alric was so silly at this point. So what if the man could turn him inside-out with just a look? Or if he held Cameron’s heart in the palm of his hand?

  “Enter,” Alric’s muffled voice called through the door.

  Taking a deep breath and mentally laughing at his nerves, he opened one of the doors and poked his head inside. As usual, Alric sat at his desk, looking regal and dignified, while Dieter stood behind his right shoulder, seeming to point at something on Alric’s computer screen. Alric’s look of intense concentration melted away in a flash, his handsome face transforming with a warm smile at the sight of Cameron.

  “Cameron,” he said his name with such joy, as if they hadn’t seen each other in days rather than just a few hours. “Is everything okay?”

  “Oh, yeah. Sure. No problems. I just stopped by to see you, but you’re clearly busy. I can—” Cameron quickly said. He took a step backward, pulling the door with him while mentally chastising himself. Of course Alric was busy!

  “No! Don’t go.” Alric’s sharp tone instantly halted Cameron’s retreat. The dragon smiled and continued in a more even voice, “We were just finishing.”

  The sudden jump of both of Dieter’s eyebrows left Cameron wondering if this was news to the old advisor, but to his credit, he didn’t say anything contrary. Dropping his hand to his side, Dieter straightened and smiled at Cameron. “Yes, please come in. I was just leaving.” He then stepped away from the desk, bowed slightly to his king, and then walked out of the office, bestowing one last smile on Cameron.

  When the door closed behind Dieter, Cameron chuckled softly. “Why do I feel like Dieter was not quite done with you yet?”

  Alric relaxed in his chair, his grin completely unrepentant. “Dieter is never done with me. He’s always got something I need to look at, or make a decision on, or plan for. A visit from you is much more pleasurable.”

  Strolling around Alric’s desk, he fought the urge to jump into his lap, but there was no need. Alric snagged Cameron’s wrist and pulled him off balance so that he was tumbling into Alric’s lap and strong arms. Okay, so maybe he didn’t really fight it at all. Alric’s arms were amazing, and Cameron loved nuzzling his face right into Alric’s neck, breathing in his scent until it was the only thing in his lungs.

  “How were your lessons?” Alric inquired. He moved his left hand lightly along Cameron’s thigh in the gentlest caress. Why did he ever leave Alric’s arms? This was the best place in the entire world. Couldn’t he just rule his clan with Cameron right here at all times? Yeah, probably not, but it would definitely be more fun that way.

  “It was good, once we got past the birds and bees of magic.”

  Alric laughed, the sound rumbling deep in his chest. “That couldn’t have been comfortable with your family there.”

  “Cassie had plenty of helpful comments.”

  “Don’t worry. Her time will come.”

  Cameron snorted. “Not likely. Nothing embarrasses her. And when it comes to Sasha, she knows no shame.” Cameron mentally shook his head. This was not what he wanted to talk about. “How has your day been?”

  Under him, he could feel Alric shrug his right shoulder. “Nothing too unexpected. Rodrigo is not happy that we’ve made so little progress in regards to the rogue clan. He’s also not happy we don’t have more to share in terms of how to find more mages.”

  Cameron lifted his head, brow furrowing as anger on Alric’s behalf rose in his chest. “Doesn’t he have any mages? Shouldn’t they be working on finding mages instead of relying on you and the Burkhard clan?”

  Alric’s smile never wavered. “True, but I have a great deal of sympathy for him. I was in his shoes a short time ago, and now I have three new mages in my clan. Finding you was like stumbling across an oasis after centuries of crossing a vast desert.” Lifting his hand, Alric lightly touched Cameron’s cheek. “He is still trapped in that desert.”

  “God, you’re an amazing king,” Cameron whispered without thought.

  Alric threw his head back and laughed, the free and light sound filling the room. “And I could so use visits from you every day. You make me feel worthy of such praise.”

bsp; Well, that was just wrong. Alric was worthy of the praise and so much more. Ducking his head down, Cameron nuzzled his neck and nibbled up to his earlobe, loving the happy little hum that vibrated up Alric’s throat. He slid his hand down his strong chest and hesitated right at his belt buckle when a wonderfully wicked idea crossed his mind.

  “Do you have time for a distraction?” Cameron whispered before licking along the shell of Alric’s ear.

  His lover shivered, and when he spoke, his voice was low and husky. “What kind of a distraction did you have in mind?”

  Cameron placed another kiss to his neck before climbing out of his lap. Alric tried to hold him in place, but Cameron resolutely detached his hands and pushed Alric’s chair farther back from his desk. Alric lifted one eyebrow in question, which only led to his eyes widening when Cameron dropped to his knees in front of him. Sliding his hands up Alric’s thighs, the king swallowed hard and seemed to struggle to sit still.

  “Ever fool around in the king’s royal office before?” Cameron inquired.

  Alric licked his lips before he finally managed a soft, “Ummm…no. Can’t say that I have.”

  Turning his nimble fingers on Alric’s belt buckle and pants, he slowly unfastened both. He could already feel Alric’s cock rising, pushing against his zipper in eager anticipation. “Just think. From down here, no one can see me if they were to walk in. No one can see what I’m doing to you unless you were to give us away.”

  “Oh god, Cameron,” Alric moaned softly, his eyes snapping shut for a moment as Cameron carefully pulled his briefs down to reveal his hard dick.

  Cameron wrapped his fingers around it, stroking him slowly, loving the feel of his dick growing even harder at his touch. It was amazing how much power Alric gave to Cameron over his body, how much he responded to Cameron’s touch and kisses. The man just handed himself over with complete trust, managing to both humble and empower Cameron at once.

  Grinning up at Alric, he leaned in closer as he stroked him. “Look at you. Lounging in the chair you make all important decisions, me at your feet—so decadent.”

  “You’re killing me,” Alric gritted out. He dropped his eyes back to Cameron, and the gold ring glittered around his dark eyes with hunger and need.

  “Not yet, but let’s see how quiet you can be.” Cameron dipped his head and licked his way up Alric’s cock, pausing to curl his tongue around the head again and again. Above him, Alric let out a muffled moan and jerked a little in the chair, his hips twitching as if he was fighting the urge to thrust into Cameron’s mouth.

  He continued to tease the King of the Fire Dragons for another minute before finally swallowing him down. This time, Alric did moan softly. His fingers threaded through Cameron’s hair while his palm came to rest on the top of his head. He wasn’t so much holding Cameron down as he just seemed to need to touch him. The smell of Alric’s spicy soap and the hint of his personal musk danced around his nose. Cameron loved this, loved every sound Alric made, every twitch of his muscles. He loved the feel of Alric on his tongue and that he was driving this powerful creature closer to the edge of losing his control.

  His own dick was making demands, pushing against the front of his pants and wanting some attention, but that would just have to wait. His entire focus was on Alric and making his lover feel good.

  “Cam…god…Cam…so close,” Alric gasped. His hips lifted slightly from the chair in the tiniest of thrusts, as if he couldn’t help himself. Cameron wanted to signal Alric in some way that he could move, but his position in the chair with Cameron on his knees didn’t give them a lot of room to maneuver. Regardless, he wasn’t going anywhere. He wanted everything Alric had.

  A knock on the office doors had them both freezing for a heartbeat. Alric swore violently in German for a moment before he shouted, “Don’t come in!” He sucked in a harsh breath and seemed to moderate his tone, but only a little. “Come back later.”

  “Yes, Hoheit,” a man’s voice came through the door.

  Cameron huffed a small laugh of relief, but it wasn’t exactly easy with his mouth full.

  Alric flopped his head back against his chair and groaned. Cameron redoubled his efforts, using his hand to stroke the bottom part of Alric’s cock that his lips couldn’t quite reach. Alric swore again softly, his fingers tightening in Cameron’s hair.

  “Cam—” he moaned, and then he was coming hard. Cameron swallowed him down with a tiny whimper of need. The only time he’d been more turned on was when they were naked in bed together. Yes, they would need to do that later tonight.

  Slowly, Cameron let Alric slide from his mouth, licking him completely clean as he went. Alric let out a long, deep sigh as Cameron carefully tucked him back into his pants and refastened them.

  “Here,” Alric mumbled, grabbing Cameron’s hand. He pulled him back up into his lap and kissed him tenderly over and over again, leaving Cameron just sinking into his warmth. “What brought that on? Not that I’m complaining at all,” he continued when it seemed like his brain was functioning again.

  Cameron shrugged. He didn’t want to explain what had really sent him here, the emotions he wrestled with. The need he had to connect with this man. Even if the words tangled up in Cameron’s throat, he wanted to show Alric that he was important. That Cameron did want him. He just wasn’t sure how to respond to everything Alric offered. Not yet. “I don’t know. Maybe I just wanted to do something that made you feel good when I know you’ve got a lot of things to worry about during the day.” He paused and chuckled softly. “Okay, and maybe I wanted to do something a little risky and naughty.”

  Alric huffed a laugh, his right arm tightening around Cameron. “It will be a very long time before I can sit at this desk and not think of you on your knees, face flushed.”

  Nuzzling his nose against Alric’s cheek, Cameron closed his eyes. He could just sit here all day. He didn’t want to leave Alric’s side even though he knew they both had things they needed to see to. “Anything for you.”

  “You have no idea how much you’ve already changed my life for the better. It’s as if you wrapped your own personal magic around me from the very beginning.”

  Alric’s words snagged in Cameron’s brain, churning things in a new direction. He’d forgotten that he’d agreed to meet up with Gunter after his lesson. Damn, poor planning on his part. His body was still thrumming, a little whiny about getting some, but he really had no time for it. He was late meeting up with Gunter as it was. He didn’t want to get up, but he needed to see a man about some magic.

  Reluctantly, Cameron sat up and smiled. He cupped Alric’s cheek and brushed a sweet kiss across his lips but pulled away before Alric could deepen it. If he let the dragon, he’d keep Cameron distracted enough that he’d never leave Alric’s lap.

  “I believe Dieter needs you for more work, and I need to talk to Gunter,” Cameron murmured against his mouth.

  “Really? You don’t want me to reciprocate?” Alric smiled widened, full of pure devilment. “I thought I’d lay you out on my desk and make a meal of you.”

  “Now that’s just mean. How about a raincheck and you make me dessert tonight?”

  “Deal,” Alric laughed and nipped at Cameron’s bottom lip.

  Cameron got to his feet and started for the door when he turned back. “Would you like me to get Dieter for you?”

  “No, thank you. I need a moment to collect myself. I’ll call for him when I’m sure I can face him without blushing.”

  Cameron laughed when he strolled back out of Alric’s office, feeling good that he’d placed a smile on Alric’s face. Now he just needed to see about getting some extra protection for his man.

  Cameron rubbed his hands together, a little bounce in his stride as he cleared Gunter’s door. “I’m here!”

  “Good, get in here,” Gunter called back from somewhere further in the room. The table had several boxes stacked on top of it, likely with research elements. Or specimens. Or something crazy. You never quite
knew with Gunter.

  What with the threat of kidnappings and such, everyone felt it better to arm their mages as well as they could. Just in case. Cameron’s magical knowledge improved daily, and he soaked magical theory up like a sponge. During one of the castle game nights, he’d thrown some ideas around with Gunter, which somehow led to these afternoon sessions with the dragon. He and Gunter thought it feasible to come up with something that would allow Cameron a fighting chance, in case he was caught alone. Or caught with only one dragon guarding him.

  The dragons were beyond fierce, but they were not immune to magical attack. It behooved them to make preparations.

  Gunter sat at a back table, and he gestured Cameron onto the only other unoccupied stool. “I’ve got a list from Carla on good possibilities. The trick will be assembling something you can make on the fly.”

  “Not have ready and available?”

  “Most of what’s on her list isn’t something you want to just cart around. For one thing, an active spell like this will mean trouble for any mage trying to do a seeking spell on you, so we’ll have a hard time following.”

  “What are we talking about, exactly?” Cameron leaned over his shoulder to read the list. The rather short list. “Barriers, glamour spell, reflection spell? So barrier for defense, glamour to hide our location, reflection to bounce attack spells away?”

  “Ja.” Gunter frowned a little down at the list. “It’s not a bad idea, really, but…”

  “I mean, doesn’t this all assume that we see the attack coming? That I have a place to duck into and put a barrier and glamour spell up? That I have the time to do that?”

  “That’s rather my problem with it.” Gunter sat up, letting the list fall to the table for a moment. “In the war, the mages used different sorts of spells. I assumed she’d list off one of those. I’m not sure why she didn’t.”


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