
Home > Young Adult > Reclamation > Page 11
Reclamation Page 11

by Erica Stevens

  "What's going on?" Aiden demanded in a low whisper.

  I shook my head, but I couldn't take my gaze away from Cade as he began to move with the lethal speed he kept hidden from the others. Aiden gasped, I went to take a step back, but Cade's arms were already wrapping around my waist and he was lifting me up and spinning me around. My hands fell briefly upon his shoulders but even as I was touching him, he was releasing me.

  A lethal growl issued from him and a rock settled in the pit of my stomach. I knew there was no way to deny what had just happened, the speed he had just exhibited, or the look that was creeping over the other's faces. My blood ran cold, my mouth parted as he pushed me backward, nearly pinning me to a tree with his back as his arm swung out to keep me behind him.

  I was barely registering what was happening with him when lights began to blaze to life from the woods. The people that had been falling away from Cade now scrambled away from the flickering torches pulsing from the forest like some kind of overgrown firefly. All my dread over what Cade had just revealed vanished as more lights came to life and shaded figures began to emerge from the trees. The dusk enshrouding them, and the bouncing torches, lent a strange air to their presence, one that made it almost seem as if they were walking through a fog.

  "Cade?" I whispered.

  His hand twitched toward me, but his eyes didn't flicker in my direction. His muscles rippled beneath his shirt as he pressed closer against me. My heart leapt into my throat, I rested my fingers briefly on his back as I inhaled a shaky breath.

  "People," Aiden whispered.

  "No!" Cade hissed. "Not all of them."

  I could barely breathe through the constriction in my chest and I thought my heart was going to burst through my ribs as Cade's words sank in. I brought my gun forward and rested it in front of me in a two handed grip as the shadows began to coalesce into people, and apparently aliens.

  Though the aliens were darker in hair, skin, and eye color there was no way to differentiate them from a human. They blended in seamlessly with us, a trait that we didn't share with them as they could spot each other immediately, or at least Cade could. There were so many of them, they outnumbered us at least two to one, and those were only the ones that I could see. I was certain there were more lurking within the forest waiting to pounce upon us like a pack of hungry, rabid dogs. The comparison didn't make me feel any better as a woman about our age, and a middle aged man separated themselves from the others and took a few steps forward.

  It wasn't their nearly black hair and eyes that helped me identify their race, but the fact that their eyes immediately latched upon Cade. The pretty young woman's head tilted to the side as an amused smile tugged at her full lips. The man beside her didn't appear at all amused though as he eyed Cade up and down before turning toward me. His bushy eyebrows shot into his receding hairline as his gaze raked me from head to toe.

  A low snarl escaped Cade as he took a step to the side to try and cover me more. It was useless though, they could all see us and no matter how strong he was he was no match for the numbers we were facing. He would fight to the death in order to protect me but that was something I was determined not to let happen.

  "Hello Cade."

  Everyone in our group's head shot toward us as the young woman greeted him with a small nod. I straightened my shoulders and thrust my chin out as her coffee colored eyes slid to me. Her deep brown hair had been pulled into a loose knot that sat against the base of her slender neck. Her thin nose and high cheekbones reminded me of a fashion model, yet there was something about the angular shape of her face that somehow detracted from the aura of beauty she seemed to radiate. I found my eyes riveted upon her as questions and doubts bounced rapidly through my mind.

  Cade's jaw clenched, a muscle in his cheek jumped as he surveyed the crowd gathered before us. I didn't know when he'd done it but I spotted a knife in his hand as the light from a lantern gleamed off of the steel. "Hello Jessica," he responded blandly as he shifted so that his shoulder was against my chest.

  Aiden glanced at me but I kept my face impassive as my stomach twisted into knots. Who was this girl, and how did Cade know her? She had to be an alien, but there were definitely a few humans surrounding her if the fairer color of their hair and eyes was any indication. Unless they were altering their looks now, which would be the easiest thing out of all the deceptions they had unleashed upon us.

  "Who are you?" Darnell's rifle was raised and at the ready as he leveled it at the woman. Jessica didn't answer though as her eyes slid between Cade and me and back again. "Who is she Cade!?" Darnell barked. "Someone answer me before I put a bullet in both your heads!"

  "That wouldn't be a wise idea," the middle aged man with the receding hairline said in a flat monotone voice that somehow managed to seem more menacing than if he had shouted the words.

  I knew exactly how Darnell felt but the worst thing in the world would be for him to pull that trigger, I knew that as surely as I knew that the tide would rise and the sun would set. Please don't, I pleaded silently. Although I wasn't as concerned about Darnell as I was about Lloyd. Darnell's rifle was trained on Jessica, but Lloyd had his aimed straight at Cade's heart.

  "Lloyd," I breathed.

  "It's ok Bethany," Cade murmured. "Just stay behind me." The tip of Lloyd's gun briefly swung in my direction. Cade pressed more firmly against me, my heart sunk as I saw the black beginning to creep through his arms and into his face. "You don't want to do that."

  "What are you going to do about it?" Lloyd demanded.

  "You won't like seeing what I can do," Cade grated.

  "Lloyd," Darnell said in a low voice. "He's not our main concern right now."

  Lloyd seemed unwilling to turn the gun away from us though as he continued to eye Cade with an expression that made it clear he would pull the trigger if Cade moved even a centimeter. Lloyd's hand trembled as the black encompassed all of Cade's eyes. "What are you?" he whispered.

  "He's one of us," Jessica said in a tone of voice that set my teeth on edge. Darnell released a low curse; a startled squeak escaped one of Arlene's people and more than a few of them looked like a rabbit ready to bolt from a coyote.

  "We mean you no harm," receding hairline informed us.

  "Than what do you mean?" Darnell demanded.

  The man's eyes remained on Cade and I as Jessica began to smile. "Judging by the look of things, we can help each other," she said.

  "I highly doubt that," Lloyd retorted.

  "Don't be so doubtful, not all of us have ill intent where you humans are concerned. In fact, all of us here are looking to find a way to help you, to save the human race."

  My fingers curled into the back of Cade's shirt as hope filled me. More of them filed out of the woods and as I watched a tall blond with piercing hazel eyes and broad shoulders stepped forward. If he was an alien in disguise it was a really good disguise. It took everything I had to keep my jaw from dropping when his hand slid into Jessica's.

  "To save all of us," Jessica continued, her eyes locked upon Cade's. "We have a lot to discuss."

  Cade relaxed a little but the black lines didn't leave his face or eyes as even more people began to move from the woods. "It seems we do."

  My breath rushed out of me as I watched the shadows continuing to emerge from the trees. We had no choice, even if they were here to hurt us; there was nothing that we could do to stop them. We were outnumbered by aliens and humans alike. I was tempted to grab hold of Cade and bury myself in his chest in case I didn't get the chance to hold him again after this.

  I snatched hold of my brother's hand and squeezed as Cade took a step away from me. I used the opportunity to grab hold of Abby and push her behind me. "Bethany..."

  "Shh Abby," Aiden hushed her.

  "You knew about Cade too," Abby accused.

  I was tempted to stick my hand over her mouth but I knew it wouldn't do any good. "Later Abby," Aiden told her.

  I could almost see steam coming out o
f her ears as she folded her arms over her chest and glowered at the two of us. Cade stared at Lloyd as the young soldier kept his rifle focused on him. "Stop pointing that thing at me," he informed him coldly.

  "Lower it Lloyd," Darnell commanded. The young soldier hesitated for a minute before finally lowering the gun. I breathed somewhat easier but Lloyd wasn't even a tiny bit of the problem as my attention turned back to the hundred or so people and aliens gathered across from us.

  Cade remained standing in front of us but Jessica and the man with the receding hairline moved across the clearing. "It's nice that we finally get a chance to meet," Jessica said as she held her hand out to him.

  Cade stared at her hand before briefly glancing back at me. Abby's resentment and annoyance seemed to fade as her arms fell to her sides and her fine boned hand slid into mine. My gaze slid back and forth between Cade and Jessica as my curiosity grew, but I held my tongue. It wouldn't take much for someone on our side to pounce or bolt into the woods. I couldn't shake the feeling that if someone tried to run they would be chased down like a gazelle fleeing a lion.

  Cade finally took hold of her hand and shook it briskly. "Hopefully I'll be able to say the same of you."

  "You will. We have a lot to explain."

  "So it seems."

  The man stepped forward and extended his hand. "Timothy Athens."

  "Cade Marshall."

  "I know."

  That only caused my frown to deepen as Jessica turned toward me. "Jessica Leonard," she said as she thrust her hand out.

  I released Aiden's hand and went to take hold of Jessica's when Cade not so subtly stepped in between us. Jessica's mouth quirked in amusement but she didn't say anything as she turned her attention back to me. "Bethany Lake," I told her.

  "It's nice to meet you Bethany. We have shelter nearby that we'll take you to," Jessica told us.

  "Do we have a choice?" Lloyd muttered.

  "You do, but I can almost guarantee if you leave here you won't make it out there for much longer. The choice is yours though." She pinned Cade with her eyes. "I'd suggest hearing us out before you leave; we do have a common goal here."

  Hope spurted through me as I glanced at the people across from us and then the ones surrounding me. Bishop strode forward to stand beside Aiden. "I'd like to hear what they have to say," Bishop asserted.

  "Have you lost your mind?" Lloyd muttered.

  "I can see as clearly as you that there are humans standing willingly amongst them, unless you have the ability for mind control?" Cade shook his head in response to the question Bishop directed at him. "I'd like to know what is going on then."

  Lloyd was fairly sputtering, "You're going to trust him?"

  Bishop stared at the both of us before giving a brisk nod. "I am, but like the lady said, it's your choice."

  "I'd like to hear it also," Jenna said as she stepped forward. "I'm assuming that if Cade hasn't killed Bethany yet than they can't all be bad. We're not going to win this battle hiding in tunnels, moving around, and on our own."

  "It's settled then," Timothy said. "Follow us."

  I glanced nervously at Cade as Timothy turned and headed back toward the crowd in the woods. "Can we trust them?" I whispered.

  Cade stared after them. "You're the only one I trust, but I think they have something to tell us and I'm willing to listen."

  "So am I," Darnell said as he stepped forward. "Let's go."

  I took hold of Cade's hand as I tried to ignore the resentful stares focused on us as he led me forward.

  Chapter 14

  My head tilted back as the massive gates loomed out of the forest before us. The large wooden poles on either side of the gates were wrapped with barbwire and adorned with what appeared to be blood, but I couldn't be sure in the dim light. People began to hold back around us and I felt my own heels dig in as my heart began to hammer with trepidation.

  I was convinced this had been a mistake as my gaze traveled up and down the chain link fence that stretched as far as the eye could see in either direction. Razor wire curled around the top of it and I knew the minute we stepped inside those wooden gates there would be no getting back out. Jessica made some sort of intricate hand signal that reminded me of a baseball coach signaling to steal second. The massive gates before us swung open with a groan of hinges badly in need of being oiled.

  Light flared over us as torches were brought forth. More figures appeared and the torches were raised high to reveal the six men and women that had emerged from the darkness. There were at least two humans amongst them, but I suspected there were more as inviting smiles spread over their faces.

  "You found more," a woman with deep brown hair who appeared to be in her mid to late thirties said.

  "Better than that Rosemary." Jessica stepped aside to reveal Cade standing behind her.

  A shiver of foreboding crept down my spine when Rosemary's black eyebrows shot into her hairline. "That is an interesting turn of events," she murmured as she rubbed her chin.

  My hand tightened around Cade's as I stepped closer to him. I knew he'd told me everything he'd thought I needed to know but there was so much he'd kept hidden from me. I sensed I would get some of the answers to the many questions running through my mind from these aliens standing across from us. Curiosity killed the cat, I reminded myself, but the cat also had nine lives and my curiosity was clamoring to be eased.

  "Well come along everyone," Rosemary invited.

  She turned away but Cade's words stopped her. "I'm the only one that will be coming."

  The woman lifted her torch again as she turned back around. "Everyone will be safe here."

  "You're not going in there alone," I told him.

  "I don't even know where or what here is," Cade said to Rosemary.

  "It's a prison encampment for the humans, or at least it was," Jessica explained. "We took it over a couple of weeks ago, freed the prisoners, and claimed it as our own."

  "Did you now?" Darnell inquired dryly. I couldn't help but feel a little skeptical too. Darnell rested his rifle against his shoulder as he stepped forward. "The last thing I want to do is step foot in there, and I'm not so sure I trust you." His gaze was relentless as it settled upon Cade and though he knew what Cade was now I saw no fright in his eyes. "But Bethany is right; you're not going in there alone, someone else will hear what they have to say too."

  "I'll go," I volunteered.

  "Someone besides you," Darnell sneered.

  I felt as if I'd been slapped but managed to keep my face as impassive as possible. I deserved his condemnation, I'd kept a secret from them, a big secret, but I admired Darnell and looked to him for leadership and guidance. He'd helped me when I needed him most. I wanted to apologize to him but now wasn't the time and I didn't think he was willing to hear it. I'd chosen my course of action and now I was going to have to live with the consequences of it.

  "I'm going," Bishop said.

  I didn't think there was anything that could have kept the curious doctor from going in there, not even the threat of being locked in there for good. "I'll go too," Lloyd offered. "You should stay with the larger group, in case something goes wrong," he said to Darnell.

  Darnell studied the rest of our group before giving a brisk nod. Cade tugged me to the side and pulled me up against the fence. "I want you to stay out here with your siblings."

  I shook my head and thrust my shoulders back. "I'm going in there with you."

  "It could be dangerous in there."

  "Look around you Cade; it's not exactly open arms and musicals going on right now. They distrust us both."

  He glanced at the people we had come here with as they grouped closer together. They spoke in whispers as weapons were exchanged amongst them. "Bethany..."

  "I've already assumed that there's more you haven't told me."

  His eyes narrowed. "I've told you everything that pertains to my life, here. I've told you everything that matters to me. Those things up there don't matter to m
e and they never have."

  "I understand that."

  He groaned as he ran a hand through his hair and nervously glanced back at the crowd gathered outside of the gates. "I don't think you'll be safe on either side of these gates but out here you could at least still have a chance to run."

  "I've seen you take down two of those bloodsucking things with only a knife, I don't think I'd be getting far even if I did run."

  His eyes flickered away from me as he shook his head and his shoulders slumped in resignation. "Stay close to me Bethany; don't let them separate us, no matter what."

  "I won't," I promised.

  "No matter what happens, know that I love you. There are things you're going to hear..."

  I smiled as I squeezed his hand. I was certain there were things I wouldn't like hearing, but I hadn't shied away from the revelation of what he was, and I wasn't about to start now. "I know. I love you too."

  I went to turn away but he tugged me back. "You have to know this first. Jessica is the woman I was supposed to marry."

  If a ghost had floated before me and yelled 'boo!' I wouldn't have been more shocked than I was to hear those words. I hadn't known what to expect once we got in there, but what he'd just said was the absolute last thing I had expected to hear. I opened my mouth to respond but no words came out. I closed my mouth and swallowed as I glanced back at the young woman standing by the gates with the blond haired man at her side.

  "I thought you'd never met her," I finally managed to get out.

  "I haven't, but I've seen her picture."

  "Oh, of course." Who hadn't met their future spouse, the alien they were supposed to spend the rest of their life with, by a picture?


  I held up a hand and shook my head. "They're waiting for us."

  I turned and hurried away before I became too disturbed by his revelation, before I thought too much about it and decided the last thing I wanted was to step foot in there with him and his ex-intended. Or was she still his intended amongst their race? I didn't know and I wasn't going to sit around and try and figure it out. Cade and his fiancée were the least of my problems right now.


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