The Way to Capture a Marquess's Heart: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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The Way to Capture a Marquess's Heart: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 5

by Bridget Barton

  He? This did sound interesting. Did this mean her sister was ready to marry someone?

  “A friend?”

  "Yes, but not to marry, so you may put that notion out of your head."

  Violet ducked her head. Had her eagerness been so obvious? She only wanted happiness for her sister, and Violet believed that the right man would make Alice a contented woman. “Why do you base all of your relations on your past?”

  “It is simple, really. I do not wish to experience another heartbreak.”

  Violet sighed, lying down on her sister's pillows. “It is time to move on, Alice. I feel it in my bones.”

  “I did not know that your bones could feel.”

  She heard the amusement in her sister's voice. “Do not make light of an important situation.”

  “Goodness, Vi, I shall fall asleep if you insist on speaking of the past.”

  “I only wish for you to move on and find happiness, Ally. Is that such a bad thing?”

  “Ally? Did you not swear to never use a person's shortened name because it sounded childish?”

  "Yes, but Beatrice says that it is a form of endearment, and she always does it."

  “Oh, I see that Beatrice says a lot.”

  “She is rather wise for her age, Alice.”

  "So you say," said Alice, yawning widely. "Violet, I must get some sleep, I have much to do tomorrow."

  Violet caught herself yawning as well. "Yes, I have many letters to write and hopefully, another outing with Beatrice. I may go to her house if Mama allows it, but I do not know if Mrs Jersey will be available to chaperone me."

  “She informed me that she would be resting at home tomorrow, you may just be able to twist her arm to go with you.”

  “Truly? I shall have Mama send her a letter first thing tomorrow morning.” She climbed off the bed. “Ally, do think on what I have said.” Violet did not need to say what she was talking about, her sister was well aware of it.

  "Yes, yes, now, let me sleep."

  “Goodnight, Alice.”

  “'Night, Vi.”

  Violet crept away to her bedroom, silently praying for her sister's happiness.


  Luke had mixed feelings about this garden party. His father said it would be a way of showing Lord Campbell and other people that he was not at odds with the baron concerning his debt, but he knew his father too well for that to be the only reason.

  What did he have on his mind? Father was a crafty fellow. If he wished to have a garden party, it was not to merely mend any broken fences or put people at ease. No, he stood to gain something, and it was not to collect a debt. The duke did not even like social events such as these unless there was an opportunity to gamble. As for it to be during the day, Father was a night owl, only coming out to play when the sun went down.

  All things aside, Luke was looking forward to seeing Alice Campbell. The woman had intrigued him at the ball, and he hoped to see her again. In this his father had done well. Would she be as open with him today? The guests were due to arrive at any moment, and the garden was ready to receive them. Suzannah had her uses. The garden indeed looked inviting and beautiful. His father had sprung it upon her at the last minute, and although she had grumbled, she had taken the planning in her stride and produced an enviable garden setup.

  “Luke! Just the man I wanted to see.”

  Luke turned, waiting for his father to reach him. The older man had not put much effort into his appearance, making Luke wonder if the man was still tipsy from the previous day. At least he had not gambled, but his drinking was becoming excessively worrying. His father was too drunk on power to see that he was harming himself. Or rather, he was not as concerned as he should be because he knew that Luke would pick up the pieces should anything happen.

  “Yes, Father?”

  The man clapped him on the shoulder. "I have a small job for you this afternoon, but an important one."

  “What would that be?”

  “I would like for you to personally welcome the Baron of Leeds and his family. They are my honoured guests today. Yes, I have invited many other powerful people. After all, connections are a welcome necessity for a man such as I. Who knows when I might need their help? But your focus will be on the baron, do you understand?”

  “If they are your honoured guests, why do you not personally welcome them?”

  “You are an extension of me, are you not? If they see you, they see me.”

  His father was not directly answering his question, he was beating about the bush. What did he have up his sleeve?

  “If my focus is on them, what of the other guests?”

  The duke waved his hand. “They will be taken care of. You need not fret. Now, keep a lookout for the baron, he will surely arrive any minute.”

  Luke agreed, making his father a satisfied man. Why was he so insistent? He hoped that he was not planning something against them. The duke was not a bad man, but he was as cunning as a fox. If he saw that something would benefit him, he went after it.

  His father walked away from him, humming a melody, his step springy and light. He certainly was acting strangely. Luke did not like it at all. There would be no point speaking to Suzannah as the woman could hardly bring herself to talk to him unless it was absolutely necessary.

  There was no love lost between them, a fact the family knew only too well. She had never been the woman he had craved as a child. Instead, she had done everything possible to make his father lose interest in him. It had taken years for Luke to figure out why his stepmother was so cold and hateful towards him, but once he found out, he had understood her actions. Suzannah did not just want to be a duchess, but the mother of the son who would inherit the title. Speak of the devil. The woman came walking towards him, her elaborate dress blowing in the soft breeze.

  "Luke, where is your father? Is this not his event? He must be here to greet the guests once they are shown to the garden by the servants."

  “He has entered the house.”

  “If he thinks he is going to drink while our guests are here, he had better think again.” She picked up her dress and marched to the house, leaving him in peace. The woman was a headache, one that nagged at you constantly.

  He made a note to himself. “Never marry. Never at all.”

  “That would be a shame, Luke,” said Hannah behind him. “You would make a wonderful husband.”

  He turned. “Are you listening to conversations again?”

  “I cannot help it that people do not notice me, but it makes for an amusing pastime.”

  “You mother will have your head is she finds out that you are eavesdropping. Mind you, she might use that to her advantage.”

  His sister's eyes grew worried. “You will not tell her, will you, Luke?”

  "You needn't fret about that, little sister. Your secret is safe with me. Where are Sarah and Thomas?"

  "Mama has Sarah practising her piece on the harp, and Thomas refuses to leave his room."

  "What is it this time? Did your mother take away his favourite toy?"

  Hannah shook her head. “No, he said that he has no interest in garden parties and will remain in his room with a book.”

  "I cannot blame him. I was the same at his age. Unfortunately, once you become an adult, you have many more responsibilities that you cannot run away from. Why has your mother not forced you to do a piece for the garden party?"

  Hannah looked down and mumbled something, her cheeks turning a rosy pink.

  "What was that? I am afraid that I did not catch your words. They must have run away with the breeze." He tried to make light of it as she did seem somewhat distressed, but the deep sigh she gave was evidence enough of her unhappiness.

  “Mama wishes me to make an effort with Theodore.”

  “Who is Theodore?”

  “Lord Hunstanton's son.”

  “You are only seventeen. What does she mean by this?”

  “She seems to think he will make a good match for me.�

  “And what do you think?”

  She looked down. “I do not like him. He is quite rude.”

  “Then you need not worry about him. I shall make sure of it.” Luke would not allow Suzannah to ruin her daughter's life for her own gain. The young girl had time enough to look for a husband. She did not need to look for one now.

  “Oh no, Luke. Do not speak of it to Mama, please! She will surely know that I have told you about it and will scold me.”

  He took his sister's face into his hands, kissing her brow. “Do not worry, Hannah. I shall make it right. I assure you that your mother will not bother you with this again. Go, do whatever it is that girls your age do.” Luke felt better when his sister smiled, showing her dimples.

  “Thank you, Luke. You are the best brother a girl could ever ask for.”

  She rose on the tips of her toes to deliver a kiss to his cheek before she skipped away. Hannah was as much a child as Sarah was, although they were two years apart. Suzannah was barking up the wrong tree if she thought she would force a marriage on her daughter before she had even begun to mature. Marriage would keep her from blooming into the confident woman he knew she would become.

  He had no further time to think of his sister's future as the guests began to arrive in their hordes.


  Alice felt the tiniest of nerves as she entered the duke's estate with her family. Usually, she would not have cared about coming to one of these events, but it was who she would see that gave her a flutter in her stomach. Violet had noticed that she was not her usual self, but Alice had told her she was merely tired. Her sister had accepted the excuse, but she had not looked convinced. Alice could not tell her about Luke because she would most certainly make a mountain out of a molehill. Why should it matter if she liked the marquess? It was not as though she were interested in him romantically. No, he seemed to be an interesting man who would make a good friend.

  When the family climbed down the from carriage, they were shown to the garden by a servant. Alice's mother was clearly impressed with her surroundings as she 'oohed' and 'aahed' along the way. The party was in full swing as there were many guests who had already arrived before them. Alice’s stomach did that little jump again when she saw Luke walking towards them.

  “Does he not look handsome, Alice?” her sister whispered.

  “If I have to hear about his appearance one more time, I shall ban you from entering my room.”

  “Goodness, you are a prickly pear today. Fine, I shall hold my tongue from now on.”

  Alice had not meant to snap at her sister, but neither had she needed a reminder of just how dashing Luke was. “I am sorry, Vi, I am tired, that is all. I should have stayed at home rather than come here.”

  “Oh no, then you would have missed this lovely event. They truly have gone to much trouble to make this gathering a success.”

  They stopped talking when Luke drew nearer, his smile welcoming.

  “Lord and Lady Campbell, Miss Alice, Miss Violet. I am happy that you have arrived. Shall I show you around?”

  “That would be lovely, Lord Shore,” said her mother. “Your home truly is lovely.”

  “That would be thanks to my stepmother. She is a natural at such things. Come, let me lead you to the main party.”

  They followed, her parents walking on either side of him. It was with great difficulty that Alice kept her eyes from straying to him, or her sister might become suspicious. A woman cannot be friendly with a man without people thinking there was something romantic brewing between them, and with her sister being the romantic that she was, Alice knew she would try to turn water into wine. Alice became lost in her thoughts, hardly aware of her surroundings. It was only when a warm breath tickled her ear and a male voice spoke that she came out of her dream state.

  “We keep meeting in gardens, do we not?” whispered Luke.

  Alice found herself laughing quite loudly. “And so we do, Lord Shore.”

  Guests turned to look at them, making her laughter fade away. Why did she draw attention to herself?

  “The weather has been kind today, or my stepmother has ordered it to shine for her.”

  “If she can control the weather, then I can wilfully admit that I am frightened of her,” said Violet.

  “My dear, there is nothing to be worried about,” said an elegant woman. “My stepson is merely jesting. Lord and Lady Campbell, how lovely to see you again.”

  She was Luke's stepmother? Goodness, she looked young!

  “We cannot thank you enough for inviting us, Duchess,” said her mother. “We are honoured to be numbered amongst your guests.”

  “Oh no, the pleasure is all mine, Lady Campbell. Please, enjoy yourselves today. I shall be right back.” She turned to Luke. “Luke, dear, would you accompany me to your father?”

  Oh no, was his father gambling? That meant Papa might do so as well! Heavens, Alice wished that someone would talk some sense into these men.

  “Very well,” said Luke. “Please excuse me.”

  Alice was sorry to see him go before she truly had an opportunity to speak with him properly, but the day was still young. She was sure she would see him again, although he may not have time for her. Would that bother her? Perhaps a little, but not significantly. Alice decided that a walk through the gardens to gain inspiration for future projects would do wonderfully at that moment.

  “Violet, let us take a walk.”

  “Oh yes, I am most interested to see this garden in all its glory. It looks positively glorious.”

  They let their parents know that they would be gone for some time before pulling away from the guests. The garden party was more so on the lawn, but the garden lay behind the guests, beckoning to her. Alice walked with her sister, arm in arm, chattering along the way.

  “Lord Shore does not seem to like his stepmother, did you notice that?” asked Violet.

  She had noticed that. Why should he dislike his stepmother?

  “She seemed rather friendly, did she not?” Violet continued.

  “I do not know anything for certain, but I know that Lord Shore is a good man.”

  "Oh, truly? You know him well?"

  Her sister's teasing voice brought a blush to her cheeks. “Do you not think him a good man?”

  “I think him handsome, dashing, intelligent and wealthy. But I do not know him well enough to say that he is good,” said Violet. “Polite, yes, definitely, but good? We shall see.”

  “Perhaps I have given him the benefit of the doubt. After all, I am a good judge of character.”

  “You are that – oh my goodness, Alice, look!”

  Alice followed the direction of her sister's finger to the display before them. It was as though they had walked into an enchanted garden, one only found in fairy tales. Almost every flower was in bloom, filling the space with splashes of red, yellow, blue, pink and every other colour known to man. Dotted about the flowers were ornaments of various creatures, both real and fantastical, making the garden seem like a busy living area. However, the piece de la resistance was the giant statue that sat towards the end, a life-sized Eros complete with bow and arrow. Out of his mouth flowed water that strangely travelled behind him. Was there something else?


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